I Made the World Mutate Chapter 899: Suobao

“Zhou Xuanmen say hello to Jin Yuan!”

Zhou Xuanmen arched his hands against the old man in Ma Yi.

The golden elder’s name is Jin Yuan, Lei Gong’s position, but the realm has already reached the peak of the righteous **** realm, only one step away from the heavenly **** realm.

However, due to the lack of righteous **** status karma, the realm is first, unable to enter the heavenly **** realm.


Elder Jin arched his hand at Zhou Xuanmen with a stick, which was regarded as a courtesy, and then immediately asked, “Why do you ring the bell of Zhao Shen?”

Zhou Xuanmen looked serious, and a few words came from his mouth in a low voice, “Meng Xuantong lower bound!”


Jin Yuan was shocked, his face immediately became solemn, “meeting!”

His voice spread like thunder and turned into a tangible sound wave, like a cauldron covering from a high altitude, covering the entire alliance station at once.

“Meeting, meeting…”

The voice of Jin Yuan echoed throughout the league.

Swish swish! Whoosh whoosh!

Fleeing light gathered here, and all the elders of the Alliance entered the venue one by one, including Jin Yuan and Zhou Xuanmen, there were nine in total.

Among the nine elders, only Zhou Xuanmen is a righteous god, and the others, including Jin Yuan, are gods.

But in fact, most of these elders were righteous gods in ancient times. They accept the authority of the human emperor rather than the authority of the heavens, because the emperor is sleeping, and his authority is lost because of the sleep of the emperor.

In the conference hall, the elders were seated one after another, centered on the elders of the golden yuan and yuan, arranged on both sides, and finally arranged in a semicircle.

Zhou Xuanmen sits in the penultimate position on the right.

“Zhou Xuanmen, what happened to ring the bell for calling God?”

As soon as everyone sat down, the first middle-aged man Gu Jun, the first elder from the left, asked the first elder Qi Gu Qi.

This elder Qi exudes the aura of a city god, which is the city god’s position industry, and the realm is the same as that of the elder Jinyuan, in the peak realm of the righteous god.

“Let me do it.”

Jin Yuan took the words away and replaced Zhou Xuanmen, “Meng Xuan has passed through the lower realms and appeared in Dalinyuan.”

“What? Meng Xuantong?”

“Meng Xuantong is actually in the lower realm? What is he going to do to seize the seal of life and death?”

“This person Meng Xuantong has entered the realm of the heavenly gods, and his realm and position are extremely powerful. It is reported that this person is not an ordinary **** of retribution. The ordinary **** of retribution possesses five divine treasures and cultivates three kinds of warfare. This person is at least I have practiced as many as seven kinds.”


Many veterans changed their faces and there was commotion among the crowd.

This so-called Meng Xuantong is too powerful.

Most of the veterans are old antiques that survived the ancient times. Everyone knew Meng Xuantong’s old man well and knew how powerful this man was.

The gods can practice warfare from the beginning. This warfare relies purely on authority to exert its power, and it can only exert its full power when the **** is righteous.

Ordinary righteous gods, due to their lack of authority, can only practice three types of tactics. Those who can practice four types of tactics are elites, five types are talents, and six types are geniuses.

Meng Xuantong is this kind of person, and the reason why he has cultivated seven kinds of people, besides his own authority is stronger than the average mutant, the most important thing is that this person has entered the realm of the gods.


Fei Xuan, who is the first great elder Mingjun in his right hand, raised his hand, suppressed the restless atmosphere on the scene, and turned to Zhou Xuanmen, “Zhou Xuanmen, you suddenly return to the headquarters and ring the bell for calling God. What to do?”

Zhou Xuanmen stood up, “Elder Fei, elders, my request is very simple. First, the headquarters will send a strong man to fight with us to prevent the heaven from getting the seal of life and death.”

“Secondly, the headquarters will allocate some resources to enhance the strength of the participants, and strive to cultivate as many authoritative and complete gods as possible before the battle with the heavens.”


Fei Xuan pondered.

The scene suddenly became silent, and the elders suddenly stopped talking.

“Why? Can’t get it out? Still don’t want to get it?”

Zhou Xuanmen was angry, and suddenly stepped out, left the seat directly, walked into the venue, and looked around at everyone.

“Cough cough! Old Zhou, don’t worry, don’t get angry. This is a big deal and needs to be discussed. Besides, you are so anxious, can you solve the problem?”

Fei Xuan coughed and spoke to comfort him.

“Solve the problem? Now, I am leading people to resist the heavenly court, not you. If everyone doesn’t want to contribute, then I will take people to evacuate and see if the heavenly court will call.”

Zhou Xuanmen was angry, his face sank, his face became black and angry.

“Lao Zhou, don’t always say qi.”

Qi Gu, the first veteran on the left, said, “Help, how can you insist that we are not willing to help? We are both worldly mutants, heaven invasion, how can we sit and watch? Let’s talk about you Requirements, what resources are needed, and what kind of help is needed?”

Zhou Xuanmen glanced at Qi Gu, but his anger did not disappear, and he said mercilessly: “Since Yuan Yuan Qi said so, I’m not welcome.”

“Five sets of the treasures of the gods, complete. In addition, five more righteous gods who can use these treasures of the gods are selected to help.”

Veteran Qi Guqi stopped speaking, and the entire venue suddenly became quiet, and the veterans no longer happened, and the breath was audible in the blink of an eye.


Finally, after a short while, the elder Jin Yuanjin spoke, and he asked Zhou Xuanmen, “It’s easy to say that we can transfer the righteous spirits from the headquarters and elsewhere. But, Lao Zhou, you know, Shenbao It’s not easy to get. The warehouse of the alliance is already empty. At present, let alone five sets of magic treasures, a complete set is not available.”

“I don’t like to listen to the words of Elder Jin.”

Zhou Xuanmen snorted coldly, “How important is the frontline resistance. Without the gods, how can we resist?”

“The headquarters can’t be taken out. It can be transferred from other places, or temporarily borrowed. The human alliance is so big, and there are strong people in all the major sites. I really want to transfer the magic treasure and transfer five sets. How difficult is it? The elders do not want to resist.”


Elder Jin was asked to stop, and he didn’t know how to respond.

After a short while, Qi Gu spoke again and persuaded: “Lao Zhou, you have to consider the status quo of the major sites. At present, not only you are resisting the heavenly court, but the major sites are also resisting the heavenly court.”

“For example, the Tomb of the Three Emperors is currently at war with the Five Elements Sect. They have some divine treasures in their hands, but can we extract them from them?”

“With their divine treasure, can they still be opponents of the Five Elements Sect? Without divine treasure, how much casualties would it cause to the Tomb of the Three Emperors?”

“This proposal is not desirable.”

Zhou Xuanmen said displeased: “Without the gods, I will die as well. People from other ruins can’t die. Could it be possible for the front line of Moulin Village to die?”

“There is no divine treasure, don’t blame me for leading people to retreat, leaving Moulin Village to the heaven.”

“Zhou Xuanmen, dare you!”

Suddenly there was a roar from the left, which shook the roof. Even if the roof was protected by a formation, it was shaken by this person’s sudden roar.

Zhou Xuanmen turned his head and looked to the left, and found that it was veteran Yan Mingyan, who was grumpy and tough, and he said nothing.

“It turned out to be Yuan Yuan, who speaks lightly. Without God’s Treasure, I cannot lead the crowd to resist the Heavenly Court. If Yuan Yuan is not satisfied, let’s change the position.”


Yan Ming snorted angrily, and said angrily: “If the curse ancestor was not obtained, and I did not retreat, how could the curse ancestor fall into the hands of your Zhou Xuanmen?”

“You said to change, yes, give me the curse of ancestor position, I will go to the front to resist.”

“Hey, Yuan Yuan treats me as Ji Kang, right?”

Zhou Xuanmen’s face changed, annoyed.

How can the position industry be easily taken out? Existence at his level, deprivation of position karma, generally only death can be deprived.

Yan Ming said that letting him surrender his karma is equivalent to letting him die in disguised form.

Ji Kang, a strong man in the human alliance, is also a great elder, but died in a battle with Heaven a year ago.

It is said that Jikang’s death was internally caused by the lack of support from the Alliance, among which the Great Elder Yan Ming was involved.

“Bold! Zhou Xuanmen, what nonsense are you talking about?” Yan Ming stood up fiercely, trembling with anger, pointing at Zhou Xuanmen.

“Lao Zhou, Lao Yan, let’s say a few words less. Next, let’s listen to my arrangements.”

The great elder Jin Yuan spoke out to discourage the two.

“Hey!” Yan Ming sneered and sat down, angered.

“Haha!” Zhou Xuanmen waved his sleeves, not looking at Yan Ming.

Jin Yuan looked at Zhou Xuanmen, “Zhou Xuanmen, the divine treasure you want, we can find a way to get you, but there are not five sets, only two sets.”

“The five sets are too many. If you really want to draw from other relics, all the relics will hurt your muscles and bones.”

“Mulin Village is not the only one who resists the Heavenly Court. Everywhere is resisting the Heavenly Court. Including the Tombs of the Three Emperors, the Mausoleum of the Five Emperors, the Daxia Region, the ruins of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the Daqin Site, the Dahan Region, etc.”

“You need divine treasures, and others need divine treasures. Five sets are not available. Two sets are no problem. Two sets can’t be more. On the contrary, the true gods can support you a few more, you want five. I will give you six, no, seven.”

Zhou Xuanmen’s clothes fluttered, and he was very dissatisfied with Jin Yuan’s arrangement. “There are gods in empty space, no authority, and the strength to be used is not enough.”

“Golden elders, the seven righteous gods supported me to accept, but the two sets of divine treasures are too few, and the four sets cannot be less.”

“Zhou Xuanmen, don’t get into it. What do you think is a divine treasure? Anyone can get one set? Elder Jin said that there are two sets, which means two sets. If there are more, you don’t have to give up. Alright. The human alliance is not necessary for you, and you can still resist the heavens without you.” Yan Ming stood up again, staring at Zhou Xuanmen coldly, very dissatisfied.


Zhou Xuanmen looked at Yan Ming and suddenly sneered.

Is this man stupid?

The elders stared at Zhou Xuanmen in surprise, and couldn’t guess why this person suddenly laughed.

At this moment, everyone suddenly discovered that Zhou Xuanmen reached out to the storage ring he was carrying, and when he reached out, his hands suddenly flickered.

“Ah~” an elder couldn’t help exclaiming.

“Zhou Xuanmen, where do you have so many divine treasures?” someone asked in surprise.

“Zhou Xuanmen, what do you mean by showing off so many treasures?” Someone wondered.

Some people even directly questioned, “Zhou Xuanmen, since you have the treasure, why bother to ask for it from the headquarters?”

Zhou Xuanmen ignored the shocked veterans, but stared at Yan Ming and said coldly: “Elder Yan said that the treasure is not easy to get?”

“If it’s really not easy to get a **** treasure, why can you get so many **** treasures at one time in the **** spirit realm in Xiaomu district?”

Everyone was shocked by Zhou Xuanmen’s words again, and Yan Ming’s expression changed.

“Xiao Mu, what’s the matter? He got these divine treasures?”

“Zhou Xuanmen, what on earth do you want to say, what is the relationship between Xiao Mu and the divine treasure in your hand?”


The gatekeeper Zhou Xuan took the seven divine treasures in his hand, and fiddled with them one by one in front of everyone, “It’s nothing, I just want to tell Elder Yan that the divine treasure is not as difficult as he said.”

“This time, Xiao Mu obtained not only seven divine treasures, but twelve ones. The other divine treasures have been distributed to other people who participated in the battle, and the remaining seven divine treasures were given to me.”

“If Divine Treasures are difficult to get, why can he get them?”

“We are a big alliance headquarters. Eight veterans of the righteous spirit realm, some of them have even reached the peak of the righteous spirit realm, close to the gods, and are obviously stronger than Xiao Mu. Why can’t we do it? Is it lazy? Or is it because you didn’t try your best?”


Suddenly no one spoke in the venue. Zhou Xuanmen’s words were too aggressive, and the elders really didn’t face to answer for a while.

After a long time, Jin Yuan reluctantly spoke, “Zhou Xuanmen, don’t say too extreme, all the veterans are doing their jobs and are working hard to collect the gods for the headquarters…”

While talking, this elder Jin couldn’t go on. There are eight upright gods, relying on the human seal to collect the gods, but the result is not as good as a god, and there is no need to find a reason. It’s shameless.

“That’s it!”

The elder Jin Yuan looked at Zhou Xuanmen with a sneer and changed his words directly, “Four sets are still too many. Since you already have so many in your hand, let’s have three sets. In addition, I will find a way to help you put them in your hands. The incomplete set of Thunder God’s treasure is completed. In this way, you have four sets of magic treasure in your hand.”

Zhou Xuanmen’s lips moved, and he wanted to continue to refute.


Elder Jin was also angry. Before Zhou Xuanmen could say anything, he stopped speaking, “Zhou Xuanmen, I know your difficulties, but you must also understand our difficulties.”

“There are not so many gods in the Alliance itself. If they were taken out, would they not give it to you?”

“As for extracting divine treasures from other relics, other relics are also fighting against the heavens, not weaker than the danger you face.”

“The three sets of divine treasures are three sets, plus the set of thunder gods divine treasures in your hand. Zhou Xuanmen, the alliance resources are limited, taking out three sets of divine treasures is already cutting flesh and blood, don’t go too far.” /


A smile suddenly appeared on Zhou Xuanmen’s face.

It’s almost done~IndoMTL.com~Three sets of magic treasures, it’s almost time for his request.

He doesn’t know the difficulties of the alliance. It’s just that the Heavenly Court of Mulin Village is so powerful now that it really can’t do without enough Divine Treasures.

“According to Elder Kim, three sets are three sets, but I still have one request.”

“Say!” Jin Yuan’s expression sank.

Zhou Xuanmen, don’t go too far, the alliance is not for you alone, there are many people and many places to take care of.

Seeing Jin Yuan’s face, Zhou Xuanmen knew that the old man was really angry and could not continue to raise Shenbao’s request. “The Shenbao can not be mentioned. Please give me more support for other aspects. Two tactics. Cheats, plus two Cheats for Soaring Clouds and Driving Fog.”

The secrets of warfare can be practiced in the spiritual realm, and the secrets of flying through the clouds and fog, but at least the spiritual realm can be cultivated.

Elder Jin’s expression eased, as long as Zhou Xuanmen does not continue to claim the treasures, as for the secrets of the tactics of war and the secrets of the technique of soaring the clouds and driving the fog, the alliance still has some inventory, but they are not easy to take out in the imperial court. Bargaining at the moment, “There are not so many. Cheats for the tactics of the sky and the fog, I will give you one copy of each.”

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