The Sovereign’s Ascension Chapter 1179: Gongsun Yan

Chapter One Thousand Seventy-Nine

On the battle stage, Lin Yun and Feng Xingyang confronted each other.

The fight between the two was not only a battle at the Famous Sword Conference, but also the grievances between Lin Yun and Feng Xiaoyu.

In the past few days, there has been a lot of talk about Lin Yun’s arrogance, involving the reputation of a swordsman.

Even at first, Lin Yun didn’t bother to pay attention to the Famous Sword Conference, and planned to leave directly, but was forcibly blocked by the Feng Family, and both up and down were mocking.

Up to Feng Xiaoyu and down to the guard leader, they all thought that Lin Yun was the meat on the chopping board, and when they came to this sword conference, they let them knead at will.

But who would have thought that Lin Yun won one after another, and even Zhao Yan was defeated by his sword.

It was like a fierce slap in the face, slapped on Feng Xiaoyu’s face, and slapped on the face of the entire Feng family.

What you say is what you say, I don’t fight with you, I only talk with flowers in my hands.

Able to do it, never show mercy!

At this moment, who would dare to ridicule Lin Yun, the entire Feng Family was breathless under the pressure of the sword in his hand.

When Feng Xingyang is on the court, before he can be publicized, he will lose his face. Forced Feng Xingyang even took out ten holy swords to bet against Lin Yunhao, only to be able to fight him.

This battle is not only related to the victory of Lin Yun and Feng Xingyang, but also to the final face and dignity of the Feng Family.

If Feng Xingyang is truly defeated by one sword, the entire Qingyang County Chengfeng Family will become a great joke, and Feng Xiaoyu will bear the brunt.

Everyone held their breath and kept their eyes on.

Feng Xingyang imprisoned his cultivation base in the realm of the celestial soul, he took a deep breath, his expression was solemn, and he did not dare to be careless.


In the next moment, the majestic sword intent of reaching the sky was violent from his body, the true essence flowed, the sword light bloomed all over his body, and his long hair danced without wind.

Able to master the Heavenly Sword Intent in the realm of Xingjun, you can be called a kendo wizard, requiring unique talent among thousands of people. Being able to cultivate the Heavenly Sword Intent to a great extent, there is no doubt that Feng Xingyang’s kendo talent is absolutely not bad, otherwise he would not enter the Tibetan Sword Villa.

In terms of talent alone, he is definitely not inferior to Zhao Yan, if it is the background, it is even more incomparable.

Tibetan Sword Villa can be called a holy place for swordsmen, except for a few super sects, few sects can compete with it.


No nonsense, when the sword power reached its peak, Feng Xingyang stepped out and drew the sword out of its sheath.

Chang! Cang! Cang!

In an instant, nine afterimages appeared around Lin Yun, and each afterimage produced a sword, and each sword contained a biting cold light. What is even more exaggerated is that the positions of the nine figures have their own mysteries, and completely different spirit patterns are shining in the sword light.

There are nine kinds of sword moves, and the nine kinds of sword moves are connected, and at the same time a set of brilliant sword formations.

There is a streamer rotating among the nine afterimages, like a dragon, faster than Jinghong, it is the famous Yunlong Art of the Tibetan Sword Villa!

No matter what angle you look at, these killer moves are perfectly seamless. Not to mention that Lin Yun defeated Feng Xingyang with a single sword, but he could guarantee that he would not be injured under this sword.

On the VIP stage where Feng Xuanzi and the others are, the elders of a large number of families nodded secretly.

This Feng Xingyang seems to have quite a status in the Tibetan Sword Villa, otherwise he would not be awarded the Yunlong Jue, at least he was also an inner disciple.

Just when everyone wanted to break their heads and felt that Lin Yun was unable to crack this trick, Lin Yun on the battle platform unexpectedly closed his eyes when the nine figures were about to be killed.

The next moment, something strange happened.

The nine afterimages in mid-air seem to be imprisoned, and the light of the sword that was originally fast as a shock is so slow that it is shocking.

Chun! rub! rub!

Lin Yun, who was in it, walked around at will like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard. One step, two steps, three steps, he walked slowly, stopping from time to time, turning slightly to the side, avoiding the most dangerous sword moves in the eyes of everyone.

Lin Yun walked very slowly, but after the sword light passed by, he got up strangely fast, so fast that he couldn’t even see the afterimage.

For a while, everyone was stunned.

I can’t tell if Lin Yun’s body is too fast, or Feng Xingyang’s sword light is too slow. Between the speed and the slow, the light and shadow are crisscrossed, and the sword intent is intertwined, making people dazzling, as if the space is distorted.

On the flying platform, Feng Xiaoyu, full of confidence, trembled, and said in horror: “What the **** is going on? What is Lin Yun’s background?”

The Gongsun Yan, who claims to have a pair of sword eyes, sees through any swordsmanship among his peers, and laughs softly: “The third young lady doesn’t know something. This Lin Yun is from the Floating Cloud Sword Sect six months ago. He just entered the sect and boarded it The top of the Holy Sword Peak. Let the sound of the avenue ring through the entire gate. He is the only wizard who has reached the top of the Holy Sword Mountain so far.”

“Not long ago, Lin Yun even hit the top of the seven flowers successfully and cultivated into the legendary Supreme Realm. Feng Xingyang’s self-cultivation is very high, even in the Celestial Soul Realm, he can suppress Lin Yun. Wrong, wrong, compared to Lin Yun in the Sky Soul Realm, he has no chance of winning in the slightest.”

Seven flowers gather on top!

Everyone took a deep breath, and they were all startled by Gongsun Yan’s words.

There are always aristocratic children from the Desolate Ancient Territory, hidden among them, wanting to find out, but in the end they all return to nothing.

“Impossible, how could a disciple of the Floating Cloud Sword Sect succeed in reaching the top of the Seven Flowers. Gongsun Yan, do you think we are all three-year-olds?” Gong Haoran spoke first, expressing his disbelief.

Zhao Yan didn’t speak, but he also muttered in his heart, Qihua Juding was too exaggerated.

He believed that Lin Yun’s sword intent may be extremely exaggerated, far above him. But how dangerous is Qihua Gathering. Very few super sects succeed, and most of them die.

“Even if he really gathers seven flowers, it is impossible to defeat Feng Xingyang with a single sword, not to mention that it is impossible for him to reach the top of seven flowers.” Gong Haoran’s mood fluctuates a bit, which is stimulated by Gongsun Yan’s words. Arrived.

After all, his strength is equal to Feng Xingyang, Lin Yun can defeat Feng Xingyang with a single sword, and he can also defeat him.

In terms of his temperament, how can he accept it.

Gongsun Yan smiled faintly: “Don’t be nervous, I just said that I know the news. Believe it or not is your business.”

After listening to Gongsun Yan’s words, Feng Xiaoyu’s expression became quite disturbed, and she looked towards the platform below.

However, Gong Haoran’s words are not unreasonable. Even if Lin Yun is really so strong, it is impossible for him to defeat Feng Xingyang with a single sword.

As long as he doesn’t defeat his opponent with a sword, Lin Yun will cut his arm.

At that time, even if he has great abilities, he will be a useless person from now on. Thinking of this place, Feng Xiaoyu’s eyes flashed cold.

She felt the terrible potential in Lin Yun, which made her feel fearful from the bottom of her heart, and feared that the other party would seek her revenge when she rises in the future.

Gongsunyan’s words caused a lot of shock on the Flying Platform.

The two people who came off the stage to fight against each other became more conspicuous, especially Lin Yun attracted countless eyes.

I want to see when he makes a move, looking forward to the sword he will bloom.

Even Gongsun Yan looked at Lin Yun with interest, with strange lines flickering deep in his eyes. The lines were condensed with a small sword light, dazzling like stars, and everything in the world could be seen clearly under his eyes.

The details of the battle between the two people in the audience were all in his eyes, without any omission.

Zhao Yan glanced at Gongsun Yan, jealous, this guy’s strength became more and more unfathomable, making him feel unable to see through.

Damn it!

Feng Xiaoyu looked at it for a while, her expression became more anxious, and Feng Xingyang’s disadvantage under the stage became more and more obvious.

Feng Xingyang has used almost all the methods he can use except the martial arts of the Holy Spirit, and the sky is full of his sword shadows. But for Lin Yun, let alone a strand of hair, even the corners of his clothes did not touch the other party, and Feng Xingyang’s sword power gradually declined from its peak.

Slight discussions gradually sounded in the room, and if this continues, Feng Xingyang will be consumed by Lin Yun sooner or later.

It is completely possible for Lin Yun to defeat him with a single sword when his sword power declines to the point of irreversibility.

The only method at the moment is to hope in the martial arts of the Holy Spirit, but Feng Xingyang does not dare to gamble. Sweat dripped on his forehead, and if the Holy Spirit martial arts still couldn’t get the opponent to shoot, what he faced was definitely Lin Yunqiang’s sword to the top.

When the time comes, you will definitely lose.

Don’t use the martial arts of the Holy Spirit, if it is consumed like this, he will still be defeated by the opponent’s sword.

“Feng Xingyang can’t hold it…” Zhao Yan suddenly spoke and said softly.

The expressions of the people on Feitiantai gradually changed, and even Gong Haoran, who was quite stubborn before, could not refute it.

Gongsun Yan said faintly: “I’ve said that in the realm of the Soul of Heaven, there are few people in the entire Eastern Wilderness who will be his opponents. Two hands are counted. The seven flowers are far more than you think. It’s terrible. As for kendo attainments, it’s even worse.”

“Are you going to lose? Is this guy really going to sweep the famous sword tournament?”

Feng Xiaoyu’s face was pale, his face was extremely ugly, and his lips trembled slightly.

Gong Haoran laughed softly: “The third lady doesn’t need to be so nervous. Brother Gongsun’s sect comes from the line of the sword emperor, and his sword intent has reached the pinnacle of perfection. The sword is in harmony with the sky, under the clouds, there is no rival With a pair of sword eyes, you can see through the thousands of swordsmanship in the world, it is impossible for Lin Yun to sweep the famous sword convention!”

One of the nine emperors, the sword emperor Yuqingfeng.

Many people’s eyes flashed with different colors, Gongsunyan’s sect turned out to be from the line of the sword emperor, which is too strong.

Gong Sun Yan glanced at Gong Haoran, and said faintly: “The sect comes from the sword emperor’s line, and I come from the sword emperor’s line. There is a big gap. The palace brother doesn’t need to wear a high hat for me, but the sword I have indeed mastered some of the methods of the Emperor Yimai.”

Feng Xiaoyu looked solemn and quickly said: “Please also Gongsun brother must take action to keep my Feng family’s face.”

Gongsun Yan smiled and said softly: “I came here for the Fen Yanjian. If he really blocks my way, even if the victory is not martial, I will have to take action. The third lady is relieved. , Don’t beg me to shoot.”

His eyes are burning, and he has already seen the reality of the opponent.

He even knew the news that Lin Yun had climbed the Holy Sword Mountain and hit Qihua Gathering successfully.

Although he is modest, the sword emperor’s intelligence system for the world’s swordsmanship is the best in Kunlun.

If someone else is ranked in the top 100 on the Star Monarchs list, Lin Yun might not have done it in the Sky Soul Realm, but it is a pity that he met my Gongsun Yan.

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