I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 452: I want to lie to me again to the haunted house

At one o’clock noon, Lingping finally went downstairs.

Getting out of the elevator, he came to the buffet restaurant and ordered a Matsuba crab like yesterday.

It’s still the fat cook who helped to make it.

The taste…


Ling had finished eating and wiped his mouth.

He picked up his phone and walked out of the restaurant.

I was about to go upstairs and take a nap, and I saw a large group of bodyguards in formal wear and sunglasses, surrounded by a young man, walking towards the front desk.

Ling Ping’an watched and shook his head: “Who… such a pomp!”

“The son of the Jia family!”

Behind him, a man who also came out after eating also said.

Ling Ping An turned around and saw a young man much younger than him.

At most, he looks like 18 or 9 years old.

“You are in a rush for a blind date so young?” Lingping thought, and asked: “Which Jia family?”

“Who else?” The teenager took out a box of cigarettes that he didn’t know what brand, and dipped it in his mouth skillfully, saying with disdain: “Jiajia from Xisong Mining Company!”

When Lingping heard it, he nodded: “It turns out to be the mine boss of the Western Song Dynasty!”

“No wonder the pomp is so big!”

The Western Song Dynasty has a vast territory and few people, but the pastures and mines in the territory are the top of the entire Federation.

Especially the iron ore of the Western Song Dynasty is one of the best iron ore in the world.

The iron and steel industry of the Federal Empire developed only by relying on the cheap and high-quality iron ore of the Western Song Dynasty.

In recent years, with the restructuring of the federal empire’s economy, local industries have shifted to overseas kingdoms.

The price of minerals in the Western Song Dynasty, directly on the rocket, soaring into the sky!

The Naxisong Mining Group has therefore become one of the most sought after resource stocks on the Federal Empire stock market.

It is said that the market value has reached nearly trillion!

The boy said disdainfully: “What is this?”

“It’s just a puppet with a dog!”

Ling’an listened, smiled and did not answer.

Because he knows that there have been legends in the folk.

The Federal Empire has a behind-the-scenes interest group powerful enough to manipulate everything.

These talents are the real masters of capital.

Those capital giants, wealthy giants, and so on, are just the dogs raised behind the scenes and puppets who help them work.

But these things, in fact, are the same as most urban legends, but they are false and false news.

Anyway, Lingping knows that the invisible hand behind the imperial finance, the invisible hand behind the “world currency controller”, is volunteering in Jiangcheng City and working part-time in a taxi. Drivers, delivery drivers and other occupations.

This has been fully proved, most of the legends are false.

The young man seemed to be somewhat disappointed when he saw that Lingping didn’t answer him.

He shrugged his shoulders, muttering something unknowingly in his mouth, and walked to the entrance of the hall.

Lingping shook his head, hugged his cat, and walked back to the elevator.


Wang Gan walked to the door of the hall, he lowered his head, looked at the message on his mobile phone, and shook his head: “Everyone said that Yanlou had an opportunity…”

“Shock chance!” He curled his lips, looked back at the young people surrounded by bodyguards, and walked to the elevator: “I have been guarding here for two days, and I didn’t even touch the shadow of the chance!”

Speaking of which, he put the phone away.

At this time, a teenager about his age, riding a cross-country bike, came to him and whispered in a psionic phrase: “Wang San, have you heard that? The Silla people are now everywhere Proclaim that they have a maid, who got the chance and got a great treasure!”

“The Silla Embassy, ​​it’s boiling now!”

“Zhongbao?” Wang Gan raised his brows. What kind of character is the Xinluo people, he still doesn’t know?

Holding chicken feathers as an arrow, I like to exaggerate the most.

So, he sneered: “Could it be that you just picked up a trash and used it as a baby, and you want to fake it again, right?”

The people of Shilla have done many ridiculous things in the past.

Twenty years ago, for example, they made a conclusive claim that they had found the tomb of the trinity.

As a result, experts from the Federal Empire took a look.

Early Shang and Zhou tombs?

Hehe, early last week!

That means they are used to splattering and rolling, so no one cares.

“It’s really not this time!” The boy said: “That baby, really a treasure!”

“I heard from the inside of Heiyiwei that it is indeed a magic weapon!”

“Moreover, it is very likely to be a top magic weapon!”

“If you are a general and imperial envoy, you will be able to resist a blow from the gods!”

“Unfortunately…this treasure fell into the hands of an ordinary ordinary Silla woman…and besides her, no one else can touch it…a touch will inspire the magic weapon to defend itself…”

“No one dares to touch…”

“The great treasure that the one bestowed…”

“If you touch him, you hit him in the face!”

Speaking, the boy sighed with regret.

Wang Qian is serious.

“Really?” he asked.

“You don’t believe it?” The boy said: “Wang San, you can just go and inquire…now everyone knows!”

“No wonder…” Wang Gan turned his head and looked at the Jia family who had already walked into the elevator: “I said, “How come Jia’s second child stays in the flower world of the imperial capital? He ran over so early… It turns out to be true.” !”

Speaking of this, Wang Qian seemed to think of something.

“Boss Wan…” He asked in a low voice, “What kind of image is that Young Master X in the legend?”

The young man laughed: “It is said that the seniors are powerful, love fish, dragons and white clothes, and like to appear in front of others as ordinary people…”

“His image is generally ordinary, wearing a very cheap supermarket goods, holding a cat, keeping his head, and seems to wear a pair of ordinary glasses…”

“There is a saying from the Cen family…that seems to have some special magical powers. If you don’t pay attention, it is difficult to detect if you are standing opposite… there is almost no sense of existence…”

Wang Gan listened, but he was stupid.

Inexpensive supermarket underwear, holding a cat, inching…

Not paying attention, almost undetectable?

That’s not…

“The person I just met?!” Wang Gan was stupid, and his heartache was beyond words.

Da Neng is just across from him, but he is still stupidly talking about Jiajia with others…

At this moment, Wang Gan can’t wait to slap himself!

If you were a little clever at that time, wouldn’t you be able to make a good impression?

Don’t talk about what to give, just mention something, I’m afraid it will save you decades of fighting!

The young man named Wan boss looked at Wang Gan who was stunned for a while, and he asked carefully: “Wang San…you can’t…”

Wang Gan cried and said: “If I didn’t guess wrong…”

“The predecessor, Mighty, was right in front of me just now…I still talked to him!”

Speaking of this, Wang slapped himself violently.

Because he discovered a terrible thing: At that time, he seemed to have passed Jia’s house with that popular science.

And the one seemed to smile with him.

What does that mean?

He likes Jia’s family? Still interested in the Jia family?

“I am a pig!” Wang Gan was extremely depressed.

If Mr. Jia gets the chance…

The Jia family is about to ride on his head!

Moreover, with the personality of that product, he will definitely show off in front of me.

If you ask him to know the facts, maybe he will ‘thank’ himself!

Just thinking about that scene, Wang Gan felt like a knife!

The young man surnamed Wan looked at Wang Gan, but he was typing in the group with his mobile phone.

“Does everyone know?”

“Wang San, this foolish guy, I just met that one, but he didn’t know Taishan and missed a great opportunity for nothing!”

As soon as he sent out this text, the whole group was boiling.

Countless people @他 immediately, and more people immediately add him as a friend, or directly chat with him privately to ask for specifics.

Boss Wan is a young man after all, he has a great show-off mentality, and he is a good teacher.

Therefore, those who came were not rejected, and responded one by one.

I even made up some things in my brain.

In less than an hour, the upper echelons of the entire imperial capital knew what the king had done.

Wang Qian’s name immediately became a joke on the lips of many people.

On the other hand, because of what Wang did.

Countless people are alert.

They opened their eyes wide, paying attention to everyone passing by.

Looking for someone who is dressed in ordinary clothes and holding a cat.

It’s a pity…

They searched for a whole afternoon, but they didn’t find it.

In the evening.

These people suddenly noticed that most of the passers-by at Luming Villa seemed to be wearing discounted supermarket underwear and a pair of cheap glasses that they didn’t know which e-commerce platform bought.

People are horrified, thinking they have made a taboo.

They all retracted immediately, not even daring to exit the door.

Until someone figured out the truth of the matter-it turned out that it was because someone saw that many beautiful ladies and gentlemen were inquiring about and looking for a man wearing discounted supermarket underwear and cheap eyes.

So these people think that the upper echelon of the imperial capital now likes and popularizes such styles.

They ran to buy a set and put them on.

The reason is simple.

Fashion, fashion.

Just like a few years ago, wearing ripped pants became popular.

People are dumbfounded when they hear this statement.


When Lingping went downstairs for dinner, he was stunned to find that most of the passers-by who came and went in the whole hall, like him, put on clothes and pants bought from the supermarket.

Supermarket underwear is easy to identify.

Industrial products are all carved out of one mold, and there are only a few styles that come and go.

So, Ling Ping’an recognized it at a glance.

“What new tricks are the nobles in the imperial capital doing?” Lingping became suspicious.

He has seen similar things several times.

A few years ago, a certain fashion player in the Imperial Capital called his own model and broke into a snakeskin bag in the countryside. Wearing rubber shoes from the former countryside, he walked onto the model stage.

Then, many second generations followed suit.

Buy back a snakeskin bag or rubber shoes with a price of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

Then dress up and go out and wander around, with the beautiful name: This is fashion!

So, in Lingping’s view, it is probably a certain master again, starting to take the rhythm and want to cut the leeks.

“Forget it…” He shook his head and hugged his cat: “It’s nothing to do with me… I’ll go to Qianyejiang, let’s take a meal…”

It’s boring to have a buffet for meals.

He hugged his cat and walked towards the private kitchen.

In front of him, a few well-dressed teenagers and girls walked over.

They talk very quietly.

But Lingping still heard something.

“Have you heard?”

“In this building, a very special and very special person lives…”


“I heard, that… seems to be a living godlike power!”

“A fairy?”

“Hehe, the gods are just the servants in front of him…”

Lingping listened and shrugged his shoulders. He looked at the young girls and exclaimed: “You are so good!”

Still a fairy?

The gods are just slaves?

Lingping shook his head: “It seems that a liar has come to the Imperial Capital!”

“Pretending to be gods… and making a lot of momentum…”

As a staunch materialist, Lingping raised his head: “The liar, don’t show up in front of me…”

“Otherwise…” He smiled: “I must expose his deception in public!”

Although, Lingping hates trouble and is not willing to be nosy.

But, he is a gentleman.

One of the most important qualities of a gentleman is ‘righteousness’.

Mencius said: Where is righteousness, thousands of people will go!

If there is a magic stick, dare to come to him and fudge.

Then he must do it out of justice!

Because that is justice!

But I didn’t want to, his words were heard by someone passing by.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been looking for a day and I’m too tired and want to have some fun.

It may also be because of a emptiness in my heart and wanting to see a joke.

So, after this person heard Lingping’s words, he laughed: “Speak up!”

Lingping turned to look at him.

He also looked at Spiritual Peace.

Supermarket money? √!

Hugging a cat? √!

Cheap glasses? √!


This is not quite right.

The person in front of me, although he looks like a passerby.

But the eyes under those lenses are clear and startling.

There has never been evidence or legend, how about the eyes of Son X.


“A person who wants to take advantage of the fake son X again?” he thought.

After the afternoon, Luming Mountain Villa has discovered several cases of someone pretending to be Son X, taking the opportunity to get close to the young ladies sent by the big family, and even attempting to have sex.

It’s ridiculous, but those idiots don’t know that this is Luming Mountain Villa, with surveillance everywhere, and security guards in black clothes everywhere.

A little wind and grass will immediately trigger an alarm.

So, these idiots have gone to the police station now and have tea with the police.

When they are released, the families of the victims and the well-employed lawyers are already waiting for them.

They will be greeted by endless civil lawsuits, until they are exhausted, life is better than death!

So, in this person’s heart, in front of him, is another person who wants to be mixed up.

As for son X?

How did Mr. X appear in front of him casually?

That waiting for power, come and go without a trace.

The most important thing is-how could Son X scold himself?

Thinking of this, this person squinted his eyes: “Your Excellency doesn’t seem to believe in the extraordinary power of this world, let alone the ghosts and gods?”

Ling’an nodded naturally: “This is natural!”

“I grew up so…”

“Don’t say that I have been to a hundred haunted houses…”

“The so-called haunted house is no less than fifty…”

“As for the alleys where the legendary ghosts and monsters haunt…the temples are extremely powerful…the gods who can communicate with the underworld…”

“I don’t know how much I saw…”

“All liars!”

The man chuckled, shook his head, and thought: “Probably from a poor country where there is no aura?”

After the aura is revived, the aura resources between the heaven and the earth are not concentrated, and in some places, it is comparable to the heaven and the blessed earth.

For example, Mount Qingcheng, Mount Heng, Mount Tai…

Some places are the Aura Desert.

Two hundred years, no extraordinary person has been born.

Thinking of this, he said: “Your Excellency, there is a famous fierce land in the northern suburbs of the Imperial Capital…”

“For a hundred years, anyone who has been there after midnight has either died or injured…”

“Even if the government has dispatched important personnel to investigate many times, I have no clue…”

Speaking of this, he held his hands: “You dare to go?”

Ling Ping’an listened and sighed: “Another unbeliever…”

Last time, the driver master in Jiangcheng said something convincingly about “Panjiayuan Murder House”.

Make him think, what the **** really is.

As a result, ran over in the middle of the night, but the ghost was not found. The illegal immigrant found one.

A few days ago, he also met the man who now found a job with the help of the Jiangcheng government!

The man is alive and kicking and works very hard!

So, he looked at the man and asked: “Let’s go… where is the place? I’ll be there tonight…”

Haunted house? Haunted house? Evil?

These things are his favorite.

Ling Ping An even hopes to find ghosts, evil spirits and so on.

Then study it carefully.

Like the joke on the Internet.

What if a materialist finds a ghost?

The answer is to grab it, analyze it, and write a few papers by the way.

Even the title and Lingping have actually thought about it.

“On the Interference between the Ghost’s Soul Body and the Real Matter”

“The Basic Soul Structure of Ghosts”


If you can really catch…

Lingping feels that I will definitely get the highest science award of the Federal Empire-Tiangong Award!

Bachelor degree or something, you can even get it with your eyes closed.


He was happy, holding a large bonus, and getting up and playing games with ease.

This is also why he likes to go to haunted houses and haunted houses.

The seven generations of the old spirit family are all senior intellectuals/senior officials/battle heroes.

In his generation, he pulled his hips directly.

Don’t talk about Kochi.

Even when I was admitted to a university, I relied on the legacy of my parents and received special care before I was admitted to a third-rate undergraduate.

If the ancestors of the Ling family knew from the ground, I am afraid they would have burst into tears and scolded their descendants.

But what can he do?

For him, mathematics and physics are similar to the heavenly books.

Before the college entrance examination~IndoMTL.com~ He didn’t even know the solution of a junior high school equation.

This is playing with Mao.

So, you can only catch a ghost, write a few papers, and get a bachelor.

But the problem is…

All fairy tales are deceptive!

Grow so big, let alone ghosts.

He even went to the theater to watch people perform magic tricks, and he could tell at a glance how others were playing.

In addition to not being able to learn, he can easily tell the operation flow and gameplay of magic.

So, after the age of eighteen, he was already a guest on the blacklist of all the theaters in Jiangcheng-who would dare to let him in?

The magician has been spoiled by him before he performed.

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