Eternal Reverence Chapter 1139: Enemy attack, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Eternal Supreme!

The speed of the dark silver ship is very fast, and it draws a silver track in the divine emptiness.

Generally speaking, the speed of flying artifacts is higher than that of gods of the same level.

For example, the speed of the lower flying artifact must be faster than the lower god.

The speed of the lower flying true artifact is definitely faster than the lower true god.

Similarly, the speed of the lower flying spirit artifact is faster than that of the lower spirit god.

Hurrying in the gods, if there is not a flying artifact that can be obtained, it is simply an extremely painful thing. No one would be willing to waste most of the time and energy on the road.

“The Bohai God Realm should be nearby. Everyone spread out to look for it.”

I don’t know how long it has been, the dark silver ship stopped, everyone walked out of the main cabin hall, and Lanlos spoke.


After hearing this, everyone took out their flying artifacts, and after stepping on them, they quickly left the dark silver ship.

In a short while, only the three spirit gods left-handed, Lanlos and Manting remained on the deck.

Left-handed his left hand behind him, glanced around, and in his sight, gems of different colors were floating in the depths of the gods.

Left-handed knows that these are small thousand **** realms.

Don’t think he can see these little thousand **** realms, in fact, these little thousand **** realms are very far away from him, and most of what he sees are phantoms.

“What’s the matter with that Little Thousand God Realm, why is it missing a corner.”

Suddenly, left-handed saw a special Little Thousand God Realm.

This Little Thousand God Realm is a semi-transparent gemstone, but a corner of the gemstone seems to have been chopped off, with a kind of incomplete beauty.

Man Ting said: “In the Ziyun God Realm family, there are hundreds of thousands of Little Thousand God Realms, and there are always some special little Thousand God Realms.”

Lanlos said with a solemn expression: “I look like someone was stabbed.”

“It would be difficult to cut through the Little Thousand God Realm with one knife, even the legendary God King!” Man Ting didn’t agree with it.

The Little Thousand God Realm was conceived by the gods. From an individual level, it is on the same level as the **** king, but it can’t move or attack others.

Left-handed said: “The top **** king should still be able to do it.”

The **** king has mastered a complete rule, and the top **** king has mastered a complete top rule.

With the power of complete top-level rules, it is not impossible to cut through the Little Thousand God Realm.

A few months later, Bohai God Realm was found, and the dark silver ship flew towards Bohai God Realm.


“The contribution value is almost used. Fortunately, my demand for higher-level artifacts is not very large.”

It took Li Fuchen 54 billion contribution points to exchange for the true magical skills of Fire Dao and true magical skills of Sword Dao. Then he exchanged a large amount of the gods and spirits and grasses. Li Fuchen still has less than 1 billion contribution points. For him now, basically nothing can be exchanged.

Of course, Li Fuchen can also contribute the true magical skills he created to the sect.

A middle-level true magical skill of Fire Dao, after contributing to the sect, can get 10 billion contribution points, and a middle-level true magical skill of kendo can get 20 billion contribution points after contributing to the sect, which adds up to three. Ten billion.

But Li Fuchen doesn’t want to do this for the time being.

Anyway, he has nothing to redeem right now. Although the high-level artifacts on his body are not high-level, they are all middle-level. Some of them come from the harvest of the spiritual gods cemetery, and some are from him and the sect. What is exchanged, and the rest are not used, are exchanged for contribution value.

As for true artifacts, more than 90% of true **** elders don’t have any, let alone think about it.

Boom, boom, boom, boom…

The bell rang nine times, and something big happened.

Li Fuchen flew to the nearest assembly square.

In the assembly square, a lot of unfamiliar faces appeared.

These are disciples who have been in retreat all year round.

“What happened, is it possible that the Thousand Feather Kingdom has come over.”

“Impossible, unless the true **** intervenes, the Thousand Feather Kingdom will not dare to attack.”

“The Dongyang Bell hasn’t ringed nine times for countless years. I feel something big has happened.”

“This is not nonsense, but you have to say it.”

“Silence, Elder Long is here.”

In the midst of everyone’s discussion, an old man with a dragon horn on his forehead descended on the square.

Time goes back to a quarter of an hour ago.

The teleportation array in the teleportation hall of Dongyangzong runs automatically, and a dazzling light falls.

The light dissipated, revealing the figures of true gods such as Dongyang City Lord Klot.

“Elder Cloth, why are you here.”

A true **** elder guarding the teleportation hall was surprised.

Clot eagerly said: “Immediately notify the Sovereign Elder Taishang and they will go to the meeting hall, I have a big event to tell, a big event.”


The conference hall.

“Dongyang City was broken?” Dongyangzun was shocked.

Dongyang City’s Guardian Array is a three-star high-ranking Array of Lightning Sun God Array. It is reasonable to say that even if a dozen or twenty high-ranking true gods join forces, it is impossible to break Dongyang City, and the entire Bohai God Realm How many high-ranking true gods are there, the most important thing is that they are not afraid of the high-level elders killing him?

“How many people did the shot?” Lei Donghe asked.

Clot took a deep breath and said slowly: “All alone.”

“It’s impossible.” True God Elder Nieu didn’t believe it.

He never believes that a high-ranking true **** can break the Fiery Sun Divine Formation, even the Supreme Elder Dongyang Haori, who has the ultimate middle-ranking true artifact, can’t do it.

“I don’t want to believe it either, but that’s the truth, but this high-ranking true god, I don’t know him, he is a snakehead. His aura is very strong, more than ten times stronger than the Supreme Elder, the true artifact in his hand , Seems to be more powerful than the true artifact of the Supreme Elder. I guess it should be the true artifact of the upper rank. Seeing how the elders of the Thousand Stars Hall respect him, I am afraid that they have a lot of background. Most of them are the four-star sect of Ziyun God Realm. The high-ranking true **** master of the school.” Clotte said his analysis.

“It is undoubtedly the high-ranking true **** master of the Yanshan School.” Dongyang Haori, who has not spoken, nodded, his face solemn.

Although he said he was not afraid of the Rock Mountain faction, when the Rock Mountain faction actually came nearby, it brought him a lot of pressure.

After all, compared to the upper true gods of the smaller Thousand God Realms, the upper true gods of the Middle Thousand God Realms, regardless of their own strength or true artifacts, have an absolute advantage.

Although the Lieyang Divine Formation is a three-star high-level Divine Formation, getting the Middle Thousand God Realm is equivalent to a two-star low-level Divine Formation, but it is still somewhat difficult to block a powerful high-ranking true god.

“Where are the others?”

Dongyang Zun looked behind Klot, there are hundreds of true gods in Dongyang City, and only half of them returned this time.

“The Lieyang Divine Formation is broken, we immediately left through the teleportation formation. The others are afraid…” In the following words, Clot did not say any more. The teleportation formation from Dongyang City to Dongyang Sect can only be teleported at a time. Fifty people, half of them are destined to stay.

“Knock the Dongyang Bell! Prepare to meet the enemy.” Dongyang Haori said.

After hearing this, Dongyang Zun nodded solemnly.


Outside the Yuguang God Realm, at some point a dark silver ship appeared.

“The two-faced monster, the butterfly girl, the snake husband, and Baggio, the four of you go down, join forces to destroy the Dongyangzong, remember, a quick fight.” In the main hall of the ship’s main cabin, left-handed to the double-headed monster and others.


The four of them got off the big ship and flew to Yuguang God Realm.

Man Ting poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip and said: “This Dongyang Sect is really unlucky, it’s not good to kill anyone, but it just killed the genius of the Thousand Star Palace.” They came this time and were ordered to call that one. Chongjiu’s Thousand Star Hall genius was brought back to the Yanshan faction. Where did he know that Chongjiu had been killed, and the murderer was not in the Bohai God Realm, but in the nearby Yuguang God Realm.

Although they didn’t feel at all about Chongjiu’s death, they had to explain to the adult after all, and this explanation naturally eliminated the murderer and the sect where the murderer was located.

As for whether the Dongyang Sect can be destroyed, they are not worried at all. The four two-faced monsters are all peak high-ranking true gods, and the true artifacts in their hands are all excellent and even perfect high-ranking true artifacts, breaking a small thousand gods sect. The **** array can still be done.

The guardian array of Dongyangzong has already risen. From the outside, it looks like an inverted purple bowl.

“Come here.”

Seeing the four figures descending from the sky, the true gods of Dongyang Sect were tight.

“The supernatural power index is only close to ten million.”

On one of the assembly squares, Li Fuchen’s power of soul was swept out, and when his soul reached the level of a half-step soul, he could easily perceive the power fluctuations of the four people, and as long as he perceives the power fluctuations, he could calculate A rough index of supernatural power.

“The supernatural power index of Taishang elders is only about 7 million, the gap is not small!”

Li Fuchen secretly said.

“Snake husband, it’s you or me.” Baggio, the old man in black robes, said to the snake head humanely.

The snakehead named the snake husband said humanely: “I made the shot last time, this time it’s you.”


Baggio speeded up a little bit, and came to the front of the gods.

The palm turned over, and a black scimitar appeared in his hand. Baggio held the black scimitar in both hands. Black thunder gathered on the scimitar. The sky became dark and the wind roared.

“Thunder Dragon Slash!”

Baggio gave a low cry and slashed towards the gods.

The black sword light is like a black angry dragon, rising in the wind, and when it approaches the divine formation, it is already half the size of the divine formation, and its momentum is terrifying.

Thorn it!

The dazzling arc was permeated, and the divine formation slowly rotated. Every minute of rotation, the black blade light dimmed by one point. After a few breaths, the black blade light collapsed and the divine formation was unharmed.

“Baggio, can you do it, let me do it.”

The snake husband didn’t wait for Baggio’s reply, and the big halberd in his hand rushed towards the divine formation.


A powerful counter-shock force sent the Ophiuchi fly away.

“It is a two-star high-level **** array.”

The female butterfly with tentacles on her head has a serious face.

If it is a two-star intermediate **** formation, the four of them will work together and be completely sure to break open, but if they switch to a two-star high-rank **** formation, they will not be sure at all.

“Shoot together.”

A pair of colorful butterfly wings stretched out behind the butterfly girl, the butterfly wings trembling, and countless luminous powder floated towards the gods.


It’s just that before the luminous powder approached, the **** array burst into a purple flame, burning the powder into ashes.


The strength of the double-faced monster is obviously the strongest of the four. He only saw his hand, and in the sky, a huge meteorite hit the **** array.

Unfortunately, everything was in vain, and the **** array easily resisted the impact of the meteorite.

“What to do?” The four of them were dumbfounded.

“Lend you my sword.” Outside the sky, a stream of light containing endless coercion fell from the sky.

This is a sword, a golden sword.

The snakeman put away the halberd and caught the golden sword.

“Master Xie Lan Luosi.” The snake husband smiled.

With Master Lanlos’s inferior spirit artifact big sword, he is confident that he can still break through the magical formation.

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