Eternal Reverence Chapter 826: Liu Caizhu, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Eternal Supreme!

Although Sage Monarch Suffering from the Cliff said that the fourth layer of the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm cannot leave the town directly, Li Fuchen still wanted to give it a try.

When I saw this, the Lord of the Cliff didn’t stop it.

Walking out of the east gate, Li Fuchen fell into a mist, and after a while, Li Fuchen returned to his original place out of thin air.

“Sure enough, the other party didn’t lie to me on this point.”

Li Fuchen’s heart sank. The Nine Fantasy Secret Realm was arranged by the Nine Fantasy Heavenly Monarch. Even a peerless and powerful person like the Sage Monarch of the Suffering Cliff could not get out of trouble, and it was undoubtedly difficult for him to leave.

“Originally, if you stole the mirror for me, you might still have a chance to go out. It’s a pity, a pity.”

The figure of the sage of bitter cliff disappeared.

After hearing this, Li Fuchen did not show any regrets on his face.

First, if Hei Jun stopped him, he couldn’t get the mirror at all, unless he had never been in contact with Shangguanyu before.

Secondly, this sage of bitter cliff is not a good stubble. If he is allowed to get out of trouble, it will not be a good thing for the entire deep blue plane.

Thirdly, he Li Fuchen does things, as long as he has a clear conscience and never regrets it.

Sacred Lord Suffering from the cliff left because he believed that Li Fuchen’s mentality would not last long in the fourth layer of the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm. Unfortunately, he underestimated Li Fuchen.

Don’t say it is the fourth level of the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm, even if it is the ninth level of the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm, I don’t want to let Li Fuchen lose his mind.

At this point, Li Fuchen is still very confident.

“It’s better to talk to Senior Black Monarch again.”

Thinking about it, Li Fuchen walked towards the mayor’s mansion.

The mayor’s mansion, the mayor’s yard.

Hei Jun is still standing there, as if he hasn’t moved.

“It seems that you, like me, can’t leave the town anymore.” Hei Jun’s voice sounded.

Li Fuchen said: “Senior Hei Jun, do you still remember the past.”

“I didn’t remember before, when I saw you, I suddenly had some impressions.”

After hearing this, Li Fuchen was thoughtful.

It seems that the aura in his body can make Hei Jun sober and restore some sanity.

“The strong person sealed here is called the Lord of the Cliff of Suffering. At the beginning, I was pulled into the fourth level of the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm by him. And as far as I know, the Lord of the Cliff of Suffering is not part of my deep blue plane. The strong, but from other planes, once let him get out of trouble, it is undoubtedly a disaster for me on the deep blue plane, so under the guidance of the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm, I voluntarily become the mayor of this mortal town , But with the passage of time, the erosion of the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm by the sacred Lord of the Cliffs has become more and more severe. I am afraid that it will not be long before he can control the fifth layer of the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm and find the second one of the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm. Flaws.”

This time, the black monarch has recovered a lot more sanity than the last time, he said.

The first flaw is the mirror, and the second flaw appears again. The Lord of Suffering Cliff does have a great hope to leave the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm. Li Fuchen nodded and said, “Then what can we do to stop him.” /

Black Jundao: “Before, when you were in the third level of the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm, if you leave the town directly, you can make endless changes in the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm. The fourth level of the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm has almost become a part of the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm. There is no way to leave for the time being.”

If there was a way, he would have left.

“Okay! Thank you Senior Hei Jun for the point.”

Li Fuchen plans to go out and find a way by himself.

With a purple soul, he feels like he has no hope at all.

Leaving the mayor’s mansion, Li Fuchen began to wander the town.

Although all the people in the town are dead, with no sane and expressionless faces, it may be that the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm has given them some characteristics and some behavioral instincts left behind by them, allowing them to communicate with each other, and each Individuals also have their own residences and their own hobbies.

In short, apart from the fact that there are no children in the mortal town, the atmosphere is a little weird, and it is no different from other towns.

The only difference is that Li Fuchen, a living person, is always out of place here, and no one can communicate with him normally except Black Lord and Sorrowful Cliff Lord.

“Have you heard that the private meeting of Wang Shusheng and Liu Caizhu’s concubine was caught last night.”

“The woman who dared to touch the rich lord Liu, this Wang Shusheng is really brave.”

“By the way, this Wang Shusheng’s martial arts is quite strong, and Liu Caizhu’s guards have been injured several times.”

After passing by several dead people, Li Fuchen heard what they were talking about.

In fact, if Li Fuchen is willing, he can also use the power of his soul to receive voices.

“I heard that Wang Shusheng’s private meeting with Liu Caizhu’s concubine was not because of the love of his children, but because of a treasure in Liu Caizhu’s treasury. It is said that that treasure has an incredible effect. , Can make people smart and abnormal. The reason why Caizhu Liu can become a rich man is because of this treasure.”

The dead man who has not spoken said abruptly.

“Treasures, make people smart?”

Li Fuchen’s eyes flashed.

The reason why the people here are all dead is because they have lost their minds, and people who have no minds are no different from dead people.

Can this treasure be able to restore the sanity, or restore part of the sanity?

Anyway, there is no clue, it is better to go to the rich man Liu’s house.

In the middle of the night, a figure climbed over the wall and entered the Liu family compound.

The power of the soul disperses, and Li Fuchen can easily find the treasure house of the Liu family.

Passing around the waves of guards, Li Fuchen came to the gate of the treasure house.

This gate is made of stone, and ordinary people would never want to break it even with a weapon.

However, Li Fuchen is different. It may be the reason for the body-refining sage. His strength is much greater than that of the dead here, and with the power of soul, he can attack the weakest point of the treasure house.


Pulling out the Qiu Yu sword, Li Fuchen slashed at a certain point, cutting a big gap there.

After two or three swords, the gate of the treasure house had been penetrated, but it was a bit close to accommodate one person to enter.


The two guards patrolled since then, and suddenly spotted Li Fuchen and rushed forward.

Leaving the two to the ground, Li Fuchen continued to hack the door of the treasure house.

Finally, the gate of the treasure house was chopped and cut into a gap over one meter high, enough for Li Fuchen to enter.

The treasures in the treasure house are vulgar objects such as pearls, agate, gold, and some calligraphy and painting, but on a coffee table, Li Fuchen saw a humanoid statue. This humanoid statue is surprisingly a mysterious treasure.

Picking up the humanoid statue, Li Fuchen immediately felt that there was a breath washing over him, washing away a lot of distracting thoughts, and his mind was bright.

“That’s it.”

Li Fuchen knows it clearly, this is obviously a pure soul’s ultimate secret treasure.

This kind of secret treasure has the effect of restraining illusions. If this is not the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm, the ordinary illusion realm, it is really impossible to trap the person who owns this treasure.

Unfortunately, this kind of treasure is useless for him to leave the town.

His mind is clear and clear all the time, without the help of foreign objects.

“Can actually enter my treasure house.”

A burly middle-aged man entered the treasure house with a large group of guards and blocked Li Fuchen’s path.

“Treasury Liu, it seems that you are still sane.”

Li Fuchen looked at the rich man Liu.

“I am not the only one who keeps the sanity, neither are you, but since you are here, don’t leave.” Rich Master Liu waved his hand and ordered the guards to attack Li Fuchen.

If you change to an ordinary person, you will definitely be no match for so many guards.

But Li Fuchen is no ordinary person.

Three times five times two, Li Fuchen knocked down several guards.

“Fell me down.”

Liu rich man made a move.

His strength is very powerful, I don’t know when he has an extra knife in his hand, the knife flashes, and he is generally rolling towards Li Fuchen.


Li Fuchen blocked the knife with a sword.

Ding ding ding ding ding ding…

The two played against each other very fast. For a while, the swords and shadows flashed crazily in the treasure house.


In the end, Li Fuchen was more skilled, and cut off one of the arms of Rich Lord Liu with a sword.

“How is it possible?”

Liu Caizhu couldn’t believe that Li Fuchen was so powerful.

“Your strength is quite strong. If I guess it is correct, you deliberately let go of the sound of this extremely secret treasure, in order to attract interested people to this place, so that you can seize their resources.”

The hope of leaving the town is very slim, but as long as there is a little hope, no one will give up. It is estimated that Caizhu Liu intends to collect a lot of resources to break through to a higher level. When the level is high, he may be able to leave the town. .

Father Liu did not speak, his expression gloomy.

“Where is Wang Shusheng?”

Li Fuchen asked.

“I didn’t kill him. He was able to maintain his sanity because he had a kind of pill that could keep his sanity from loss. After depriving this pill, he has now lost his sanity and became a dead man in the town. “.” Liu Caizhu said.

Li Fuchen said: “I can not deprive you of anything, but the premise is that you tell me a useful message, don’t try to fool me, I will come back at any time.”

Liu Caizhu thought for a while and said: “Apart from Wang Shusheng and you, I still know that one person maintains a sanity, but that person is too terrible, I didn’t go to provoke him.”

He told Li Fuchen the address and appearance of the man.

“Okay, I hope you didn’t lie to me.”

Li Fuchen turned and left.

“This guy is outside, I’m afraid he is also a man of the wind.”

The wealthy Lord Liu sighed with emotion.

The Nine Fantasy Secret Realm is too horrible, let you be amazed. Once you fall into it, you can’t get out at all. But those who can maintain their saneness in the Nine Fantasy Secret Realm are all people who have chance against the sky. The dead, who used to be a holy monarch, some were still high-ranking holy monarchs.

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