Refining the Mountains and Rivers Chapter 853: Ancient God Armor, Ancient God Spear

“Ancient Gods…” The ancients frowned slightly, with a little emotion in their tone, as if thinking of what happened a long time ago, “Qin Yu, I must admit that I have been underestimating you before. With your current strength, you can actually summon this ancient divine object. It seems that there is a great secret hidden in your body. At this time, I have an intuition. If the secret in your body can be used by me, the result must be extremely Okay.

He stepped up to his front body to skyrocket crazily, and after a few blinks he caught up with Qin Yu, and at the same time black armor appeared, covering every part of his body. So in this space, there was a scene where two black armored giants confronted each other. The invisible pressure swept across all directions, making the air thicker, and being in it would seem to fall into invisible mud. It was extremely difficult to breathe.

Raising his hand, between the five fingers of the ancient tribe, a dark halo burst out, and they flowed out and extended outward, turning into a great spear. The body of the gun body is pitch black, the surface is simple and natural, and the roundness and nature are full of ferociousness, and it has a killing atmosphere!

The ancient clan said: “In the three sacred mountains of the ancient clan, there is a **** sleeping in each, but the powerful of the ancient clan can be summoned to borrow its power. The ancient **** armor can be summoned and descended at the same time, but the Lord killed and destroyed The ancient god’s spear will only appear in one person’s hand.”

Raising his hand, the tip of the ancient great gun pointed at the sky obliquely, and locked Qin Yu far away. Even though he was silent, the terrifying and killing aura had completely enveloped him. Being in it, it was like falling into the hell, crying bitterly, screaming into the ears, reaching the deepest part of the soul, and it was impossible to suppress the fear, and the thoughts almost collapsed.

Qin Yu snorted behind the black visor, but his eyes were indifferent and cold to kill, but he didn’t change the slightest. Facing the ancient guns, he raised his head, his five fingers clenched claws backhand to the door One catch. Under this grasp, the invisible thread seemed to be pulled, and the other end of the thread was deeply buried in his bone marrow and flesh, and the pain burst out instantly, almost overwhelming Qin Yu’s mind.

His face turned pale, and his nearly ten thousand feet of body began to tremble, but the palm of the virtual grip was as stable as cast iron, slowly and firmly pulling outward. Following Qin Yu’s actions, a small dragon shadow was pulled out of its body. It screamed hard to escape, but was suppressed by five fingers and could not escape.

Raising the other hand, a figure in the distance flew up from the ground and landed on Qin Yu’s palm wrapped in armor. At this moment, in contrast between the two sides, she looked weak as a moth. Zhou Li, who has lost his soul, still has exquisite features, but it is like a flower without water, and there is a blank under the beautiful appearance.

Qin Yu slowly closed his hands, and the dragon shadow pulled out of his body was suppressed by a powerful force and merged into Zhou Li’s body. In the next moment, her quiet chest suddenly began to rise up and down, and her pale face became ruddy in the slight panting.

On the opposite side, the ancient clan suddenly said, “You should be very clear how important the integrity of the dragon soul is. Even if only a small part is missing, it will cause serious consequences. In order to save this woman, you actually destroyed the foundation of power. , I want to praise you for emphasizing love and righteousness, or ridicule you for killing yourself?”

Qin Yu pointed to the shattered space and sent Zhou Li away, who was still asleep, and looked up at the ancient tribe holding the ancient gun, with a calm tone, “I admit that the actions at this moment are a bit stupid, but it turned out to me. It will not be as serious as you said.”

Zhou Li disappeared into the space channel, and the ancient cyan lines suddenly grew outward from this point. The speed was very fast. In a blink of an eye, these ancient cyan lines were everywhere in the space, and disappeared after a hum.

The ancient race’s consciousness frowned. He already felt that the isolation of this space from the outside world turned out to be a very clever means of imprisonment. Even with his strength, he wanted to break the imprisonment and leave, it was by no means a simple matter.

The colder his eyes lock Qin Yu, “It seems that you really have some certainty that you want to keep me here. Very good, the ancients are worthy of the ancients, even if there is only one person left in the world, there is still a relationship with the sky. Contend for the faith. But in the face of absolute strength, you will not have any chance!”


The ancient spear whistled out, faster than lightning, pierced through the void in a blink of an eye, and went straight down to Qin Yu’s chest. On the surface of the gun tip, the black gloom constantly surging, and the wisps of Qi are dissipating from it, and each path is in the space, splitting a long opening. But in these gaps in the space, there are ancient cyan textures appearing, like a strong adhesive, keeping the broken space intact.

The tip of the gun has not yet fallen, and the breath of horrific killing has arrived. On the surface of the black armor in front of Qin Yu’s chest, “Kacha” and “Kacha” sounded lightly one after another, and countless small cracks appeared in the slight depression. It is foreseeable that if this gun really falls, even if the ancient **** armor is strong enough, the ancient body of Qin Yu will be directly penetrated, and even all vitality will be annihilated.

The three gods bred from the Three Sacred Mountains of the ancient tribe, the ancient magic spear that kills from the front, is so terrifying!

Qin Yu took a deep breath of the instability in the gas due to the incomplete dragon soul, and was immediately suppressed forcibly. He raised his hand and sent it forward. It seemed that he was about to shake the ancient gun with his arm, but he stretched his arm. To the forefront, a roar suddenly sounded between heaven and earth.

A long spear phantom appeared in Qin Yu’s hands, and for a moment, it collided with the ancient gunshot head-on. A loud noise broke out, and it seemed that thousands of thunderbolts exploded at the same time, sweeping the surrounding area with violent violence, shattering the space like a mirror.

Countless ancient blue textures light up crazily, counteracting the tearing force in the space. If it weren’t for their existence, this blow would be enough to destroy the entire space. At that time, the fighting between the two sides may affect the outside world and produce extremely dire consequences.

“Ancient Magic Spear!” The ancients roared, their voice showing shock for the first time, and their wide-open eyes were filled with incredible emotions. He stared at Qin Yu, his eyes full of emotions, “There is only one ancient gun in the world, now in my hand, why can you still summon it?”

Qin Yu took a deep breath, eased the hot feeling in his chest, paused a little and spoke slowly, “The ancient gun is an ancient god, and you are no longer pure ancient.”

“A false statement, this explanation cannot be established!” The pupils of the ancient race shrank to a point, “It seems that you are indeed hiding a great secret. It is this secret that allows you to be stable even when the dragon soul is incomplete. Strength. It also helps you to forcefully summon the ancient guns to come at this moment!”

“Sure enough, nothing in this world can be completely predicted. Qin Yu, your appearance gave me too many surprises. Kill you and devour you, then everything you have now will become Under my complete control.”

The ancient clan raised the ancient gun again, and endless darkness erupted from his body, like a tossing raging tongue of fire, making a silent but terrifying roar. At this moment, the breath of the ancient people’s body reached an unprecedented peak, and the whole was like a **** sun, which could drag the entire world into the abyss!


The ancient gunshot fell with a roar. Unlike the previous casual blow, the ancients did not dare to show the mysterious Qin Yu at this moment. With this shot, he has tried his best, without any trace of power leaking out, all the terror is concentrated in one point.

At this moment, darkness covers the world!

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly behind his faceplate, and a little dark golden light flashed, capturing an opportunity in the endless darkness. The next moment the light suddenly rose, like the darkest moment of the morning and night, the Great Eastern Sun jumped out of the horizon without warning.

The light in the darkness burst out like a Wandaoli arrow, and the two sides had the most intense collision without the slightest hesitation. The fight between light and darkness was like oil and cold water, and the “rumbling” sound blasted through the world. , Making the soul tremble with fear.


Qin Yu’s hand stabbed the ancient gunshot, like a burning meteor, in the fiery light, it met the dark ancient gunshot. Time and space fell into a short silence at this moment, as if the air was evacuated at once, making the sound lose the medium of propagation.

Although the sound cannot propagate the violently distorted power fluctuations, it is violently and clearly presented in front of everyone, like a huge flower suddenly blooming in the void, half pure white and half dark, the two sides are distinct, seemingly silent .

But on the dividing line between black and white, if you magnify it countless times, you will clearly see the black and **** of every crazy fight.

Only because the two sides are evenly matched, no one has the upper hand, so this quiet, strange and beautiful black and white flower scene will appear.

If someone approaches the past and does not need to touch it, they will be directly involved in it by the power of the “flower”, and it will be completely shattered in an instant!

The ancients and Qin Yu looked at each other through the “flowers”, and their insight was strong enough to let them discover any slight emotional changes in their opponents.

But it’s a pity that they all got nothing. They couldn’t feel the slightest emotion from the opponent’s heart from this hit.

But obviously they would never be as calm as it appears on the surface. The vibrations in the ancient people’s hearts have long been ups and downs like ocean waves! The power of the super dragon is terrible, and the Dao Sovereign’s avenues are equally terrifying, but Qin Yu has just obtained them, and it is impossible for him to really control such a powerful force with his cultivation level?

Of course, there are countless wonderful things in time, and there are always surprises, but even if Qin Yu can really control the dragon and the power of the Taoist, he is not qualified to compete with him… even if he The current strength is not the peak!

Where is the problem?

The eyes of the ancient people are getting deeper and deeper, like a well in the middle of the winter night, without any waves, but it seems to swallow everything. He stared at Qin Yu, his soul fluctuated, like the smallest tentacles, feeling the breath from the opposite side.

The soul will not lie!

No matter how well a person hides, his soul can always show what he has inside. But as soon as these soul tentacles approached Qin Yu, the Ancient Clan groaned, and a sense of anger emerged in his wide-open eyes.

In the moment, his appearance touched an invisible mouth, and all the approaching soul tentacles were directly swallowed and lost contact with the body.

This is nothing in itself, after all, there are always masters who are good at soul-to-spirit, and Qin Yu may be one of them. What really shocked the ancients was that when the soul tentacles were swallowed, his soul itself could not help but feel weak.

The mind and soul are still intact, and the sense of weakness is quickly dissipating, but the ancients always have a feeling that he has lost something forever, but now he can’t detect it.

The ancients believed in their own instincts. As he knew very well, all the unknown existence in the world was even more terrifying. From this moment on, Qin Yu, who was standing opposite, had a crazy increase in his mind. For the first time, he truly gave Qin Yu a In the opponent’s position.

This gave the ancients a very funny and stupid feeling. He originally thought he was a puppet under his control, but it became the biggest change and loophole in his entire plan. Even the ancients had a bad premonition, but this thought was crushed by the mighty mind as soon as it appeared.

It took millions of years and passed countless tests to this day. I will never fail, I will never fail… It’s just that the ancients will never figure out how, in his induction, a junior who was as weak as an ant, why could In a short period of time, has it grown to where it is today? What happened in this?

The existence of Tongtian Jade Bi and the fetal egg can be said to be the biggest secret in this world. Even though the ancient consciousness has been here for nearly a million years, and has ruled the entire world, it has never touched this secret existence.

“Qin Yu, you are out of my expectation once again. Sure enough, in the long river of fate, you are destined to give me the opportunity to change the future. It is not so easy to get. Maybe it can be regarded as a gift given to me by heaven. The test, but the more severe the test, the greater the chance.” The voice of the ancient race was calm, and the sound continued to roll and reverberate, “But there is one thing, maybe I should remind you that although you have merged with the Daojun Dao, but the Daojun soul Did not dissipate.”

“In other words, everything you have today may not necessarily belong to you in the end, because the soul of the Taoist can gradually repair in the avenue as time goes by, and eventually take your place and take your will! Your current strength is qualified to touch the world. When I say this, I will feel it. You should have already determined it.”

Qin Yu nodded calmly, and said: “Thank you for the reminder, I have indeed felt in my heart. What you said is not false. The Daoist gave me the road for another purpose. But today I have no choice. Knowing that you have another plan, I can only fight.”

He stepped forward and moved with his steps, curling up the infinite mighty power between the heaven and the earth, “rumbled” rushing and flowing, like the rivers and seas roaring. Every move, blessed by the power of heaven and earth, and with every gesture, can burst out the power of urging the mountains and the sea. This is beyond the realm of touching the heaven and earth more than one level.

The ancients froze, and he suddenly gave birth to a a terrible conjecture. Since Qin Yu can be, he knew it hundreds of thousands of years ago and would bring him a new life. So is it possible? He was also known to Qin Yu a long time ago, and is a very important person to him…

It’s a bit complicated to say, but you can understand what the ancients are worried about after a little thought. If this is the case, everything can be explained.

Qin Yu himself, like him, is a man of great conspiracy, waiting for hundreds of thousands of years or even longer, just for today. That’s why Qin Yu suddenly exploded with such a powerful strength, so he could explode into the high and deep realm of the world!

Qin Yu didn’t know that his actions had caused strong psychological oppression to the ancient tribe, but he knew one thing very well. The hard blow from the front just now caused the ancient tribe to feel jealous, otherwise he would not Will waste time mentioning Daojun.

Because this is a kind of invisible pressure on Qin Yu, even if he knows this very well, he will involuntarily lose part of his mind because of this.

Even if it is only a small part, in today’s level of war, the slightest difference can be divided into birth and death. Therefore, the Daoist is not worried that Qin Yu will see through, because as long as he speaks out, his goal has been achieved.


Qin Yu’s ancient spear fell like a star, burning wildly and bursting out the last bright light, whistling through the sky, tearing open the endless darkness, and falling between the eyes of the ancient race.

From the beginning to the present, his consciousness is very clear. Although the ancients at this moment are powerful, he does not have a real physical body… In other words, what he is erupting now is only manifested. Absolutely powerful soul strength!

At this moment, the ancient spirit spear is directed at the strongest point of the ancient soul fluctuations…the strongest point is also the weakest point. As long as you penetrate this place, the ancient people will die.

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