I Made the World Mutate Chapter 872: Promotion

When talking about the city **** of Tai Cang, Wu Jie immediately sat upright, and his tone became serious. “The alliance of Tai Cang has not yet grasped the specific situation of Tai Cang. At present, he is still active in Mu Lin Village.”

“By the way, your performance has been too dazzling recently. The Heavenly Court is likely to send a strong man to kill you. You must be careful. In case of an attack, you should ask Zhou Xuanmen for help in time.”

Speaking, Wu Jie began to worry about Xiao Mu.

Xiao Mu sternly said: “Don’t worry about the big boss, I am not a brave person.”

Farewell to Wu Jie, after returning, Xiao Mu began to plan the next plan.

First of all, it is undoubtedly the Tai Cang City God. The Xuan Yang Flame Golden Boots and the Xuan Yang Flame Golden Crown on the Tai Cang City God are all items of interest to Xiao Mu.

But it is obviously not easy to kill Tai Cang City God and deprive these two divine treasures.

Taicang Chenghuang’s realm is too high. It has entered the righteous state. Coupled with complete authority, he has mastered all the authority of the city. Xiao Mu now has no chance of winning against it.

“Improve the strength, practice the unique authoritarian technique of Tai Cang Chenghuang, and continue to improve the king’s authority technique.”

Xiao Mu continues to plan how to improve his strength. It is not a difficult task for him. Now he has all the energy fruits to reach the spiritual realm. As long as he gets the other half of the Yan Luo order, he can move smoothly. Enter the righteous state without encountering any obstacles.

“Concentrate on cultivation, by the way, think of a way to improve the king’s power conferring technique and cultivate more authority.”

While talking to himself, Xiao Mu decided to retreat for a period of time after he finished dealing with the matter at hand, striving to break into the peak of the spiritual realm before talking.

However, it didn’t take long before he sensed the improvement of the king’s power-conferring technique, and the authority in the seal of the emperor became stronger.

“It is the big boss, he has used two divine treasures.”

In joy, Xiao Mu released the seal of the Emperor of Heaven. In the seal of the Emperor of Heaven, the energy in the phantom of the human figure is more abundant, and there is already a large amount of white energy in the torso.

“Give the city god’s position karma to Yu Jiasheng again, and even if the second level of the king’s entrustment of power is completed, I can deprive any gods whose realm is no higher than mine.”

Thinking of depriving the gods of official clothes, Xiao Mu’s heart moved, and suddenly he thought of something.

Before, he could deprive all the gods of the gods whose realm was not higher than his own, but when fighting against Qingjie Lei Gong, because the opponent’s realm was higher than his own, he could not deprive the opponent of the gods in the battle.

However, after the opponent was injured, he borrowed the power of good fortune, but he deprived him of Thunder and Lightning Hammer.

However, when he wanted to continue to deprive the opponent of the Eight Tribulations Silver Wind Crown, he encountered obstacles, and the deprivation failed.

As for the final deprivation of the Eight Tribulations Silver Wind Boots, it was because the opponent had already died.

From now on, can it be said that the power of the emperor of heaven to deprive the gods of the treasure is actually equally effective for the mutants whose realm is higher than one’s own. When the opponent’s strength drops sharply when the opponent is injured, it can be deprived by the power of good fortune?

This new discovery makes Xiao Muxin happy. If this is the case, the next time he encounters Tai Cang City God, he will have more ways to deal with each other.

“Meet with Yu Jiasheng as soon as possible, give him the position of the city god, and improve the king’s power-enclosure technique. If I encounter the Taicang City God next time, my king-entitlement technique can reach the final level of the gods and the realm At the peak of the spirit realm, by borrowing the power of good fortune, you may be able to easily deprive Tai Cang City God of the treasure and position.”

This new discovery made Xiao Mu delighted.

As a result, at night, Xiao Mu, who was cultivating, suddenly felt divine, and felt that someone was in contact with him through divine form.

His divine mind shifted, and he appeared on Zhao Jingyan’s divine expression the next moment.

In front of the miracle, Zhao Jingyan and Yu Jiasheng stood respectively.

“Hello, Brother Mu! Long time no see!”

“Meeting Brother Mu, Yu did not humiliate his life, Canghua Mountain’s mission has been completed.”

Yu Jiasheng, Zhao Jingyan saw Xiao Mu appear and bowed his hands to Xiao Mu at the same time.

“Two people, please sit down.”

“Thank you!” Yu Jiasheng and Zhao Jingyan went to their own chairs and sat down.

Xiao Mu looked at Yu Jiasheng, “Leader Yu, how is Li Jing now?”

Yu Jiasheng handed over and said politely: “Thank you Brother Mu for caring about ordinary people in our village. Li Jing’s current situation is very stable. We are going to erase her memory after she recovers completely and restore her life to ordinary people. “

“This… is also good!”

Xiao Mu nodded, thinking that this arrangement was actually not bad. There are reasons why ordinary people have not become mutants. Either they have insufficient opportunities or insufficient qualifications, so there are still a large number of ordinary people in this world.

Mutants will not easily let these ordinary people get involved in the dangerous world after mutation.

“Leader Yu did a good job of this mission. I once promised you to give you the karma of the gods when the mission is completed. Please take it now.”

Speaking, Xiao Mu raised his right hand, and the smoke of incense rose up and wrapped his arm. The next moment the city **** order from Thunder Yiming flew out of his hand and flew towards Yu Jiasheng. .

“Thank you Brother Mu!”

Yu Jiasheng hurriedly stood up, his face was joyful, and he stretched out his hands to catch the Chenghuang Order. However, the moment Chenghuang Ling got his hands, he was still shocked, and subconsciously sat up from the chair, his hands began to tremble, and he was shocked: “Brother Mu, this… is this the Chenghuang position industry?”

Zhao Jingyan, who was sitting next to Yu Jiasheng, couldn’t help but shook when he heard the words. He looked at the Chenghuang order that Yu Jiasheng was holding in his hands in disbelief. The impact of the Chenghuang position industry on him was too great. It can be regarded as the most powerful **** in the **** system.

Xiao Mu waved his hand calmly, faintly: “There is no other position in his hand for the time being, only this city **** order, I hope Chief Yu doesn’t feel inappropriate.”

“Appropriate, appropriate, Brother Mu is too polite, is there a **** karma more suitable than the city **** karma?”

Yu Jiasheng’s voice was trembling and excited.

The strength of the city god’s position karma is beyond doubt, after all, it is a righteous **** at the level of gods, and his position in his heart far exceeds other karma.

Xiao Mu disagrees. For people like Yu Jiasheng who have never owned a land **** or mountain god’s position karma, the city **** position karma is not the best choice.

Choose the city **** position industry during the spiritual realm. For people like Yu Jiasheng who are at the kitchen **** level, some are like college students changing majors, and they will inevitably encounter many difficulties in the process of cultivation.

Actually, the most suitable kitchen god, in Xiao Mu’s view, is the karma of the retribution system such as Lei Gong, Dian Mu, and Long Jun.

“Brother Yu can integrate his position and karma on the spot.” Xiao Mu said slightly.

The reason for doing this is because he can’t wait to raise his power of the king to the last level of the gods.

“Thank you Brother Mu for the point!”

Yu Jiasheng held the Chenghuang Order in his hand, responded excitedly, and then directly chose to merge.

He released the authority of his Kitchen God, wrapped the City God Order, and then input his own spirit and real power into the City God Order.

The golden light was released from the order of the city **** and began to reject external forces.

The whole process of Yu Jiasheng’s integration was very laborious. It took three or four hours before the integration was successful and successfully became a city god.

Such a fusion process gave Xiao Mu a new understanding of the general mutator’s integration of position karma, and realized that not everyone’s integration of position karma is as simple as his own.

“Thank you, Brother Mu. You can become a city god. It is from Brother Mu!” After the successful integration, Yu Jiasheng suppressed his excitement and did not show off his career, but solemnly thanked Xiao Mu again.

“Brother Yu is polite, fair deal, don’t thank me!” Xiao Mu stretched out his hand to signal Yu Jiasheng to take his seat, but secretly was delighted.

The moment Yu Jiasheng succeeded in fusing the city god’s position industry, he sensed the changes in his own seal of the emperor, and the king’s power-enclosing technique was undoubtedly improved again.

At this time, he was able to deprive any gods whose realm was no lower than his own.

“Brother Mu, I also have something I want to report to Brother Mu.”

As soon as Yu Jiasheng took his seat, Zhao Jingyan couldn’t wait to stand up and report to Xiao Mu.

The process of Yu Jiasheng’s integration with the City God’s position industry just now caused him a huge shock, making him feel that following Xiao Mu is really a bright future.

“Brother Zhao, please speak.” Xiao Muchong nodded Zhao Jingyan.

Zhao Jing said: “Brother Mu, you let me pay attention to the situation of Guya Real Person. Recently I have been participating in gatherings organized by Guya Real Person, but every time I participate in the gathering, the things encountered are the same. Zhenya Ya always let us build treasures every time, and there has never been an exception.”

“Apart from casting treasures, hasn’t Guya really told you anything else?” Xiao Mu was a little surprised, trying to find out more information about Guya.

Zhao Jingyan shook his head, “Only forging treasures, apart from that, Guya Real Man rarely sees us.”


Xiao Mu became interested in the so-called creation of treasures. “What treasures did the real Guya ask Brother Zhao to build? Has Brother Zhao brought it? Can I see it?”

“I have brought it in advance.”

Zhao Jingyan was clearly prepared. Hearing this, he took out a storage box, stood up and walked to the front of Xiao Mu’s offering table, and respectfully put the storage box on the offering table.

“All the treasures are here, and I have an extra copy for every treasure made by Guya Real Person. Please see Brother Mu.”

“Thank you Brother Zhao!”

Xiao Mu picked up the storage box, smoke rose up, and the storage box was put away by him and conveyed to his real body through incense.

“Brother Zhao, please continue to pay attention to the gatherings of Real Guy Guya. In addition, for the treasures that Real Guy Guy has commissioned by Brother Zhao to build, we can still make an extra copy every time. “

“Yes, Brother Mu!” Zhao Jingyan happily agreed.

Based on his understanding of Xiao Mu, Xiao Mu took the initiative to arrange work for him, which means that it will definitely benefit him.

“As for Brother Yu.”

Xiao Mu turned to Yu Jiasheng, “Recently, I have asked Brother Yu to help me inquire about Tai Cang City God’s information, but if you find out, even if you inform me. But please remember that Tai Cang City God is extremely powerful and has unlimited It’s close to half the level of righteousness, brother Yu can only inquire about this person’s news, don’t fight with this person, remember!”

“Yes, Brother Mu!”

Yu Jiasheng stood up solemnly to respond, and his face became solemn.

The strength of the Tai Cang City God described by Xiao Mu made him in awe, even if Xiao Mu did not specifically ask, he did not dare to face this person.

“Let’s stop here this time.”

Xiao Mu directly withdrew the divine mind from the divine appearance and returned to his room.

As soon as he returned to the room, he took out the storage box Zhao Jingyan had just given him and began to check the contents of the storage box.

There are a total of three treasures in the storage box. One of the square-shaped items looks like fragments, and the other two are a black rope and a red shackle.

“What is this?”

Xiao Mu picked up the three treasures and looked closely, and found that apart from the cube-shaped item, he had heard of the other two items.

Among them, the black rope is the sacred cord, and the red shackle is the sacred shackle. The two treasures are all used to target the gods and gods in the real world.

The sleepy **** cable directly attacks the god’s god’s mind against the god’s mind. The usage is to tie the opponent and bind his god’s mind.

As for the lock gods, the purpose is quite different. This item is used to restrict the opponent’s actions after defeating the opponent. The effect is similar to the ancient shackles in the world, except that one is used to yoke ordinary people, and the other is used to yoke. It’s just a god.

After that, Xiao Mu picked up the square-shaped object, which was also a strange treasure. The moment Xiao Mu held it in his hand, there was spirituality released inside it~IndoMTL.com~ It looked like a The lantern, in which there are even several aura lines, extends outward, as if to connect something.

Different from Divine Suo and Lock Divine Shackle, this block-shaped item has no real power and is more like an accessory in a whole set of items.

“The real Guya specially invited people to create this type of object for what? Does he have many enemies and want to fight many enemies?”

Xiao Mu was a little confused for a while, and after a while he decided to leave these matters to professional people to handle.

Especially the block-shaped object he didn’t recognize.

Now contact Feng Rensong with a mobile phone, and let the other party contact him through his miracle. Xiao Mu handed all the three exotic treasures to Feng Rensong through the miracle. Ask the other party to give it to Yang Juan and let Yang Juan check it out. The purpose of the three strange treasures, especially the block-shaped object.

“Brother Xiao has another treasure here. Don’t worry, I will hand it to Yang Juan and let him deal with it as soon as possible.”

Feng Rensong smiled and greeted Xiao Mu.

“Thank you, Brother Feng.”

Xiao Mu gave a gratitude to the wind, and then talked a few words, after saying goodbye, the spiritual mind withdrew from the spiritual image.

Next, Xiao Mu really began to retreat, eating one energy fruit after another, and constantly turning it into energy for himself to absorb.

His strength continued to improve, and half a year later, the energy accumulated in his body finally reached its limit, and he successfully reached the peak of the spiritual realm.

Xiao Mu, who has stepped into the peak of the Divine Spirit Realm, clearly feels that he is different, and he can even feel the huge difference in strength between the peak of the Divine Spirit Realm and the late Divine Spirit Realm.

After all, this is already the last small realm of the God Spirit Realm, infinitely close to the Right God Realm. And once you step into righteousness, you are at another level.

Excited, Xiao Mu began to check the changes in his own strength.


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