Super Island Tycoon Chapter 723: Goal

After the astronauts walked in here, they began a careful inspection work, Ishigami sees how things are going here.

These are all the things they will eat in the future, and they will need to be careful to take care of them in the future to improve their meals.

After the five astronauts have completed these tasks, they are ready to leave the base and go outside to perform today’s mission.

Going outside is not like being inside a base. It won’t work without the protection of a spacesuit.

Soon the five astronauts put on their spacesuits and left the Mars base through the isolation room.

After the astronauts left the base, they boarded a special train and drove away toward the sun on Mars.

The destination of the astronauts today is a relatively close platinum mine, and it is about time for the official mining.

Five astronauts arrived in a basin near the base in a specially designed rover.

This basin contains a large number of platinum mines, and all of them are shallow veins, which is quite simple to mine.

After the astronauts arrived at the mission site, they left the rover and walked towards the bottom of the basin

When you get here, you can’t drive there, you can only use their legs to finish the last part of the road.

Although this kind of rover has been specially designed to adapt to the complicated road conditions on the surface of Mars, the **** of this kind of basin that cannot go down has exceeded the maximum.

So now the astronauts had no choice but to walk slowly towards the bottom of the basin.

Fortunately, the gravitational force on Mars is smaller than that on Earth, so climbing up and down on Mars is not too tiring.

Otherwise, just going to the mining site will waste a lot of astronauts’ physical strength, let alone need them to do other things later.

The basin is not particularly deep. It only took the astronauts half an hour to reach the bottom.

When the astronauts arrived at the mining site, they found that they were not the first to come here.

There are several mining robots at the bottom of the basin, which are on standby.

These mining robots are all sent in advance, and they can find land by themselves from the base.

Because this kind of mining robot uses artificial intelligence to control, it has a high degree of automation and can do many things by itself.

The iron ore needed to build a Mars base is all mined by these mining robots.

Without the ore provided by these mining robots, a Martian base would not be possible.

These inferior robots have played an irreplaceable role in the construction of the Mars base.

Now that they have completed their mission of mining iron ore, they will continue to serve humans on Mars.

But this time, what these robots are mining is worth more than iron ore.

It is estimated that these robots can mine iron ore for a year, and they can’t make as much money as they can mine for a day.

Because the ore here is platinum mine, iron ore is not qualified to compare with platinum mine at all, there is simply a difference between the two.

Of course, it is impossible to dig the platinum mine manually, so Jiang Cheng transferred the mining robot over and is mainly responsible for the mining of the platinum mine

With this kind of tireless mining robot, the mining efficiency of platinum mines is certainly not much lower.

Now these mining robots are waiting for instructions, and then it’s time for them to show their talents.

After the astronauts arrived at the mission site, they began to investigate on the spot.

The data here is still the record of the last Mars mapping project, just a rough road.

They are now going to investigate the situation around here in detail so that they can make a mining plan based on the site conditions.

Several astronauts took out something like a flashlight and started to walk around.

The thing that looks like a flashlight is purple, covering a very wide area.

This gadget is Jiang Cheng’s latest product, called a plenoptic detector.

As long as it is hit by the purple light emitted by the detector, all the data will be detected, which can be said to be a very convenient detector.

Astronaut Naruto probe quickly traveled around and collected all the information here.

The data collected by everyone is aggregated to one person, who is also the captain of the five of them.

The captain of the five-member group is a middle-aged astronaut who has very rich space mission experience, so he was finally appointed as the captain of their group

Captain, how is the situation? Not much different from what we expected

After collecting the nearby data, an astronaut walked up to their captain and asked about the final detection result.

The squad leader looked down at the terminal device in his hand, and then said: “The situation is similar to what we thought. The results of the detailed detection are basically the same as what we know.

The distribution of platinum mines are all within 50 meters of the surface, and the reserves are similar to those originally predicted.

It seems that this place is indeed very valuable for mining, and the conditions in all aspects are very good. “

They were just testing the details of the vein. If this platinum vein is really worth mining, they will continue with the following work.

If the depth of the veins is too large and the reserves are insufficient, it is not worth their labor. In this case, they will have to change to another goal.

Fortunately, their super is not in vain, the mining value here is still very large, and there is not much difference from the preliminary detection results.

Since this can be used as the first platinum mine on Mars, the team leader did not hesitate, and directly gave orders to the astronaut under him.

Get ready to get started. Arrange mining robots for preliminary operations, clear out enough work sites, and then slowly start ore mining. “

After his order was they officially started today’s task.

They are going to start mining here and dig out all the platinum under their feet.

Of course, they are not required to dig by themselves. The main work is naturally done by robots. What they have to do is plan and coordinate the work.

Soon this small basin, which was originally peaceful, was filled with noisy sounds.

The working efficiency of the mining robot is very fast, and within a short while, a flat land was dug out as the working area of ​​this mining site.

On this quick leveling ground, several smelting and forging equipment will be placed in the future.

Jiang Cheng’s mining plan is to complete the smelting and forging work on the side of the mine, which can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

At the very least, the astronauts do not need to transport a large amount of ore back, and then carry out the work of smelting and purification.

The integrated smelting and forging equipment can complete all the work, and the platinum ore is put into the high purity platinum key.

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