Seven World Martial God Chapter 1781: The last moment


   No matter where Ye Tian goes, as long as there is a disciple of the magical court nearby, he will be intercepted immediately, even if there is no nearby, the disciple of the magical court will come over immediately.

  Don’t talk about Ye Tian, ​​even the disciples around can see that the Magical Academy obviously didn’t want Ye Tian to get a petal.

   “Hey, Ye Tian, ​​we are here at the Magical Academy, you don’t even want to get a petal.” After a disciple of the Magical Academy intercepted Ye Tian, ​​he laughed coldly.

   Ye Tian looked gloomy.

   For this kind of thing, the disciples of other Taoist schools were happy to watch the show and continued to **** their petals.

  The disciples of Miedaoyuan, unless Ye Tian is in danger, they will not be nosy. After all, they are the smallest in number, it is difficult to manage, and they have to **** petals themselves.

   No one is so saint, he will put down his petals and come to help Ye Tian.

  , you know, even though Ye Tian is a disciple of Miedaoyuan, he disturbed all the disciples of Miedaoyuan when he interrupted the preaching of the Lord Jie Wudao.

   These disciples of the Destruction Academy look at Ye Tian’s talents and will not seek revenge on Ye Tian, ​​but it is difficult for them to help Ye Tian.

   Only Zuo Qiuyu and Ye Tian have some friendship, but their friendship is very shallow, it is enough to help Ye Tian once, it is impossible to continue to help Ye Tian.

   Ye Tian didn’t let the disciples of the Miedaoyuan take action. He saw the disciples of the magical school staring at him, but instead of snatching the petals, he specially found some magical school to disturb them.

   Any disciple of the Magical Academy, Ye Tian will go and get in. He is only responsible for blocking the opponent, and naturally there will be disciples from other schools robbing the petals.

   In this way, even though Ye Tian couldn’t get petals, the disciple of the Magical School didn’t get the petals either. The disciples of other Taoist schools took advantage of it.

   “Hahaha, Ye Tian, ​​thank you very much.” A disciple from the Dead Academy put away the petals, haha ​​smiled and left.

   “Ye Tian!” A disciple of the Magical School who lost his petals stared at Ye Tian angrily.

   Ye Tian gave a sneer, and continued to swiftly the disciple of the magic road nearby.

  His purpose is very simple, don’t you let me not get a petal? Okay, I don’t want these petals, but don’t think about it.

   In this way, Ye Tian shot everywhere, and in turn intercepted the disciples of the Magical Academy, causing the Magical Academy to suffer heavy losses.

   Moreover, facing Ye Tian like this, the disciples of the Magic Path Academy are a little confused, don’t know what to do?

   Yes, they received Xue Luohua’s order to intercept Ye Tian and prevent Ye Tian from getting a petal.

   But the problem is, now Ye Tian doesn’t grab the petals by himself, how do you let them intercept? People don’t want petals anymore, you stop the fart!

   Therefore, the current situation is reversed, and it is replaced by Ye Tian intercepting the disciple of the Magical Academy.

  Even though Ye Tian is only one person, many disciples of the Magic Path Academy lost the petals they were about to obtain, which made them extremely angry.

   On the contrary, those disciples from other Taoist schools who got petals because of Ye Tian’s intervention, thank Ye Tian.

   Don’t underestimate these gratitudes. Although these gratitudes cannot let them help Ye Tian, ​​they at least owe Ye Tian a small favor.

   No, when all the petals have been robbed, a disciple of Shengdao Academy laughed and said: “Your Magic Academy used to **** many petals because of the large number of people, but this time seems to be the bottom. Ah, hahaha!”

   “Hey, who told you to stop Ye Tian and prevent others from getting better, don’t think about getting better.” A disciple of the deadly court sneered.

  ”This is called seeking one’s own way of death. You can die by yourself, no wonder others.” Of course, the disciples of Miedaoyuan didn’t let go.

   Faced with these ridicules, the disciples of the Magical Academy looked gloomy and ugly.

  If it were before, who would disciples from other Taoist schools stand for Ye Tian? Who would ridicule the disciples of Huan Daoyuan for him, they would only watch jokes next to him, anyway, Ye Tian was unlucky and didn’t care about them.

   But now it’s different. They have benefited from Ye Tian. They have short hands and long mouths. Of course, they have to help Ye Tian laugh at the Hallucination Academy. Anyway, the disciples of other temples are unhappy when they see the Halluandao Academy. Not a day or two. Moreover, just saying a few words is not really doing it. For them, it is simply a matter of effort.

   These things are good for Ye Tian. After all, in this way, Ye Tian, ​​a new student, can be regarded as being integrated into the big family of Dahuang Wuyuan.

  Even Dongfang Dao Ji came over and said with a smile: “Haha, Brother Ye, you did it so happily this time. I am happy to see the dark complexion of the disciples in the Magic Dao Academy.”

   Ye Tian smiled bitterly when he heard the words, if it weren’t for the magical courtyard to do too hard to not let himself get a petal, he wouldn’t do such things that hurt others and himself.


   Just when the other disciples of the Third Avenue Academy continued to laugh at the disciples of the Magic Path Academy, a cold snort rang.

   The next moment, a white robe appeared on the court like snow.

   The surrounding area suddenly calmed down, and the disciples of other Taoist schools did not dare to continue to speak out. Offending the disciples of the Magical School is different from offending Xue Luohua. They did not offend Ye Tian for this benefit. The big brother Xue Luohua.

   “Are you Ye Tian?” Xue Luohua glanced around coldly, and then fell on Ye Tian’s icy gaze, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

   “It’s Yemou!” Ye Tian met Xue Luohua’s gaze indifferently. Now that the two sides have torn their, then he doesn’t have to worry so much.

   “Very well, I remember you.” Xue Luohua said lightly, then looked away.

   watching so many people, he couldn’t kill Ye Tian.

   And, with the appearance of Xue Luohua, three powerful breaths quickly appeared around him.

   is the other three big brothers.

  Except for Dongfang Xiongtian and Ye Tian, ​​the remaining masters of Shengdao Academy, Ouyang Wugui, and death masters, Yan Sandao, were the first to see him.

   At this moment, the eyes of the four big brothers are all locked on the Heavenly Dao Fruit guarded by the Blood Hell Serpent, and the little figure Ye Tian was directly ignored by them.

   The petals were shot out on the initiative. The Blood Hell Nether Snake wanted to protect the Heavenly Dao Fruit, so it didn’t stop it, just watched everyone compete.

   However, if someone wants to **** the Heavenly Dao Fruit, the Blood Hell Nether Snake will not be merciful.

   Xue Luohua glanced at the other three elder brothers, and said coldly: “Old rules, as long as we want to **** the fruit of heaven, we can do our best, regardless of death or injury, this time we will only fight for chance, regardless of grievances.”

   This means that the status of life and death is set. Normally Dahuang Wuyuan disciples cannot kill each other in the small wilderness, but if the status of life and death is set first, everyone agrees, that is what you want. No one can control it.

   After all, once the Heavenly Dao Fruit is robbed, no one can keep his hand anymore, he must do his best, and accidental injuries will be inevitable at this time.

   These are all old rules, everyone except Ye Tian knows it, so they don’t care, they all nodded. )Download the free reader!!

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