Seven World Martial God Chapter 1356: Beheaded

“It’s you”

Slack looked at Ye Tian who suddenly appeared in the distance, his pupils suddenly shrank, his face darkened, his eyes full of vigilance and fear.

Previously, when entering the ancient magic space, the battle between Ye Tian and the geniuses of the Phoenix family, the geniuses of the Kunpeng family, and the geniuses of the Golden Winged Dapeng family was truly earth-shattering. It shocked the geniuses of these seven gods, so It was naturally remembered by them.

At this moment, seeing the appearance of the top genius of the three major sky demon gods alone, how could Slack not be jealous?

Especially, Ye Tian also attacked his magic circle and rescued his enemy Kai=Pig=Pig=Island=Novel. This is enough to show that the opponent is not good.

“It turned out to be Brother Ye, thank you Brother Ye for helping me!”

Different from Slack’s jealousy, Caddy thought that he was bound to die this time, but he didn’t expect to see another village, and couldn’t help but look at Ye Tian gratefully.

“It’s just a matter of raising your hand, no need to say thanks.” Ye Tian waved his hand and said with a smile.

“Humph!” Slack snorted coldly, knowing that it would never be possible to kill Caddy, and immediately turned and left.

“Want to go?” Ye Tian sneered. People had already appeared in front of Slack, blocking his way.

At the same time, Kaidi also appeared behind Slack, forming a pincer with Ye Tian.

Slake’s face sank, and a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes, but his mouth was sneered and said: “Ye Tian, ​​I have heard of your name, why can’t even the geniuses of the three heavenly monsters fight against you? . What? Do you want to join forces with Kaidi to deal with me now? It’s too bad.”

Kadi sneered when he heard the words: “Slake, you didn’t mean that you were facing enemies and sneak attacks were not excessive. Why are you talking about fairness now? Don’t forget, your Magic God Realm is the commonwealth of our Dou Qi God Realm and True Martial God Realm. The enemy, do you still care about the means to deal with the enemy?.”


Slack suddenly had nothing to say, but his eyes were full of anger.

“Brother Kaidi, you can heal your wounds first, and he will leave it to me.” Ye Tian spoke at this moment, looking at Slack’s eyes very sharp, like a peerless magic knife, causing the latter to send cold.

“Brother Ye…” Kaidi was stunned when he heard the words. He felt that Ye Tian was too big. After all, even if Ye Tian is strong, it is impossible to kill Slack in his heyday. The opponent wants to go easily. , After all, the strength gap is not very big.

However, Ye Tian waved his hand before Katie finished speaking, and said, “Brother Katie don’t worry, since I said it, I am sure that he is dead today.”

“Don’t be ashamed of talking!”

Slake’s angry voice came, and the sound shook everywhere, and the void trembled.

Kadi stopped talking when he saw this, and went back to heal his injuries, watching the battle by the way.

“Ye Tian, ​​you are too arrogant. Do you really think that our Magic God Realm is unmanned?” Slack was completely angered by Ye Tian’s contempt. He roared, and there were horrible magical energy fluctuations all over his body. The law trembled, and terrible chains of order pierced through the space.

“Red Lian Shenlong!”

Slake drank.

I saw the raging flames of the chains of order, burning in the void, carrying terrible flames, and the blazing high temperature melted the space.


The chains of the gods of order are like fire dragons, the gods are mighty, the dragon roars for nine days, and the power is unparalleled.

Ye Tian shot a dazzling divine light in his eyes, admiring: “You have a very deep understanding of the law of fire, but this level of attack is still too far away.”

As soon as the voice fell, a dazzling sword beam appeared across the air, slashing towards the sky, severing the chains of order.

The broken chain of **** of order erupted in the void with a terrifying flame, like a piece of bright fireworks, shining with fiery light, illuminating the entire ancient magic space.

Ye Tian’s sword light didn’t weaken much, and he continued to slash towards Slack, with terrifying power.

“What a horrible sword!” Kaidi, the genius of the fighting spirit God Realm who was watching the battle, looked shocked.

The Slack who faced the sword was panicked and panicked. He didn’t expect Ye Tian’s sword way to be so powerful, he couldn’t help shouting, pinched his handprints again, and cast a powerful magic forbidden spell.

“Great flame spirit, please listen to my voice…”

With Slack’s singing, a more terrifying fire law vibrated, and it seemed that the fire law in the entire surrounding space was gathered by him, causing the surrounding temperature to rise rapidly.

The blazing flame appeared out of thin air, entwining Slack’s whole body, and a piece of flame immediately erupted from him, sweeping out in all directions, flooding the world.

Ye Tian was also shrouded in this sea of ​​fire. The hot temperature seemed to want to melt him. The fire dragons rushed out of the sea of ​​fire and rushed towards him fiercely with a terrifying momentum.

“Go to death… nine days of flames!” Slack shouted.


Suddenly, a series of hot pillars of fire broke through the sky and rose from the sea of ​​fire. There were thousands of them, forming a prison, heading towards Ye Tian’s suppression.


Ye Tian quickly slashed it up, but even though he broke a lot of fire pillars, there were still many fire pillars, and this prison seemed indestructible.

“Ye Tian, ​​you are nothing but that!” Slack suddenly smiled triumphantly.

“You are too happy too soon!” Ye Tian smiled coldly, and the ultimate knife path suddenly appeared. The supreme knife mark was merged into the fiery sword light by him, and a terrible knife intent rushed into the sky. Swept the eight wilderness.

“Ultimate thirteen swords!” Ye Tian shouted and slashed out. Thirteen ancient stone tablets appeared. Each stone tablet was carved with countless sword paths. So many sword paths gathered together to form A peerless sacred sword slashed through the world, shattered the void, and completely destroyed the flame prison in front of him.

“You…” Slack was shocked and angry, his face full of disbelief.

“If you only have this strength, then go to death!” Ye Tian snorted coldly, and the Dragon Blood Sabre burst out with radiant light, and an incomparable blade of light tore through the void, slashing forward, blazing brilliance Illuminated the world of the heavens.

“Puff!” Although Slack tried his best to resist, his defense was broken, and his whole body flew upside down. Even with the artifact suit weakening the attack, his body was greatly destroyed, and there were shocking lines. The crack is on the verge of collapse.

This made Slack’s face full of disbelief, his eyes widened, and he was shocked: “Why? How can you be so strong? We are also the mid-level lord **** late stage, how can you have this kind of strength.” /

“Because your talent is too bad!” Ye Tian smiled coldly, and the dragon blood sword in his hand was even more indifferent than him. The cold light of the knife flickered, and the blazing blade suddenly swallowed Slack. .

Slake, who was hit hard, was directly destroyed by this sword, his godhead flew out, and he wanted to escape, but was directly destroyed by Ye Tian.

Before he died, Slack let out a scream of unwillingness.

Kady who was watching the battle was completely shocked, because he finally understood Ye Tian’s strength. With the same cultivation level, Ye Tian had already thrown them far away.

“I got another set of artifact suits.” At this time, Ye Tian was already cleaning the battlefield, putting away the treasures that Slack had dropped.

Slake didn’t use to explode, so most of his treasures were kept intact and collected by Ye Tian, ​​which made him a lot of money.

In particular, I got another set of artifact suits, which is of infinite value.

Sacred artifacts of the dominance level were originally extremely precious, and it was still a complete set of inestimable value, of course Ye Tian was happy.

I have to say that these geniuses who came to the treasure star experience are the strongest geniuses in their respective gods. Each of them has artifact suits and many treasures. As long as you kill one, you can make a lot of money.

Ye Tianyi killed many geniuses in the Heavenly Demon God’s Domain and Blood Demon God’s Domain. Now there are geniuses who have slaughtered this magical God’s realm. The treasures obtained are enough to make those middle-level masters jealous, surpassing the net worth of some lower-level masters. .

“Brother Ye, compared with you, our talents are indeed too bad.” Kaidi couldn’t help smiling bitterly when he saw Ye Tian flying over.

“Brother Kaidi, I didn’t mean you…” Ye Tian smiled awkwardly.

“Brother Ye, I asked Kaidi about his talent, but this time I saw the top geniuses of the major gods, and then I saw people like Brother Ye, and I knew that there are heavens and people outside the world.” Kaidi Waving his hand, he immediately looked at Ye Tian, ​​with a trace of admiration in his eyes, “It is a great honor for Sansheng to know a genius like Brother Ye.”

“Brother Kaidi has won the award.” Ye Tian smiled, then broke the topic and asked: “Brother Kaidi, how is your injury recovered?”

“It has been restored to 70 or 80, and the rest is not in the way, it’s just a matter of time.” Caddy said.

“If this is the case, then Ye will leave, and we will see you later.” Ye Tian clasped his fists and said.

“ I think this day will not be too long, because our two gods are close, so at the beginning of each new era, we will exchange a batch of newly promoted masters to visit each other’s gods. To deepen the relationship between our two gods, and also to learn from each other and develop together.” Kaidi laughed.

Ye Tian nodded. He also knew that this matter was an agreement between the leaders of the True Martial God Realm and the higher leaders of the Douqi God Realm. It has a history of more than 3,000 epochs.

After bidding farewell to Kaidi, Ye Tian continued to wander in the ancient magic space. This ancient magic space collapsed more and more fiercely. There were torn space cracks everywhere, and it was almost impossible to change to ordinary people here.

Ye Tian swayed for half a month, and it was useless to meet another genius, guessing that they might have already left this ancient magic space, and could not help but prepare to leave.

However, at this moment, the two golden marks in the palms of his hands suddenly emitted bursts of fiery golden light, which made him suspicious.

These two golden marks, he didn’t use them at all, why did they shine?

Ye Tian raised his hands, stared at the two golden marks on his palm, and a touch of contemplation appeared between his brows.

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