Everlasting Chapter 3363: Dive in

With the powerful strength of Hunyuan Jinxian, all of them are struggling hard in this energy long one. From this, we can imagine how much energy this energy tide contains.

The most important thing is the power of chaos. If there is no chaotic place to stir, no amount of energy will be enough for everyone to absorb.

After collecting the ancient well, everyone continued to walk forward.

After a period of time, this energy tide did not emerge.

At this time, even Taixu Shengwang and others felt weird, and the energy tide of the photo was much larger than previously imagined.

At least the perception of the etheric sage kings did not perceive the end of this energy tide.

“Could it be that this wave of energy is the end of this new world.” Someone suddenly guessed like this.

“It is possible, but if it is the end of this world, so good, we can break this end.”

“I don’t think it should be. This new world has been seen before. It is rich in energy and rich in resources. The most important thing is that there are so many powerful beasts, which shows that this world will not be that small.”

“Yes, what we are trespassing should be only a small part of this world. Don’t forget the independent cave we entered before. Maybe there are many such independent caves in this world.”

“Hahaha, I certainly hope to find more caves like that, there are too many good things in it.”

“But there is also a great danger inside. If the two predecessors of the King of Void Saint hadn’t helped each other before, we might not be able to get rid of that powerful existence.”

There was a lot of discussion, but the pace of progress did not slow down.

After a period of time, the surrounding energy tide began to slow down, and afterwards it hardly affected everyone.

“Could it be that we are going out?” Someone speculated.

“There is a continent, or a floating island, an island floating in the energy tide.” Chen Feng said suddenly at this time.

Sage King Taixu and they nodded too.

“Yes, there is indeed an island in front of you, there should be more than one. You are ready to fight, maybe we will gain something next.” Taixu Shengwang said.

“There is a gain!” Everyone laughed as they prepared for the battle.

“It’s a little weird,” Chen Feng said.

“Weird, how weird, can it be said that there is danger ahead? Is it a fierce beast or something else?” Emperor Feng Lei asked curiously.

There is a gap in the strength of the two sides. Emperor Feng Lei can’t see clearly like Chen Feng. With the strength of Emperor Feng Lei, he can barely see the phantom of an island in front of him.

The specific Fenglei Emperor cannot be seen.

After all, the energy here is too strong.

“Is there life on it?”

“Yes, but we can handle it without a master.” Chen Feng said.

“It should be like this. At least now I don’t feel too strong a threat. This is what makes me feel weird, such a chaotic energy tidal zone, such a huge island. If there is no danger on it, there is indeed no Weird,” Chen Feng said.

“It’s weird. If there is no danger to say that, all the good things that come here will be given away for nothing.” Emperor Feng Lei said with a smile.

“For the time being, it looks like this.” Chen Feng nodded.

Everyone communicated and approached the island. It was indeed a huge island, larger than most of the places of life encountered before.

“I’ll go up and take a look first.” Taixu Shengwang flew on the island.

Chen Feng and the others were waiting not far away, but it was also the situation on the island that they had used their own means to explore.

There are no restrictions on the islands, and no coercive obstructions.

Everyone present can see clearly above.

Of course, there are still some life on the island, but the strongest is the realm of Da Luo Jinxian.

For everyone, it’s nothing.

“There really is such a good thing.” Emperor Feng Lei said.

“It looks like this.” Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

Although things are a bit weird, since the benefits are in front of you, there is no reason not to take them.

So after receiving the notice from King Taixu, everyone fell on this island.

Then everyone teamed up to refine the island.

Motivate the island to move on.

How long does it take for another island to appear, the same size as the previous island, and little change in shape.

I thought they were two identical islands.

Everyone shot again and also refined the island.

The ground under my feet began to expand.

“If this goes on, when we leave this super-energy place, we can summon the place of communication and pass the gains back here. Is war erupting in the land from time to time? Let’s move back some things, and It’s a help.” The spiritual Taoist said with a smile like this.

“Yes, it looks like this now.” Everyone present was a little happy.

Nine islands were collected in a row, and then everyone finally left the energy tide zone.

“Finally came out.” Someone said loudly, feeling relaxed.

“If I can get the benefits as I have just been, then I would rather stay inside.” Someone else said.

After passing through the energy tide, there is a boundless void ahead, just like the previous situation.

“Then call again to communicate with Taixu Land.” Taixu Saint King said.

Just do what you say, the four of Taixu Sage King and Chen Feng will once again communicate with Taixu.

Soon the phantom of Taixu Land reappeared.

Everyone has contact with the Taixu Land, and it seems that the war on the Taixu Land can be vaguely seen.

The war with the beast.

“The war is still going on, and I don’t know how many fierce beasts have invaded. If this is the case, let’s pass things on quickly, even if we don’t get the rewards of the land of the emptiness, it’s okay now. The land is the most important.” Someone suggested.

“Yes, it is the same to bless our strength after the fierce beasts are resolved and the land of the emptiness is stabilized.”

“If something happens in the land of the emptiness, no matter how much we **** here, it will be useless.”

“I just saw that Taixu Land seems to have been shattered in an area. Let’s quickly pass the collected islands back.”

There was a lot of discussion in the audience and almost all agreed to do so.

Soon, the refining island under everyone’s feet was passed to the land of the emptiness, and then merged by the land of the emptiness!

Then the power came, and everyone reaped the benefits.

However, this time the benefits were not much. Everyone secretly calculated that they got half of what they should have.

“It seems that the land of too virtual has also felt the pressure.” Chen Feng thought this way, otherwise the power of feedback would not be blocked!

But it doesn’t matter, you can get compensation after you go back!

The premise is that the Land of the Void is the victor, and if the Land of Void is broken, everyone’s previous investment will be lost in vain.

After the feedback was over, the shadow of Taixu Land disappeared, but everyone’s mood was heavier than before.

“I don’t know how many invaders there are this time. I don’t know if the Void Land can be resisted this time. I just felt it. I felt that there were a lot of fierce beasts invading. The war seemed a bit tragic.” One of the monks said so.

“Thinking so much is useless. Collect resources as soon as possible. This is the greatest help to Taixu’s power. Otherwise, what if we people go back?” Chen Feng said.

Then looked at Taixu Saint King and the others: “Why do you want to keep going?”

“Of course we must keep going.” Taixu Shengwang nodded.

“Fortunately, some huge islands were collected before. If our luck continues to be so good in the future, then it will be okay for us to stay here for a long time.” The spiritual Taoist said with a smile.

“Spiritual fellow, did you feel something again?” Taixu Shengwang asked with a smile.

We must know that the spiritual Taoist cultivates the power of the soul and is relatively powerful in perception.

“Yes, I did sense the breath of the land of life, but the same also has strong qi and blood, which means that if we want to collect things next, I am afraid that we will have to match the local life.” Taoist said.

“This is also normal. As long as there are no strong beasts, we can still deal with it. Do you feel dangerous?” Big Orange Saint King asked.

“There must be some danger, just because there is danger, let’s stop.” said the spiritual Taoist.

“This is also true. If so, let’s show the way.” Taixu Sage King nodded.

After having the position, everyone’s speed began to accelerate, and at the same time, the price was to quickly digest the feedback received before ~ ​​IndoMTL.com~ because there is still a battle to be fought.

Sure enough, after a while, a life zone appeared in front of him.

First, there was a long sky moat blocking the way, and behind the sky moat was an area full of vitality. Everyone could feel a strong breath soaring into the sky.

The vitality of spirit, the power of domineering and vast blood, these two forces occupy the most.

Besides, there are other powers. These forces rising up into the sky merge together to form a special barrier to protect this area of ​​life.

“I feel threatened. There are not only masters in front, but also a lot of them.” Chen Feng said with a heavy face.

In the next war, even if everyone can win, there will be some losses. Maybe someone will fall.

But at this point, it is impossible for everyone to stop.

Go ahead and fight the opponent is imperative.

“As usual, you are ready to fight outside first. I will sneak in first. If the situation is right, I will create some chaos to create opportunities for you, so that the next action will be smoother. “Sage King Taixu said.

“I’ll go together too.” Chen Feng said when he came back.

Sage King Taixu pondered for a while, then nodded: “It’s okay, but you need to be careful.”

“I will pay attention.” Chen Feng said.

So next, King Taixu and Chen Feng condensed their breath, escaped into the void, and lurked forward quietly.

Soon the two crossed the sky moat and saw the life area connected by life continents.

Although there are some prohibitions in the moat, it can’t resist the two of them, and it has been a while since they entered this world. Both of them are tainted with the breath of this world, so they are not afraid to disturb the lives here.

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