Blade of the Sword Master Chapter 912: The test of war

The battle is over, but the cost of this battle is unbearable, whether it is against the human race or the demons.

The two sides returned to the camp respectively. For the warriors of the two races who have already suffered from the war, they are already familiar with the next thing. Cleaning the battlefield, consolidating the corpse, and treating the wounded, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Following the people back to the camp, Xiao Chen sat in the house. Xiao Chen was indeed saddened by the death of the Old Sage Tianyang, but such pain was more from the Human Race.

After all, if the ancient sage Tianyang is immortal, it will be a combat power that cannot be ignored for the human side, but now the ancient sage Tianyang has gone.

The two sides calculated each other, and in the end both lost and suffered. The Human Race was depressed because of the death of the Ancient Sage of Tianyang. Especially the people of Sage Yang, they cried bitterly.

Compared with the Human Race, the Demon Race is not much better here. The fall of Burling also dealt a huge blow to the Demon Race.

Perhaps it was because of the fall of the two ancestors. In the following days, the two sides had a tacit understanding and no more battle broke out. At most, there were some small-scale contacts, which was harmless.

The armies of the two clans face each other far away, but they are in peace, but this calm is obviously only temporary. Now both clans have not recovered from the fall of their ancestors, and once they wait for the two clans to recover from their grief Out of the middle, the war will continue.

The war will not stop because of the fall of a certain person. Everyone knows that the demons will not retreat, and the human races will not be captured. It’s that simple truth.

Time passed slowly, and soon a month passed. As expected, the war broke out again, and the two sides sent troops to fight again.

After a month of rest and reorganization, both sides of this battle can be said to be full of strength. For five days, both sides have been fighting endlessly. In the end, there is really no strength. The ancestors of the two sides ordered retreat.

The human race now has four ancestors due to Xiao Sheng’s participation, but the demons have only three ancestors left due to the fall of Buuling, but the number of saints of the demons is More than the human race, so the demons used twelve saints with a small perfection in the holy realm to drag a celebrity ancestor, so the two sides are still deadlocked.

For five days of fierce battle, the two clans suffered deaths and injuries. The saints also lost several people again, and as for the semi-sages below, there were more than a dozen people.

A battle is over, and this huge meat grinder continues to devour the lives of the warriors of the two races, but each time the battle ends, the two races will continue to replenish new soldiers and new blood to the front.

Seriousness is a test for any race, a test of endurance for a race.

It’s like now. At the end of each battle, the two races have to replenish new blood from the rear. From the beginning of the war to the present, the human race alone has lost no less than five million lives.

The number of five million may be nothing compared to the population of Tianhe Continent, but you must know that these five million people are not ordinary warriors who have no cultivation base. Each of them can be said to be the elite of Tianhe Continent. , The backbone of the human race.

But that’s the case. These lives are still passing by at a very fast speed. After each battle, the population on the Tianhe Continent is less. Of course, the same demons are also the same.

In the race of races, it is impossible to eat each other in one bite. It is the endurance of the two races. Whoever can’t hold on first will lose.

Time passed, spring passed and autumn came, and the war seemed to have no end. In a blink of an eye, eight years passed.

In the past eight years, the battle line between the human races of the Tianhe Continent and the demons of the North Demon Continent has also been opened across the board. From the beginning, it was limited to the battlefield on the eastern plain of Yin Shengzhou. Holy state.

The battle line involves every corner of Yin Shengzhou, and the **** battle between the human race and the demons can be seen in any corner.

In the past eight years, the human race and the demons have been devastated by the outbreak of war, and at the same time paid the price of the war.

Let’s put it this way, up to now, the elite of the two clans have almost been killed and injured. At this time, the two clans still fighting, although the number has not decreased too much, the quality is obvious. Decreased.

Take the human race ratio. Originally, the human race’s lowest level of cultivation is basically asking the Dao realm level, but now, although there are still warriors at the Dao realm level, there are more heaven and human realms, even earth. The Terran warriors of Mingjing’s cultivation base have all joined the battlefield and fought desperately against the demons.

Even the warriors of the Heaven and Human Realm and the Mirror of the Earth have already been on the battlefield. Naturally, the ancestors of the human race have a hard time saying.

It’s not that they want these low-level warriors of the Celestial and Human Realm to be on the battlefield, but there is no way. After eight years of fierce fighting, the warriors above the Tianhe Continent’s Dao Realm are either already dead. , Or is already on the battlefield.

There is a constant need for new soldiers to be added to the front line to participate in the war, and now that there are no strong human races, that can only let the warriors of the heaven and earth realm and the mirror cultivation base play, otherwise the human race will have no soldiers to recruit.

Such a huge death, in eight years, the number of human races in the Tianhe Continent has truly decreased by nearly 30%, and these 30% are all martial artists in the Tianhe Continent, not ordinary people.

The quality has dropped too much. Of course, not only the human race, but also the demons. Their army has also begun to appear warriors in the heaven and human state and the mirror of the earth.

This is the most intuitive manifestation of the endurance of the two races~ The warriors at the highest level of the questioning realm have been finished, the next step is to fight the heavens and humans and the mirror, and finally, maybe even that Xuan The warriors of Yuan and Huang Ji also had to go to the battlefield.

For eight years, Xiao Chen and Xiao Sheng were guarding the plane east of Yin Shengzhou. This was once the main battlefield of the two races, and it is the same now.

Although the eastern plain of Yin Shengzhou is no longer the only battlefield, it is still the most important battlefield. The two clans gather here with the largest number of armies.

Standing outside the central hall in the camp, Xiao Chen and Xiao Sheng stood side by side, staring at the human warriors passing by, Xiao Chen sighed.

“Old ancestors, these new people this time seem to be basically in the mirror, right?”

Half a month ago, just after a battle on the Eastern Plains Battlefield, the Human Race once again increased troops from the rear to the Zhongtian Station in the Eastern Plains, but this time, what shocked Xiao Chen was that although it was also an increase of one million troops , But among them, the Heaven and Human Realm cultivation base only accounts for one tenth, that is to say, there are only one hundred thousand people, and the remaining nine hundred thousand people are all martial artists of the mirror.

(seeking collection, seeking monthly pass, seeking recommendation!)

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