Era of Universal Evolution Chapter 598: Go to Hualin Pond

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The sun rises in the east and sets in the west as a day, but there is no sun in the Burgundy Nebula in Sagittarius.

The flowers bloom and fall for a year, but in this emptiness, people have forgotten the past and the present.

Since the Lin Zhen incident, Tianmen has become much calmer here.

The first place in the black hole period is still Ke Xiangnan. He even failed twice afterwards, but finally passed the Tianmen successfully, becoming the first black hole period in the New Territories to pass the Tianmen first.

After Ke Xiangnan, a hundred flowers blossomed in Tianmen.

Many warriors made breakthroughs one after another, and one by one began to pass through the heavenly gate.

There are almost no world kings, and there are not many domain kings left. Even in the galaxy stage, a large number of them have begun to pass.

After the black hole period, there was a second and a third…

The time has passed one hundred years and one hundred years….

The enthusiasm of Tianmen has gradually dropped. Although there are still some warriors coming, they are far behind the speed of those who leave.

Either through the Tianmen, or back to their hometown, more and more warriors have made choices.

The team that used to spread hundreds of thousands of kilometers is now only a few kilometers in length.

Looking at the past, the once glorious Tianmen has become empty and it seems that no miracle will happen again.

And Lin Zhen, who used to compete with Ke Xiangnan for the first place in the black hole period, has been completely forgotten in hundreds of years.

Even Ke Jianglong, who was sealed by the moon chasing god, hardly anyone would think of.

Some latecomers didn’t even know about this. They could only listen to some old people who were still unwilling to stay here at Tianmen occasionally mentioning that there was once a powerful black hole period, which was sealed in a certain space. There is no possibility of coming out.



Boundless, endless, deadly quiet!

Only Lin Zhen’s body is floating, as if to be here forever.

I don’t know how long it has been, maybe one day, maybe a hundred years.

He feels that he may be dead, maybe still alive, wandering in the long and almost eternal years, and he can persist without breaking down, which is already a miracle in itself.

He hopes that there is something that he can feel, something that he can do, and let him know if he is still alive.

Until one day….


A crisp laugh sounded.

Lin Zhen opened his eyes fiercely, and there was an expression of ecstasy in his eyes.

This little girl’s laughter sounds like the sound of nature to Lin Zhen.

“Who is it?”

Lin Zhen’s gaze followed the laughter and saw a little girl in colorful clothes sitting on a grid-like light in the far space.

The little girl is only four or five years old, and she is very cute with two croissants.

The bun face with big round eyes, white and pure, I can see that it is definitely a beauty embryo.

Lin Zhen raised his hand and waved to the little girl: “My dear, who are you? Come here, brother.”

Since seeing Yaya at Magnolia Star, Lin Zhen has an inexplicable affection for little girls, but it is a pity that Yaya is no longer there.

This little girl is very cute.

When the little girl heard Lin Zhen’s question, she suddenly flattened her mouth: “Master, don’t you know me?”

“Are you? Are you Chrissy?”

“Yes, yes, it’s me, master, we haven’t seen you for a long time.”

“Yes, it’s been a long, long time, and I will almost forget you after a long time.”

“Master, it’s not that Kris doesn’t accompany you. It’s just that you are in a different dimension, and the dimensional universe system cannot communicate with you, nor can I make any contact with you. So for so many years, I have been Work hard to connect with you, until today finally succeeded.”

Lin Zhen wakes up a bit from the trance of will now: “Can you connect with me? How did you do it?”

“Master, that’s an upgrade. I don’t know from which day I can think for myself. This is called awakening for our intelligent life. Only the intelligent life after awakening is a truly independent life. Body, otherwise I was at most a program.”

“You mean, you can think independently.”

“Yes, I know so many things now. It is precisely because I know a lot of things that I can connect with you. The master can ask me if he doesn’t know anything.”

Looking at this brand new, little girl-like Chrissy, Lin Zhen felt excited: “That’s great, do you know any way to get me out of this space?”

“I’m sorry, Master, if I chat with you to relieve boredom, I can still do it, but the treasure that seals you comes from the metaworld, and it was sealed by the world king. Unless your power can surpass the world king, it cannot be broken This space.”

“But I can’t practice at all now, how can I break this space?”

“Master, I really can’t do anything about this. Although I have a mind, I still exist in the intelligent system and cannot provide you with actual help.”

Lin Zhen nodded helplessly: “Well then, let me ask you again, how long have I been sealed?”

“Master, I can answer you this. It has been 700 years since you entered this space to where you are now.”

“Seven hundred years!”

Lin Zhen was suddenly shocked, because he was struggling with sleepiness, he almost forgot the passage of time, not until how long he was here.

But he didn’t expect that seven hundred years had passed.

“Didn’t the door close that day?”

“Yes, the gate of heaven is about to be closed. It is less than 20 years. To be precise, there are still 18 years and 16 days.”

Hearing this number, Lin Zhen’s heart stunned.

I have stayed here for more than two hundred years before, and after careful calculation, it is almost a thousand years since I was reborn.

At the moment, it is less than 20 years before the Tianmen is closed. If the Tianmen cannot be passed within 20 years, Lin Zhen will stay in the New Territories forever.

Remaining in the New Territories means that he cannot enter the longevity realm. Even if Lin Zhen can break through the different dimensions and leave, he can only cultivate to the highest realm king pinnacle in the New Territories.

What if he has a life of ten thousand years? He can’t go to the Metaverse, and he will eventually die.

And his life is not his own, he still has his family, his parents, wives and children, their hopes are all in himself.

What’s more, there is still a wife of his own in Yuanjie, Xiao Fenghuang is still waiting for him there.

The millennium agreement with Little Phoenix is ​​about to arrive, and it is less than 30 years after calculation.

Lin Zhen can’t stay here anyway, he has to find a way to leave.

“Apart from my own breakthrough, is there any other way to leave?”

“I’m not sure about this master, but even if it is a treasure of the Metaverse, it has a limit that it can withstand. If there is a strong enough force outside to hit this treasure, it can still be broken in theory. “

“External power…”

Lin Zhen pondered for a moment, and suddenly said loudly: “I remember, my clone is still wandering outside, my clone is still in Chaos Galaxy, and he has reached the peak of his infancy!”

Lin Zhen eagerly said to Chrissy: “Chrissy, remember to keep me awake at all times and don’t let me fall asleep.”

“Don’t worry, Master, I have learned a lot of jokes recently. I can tell you jokes and I promise to keep you refreshed.”

Speaking, Kris began to tell Lin Zhen a story.

“It is said that in the Yuanjie, there used to be a mountain, a temple on the mountain, and a **** in the temple. Because there are mountains and gods and temples, this temple has been called a mountain temple from now on.”

Lin Zhen glanced at the seemingly innocent and cute little girl, and felt that she was not a good thing after she became intelligent.

The mind turns, and the mental power reaches the side of the clone.

The battleship Lin Zhen hit a meteorite and was damaged. The clone fell asleep, and the battleship was uncontrolled. Eventually, it was hit by a meteorite and failed to reach the dark corridor.

The clone woke up from the deep sleep, he didn’t even have time to check the situation of the battleship, and directly used the planet teleport to leave the spaceship.

He still has to go back from the Guangming corridor. At this time, it is impossible for anyone to intercept himself outside the Guangming corridor.

His goal is very clear, and that is the Hualin Pond of the Fire Qilin Empire.

If you want to break the treasures of the Metaverse, a powerful force is needed. With Lin Zhen’s current body clone power, it is estimated that it is not enough. He needs even more powerful power.

That power is the domain king-level power possessed after the clone is turned into a unicorn.

This is the only thing Lin Zhen can count on.

He didn’t dare to look for his he had enough power to protect his family, he didn’t want to let his family come on stage. This is a risk he can’t take.

Sure enough, there was no one guarding the Guangming corridor. From the Guangming corridor to the Fire Qilin Empire, Lin Zhen cloned himself in desperate teleportation flight, and it took a month to arrive.

After arriving here, Lin Zhen teleported directly into the Kylin Sacred Star, and teleported again to the front of the palace.

“Stop! Who dares to break into the palace?”

Two guards stopped Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen shook his hand and threw a sign to the two guards, then teleported again, and he had already arrived in front of Hualinchi.

That brand was the pass given to him by Tian Haoyu. For example, Haoyu had already traveled to the Metaverse today, and now Huo Qilin is succeeding his grandson.

Seeing that it was a sign left by the ancestor emperor, the guard did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly reported it.

And Lin Zhen stood on the edge of the pond.

The spiritually overflowing pool contains mysterious substances, which can make his fire unicorn body evolve and become a real galaxy beast.

“Finally back, to have the power of the domain king, it is now!”

Lin Zhen didn’t care about other things at all, and immediately showed the shape of a fire unicorn, then jumped into the sky and plunged into the Hualin Pool!


This chapter is about staying up late in an Internet cafe. The black soil is traveling in Zhangjiajie, and I’m half-dead and have to pack night codes. Today, on the 18th, I flew home on the 21st and arrived home at night. Let’s fight for one chapter every day, because I will enter Zhangjiajie right after dawn. I have to live in the mountains and there is no possibility of code words.

I set up a WeChat group. If you want to join the group, you can search for the WeChat account in Black Soil, 13555135999, and you can find me. Every reader who adds me, I will pull him into the WeChat group.

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