So What If You’ve Been Reborn? Chapter 302: Apprenticeship promotion, the fastest update, what is the latest chapter of Rebirth!

The golden clouds are all over the sky, the blue rainbow hangs in the sky, and the aura is thousands.

A white jade platform stood in the air, and the mellow spirit of the spirit condensed into a cyan luo, hung on the jade pillars of the stone steps, making a squeaking and crisp sound, and then gradually melted away and dissipated.

Under the high platform, there are so many silhouettes of rivers and mountains passing by.

True Man Chixuan realized vaguely: That is the Three Thousand World.

The corridor he was rolled out was like a huge vortex. The cracks quickly closed and disappeared without a trace. The surroundings were empty except for the majestic jade platform above his head and the gradually extending stairs.

——Is this a fairy?

True Man Chi Xuan is a little dizzy.

The Grand Tribulation Ceremony was not completed, the magic weapon array was equipped for nothing, and he went to the sky in a daze. Chi Xuan was really worried that in a blink of an eye, an immortal angered him for stealing the opportunity and was not qualified to become a fairy.

What are you afraid of?

On the cold and majestic jade platform, countless walking clouds appeared on the ground. The clouds became Qiluo, and the immortals with different styles were in front of True Person Chi Xuan in the blink of an eye.

“Are you a member of the Northern Xuan sect who crossed the catastrophe twice in that small world?”

The immortals uttered together. They were divided into three groups, guarding each other, threatening each other and staring at each other. The coercion contained in the words that were asked together made the real Chi Xuan dizzy and stepped back a few steps.

This situation is not good!

Mr. Chixuan quickly turned to find Chen He, this is the master!


People, what?

Chi Xuan was stunned.

Looking around, apart from the immortals, there is nothing but the darkness, without the shadow of Chen He at all.

He hasn’t recovered yet, the three groups of immortals have already drew out their weapons, and the majestic celestial spirit rushed into the real place three times. Before he got up, he was held by a hand.

“Don’t want to rob people under our noses!”

Chi Xuangang stood up and slapped vigorously behind him, and he staggered to the side.

It was the count of hands that pulled him to the other side, and the poor real Chixuan was dragged by the immortals like a rope.

As a monk, Chi Xuan really thought about many scenes where he became a fairy queen after crossing the catastrophe. He also thought about being accepted by the ancestors of the sect after he soared, telling the current situation of the mortal sect, and feeling relieved.

However, I never expected that I would encounter such “hot” chaos.

“Wait, poor Dao… No! I am not from the Northern Xuan School!”

Chi Xuan tried his best to defend.

He is a cultivator who has just ascended, he can’t get rid of his countless hands more than his strength, and the immortals whose voices can’t cover each other’s yelling, crying out injustice.

The real person Chixuan realized after knowing that: Chen He’s ascension was not only aimed at the heaven and the cloud, but I was afraid that this situation was correct, so he just wanted to ascend with himself, and now he has slipped away. Up?

As soon as this idea came up, many confusions were easily solved.

For example, when I asked Heaven’s Secret, the ancestors told me to find Yang Xinyue, and Junior Brother Tianyan brought back the news that this man was the Nanhe Sect Master 8,000 years ago… There is also the master of Heiyuan Valley, although he has long eyebrows. The words were unclear, but the Lord Gu and Venerable Huanjian were twin brothers, and it was clear that they wanted to kill Yang Xinyue.

Venerable Liyan couldn’t ascend, the Heavenly Dao looked back in time, broke the chess game of all parties in the fairy world, and the plan failed.

It’s not only time to come again, but also a conspiracy that has died!

Those who hate Chen He, want to use Chen He, and want to find out the truth of the reversal of the fate of the heavens-after Chen He has ascended, he will face these obstacles, so he decisively avoided.

As the dropped “scapegoat” plus a “shield”, True Person Chi Xuan smiled bitterly.

——He even felt that some immortals were cold and fierce, as if they were murderous.

“How can people of the Northern Profound School go to your Nanxian Tianzun side?”

“This person disturbs a small world of heaven, how can he be negligent, he must be taken away and strictly guarded!”

“You waited to take advantage of Yuan Chengtian’s reverence to make ghosts behind the scenes, thinking that I would suffer a dumb loss later?”

There is a mess under the Shengxiantai.

True Man Chi Xuan tried his best to search around, but he didn’t understand how Chen He escaped.

Is it?

Oh, good! Chen He may have been here once!

He didn’t step up the stone steps of Sendai, so he was swept back by the Heavenly Dao. If you remember this and have a deep memory of the scene behind the Gate of Heaven, then this escape was carefully planned by him!

Sure enough, the world is not in vain!

It’s a good thing that you don’t have to work hard to carry the catastrophe by yourself, and it is a good thing to easily become a god, blessings and misfortunes!

“Seniors found the wrong person!” Chi Xuan tried to distinguish.

However, his words were drowned in the confrontation and accusation of anger among the immortals.

“You must be the one who conspired against Yuancheng Tianzun. Do you still want to make this idea? Don’t want to succeed!”

“Ha, it’s sad, if Beixuan Tianzun really did something, will you wait for these little Xuanxians to know? Don’t talk too much, be careful not to take it back!”


“The entanglement is not clear! You and the other parties are the same raccoon dog, we must take this person away, my Tianzun does not know where in the world!”

“Joke, the man of the tribulation just returned to his original body, but not lost his memory. Can he see the identity of Yuan Chengtian and know his whereabouts?”

Chi Xuan was stared at by countless eyes, and many immortals pointed at them contemptuously. They were aggrieved. Just waiting for the clarification of the facts from their home, suddenly a clear and sweet voice sounded coldly:

“Under Shengxiantai, there is noisy and noisy, what kind of style?”

The immortals in the confrontation were taken aback, and they fought a cold war together.

I saw the purple air coming from the east, and Shengxiantai was hit by the celestial spirit, and it was instantly covered with five-colored enamels, the sun was dazzling, a man with a crown and wide sleeves, purple clothes and gorgeous, fresh air, his face and appearance were indistinct Being hidden in it makes people look at it.

Following all the immortals, beside this person, there is no light.

The sleeves of the robe flicked, and the right hand was lifted. The clumsy immortals were separated by the brush, revealing the innermost “unlucky” Chi Xuan.

Some immortals were overjoyed, but the other two looked unhappy.

But no matter what you think in your heart, you can only bow your head respectfully:

“Farewell to the fairy.”

“This person is not the person you are looking for, let’s go away.” Xianjun said in a deep voice.

Only a small number of immortals believe this.

“There are many tribulations in the three thousand worlds, but there have been a few people who have caused the vision of Sendai for thousands of years. How can Xianjun ignore the right and wrong and reverse black and white–“

Before the words were finished, the immortals felt a great shock, knowing that the immortal was unhappy, they could only shut up.

“This person is my younger generation.”

Xianjun’s cold voice made everyone who heard the cold shiver.

He raised his hand slightly at True Person Chi Xuan: “Come on.”

True person Chixuan, like a pardon, quickly got rid of the group of immortals who were holding him forcibly.

Although I don’t know which ancestor of the Heluo school, but the sect is doing well in the immortal world, this makes True Person Chixuan very happy, especially the other party is so timely.

Looking at the “prey in hand” just left, all the immortals were angry, and someone couldn’t help saying:

“Xianjun, the vision of Heavenly Tribulation, it is true that he was the one who caused chaos in the Heavenly Dao…”

The True Person Chixuan walked up to the fairy at this time, but found that the other party was very strange.

To be more precise, he couldn’t remember any of the ancestors of the Heluo School who was born such a—well, good luck Zhong Shenxiu, Yao Guang looks awe-inspiring.

True Chi Xuan’s Heluo school almost committed an old problem. He wanted to count the other’s fate, so he remembered each other’s identity and stopped in time.

“Twice to cross the catastrophe, fortunately to be safe.” The immortal monarch was very familiar with Chi Xuan, making True Chi Xuan unable to help but murmur.

——Really an ancestor of Heluo School?

“One hundred and sixty years ago, the way of heaven went back to the time of a small world. Some people in the immortal world had to cross the robbery again. You had no vision, stopped the wrong person, and were still entangled here.”

As soon as Xianjun said this, all the immortals were surprised.

The immortal responsible for ascending Sendai got to squeeze in the empty space, looked up and down the real person Chi Xuan, nodded, and took out a jade slip from the storage magic treasure and showed it to everyone:

“The small world at the beginning of the floating period, ascended more than 400 years ago. He claimed to be the ninth generation head of the Heluo School, with the Dao name Chixuan. The realm should have been a small real immortal, but the lower realm was due to changes.

When I heard that there was such a person, the immortals would be suspicious.

“Where is the Beixuan school disciple?”

Chi Xuan: …I ran away long ago.

But he couldn’t just say what he said, only vaguely defended: “I crossed the catastrophe at the same time, and then soared. How would I know where he went?”


The fairies who fetched the bamboo basket were exhausted, and they were so devastated that they didn’t know how to report back.

Mr. Chi Xuan cautiously asked: “I don’t know the fairy, who predecessor is it?”

Xianjun smiled softly, this smile made Chi Xuan feel a bit plausible.

“I was so stupid, it was taught by Huiji, what happened to him?”

True Man Chi Xuan hesitated to find a suitable wording:

“Uh…I can still toss, and there is no accident.”

“That’s good.”

Xianjun chuckles his palm.

True person Chi Xuan only thinks that this immortal monarch looks beautiful, but his eyes are so kind that his scalp tingles.

The expressions of the immortals are also very weird, generally full of disdain and sarcasm—the little real fairy is a relationship that can be clashed with the fairy. Living in the fairy palace, you can reach the realm of true fairy without any effort. Only by cultivating a true immortal can he reach the foot of Kunlun Mountain. After thousands of years, very few people can be promoted to Xuanxian. Naturally, they look down on such people who “rely on the well-being of sects and ancestors.”

Chi Xuan was stared very much by them. Seeing this fairy king reached out and wanted to take him away hand in hand, he had to take a half step back and asked respectfully: “Senior…”

“What senior?”

Xianjun seemed to be slightly annoyed, and said in a deep voice: “Chi Xuan, you don’t even know Master Zu?”


True Chi Xuan was dumbfounded.

His ancestor Yun Chenzi has ascended, but… Ascendance is only a little over a thousand years! Yun Chenzi hadn’t even acted as the head of the Heluo School, how could he suddenly become a fairy king?

“When you were seven or eight years old, Huiji took you back to the Heluo School. I felt that his eyesight was not bad when I saw it…” Yunchen Xianjun smiled, “Good luck and good luck in life… so I haven’t seen a better life than this for many years. How can I let him pick it up and meet it?”


The true man Chixuan was dizzy and couldn’t help muttering: “But…Master He has a childlike face, it’s not…”

It doesn’t look like this!

Xianjun Yunchen looked at the silly disciple with tolerance: “After the triumph is successful, he can change his appearance again.”

For example, grow taller and become younger.

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