So What If You’ve Been Reborn? Chapter 287: vulgar objects, the fastest update, what is the latest chapter of Rebirth!

The battle in You Governor’s River Valley shook the entire cultivation world.

The people who were talking about the power of the devil’s way and the right way will be prosperous, were shocked by the sudden bad news-the elite monks of the right way, led by the Hanming Sect aggregation faction, were all wiped out? Only a few Mahayana ancestors protected some trusted disciples to escape by chance? The number of righteous monks surviving after the war is not more than 100?

What’s the joke? Those are the two martial sects with the right way.

Gathered three mountains and five mountains, dozens of sect powers, almost covering all righteous Mahayana monks in the cultivation world today. There are hundreds of gods, and Yuan Ying is countless. The golden core monks can’t speak, why don’t you lose? Up?

Magic Xiu is not a losing streak in a row, but a defeat at Tianhe Mountain in Youzhou?

What happened?

Everyone in the realm of cultivation is anxious to know the truth. The many small sects and casual cultivators who originally gathered there to make a profit, left Youzhou in embarrassment.

They brought the news that the magic way has been hiding and setting up a bureau in Youzhou, and even more hatefully mentioning where they passed. Mortals in many places are disguised by magic repairs, and every move is under their supervision.

The most frightening thing is that in order to prevent this situation, the various factions have already checked the situation of these towns and towns temporarily settled. The inn must be a decades-old shop, and any family in the county must have a place of birth. check.

Even if the evil spirits are deliberately hidden here, unless a village and small town can be completely replaced, there will be traces of spells on mortals, and mortals will live forever and have a strange attitude to foreigners. This is a trick. Discover it at a glance.

——Venerable Sky Splitter is doing such an amazing job.

Some small villages and towns have really been replaced, and the remaining ones have been in that place two or three years ago, and there were also five or six years ago. This is the final trap of preparing Youzhou. .

The monk despises mortals and hardly interacts with mortals, which makes the magic way take advantage of it.

These lurking demonic cultivators did not take advantage of the opportunity to commit murder, nor did they deliberately follow the monks. They just conveyed everything they saw through mortal means.

When the Long River Valley was fighting, they immediately turned their faces and stopped the casual repairmen and many small sects who had received the news to rush to the battlefield. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Chen He to bring magic repairs from Yuzhou in a place full of righteous monks. I have concealed so many eyes.

This is also something that the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty felt like they had forgotten: they fought in Tianhe Mountain for several days, and then chased them to the Long River Valley. It was fifteen days since they came and went. Those who are casual cultivators and small sects But no trace…

It’s a pity that no one in the right way thinks of this flaw.

When they discovered the hideous features of “mortal people”, all the rebels were killed, and the rest were driven out of Youzhou. These small disputes did not stir up the slightest disturbance, and even when they brought the news out, everything had fallen. set.

The elder Han Mingzong was seriously injured and fled back to the sect, and immediately went into seclusion for treatment.

The entire sect was handed over to the Qing ancestor to temporarily issue orders. The Qing ancestor protected a dozen of his direct disciples. The others were afraid to speak, so I don’t know what they thought.

Of the four elders of the Gathering Group, only one Yuan Ying escaped back.

The most miserable thing may be the Daxue Mountain Universe View, where even the head and his disciples disappeared silently, no one was born, no corpse was seen.

After everyone cursed the shamelessly and viciously of the evil way with righteous indignation, they thought about it, and instantly they were all cold.

Zhengdao has broken dozens of the most elite sects, including the Han Ming Sect, which faintly occupies the top position. Not to mention the aggregation faction. What should be done in the current situation?

In an instant, countless paper cranes were sent to Changxianmen and Heluo School.

There are those who are eager to take revenge, and there are those who believe that the magic way must be greatly damaged at this moment and must equalize the battle as soon as possible. The realm of comprehension fell into panic for an instant.

Naturally, there are also ecstatic magic repairs.

They were not there during the **** battle, nor were they among the people who came to help Youzhou. These people who found a place to hide early, sighed and said that the fortune was not good, and the devil’s path had declined within hundreds of years. They changed their faces as soon as they turned around. , I was very busy robbing the authentic sect in the panic.

Xing Litian and Yuzhou Moxiu, with lightning speed, suddenly counterattacked and took back the two places in Qingzhou and Jizhou. The two forces almost occupied the entire north.

The Gathering School is located in Yangzhou, and only burns eyebrows.

Han Mingzong was sadly reminded. The benefits previously dug from Venerable Moon Swallowing were all pried away. Even the site originally belonged to the sect was thrown away again and again. In the end, only the defense formation was opened. Guishushan Gate.

Where the demonic cultivator passes, regardless of righteousness and evil, it opens a side to the surrendered small sects, focusing on attacking the big factions, just like the way that righteousness once did in Jizhou, Qingzhou, looting and killing for unknown reasons.

Many sects wisely disbanded their sects and sought completeness, but the demons did not continue to hunt down.

In just a few months, the cultivation world was greatly injured, and the right path could not find a decent force in the entire north.

As the power of the magic way rose, the “poisonous scheme” was deployed in Youzhou that day. After Venerable Swallow Moon escaped from Qingzhou, the people who “six years of plotting” the situation of the two wars of right and evil also followed Venerable Sky Breaker The mouth spread throughout the cultivation world.

A mysterious monk wearing a silver mask.

High and majestic, it may come from an extraordinary origin, not like a magic repair.

It’s only the cultivation base of the Yuan Ying period, but it is heavily relied on by the Venerable Sky Splitting. It is reported that the Venerable Sky Splitting obeyed the military teacher’s words and did nothing.

Not only the Venerable Splitting Heaven, even Yuzhou Moxiu also listened to his dispatch (big mistake).

The name of Venerable Chen Heliyan finally came.

Devil Dao originally occupied a large power, so it can be called Demon Venerable. It has nothing to do with the cultivation base, but at first no one believed that Chen He could hold Yuzhou, and he was more suspicious of Shi Feng’s true whereabouts. The name Demon Venerable could not be added. On his head.

After the First World War in the Long River Valley, no matter the righteous demon cultivator, when he heard Chen He’s name, all their expressions changed. They did not dare to call his name directly, even the last name, and only vaguely said “Yuzhou That Demon Lord”.

In the end, the mysterious and weird military division of Venerable Sky Breaker, said Li Yan’s name.

Li, the fire of the hexagram phase.

The people who had lingering fears about Samadhi Zhenhuo thought that this was what Chen He meant, so they immediately followed kindness and renamed Yuzhou Liyan Venerable. (Zhan Yuanqiu who said the leak:…)

Because Zhan Yuanqiu’s ultimate goal is not to let the Demon Dao dominate the realm of cultivation, he has a lot to do after breaking down the current structure of the Comprehension Realm. Dare to refute the violation, secretly change the rules of the cultivation world, and force all the monks to go to a fixed place to buy and sell spirit stone herbs.

You can’t make a fat man with one bite, so Zhan Yuanqiu dare not push too hard.

These things were done in the name of purging the righteous forces in the north, and the monks, although reluctant, thought this was a “war rule”, and reluctantly gave in.

Next, Zhan Yuanqiu has to make them feel that this kind of “forced high-pressure” regulations is also very convenient and very beneficial. It doesn’t need to satisfy everyone. Most of the monks who have no discipline or can rely on are satisfied. That’s it.

Only benefit is the best tool to maintain “rules”.

——The more people who benefit from this rule, it is good for the entire cultivation world. The stronger the people who benefit from this rule, they will spontaneously maintain the status quo.

Not waiting for Zhan Yuanqiu, who was too busy to come to the door, and Chen He sent Tong Xiaozhen over.

It is really appropriate to describe Zhan Yuanqiu’s mood as a treasure.

People have their own strengths, but each has their own shortcomings. No matter how great Zhan Yuanqiu is, when it comes to money and good things… he can only listen to Tong Xiaozhen’s impassioned and eloquent words with his ears.

White centipede broke through retreat and healed.

Chen He returned to Yuzhou, regained his previous habits, and went shopping on the street twice when he was fine.

The realm of comprehension fights life and death, the existence of the two ways of righteousness and evil, the rise and fall of the two ways, mortals do not know, and they live peacefully and happily as usual. Merchants travel north and south, bringing countless novelties.

Tiancuiyuan has another new play, and even the hidden Taochun palace in the bookstore has a thick stack that Chen He has never seen.

It’s just that when Chen He went out now, no monk dared to look up at him anymore. The demonic cultivators who followed him were also respected a lot. They didn’t dare to show up and even slandered Chen He’s “special” preferences. People are gone.

Zhan Yuanqiu was very uncomfortable with this kind of treatment of sudden alienation, but for Chen He, it was just returning to the Venerable Li Yan in the memory fragment.

His life is much easier and more pleasant than in previous lives.

——Not indifferent and lonely, not close to humanity, and without a chilling power.

The former Venerable Li Yan was like a tight bow, the string was already stretched, and the bow was rigidly supporting this tension, unbending.

Others will only admire the perfection and material of this bow. Who cares about the force it bears?

Chen He’s leisurelyness, in the eyes of other demons, they are very puzzled.

According to common sense, the new Mahayana era has eliminated the elites of the right way. This is exactly when you are complacent and can’t help, how can you relax and have no interest in the general trend of the magic way? Even Venerable Sky Splitting stared at Yangzhou and started a new plan!

Ten thousand steps back, at least you have to retreat and consolidate your realm!

However, Chen He didn’t do anything, and the aura around his body became more difficult to figure out, and he could not even distinguish Chen He from the mortals around him.

The dude, carrying a cage to tease the Oriole Parrot Lark, holding a clay gold folding fan, shouting before and after, swaggering across the market.

In addition to not carrying the bird cage (many demon birds breathed a sigh of relief), Chen He walked through the antique shops of Liyuan Tea House one by one, and bought it without asking the price.

To be honest, Chen He didn’t learn the skill of bargaining.

When the brother was there, someone did this for him, but now there is no more, only money is left, as much as you want.

Chen He stood at the cloth shop, looking thoughtfully at the shopkeeper to please the silver and purple satin, and the shopkeeper slyly raised the price it should have.

Chen He is not stupid. He glanced at the shopkeeper, and immediately there was Moxiu who came forward and took out the bank note in a vicious voice: We don’t understand the market, so we will pay this price. The shopkeeper will sell or not, anyway, my son is just a picture It’s fresh and interesting.

The shopkeeper of the cloth village saw that he was still earning money, and he put on a bitter face and nodded “unwillingly”.

Chen He left the cloth shop empty-handed, and the unlucky Mo Xiu picked up the silver purple satin, his eyes rolled, thinking how to put it in the storage bag.

The bookshop across the street, the guy is pushing people out:

“Walk, you are a monk, what do you do when you buy things? Don’t say we don’t have one here, we do, can you afford it?”

Chen He looked up and stopped immediately.

The Taoist who was pushed out of the door by the bookstore guy, wearing an old blue cloth robe with badly torn edges, carrying a wine gourd on his back, and an oil paper bag in his hand.

Seeing a group of Chen He, the Taoist laughed and said:

“Here is someone who can pay for the poor.”

The demons changed their expressions and were about to scold them, but Chen He raised his hand to stop everyone.

“What does the Taoist want to buy?”

The Taoist priest said awe-inspiringly: “I am about to see how the world doubles*.”


“Otherwise the donor has it at home, so please take a look.”

Chen He’s eyes twitched. Even if he knew that this was an excuse, Nan Hongzi still had a very difficult time to hold on: “The Daoist master really has a good vision. Yes.”

The Demon Repair:…

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