So What If You’ve Been Reborn? Chapter 170: Eating and talking, the fastest update is what the latest chapter is rebirth!


Chen He bowed his head and stood honestly behind Shi Feng.

The inn is still lively, Shi Feng Chen He has used blindfolding methods, in the eyes of others, they are just middle-aged businessmen and a small servant.

——Only God’s knowledge can see through.

Nan Hongzi uses the method of corpse dissolution, without going through the six reincarnations, and reincarnates with the soul of divine consciousness. Even if you don’t practice anymore in your life, or become a monk, your eyesight and hearing will still be there.

Qu Ye shook his arms and glared. All the rough men who were eating mutton soup stood up, and some of their hands even touched the weapon in the waist. The inn guy hurried over to smile.

“A few guest officials, if you have something to say, and discuss something! You see, in this snowy day, whether it’s bumped or fell, I can’t find a doctor. When you go out, you can forgive me. .”

Where are the **** guys willing to pay attention, staring at Shi Feng fiercely, and rushing to ask:

“Master Qu, what’s the matter? Is this kid not long-eyed?”

The rough man sitting at the table with Ye Qu is completely stupid.

What do you say? Someone inexplicably came and ate the mutton in Qu Ye’s bowl, and then Qu Ye became angry? Where is this!

Shi Feng didn’t care at all, he saw the guy coming over with a bitter face, and said, “One more bowl of mutton noodles.”

Master Qu shouted: “Dare you!”

The whole inn was secretly amazed, this dispute seems to be quite big, and one party is actually eating noodles not taking matters seriously.

The **** guy who saw the whole process of the matter in his eyes, dullly thought, it is not wrong to pay for the mutton, and at most shout “not enough”, how can it be “you dare”?

Chen He is also pondering, but there are brothers in everything, so he doesn’t worry about it.

Shi Feng looked at the guy whose legs were so frightened by Qu Ye’s scream, and changed his words: “Then don’t have noodles, let’s have a bowl of roast lamb.”

Qu Ye was still staring at him, and Shi Feng Congshan Ruliu added: “Don’t use bones, just pick up big pieces of stewed meat.”

Ye Qu sat back and waved his hand to his subordinates: “I will eat you all, I have a deal to discuss.”

The **** guys all sat back and stared at this side. The guy who was sitting at the table with Qu Ye was knocked on the back of his hand by Qu Ye, and he moved out of his position to another table like a sleepwalking.

The others in the inn were at a loss and couldn’t understand the dispute.

Chen He:…

The guy looked like it was okay, so he immediately ran to the back kitchen to order food.

Ye Qu touched the beard on his face, snorted coldly, and gave a little bit of his hand, a serious lesson: “What age people are, how can they be so frizzy in doing things!”

Chen He can only silently and sympathetically glance at his senior.

Shi Feng didn’t take it seriously, he just stared at Qu Ye again and again.

No one spoke for a long while, and the guy brought the steaming bowl of braised lamb. As expected, there were no bones. They were all cut into chunks. He also graciously added a few dishes of salted peanuts and dried tofu.

Ye Qu picked up the chopsticks, and he heard Shi Feng say: “I haven’t seen you for many years, how about Master?”

After a meal with the chopsticks, Master Qu wanted to say something, but finally he sighed.

“After the Daxue Mountain incident, I never looked around for Master’s whereabouts. It was my negligence.”

“You can’t find it even if you look for it.” Qu Ye said dullly.

Shi Feng immediately heard the meaning of the words, his expression inevitably darkened, and he murmured: “Sure enough…If the master was reincarnated immediately, don’t go to the Snow Mountain…”


Qu Ye put down his chopsticks, pressed his voice, and stared at Shi Feng, “It’s not what you think, except for my apprentice, I’m also concerned about the Northern Profound School. If you let those guys from the Aggregate School succeed, you will be a teacher. After the corpse is reincarnated, what face is there to continue to be a monk? Soaring up and being trained by the ancestors of the sect, I can’t lift my head?

Shi Feng slowly shook his head, his eyes were cold: “The Beixuan Sect is destroyed, and it will be me.”

“Nonsense!” Qu Ye directly shook his chopsticks, shocked that everyone around him was paying attention.

If there is nothing wrong, Qu Ye re-draws a pair from the chopsticks bucket on the table, dusts the table with his sleeve, and said angrily: “The matter is caused by the’Shijia’. If anyone’s responsibility is pursued, we master and apprentice No one can escape.”

Shi Feng was silent.

Chen He quietly tugged his brother’s sleeve behind him, his eyes full of disapproval.

——Because of being missed by the villain, it is your own fault? How can there be such a truth in the world?

Back then, Nan Hongzi was negligent, but before such a meticulous arrangement of the game, there were several Gu Lian tribesmen and kind-minded monks who would not step in?

Shi Feng is even more unlucky. In the game, how can he see the affection of his parents?

Seeing Chen He’s uneven appearance, Shi Feng shook his junior brother’s hand to comfort him.

If Shi Feng is just a vague concept of Venerable Li Yan from the previous life, in the past two months, he has seen Chen Heyu’s skills.

Chen He, who grew up in the Black Abyss Valley, was upset and kept a small black account at the most, or swallowed a bitterness to prevent Shi Feng from knowing, but Chen He, who had memories of his previous life, would use thunder to remove all obstacles. Afterwards, in front of Shi Feng, nothing happened.

“Man, add a bowl of soup.”

After Shi Feng gave the order, he pressed Chen He onto the stool next to him, and told his junior brother seriously; “I just tasted it, it tastes good.”

The mutton soup is boiled on the stove, and it is just a bowl of it without any trouble.

“Okay, here we are.” When the guy came running with the bowl, he also received half a tael of broken silver from Shi Feng. He was immediately happy, and he gave him a tray of fragrant mutton buns without saying a word.

Chen He looked at Baozi stiffly:…

“What kind of look, don’t eat it.” Qu Ye picked up a piece of braised lamb and squinted at Chen He.

Chen Hemuran looked at the bowl stuffed by the senior in his hand, and obediently lowered his head to prepare to drink the soup.

The other people in the inn were completely confused. What’s the situation? After a fight, they sat and ate together, and they continued to eat.

“Apprentice, who is he from you?” Qu Ye pointed at Chen He with his chopsticks, the redness on his forehead had not disappeared.

“It’s your little apprentice, my junior.”

Ye Qu was choked by the mutton. He chopped his hands and grabbed the soup bowl in Chen He’s hands. He raised his neck and poured it in. Finally, he swallowed the choking piece of meat. He put the bowl again: “When will I? Have a little apprentice?”

Shi Feng looked at the empty bowl with a dissatisfied look: “Naturally, I accepted the apprentice on behalf of the teacher.”

“You can’t accept disciples yourself?” Qu Ye was angrily. “I have been dead for so many years. You can’t let me die safely. Do you know what’s the most hateful in the world? The emperor died, and the emperor later gave him A series of wives, all of them are queens. Some concubines have never seen him twice when they are alive. Isn’t it bad?”

“You haven’t been a general for hundreds of years, and you still think about it?”

When Shi Feng pressed it with his hand, Ye Qu couldn’t make a sound when he patted the table.

“My apprentice has another person, and they are all dead.” Shi Feng said calmly, “Why one more.”

“You–” Master Qu was held in his heart by these words, and he said for a while, “Okay, this is my little apprentice.”

Ye Qu grabbed a bun and stuffed it into Chen He’s hand, “Anyway, the meeting ceremony cannot be taken out for the teacher, so let’s eat it.”

Chen He:…

“By the way, how do you teach the apprentice… junior?” Qu Ye looked at Chen He in wonder, and then at Shi Feng, “How old is my little apprentice this year? What cultivation level?”

“Nineteen, no, it’s almost sixty.”

Chen He deliberately raised his head and lifted off Ji Guangqiu’s hood, revealing his youthful face, as well as three red moles at the corners of his eyes.

“Papa.” Qu Ye dropped the second pair of chopsticks.

The eyes are all round, and the words are spoken, but there is no mention of the “three disasters and nine difficult” fate.

“God’s transformation period?”

Ye Qu has never seen Chen He’s appearance clearly before, plus Chen He has the memory of Li Yan, and his comprehension of Beixuan school’s exercises far exceeds that of Shi Feng and Nan Hongzi. If Chen He deliberately conceals it, Ye Qu couldn’t see his strength at all.

“Who is less than a hundred years old?”

Qu Ye’s face was full of disbelief, his beard didn’t stop him.

“It’s a long story. It’s just a coincidence.” Shi Feng looked down at Chen He, his eyes full of smiles: “The junior is talented and smart.”


Qu Ye stuffed his own chopsticks mutton in a dull manner.

——The look in Shi Feng’s eyes is so gentle that it turns into water.

This kind of feeling that the apprentice ran away with someone…

“After the master was reincarnated, why not become a monk?”

“Time and luck.” Qu Ye sighed, shook his head and said, “That day, my soul was about to collapse. I didn’t have to pick it. It happened to be off the Qujia Ranch. A seven-year-old child lost his way and died near the snow-capped mountain. Now this body, it’s impossible to cultivate and ascend normally.”

Shi Feng frowned, reaching out to take a pulse.

“No need!”

Qu Ye backhand avoided, and said lightly: “The end of the road, the willows are bright, I was stationed at the border for many years in my previous life, thinking that one day I will die under the sword and fall into the sky prison. Everyone thinks I am going to die there, what will happen?”

Chen He squeezed the half-eaten buns, and decided to watch Ye Qu.

“Everything in the world is inconclusive. The road no one has walked may not be unreasonable.” Qu Ye ordered the plate with his chopsticks, and finally smiled, “Shi Feng, before I found out about your situation, I thought Either you killed the Aggregate faction into a river of blood, and then hid on an overseas island by yourself, or you went to the Black Abyss Valley disheartenedly.”

Shu Feng said nothing.

“I may not be able to fly ascension. One day I will succeed in enlightenment. I am still a little hopeful to enter the Black Abyss Valley.” Qu Ye sighed and put his chopsticks down, shook his head and said, “I’m afraid that my apprentice will give up and do not want to live! You didn’t, don’t bother me with this god.”


“Hey!” Qu Ye raised his hand to stop him, and looked sharply at Chen He, “Shu Feng, you have changed a lot and I am very happy as a teacher. Is it because of this little apprentice?”

Shi Feng replied respectfully: “Yes.”

“Poor, I don’t need me anymore.” Qu Ye said to himself.

He struggles to find out the whereabouts of “Blood Demon Shi Feng” every year. Thanks to the realm of cultivation, mortals are regarded as the blessings of martial arts masters. Some small sects even pretend to be the martial arts sect. Nan Hongzi could not hear the specific news. But major events can still be detected.

For example, the national teacher is dead.

It’s like Yuzhou’s rumor that the “Blood Demon” reappears, and it is related to some treasure.

“Brother.” Chen He finally saw some clues from Qu Ye’s beard-filled face. He quietly transmitted to Shi Feng, “Our master is very capable.”

“Well, what?”

“He is Qu Hong, I…Li Yan saw him in Black Abyss Valley.” Chen He said cautiously, “Qu Hong doesn’t grow like this, he doesn’t have such a beard, so I didn’t recognize it. Qu. Hong has never spoken to Li Yan, but brother…well, he usually takes care of the grave.”

Shi Feng was stunned, looking straight at Master.

As soon as Ye Qu raised his head over there, he was shocked, and quickly put down the lamb buns that he secretly obtained while the two apprentices were looking at each other: “Cough, man, let’s have another bowl of lamb soup.”

After eating the soup of the little apprentice, I lost my head.

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