So What If You’ve Been Reborn? Chapter 109: Fighting in the sea, the fastest update, what is the latest chapter of Rebirth!


In the squally rainy waves, under the cloudy sky, a deep blue scaly dragon rushed straight out of the sea.

I was shaking with pain, and my tail made a huge whirlpool.

The long arrow that was wrapped in the true essence continued to explode, and the Yuan Ling Jiao was tossed to **** flesh.

——The scales of the monster beast are hard, but the body is not.

It’s just that Yuanling Jiao has strong vitality, and Chen He’s arrow can only achieve this power.

The arrow was not strong enough, and Chen He was not strong enough to penetrate the Yuanling Jiao’s skull, killing it on the spot.

Yuan Ling Jiao had a severe pain in his mouth, and his rage continued. It plunged into the water, trying to find the culprit who injured it.

I expected it to be so painful just now that Chen He has seen its second weakness. The place near the tail under the abdomen was originally covered by several scales for protection. The scales can be half open, exposing underneath. Fleshy masses.

This is the weakness of all monster beasts, even monks, no matter how strong they are, they can’t practice there.

The second arrow, also penetrating the waves, brushed the scales of the ben at a very close distance, and inserted it into the gap exactly.


This sound resembled a miserable howl, and Yuanling Jiao’s long body twisted and fell heavily to the bottom of the sea.

If it weren’t for the arrow at the back, the time for the accumulation of true essence was short, and the power was far less than the one at the front. At this time, the mass of meat in the lower abdomen of the Yuan Ling Jiao would be completely broken to the point that there is no residue left.

The ship that Liang Yange was hit and almost deformed also took advantage of the concerted efforts of the cultivators to escape from the waves, barely surfaced, and was blown to one side by the wind.

Only people near Chen He saw what he did.

Stunned, unable to speak, they almost got off the boat.

Chen He is not at all uncomfortable. When life is a matter of life and death, where can he care about whether the methods are good-looking or not? The most important thing Ji Changge taught Chen He was timing.

——A person who uses a bow to learn arrows must know how to find time.

Once it appears, you have to make a decision without hesitation! Because the timing is fleeting.

Ji Changge is such a person, resolutely free and easy, he soberly chose to return to his homeland in the ancient melee, and in the dilemma that his soul reappeared repeatedly after death, he finally soberly chose Shenhunju for himself The end of destruction.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Ji Changge’s life is sad.

However, Ji Changge cherishes hatred to destroy the ancient desolate god, but he will not regret the path he has taken or his decision.

No regrets.

What you want is the result, as for the means…Who made this “opportunity” appear so unexpectedly!

Chen He moved his tingling wrist. He knew that the escape time for this ship was not long, and Yuan Ling Jiao would soon chase after this severe pain.

The furious demon Jiao might have swallowed the whole ship, and would not stop until the wood was scratched into pieces.

“Go to the sea!” a voice yelled.

Several stunned monks looked up and saw the two Nascent Soul monks in charge of the ship pointing to the sea.

There are many unclear truths, but the monks who have not seen the passing hesitate. After all, the people who fell into the sea before have become Yuan Ling Jiao’s snacks.

“This evil animal is wounded, and it must be pursued before it can slow down to the gods!” The high-ranking cultivator of Nascent Soul finished speaking, and jumped into the sea first.

He was right.

Chen He also has this plan. He doesn’t want to take risks for anyone, but if he doesn’t work hard, everyone here will not survive.

Several monks of the Jin Dan stage followed one after another to jump into the sea, while others remained on the ship, barely keeping the ship from sinking.

The sea is cold and dark.

Several vortexes tossed everyone around.

“There.” The Yuan Ying monk transmitted voice.

Yuan Ling Jiao twisted and limped on a reef on the seabed, hissing, and the sound wave shook the fishes and turned their belly, and several monks who were nearly cultivated were churning with blood.

Swiss of bright red blood emerged from Yuanling Jiao’s mouth and under his body.

Even though it soon dispersed in a large amount of sea water, the monsters were extremely **** and rich in aura, which everyone could easily distinguish.

Swimming closer, the seawater made the monks’ chests suffocated, and their bodies twitched slightly, relying on a mouthful of true essence to flow endlessly.

“Be careful, each!”

The principal of Liang Yange in the Yuan Ying stage took up the magic weapon and aimed it at Yuan Ling Jiao.

Yuan Ling Jiao seemed to feel something, roaring and moving his head, but it was a pity that it did not notice that it was activated at the same time as the smashed magic weapon, and it was made of hundreds of cartilage drawn from the body of the monster sea whale. The golden needle was quietly falling with the whirlpool.

The monster beast is extremely sensitive to the sharp gold objects refined by the monks, but not so sensitive to the things made of these bones.

The attacks of other cultivators also arrived. Although it was a little messy, everyone with the ambitions all aimed at the wound on the lower abdomen of Yuanling Jiao.

Even if you are curious about it, who made this wound, what are the taboos?

Monsters and monks, either you die or I die.

Only Chen He didn’t do it. He repeatedly rubbed the bow in his hand. The True Yuan made the bow tremble slightly, and Chen He suddenly turned his head and floated towards the sea.

Others thought he was running away, and they were very angry.

Wu Liu Yuan Ling Jiao’s whole body trembled. The original posture of shrinking into a circle, wrapped around the wound and no longer hurt, has also changed. The eyes that shine in the sea are bloodshot with hatred and become scary red Light.

Yuan Ling Jiao flicked his tail fiercely and chased Chen He furiously.

In the middle of the journey, the cartilage needles pierced into the gaps in the scales of the monster flood.

The injury was not deep, but it completely angered the Yuan Ling Jiao. It was tossing in the sea endlessly, and the real water from all over the world was spit out, rushing the monks to pieces.

The Nascent Soul cultivator dealt with Yuanling Jiao a few times under the pressure, and was almost bitten, only to retreat in embarrassment.

——In the sea, it is too difficult to beat this monster.

Especially, there is no one who is one rank higher than Yuan Ling Jiao at the moment.

Yuan Ling Jiao’s eyes were red with pain, and he couldn’t take care of those flies. In its sense, the despicable attacker was running away! Of course it has to catch up and tear that guy to pieces!

Chen He turned his head and saw the huge and hideous head in the sea, from bottom to top, pounced at him.

Beixuan technique, Baiqiao Tongxuan.

Even under such a melee, the violent aura of heaven and earth can still be absorbed by him in an endless stream, especially at this time Chen He gave up to calm and soothe the aura that enters the meridians, the speed is even more incredible.

They were close to the sea in a blink of an eye.

Chen He did not evade and rushed towards Yuanling Jiao’s blood basin.

The bow body gleaming with cyan light was instantly stuck between the teeth of the Yuanling Flood Dragon. Chen He also rolled down along the corners of the demon Flood’s split mouth at the moment of his death, and a pure flame attached to Chen. He body.

The heat was so hot that Yuan Ling Jiao trembled, and he roared instinctively, and Chen He was washed away by the air current and the water column.

Yuan Ling Jiao sprang up furiously, gritted his teeth, trying to crush the bow stuck in his teeth. The tip of his tongue could lick this **** thing out, but his tongue suffered more severe damage.

As soon as its upper and lower teeth collided, blue light appeared on the bow.

There was a loud roar!

Yuan Ling Jiao was stunned, I don’t know where the sound came from, it seems to be from his own mouth, but–

Its thoughts stopped abruptly, because a thunder in the sky smashed its head severely.

The people on the ship struggling to leave this sea in the distance:…

Under the sea to fight the Jiao, because they were not able to beat the embarrassed monks, they just emerged from the water, facing the scene before them, they also opened their eyes in surprise, with a blank look:…

On the one hand, Chen He was absorbing the spiritual energy, and on the other hand, he urged the true essence frantically, using the tactics to control the bow to tremble constantly.

The glare suddenly appeared.

Another thunder slashed fiercely. No matter how strong the scales and skin of the Yuanling Jiao were, it couldn’t stand such an attack.

It roared bitterly, but every time it opened and closed its mouth, it bent the bow against its teeth, and the sky thunder slashed down one by one, always facing Yuanling Jiao’s head.

After the six heavenly thunders passed, Chen He’s true essence was not sustained, and the meridians could not be supported, so he revoked the law.

Yuan Ling Jiao’s half body was charred, twitching and planting into the sea, floating up and down in the turbulent wind and waves, all without talent.

Chen He swam slowly over, he was very tired, and was swept in other directions by waves several times.

In the end, it was not that he swam to the side of Yuanling Jiao, but Liang Yange’s boat drove back obliquely, dozens of people joined forces and pushed the evil Jiao to Chen He’s side along the waves.

Chen He climbed onto the head of Yuanling Jiao and drew the bow.

Yuan Ling Jiao has only one breath left, and is already half dead.

Chen He simply sat on its forehead and adjusted his breath slightly.

After a long while, he opened his eyes and looked at the broken ship that was always sailing hard beside him.

——Actually, Chen He wouldn’t be surprised if this ship took the opportunity to escape, or took the opportunity to take the bow.

He seems to be exhausted, but in fact there is still the hole card of Shi Zhonghuo. If the people on the boat turn their faces, Chen He will not be afraid.

Chen He’s bow is not something that others can touch at will. You will know the Yuan Ling Jiao in the end. The storm in this sea area is violent, and there are so many thunder clouds in the sky. Lightning tore open the sky.

As a result, the people on the boat didn’t do anything, they all looked at him with complicated eyes.

The look was curiosity, surprise, and awe.

“This Daoist friend.” The elementary cultivator of Yuan Ying, who was on the ship, was so polite to let go of the realm difference, and said to Chen He, “We are about to pass through this stormy sea, and Daoists will still get on board. Take a rest, Mrs. Liang asked us to send fellow Taoists to the boat off the coast of Yazhou on the next island.”

Chen He boarded the boat without saying a word.

“Xiaozhen once said that fellow Taoists are extraordinary, so I asked me to take care of them all the way. Now it seems that I have been more worried.” This man is Tong Xiaozhen’s brother. He hurt his lungs and coughed a few times. With a wry smile, he bowed his hand to Chen He, “Tong Xiaozhen said earlier that he had offended a fellow daoist, so I will make amends for him. If I have a chance in the future, let him come and apologize.”

Chen He glanced at him, nodded carelessly, and stepped out of the cabin.

Leaving only a group of people on the deck is still a little frightened, and there is confusion in their minds.

“Hey, my cartilage needle was smashed by thunder!” The Yuan Ying monk who took the lead in the sea sighed with regret.

“Senior–what is the bow of that fellow Taoist?” someone asked.

Everyone saw the scene of Yuanling Jiao struggling in Lei Guang.

“It is reported that before the ancient barren continent was broken, Liuboshan in the East China Sea, with the name of the animal, roared like thunder, which can shock all directions. When entering and leaving the water, the storm winds up, and it can emit a dazzling light, and the thunder beast.” /

The Nascent Soul monk who lost the magic weapon stroked his beard and sighed, “This person’s bow is probably made of horns or bones, and there are more kuai souls among them. As we all know, we must subdue the beast. Only to defeat it! I don’t know where this little friend has a good chance!”

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