So What If You’ve Been Reborn? Chapter 19: Speak well, the fastest update, what is the latest chapter of Rebirth!

“Boss, this is not good, the two people have unknown origins!”

The thin man with a white paper fan in his hand quietly glanced at the carriage behind, and whispered sneakily in the ear of the scar leader of the convoy, “You don’t need to climb so high to avoid the wolves. , There is no fresh wolf dung in the woods, obviously lying!”

“Idiot, can you go up to such a high tree? Can you step on a few branches at will and get down?”

“Uh, if there is a rope…”

“Did you see the rope?” The Scarlet leader tapped his skinny with a riding whip. “If they are really evil, even if we leave, they won’t be able to keep up? You can’t see through after having been with me for so many years! “

The thin man touched his forehead and said: “Look at the two men in unusual dresses and white clothes. The cloth head of the material is estimated to be woven by the southern county government. Good guy, at least this number!”

Someone next to him lightly spoke: “Really, that clothes are more expensive than our cart?”

“What do you know, the line is a good Suzhou-Hangzhou product, and the cutting craftsmanship is not much worse. Isn’t it all for no money? Really think you can buy a car?” The thin man shook the paper fan nondescriptly , He was wearing a short suit with a dagger on his waist, but he insisted on pretending to be a koo-tau sergeant, pretending to say deeply, “Boss, I think they have a big/trouble with them! Maybe they are being hunted down!”

Their self-conceited conversation was clearly heard by the brothers in the broken wagon behind.

Every time they said, Chen He moved anxiously, and in the end he had shrunk to the corner farthest from Shi Feng, with his head down and listless. Chen He originally felt that his excuse was a bit far-fetched, but he could always get past. , I didn’t expect those lies to be so clumsy. Not only did people see that they didn’t tell the truth, but they could even see that they had trouble being tracked.

Shi Feng smiled silently.

Chen He became more guilty, hesitated to say something, his head was touched by the senior.

The carriage was very broken, and only three people could barely squeeze in. Even though Chen He shrank to the very side, Shi Feng could easily pull him back with his hand.

The slender fingers hold Chen He’s left hand and write leisurely in his palm.

“Don’t underestimate ordinary people?” Chen He looked up.

Release Feng nodded.

Everything is a path between heaven and earth, and a cultivator can understand the Tao from swimming fish and birds, but how can he underestimate the wisdom of people in the common world.

Shu Feng doesn’t want Chen He to become that kind of arrogant and indifferent comprehensionist who regards mortals as ants. Such a cultivator, first of all, forgets that he is a human being, he can’t even do it, and he still wants to become an immortal?

Chen He tilted his head for a moment and continued to eavesdrop on outside voices.

“Second master, you said they were hunted down?”

“What second master, call me a military division!”

The thin man shook his head and said, “They claim to be two brothers, and it is the young man who is in charge, but he always cares about the other one from time to time, as if he is asking for opinions, so I dare to say that the two of them really speak well. It is another person!”

Chen He snorted boredly.

Not really! His senior did not speak at all! ! Where is the “speaking good”?

Seeing Chen He’s unrestrainedness, Shi Feng jokes his junior forehead amusedly.

“…The most important thing is that with my pair of tricks from someone Huang, I can’t see the material of the clothes on that person. The skills of these two people may reach the realm, just like the eyes of Daxue Mountain. The guy above his head was actually willing to talk to us and got into our carriage. Isn’t this intentional to hide what happened?”

Chen He showed a thoughtful look.

In the end, even the leader of the team lowered his voice and said: “I didn’t smell blood, but judging from the young man’s cautious and always trying to help his brother, the other person is afraid of injury. Body. Although they are in trouble, I think they are just getting lost or waiting for someone. Otherwise, even if they are squatting on a tree, we will not be able to find their tracks. They are not like people who are afraid to evade and kill.”

“The leader is wise.”

“Hmph, if it’s really troublesome, how can I be nosy! I’ll take you along this road, everyone’s wealth and lives are on my body, and we are in trouble, we can help when we encounter someone trapped. Many friends, many ways. If we can’t turn our heads and leave, don’t have any guilt or scruples!”

“Yes!” Sergeant Huang Shouzi was convinced, holding the fan and nodding.

Chen He in the carriage was also a little in a daze. He didn’t expect that he was talking nonsense and hitchhiking on the road at will, but in the eyes of others, there was no secret at all.

“Brother, what do they do?” Chen He leaned close to Shi Feng and asked.

Shi Feng glanced at him and ignored him.

“I couldn’t think of it. It was said that the dart was not the flag, and the caravan was too fierce.” Chen He thought hard.

As for the horse thief, it is even more different. In the wasteland outside the Red Wind Desert in the northwest, what does such a group of Central Plains people with a strong atmosphere of rivers and lakes do?


Shi Feng couldn’t help but wrote a word in Chen He’s palm.


Chen He was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized that he was a private salt dealer!

Mobei is deserted and the northwest is poor. Salt, iron, and tea must be transported out of the customs. Even if Beidi surrenders to the Central Plains, the number of border trades is still limited each year. Some large tribes don’t have to worry about food, and small tribes can’t live. Therefore, there was war in the grasslands every year, and human lives were used to fill this gap.

Selling private salt is indeed a lucrative business!

It’s also a work with their heads in their heads. The sandstorms, horse thieves, wolves, and even the face-turning of the trading tribe on the wasteland may kill them forever.

Chen He stretched his head out of the window to look at the people who rode and drove the car, held a leather bag of spirits, and joked with vulgar slang.

“The boss…”

Skinny Huang turned his head to see Chen He, and couldn’t help but go over and mutter: “Boss, what do you think they look like, how do they cover their heads?”

——Finally, Shi Feng didn’t put on the mask cloth that his junior brother kindly cut him, but just imposed a blinding trick on himself, making them think that they had a hat on their heads.

“If they are really in trouble, they don’t let us know what they look like. It’s for our sake.” The leader said indifferently, and the ugly scar on his face shook, and he took his horse whip and made a short sound. .

“Brothers, pay attention to the goods and check the axles! The old rule is to sleep directly in the car. Don’t drink too much alcohol. You can already see other caravans in the distance. Three hours later, we will arrive in Cangshi. Town, please be alert!”

Speaking of the leader, a series of assignments began. Who will watch the night watch, who will stare at the kitchen to cook, who will stare at the horse feed, Mr. Zero will never say anything.

Chen He heard the sound and looked into the distance, and sure enough there was a vague trail of the horse team in the wind and sand.

——The leader of the salt dealer is not instructing his men after arriving in the town, probably to prevent others from hearing it.

Chen He silently thought, even if he had the secret of empowerment from the senior, he still had many things he didn’t understand.

When I retracted into the car, I saw that Shi Feng had closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. Chen He also sat cross-legged obediently.

He dared not sleep.

Chen He has no extra jade balls. If he wants to remember today, he must not sleep.

Heiyuan Valley is like a paradise. Chen He is used to using meditation instead of sleeping every day. It is relaxed and comfortable, but now that the brother is seriously injured by the heart demon, Chen He feels that he must learn to be alone.

It should be okay for a cultivator to stay awake for a few days, Chen He just never tried.

——When you leave this private salt dealer team, find a safe place and rest.

As the twilight/falls, the noise outside gradually increases.

There was the sound of horses neighing in the caravan, and other caravans not far away. Someone was shouting anxiously:

“What is going on? What are you doing in front of you, it’s getting dark, and the wolves are not vegetarian!”

Chen He moved his eyebrows and condensed his energy.

He didn’t disturb Shi Feng who was still adjusting his breath, and silently looked out.

Sure enough, there are many convoys crowded together, the night will sink, and people will light torches. Not only people, but even horses are restless.

“The leader, it seems to be the cattle noses of Daxue Mountain.” Sergeant Huang Shouzi hurried back, looking nervous, “Blocking the road to Cangshi Town, it’s like losing something, everyone takes it. I was exploring there with a compass. Really hell, apart from burning knives in Cangshi Town, there are only women who are so ugly that I don’t want to look at them. What are those gods and silly Taoist priests running for?”

“Shut up!” The leader glared at him.

It is said that the people living on Daxue Mountain are all gods. Regardless of whether the rumors are true or false, it is a fact that there is no imperial garrison within thousands of miles of the snowy mountains, and the tribes in the northwest dare not venture in.

“The Taoist commander, there is a patient in our motorcade who was bitten by a wolf and is in urgent need of treatment. Can you please–“

“Yes, people and horses have been tired for a day, and there is such a place to rest after a long journey.”

Several Taoists in green robes, no matter how hard everyone begged, they were not moved at all. Chen He caught a glimpse of the dust on their shoes. They looked like they were stepping on rocks, but they didn’t actually step on them. real.

Treading on the emptiness, the cultivator of the Nascent Soul Stage!

Chen He narrowed his eyes and quickly retracted his head.

But the peeping just now attracted the attention of a Taoist man. He immediately looked here, seemingly motionless, and suddenly appeared beside the carriage.

“Ah!” The thin army division frightened the fan.

The Taoist in Tsing Yi is holding a whisk and wearing a three-clear crown, his eyes are like ice:

“He sent juniors, don’t sign up yet!”

Chen He quietly lifted his palm. Although he was in the two realms of this person, he didn’t feel scared at all. Chen He himself had secretly calculated many times in his heart, how could he find revenge for those old and immortal apprentices in Gu Li? How could it be possible to frighten him in a Yuan Ying period?

Suddenly one hand held him down, and Shi Feng didn’t know when to open his eyes.

Brother? Chen He asked silently and worriedly.

“Junior, don’t you even have heard of the Great Snow Mountain Universe View?” The man swept the dust with contempt, and the curtain in front of the carriage flew up immediately.

The Taoist was slightly startled, because with his strength, the carriage should fall apart and become fly ash.

Everyone was quietly looking at this side, only to see the curtain raised, a man in a crimson robe, sleeves hanging from his knees, clearly visible slender fingers, black hair scattered on the red clothes .

Before he could see his face clearly, he was swept away by those eyes that implied sharp light, and everyone suddenly felt like cold water, their whole body stiff and unable to move.

The curtain fell back again, and they felt the horses sizzle around, the hot air and the flaring sound of torches burning.

Others didn’t see Shi Feng’s appearance, but the Taoist Tsing Yi was an exception, but he was not much better, and immediately trembled and deeply surveyed: “I don’t know if the seniors are here, how rude, please forgive me.”

Chen He:…

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