I Made the World Mutate Chapter 835: Communicate

“The Zhengshen system is obviously stronger than other systems. Why is it that even a miscellaneous **** like the door **** has special supernatural powers, but the city **** does not?”

Xiao Mu has explored his destiny for a long time, but he has not found any special magical powers in the Zhengshen system, which makes him surprised.

“Could it be said that the righteous **** system is not aimed at a certain special ability, but all systems develop together? That’s why it is qualified to be called righteous god?”

A new idea suddenly came out of Xiao Mu’s heart, so he soon felt that it might be true.

Otherwise, if even the partial **** system is inferior, the righteous **** system will be called the righteous **** system in vain.

“Maybe, in addition to the vision cultivation method, the righteous **** system also has its own cultivation methods, but because of the ancient wars, these cultivation methods have been destroyed in the world.”

Another thought flashed into Xiao Mu’s heart, which made him feel extremely sorry.

“My situation in the world is not optimistic. Perhaps the strong in the world have also explored some special cultivation methods, such as Zhou Xuanmen, and cultivated their own cursed artillery.”

“Unfortunately, different systems and cultivation methods may be different. Zhou Xuanmen’s cursed artillery has no reference to me.”

All kinds of thoughts flashed in Xiao Mu’s heart, comparing the various methods he had practiced with the cultivators in the world and heaven, and readjusting his own path.

Someone contacted me again?

The divine consciousness suddenly agitated, Xiao Mu felt new, closed his eyes, and extended the divine consciousness. The next moment, he found that he was in a temple that he had never seen before.

In front of his face, Xu Qianwu stood impressively.

“Xiao Xiao, it’s me.” Xu Qianwu said calmly.

“Hello, Mr. Xu, is there anything I can help with?” Xiao Mu, who is familiar with Xu Qianwu’s character, didn’t make a roundabout.

“Hehe, Xiao Xiao understands me.” Xu Qianwu grinned, “We recently encountered new enemies. After a great battle, there were casualties for each other, but one of them was an alien who broke into the night. Lin Village.”

“I know you are in Moulin Village, so I specifically urge you to pay attention to this person.”

“Someone broke into Moulin Village?”

Xiao Mu was stunned. It is not uncommon for people from outside the world to enter Mulin Village. After all, the protection level of Mulin Village is average, and from time to time there will be people from outside the world entering through various means.

This time Xu Qianwu deliberately contacted himself, indicating that the alien who broke into Mulin Village is very special.

“This person, please pay attention, if you encounter it, kill it if you can kill it. If you can’t kill it, please contact us.”

“Now, the headquarters has sent strong gods to help out. Our protection level in Moulin Village has been greatly improved. Even if the strong gods like Tai Cang Chenghuang come, it will not be pleased.”

Xu Qianwu is full of confidence in his current strength. While talking, he stretched out his hand and pointed in the air, using energy to reveal a man who looked like fifteen or six years old, with a fair complexion, but with a black patch on his right face. The scar left by the power of the curse took up almost half of his face.

This person looks like a teenager from the outside, but the age of the altered person can’t be judged from the outside at all. In addition, maybe because of the injury, this person looks a bit gloomy.

Xiao Mu silently wrote down the appearance of this man and asked Xu Qianwu, “Elder Xu, what is the strength of this man? In addition to appearance, what are the characteristics of strength?”

“The strength is not low. It may be in the late stage of the spirit realm or even at the peak. As for the characteristics of strength, this person is a **** of the reincarnation system and possesses a special magical power. I can’t tell the specifics. At that time, we were surrounded Among them, the other aliens were killed, only this one escaped with unknown magical powers.”

An unknown magical power?

Xiao Mu was startled. After Heavenly Dao completely entered the world, various special abilities have been revealed for various partial gods.

Even, Xiao Mu felt that maybe people outside the sky would still cultivate some magical powers that he didn’t know, and most of these magical powers might not exist in the human world.

Frowned and asked Xu Qianwu, “Elder Xu, does this person have no clues left? We also have a changer in the reincarnation system, so I haven’t found anything from it?”

“The clues are not without them, but they are not clear. First, they left the wave of reincarnation power, and even found some traces of black nether spring water.”

Xu Qianwu said and showed a group of shadows with energy, just like a video, but more three-dimensionally than the video to show Xiao Mu.

This is on the top of a mountain. The breath left by the power of reincarnation can be sensed on a few large rocks nearby. Among them, a few stones on the ground are dripped by the black nether spring. , So the stone was corroded and penetrated by the nether spring water, and even the ground was corroded into an extremely deep hole.

“I wrote it down, thank you Mr. Xu, I will pay attention to this person.”

Xiao Mu remembered the remaining traces in his heart, and thanked Xu Qianwu smoothly.

“That sentence.”

Xu Qianwu carried his hands on his back, “If you can resist, you will resist, if you can’t resist, you will ask us for help. Right now, there are enough strong people on our side, and the strength is also strong enough, not afraid of aliens.”

Elder Xu is very confident.

Looking at Xu Qianwu, Xiao Mu suddenly felt an interesting feeling in his heart. It seemed that he didn’t know that his strength had been improved again since he left the ruins.

Forget it, I will surprise you when I meet again later.

Xiao Mu knew that Xu Qianwu was worried about his lack of strength and could not deal with the power of the gods of the reincarnation system, so he reminded him repeatedly.

This dispelled Xiao Mu, who had originally planned to show off his strength in front of Xu Qianwu.

Without showing off, thank Xu Qianwu again.

“I really don’t know why you have to act alone. It’s great to be with us.” Xu Qianwu sighed and recruited Xiao Mu, “Xiao Xiao, should you consider joining us?”

“No, haha, Mr. Xu, you are in the light, I am in the dark, we cooperate with each other, I think it will be more helpful for investigating the whereabouts of Heavenly Court and Life and Death Sect.”

Xiao Mu smiled and rejected Xu Qianwu’s kindness, and then said goodbye to Xu Qianwu, leaving Shennian from the spirit.

“The powerhouses with the reincarnation system have entered Moulin Village. Moulin Village is really getting more and more lively.”

Opening his eyes, Xiao Mu talked to herself, and after thinking about it, he sent Zhao Jingyan, Zhu Ping, and Li Gujian a copy of the information about the gods of the reincarnation system that Xu Qianwu had just told him, so that the three would pay attention.

After that, Xiao Mu went downstairs, opened the shop for business, and took the opportunity to practice.


“Now plan to tell me, where did you get your information?”

Yu Jiasheng looked at Zhu Ping, who was standing in front of his desk, with a hint of reproach in his tone.

I deliberately separated from Li Gujian. Zhu Ping, who came to see Yu Jiasheng alone, didn’t panic. He slowly said the words that he had thought up a long time ago, “The leader is really wise. This information is indeed not my own discovery, but one of mine. My friends communicated to me.”

Zhu Ping’s answer did not surprise Yu Jiasheng, but his eyes gradually sharpened, full of vigilance, “Friend, who is this friend of yours? Through what channel did he know that the alien attacked the village Information about the team location?”

Zhu Ping smiled and said: “This friend is about to meet the leader. If the leader wants to see him, I can introduce him on his behalf, and the leader can ask my friend for clues.”

“He wants to see me?”

Yu Jiasheng was stunned. This time Zhu Ping’s words exceeded his expectations. He didn’t expect Zhu Ping’s so-called friend to see him.

“Since you want to see me, why doesn’t your friend come directly to protect the village team?”

Yu Jiasheng stared at Zhu Ping, as if to see something from Zhu Ping’s expression.

Zhu Ping suddenly felt tired and looked at Yu Jiasheng.

The leader, although you are the leader of the village protection team and your status in Moulin Village is quite high, you are not high enough for Brother Mu to come and see him in person?

The leader of the village protection team, in the eyes of Brother Mu, is nothing good, okay?

Zhu Ping, who was full of slander, said helplessly, “If the leader wants to know the reason, why not meet my friend directly?”

“This friend of yours is from Heaven?” Yu Jiasheng suddenly thought of something, and his expression became severe.

Leader, where did you think, I dare to associate with the heavenly people?

Zhu Ping was taken aback, but immediately became dumbfounded, busy defending, “The leader, don’t get me wrong, this friend of mine is 100% human and a member of the alliance.”

“People in the world?” Yu Jiasheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhu Ping took the opportunity to continue: “If the leader wants to see him, please notify me at any time. I will take the leader to see this friend. At that time, all the questions of the leader can be asked to this friend.”

“You let me think about it.” Yu Jiasheng waved his hand, indicating that Zhu Ping could go out.

The leader is still worried about Brother Mu’s identity.

Zhu Ping secretly sighed and walked out of Yu Jiasheng’s office, and then walked to the reference room, where he planned to look up clues related to Bai Fujun.

Fortunately, the outsiders attacked the village guard team only to kill and gain power, and did not deliberately destroy it. The information in the data room is fairly complete.

“Old Zhu, I have seen the leader, what did the leader say?”

At the entrance of the data room, Lao Tan and Zhu Ping, who were newly transferred to guard the data room, greeted them.

“The chief is just worried that I will make friends with the outside world, and it will be fine if I open it. Lao Tan, I want to check the information related to Baifujun.”

Zhu Ping answered Lao Tan’s question calmly.

“The third bookshelf in the E area on the left can find the information of Baifujun.”

Lao Tan threw a white sign to Zhu Ping casually.

“Thanks!” Zhu Ping took the sign, walked into the reference room, and walked to the left E area to look for the third bookshelf.

The village guard team does not have a lot of information about Baifujun. Most of them are well-known records. For example, Dalinyuan is a site left by the ancient battles and Baifujun battles with the immortal gods. Another example is the Baifujun once built a temple in Molin Village, but because of the age, the temple of Baifujun originally built in Molin Village is no longer found.

“Brother Mu wants valuable information, not worthless information that everyone knows.”

Zhu Ping sighed, took out a book about Bai Fujun and read it carefully, looking for important clues that others had neglected.


“Zhu Ping said that his friend wants to see me, do I want to see him?”

“Zhu Ping didn’t say the identity of his friend, why? Could it be that his friend’s identity is very secret, and he can’t say it to outsiders casually?”

“Zhu Ping said that the person was from the Alliance, should he really be from the Alliance?”

“Since the people in the alliance know that some aliens have attacked the village protection team, why don’t they stop it? What’s the secret?”

“This person wants to see me suddenly? Why did he want to see me?”

Yu Jiasheng was worried, worried about Xiao Mu’s identity, and was undecided whether he should see Xiao Mu.


In the next few days, Xiao Mu has been cultivating, on the one hand to consolidate his realm, on the other hand, he continued to consume energy fruits in preparation for breaking through the peak of the gods.

The big leader Wu Jie gave him the energy fruits he wanted through the divine appearance, totaling 15,000 pieces, and then Xiao Mu would not have to worry about the energy fruits needed to break into the peak of the divine spirit realm.

During this period, Xiao Mu deliberately practiced the Three Element Refinement Technique. Since entering the late stage of the Spirit Realm, his cultivation of the Three Element Refinement Technique has become easier, and more energy can be incorporated into the Tian Yuan position. Among them, the Tian Yuan position After being full of energy, the virtual Taiji diagram in the middle side becomes more powerful and solid.

This kind of result has further enhanced the strength that Tian Yuanwei can exert in the authority of the gods. Xiao Mu even felt that with his current strength, even if he faced Tai Cang Chenghuang alone, he would have the power to fight.

The only thing he regrets is “The King’s Conferment of Power”. “The King’s Conferment of Power” can help the emperor’s authority. But the problem is that Xiao Mu has no good way to quickly improve the “King’s Conferment of Power” practice.

Because this practice method can only be improved by the authority of others, in the absence of help from others, Xiao Mu himself can’t do anything no matter how anxious ~ IndoMTL.com~ Has Zhu Ping not found any clues to Baifujun? “

“The mountain **** order cannot be given away for free, it must be exchanged with something valuable, otherwise one’s position in the eyes of others will be lowered, and those who get it will not cherish it.”

Xiao Mu talked to herself, feeling anxious about when Zhu Ping could find clues about Bai Fujun.

But no matter what, he will not give the mountain **** order to the other party without Zhu Ping paying anything.

“I hope Zhu Ping can find valuable clues as soon as possible, and Li Gujian. If necessary, I can urge it. No, forget it. The urge will definitely reduce my status in their minds.”

As soon as a thought came into Xiao Mu’s mind, he quickly dispelled him and decided to let the situation develop on its own.

In the past few days, some ordinary people have bought Taoism from his shop, but unfortunately the person he has been waiting for related to the power of reincarnation has never come.

Xiao Mu, who has long been accustomed to all kinds of strange things after the world mutation, is not in a hurry, and patiently waits slowly.

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