Gate of Revelation Chapter 828:

“Congratulations, you have reached the first step.”

This time, GM made a real voice: “But I must remind you that almost all the power you have now has been released with the explosion just now.”

“It’s okay.” Chen Xiaolian waved his hand weakly: “The seed of power is still in my body. It only takes a while to recover. Let me… take a break.”

Chen Xiaolian closed his eyes and relaxed.

“But at least the part of the power that comes from the singularity, you will lose it forever. According to my calculations, even if you fully recover, your overall strength will drop below 60% of the original, or even more. “

“It doesn’t matter.” Chen Xiaolian did not open his eyes.

Pure strength, in the future battle with Chen, is no longer so important.

What determines the outcome is the understanding of the essential rules of the world.

Just like in the Los Angeles dungeon that just ended, Chen Xiaolian can change Adric’s identity as the boss, take out the dominant embryo in his body, and change the result of the zombie skills. It does not rely on his own power. It depends on the ability to read the world’s code.

What’s more, a singularity in operation, a new Zero City, is indispensable in his future negotiations with Chen.

GM stopped talking.

Chen Xiaolian rested for a while, feeling that the evacuated power in his body had recovered some, and then slowly opened his eyes: “Well, now is the time for us to set up this new zero city. Just now we have controlled the singularity outbreak. At that time, you should now have the authority to control this space.”

“Yes. If you ask, I will execute it.”

“So… let me imitate that famous scene!” Chen Xiaolian laughed, straightened his body, changed a solemn tone, and said loudly in the void: “First of all, there must be light. !”

A dazzling light immediately radiated from the rotating chaos.

“The space where the singularity is located must be hidden, just like the Palace of Longevity.” Chen Xiaolian thought for a while and continued.

The singularity rotated a bit and disappeared in place, but the surrounding space is still the same.

“The ground, and gravity.”

A vast white ground appeared below, and Chen Xiaolian fell on the ground lightly, nodded in satisfaction: “Okay, let’s do it for now.”

“This is your New Zero City? A space with nothing?” GM asked strangely.

“Of course not.” Chen Xiaolian smiled: “The layout inside, I intend to copy the original appearance of Zero City. But I can’t remember so much, so let’s leave it to Adric.”

“Adric?” GM’s voice was a little surprised: “You rebuilt Zero City, is it to let them in?”

“Why? Can’t it?” Chen Xiaolian raised his eyebrows: “This is the place I built. Whoever I want to come in, let anyone come in! Don’t say it is Adric, I will let all the awakening Everyone comes in, that’s my power too!”

“Let all the awakened come in?” GM was silent for a moment: “Chen Xiaolian, you still haven’t told me something.”

“You can see it.”

Chen Xiaolian smiled: “Yes, I have further plans. And… still have some things you don’t know. To be honest, it feels really good.”

“What’s good?”

“When I first became a vulnerable person, almost everyone in my eyes knew more than me, and there were only one or two, and they all liked to mock me.” Chen Xiaolian smiled with emotion: “You too Okay, Mr. Umbrella… At that time, in my eyes, you were all big guys and knew the truth of almost everything, but you just refused to tell me all in a straightforward manner, but asked me to think and guess. Go find…

But now, we have finally reversed! My ‘real’ understanding of the world has surpassed your GM. And I can choose…not to tell you the answer you want to know. This feeling is simply great! “

“Holding a stand in front of me?” GM snorted softly: “Aren’t you afraid that I refuse to cooperate with you?”

“You won’t. When you know the truth, you will never refuse.” Chen Xiaolian shook his head confidently.

“Chen Xiaolian, you are swollen…”


High in the sky, a small aircraft is flying fast.

Dottoro is flying the plane. Adric was sitting in the back cabin, with his head down, like a frozen statue.

Since he got on the aircraft, he hasn’t said a word or moved more than half a minute.

What happened in the copy just now is beyond his understanding.

How did Chen Xiaolian possess such terrifying power now?

And he… said he wanted to help, what did he mean?

The communicator has been pinched in his hand, and the entire surface has been wet with sweat.

“Team leader?”

Dodoro’s voice suddenly sounded in the cabin that had been silent.

“Commander, Bass just reported to us that the supply of the base has almost bottomed out.”

Adric raised his head and saw the sad look on Dodoro’s face.

The invasion of Zero City happened too suddenly. Although some simple preparations were made before the evacuation, the storage equipment of the evacuees was still mainly equipment and equipment.

Although everyone originally carried some rations with them, they couldn’t help but consume them for so long. In particular, many of the evacuated personnel were members of peripheral teams. Their storage equipment level was not high, space was limited, and they were not able to load too many things.

On the icy and snowy Antarctic continent, as long as there is enough energy, clean water is endless, but food does not have much origin.

In these days, the penguins around the temporary base have been eaten to extinction.

“How long will it last?” Adric nodded.

“About…a week.” Dodoro replied quickly: “Bass said in the phone call that he has planned two plans. One is to send a few people out of the base to collect food, and the target is South Africa. And Argentina. Another option is…an order to open the base to prohibit going out. Now it’s just waiting for your decision.”

“The second type is not feasible yet.” Adric shook his head: “Our current strength recovery is not enough. Now that the ban is lifted, it is likely that other Awakener teams and even players will discover our existence. .”

Speaking of which, Adric started to have a headache again.

In the past six months, the remnants of Zero City have also been selected by the system from time to time and must be forced to participate in the copy. And Adric personally went into battle every time, accompany them to participate in the dungeon, the purpose is to ensure that no matter whether the dungeon wins or not, no other team can learn the whereabouts of the Zero City Remnant Party.

It’s not so much protection, but **** means more.

After all, among the personnel who evacuated Zero City at the time, there were not many veterans with strong combat capabilities, and most of them were logistics personnel responsible for managing and maintaining Zero City.

Although these people are also awakened, they have been strengthened, but relying on these numbers of people, it is obviously impossible to withstand the hunting of the entire world of awakened.

But if the extraterrestrial genes obtained in the Los Angeles copy can be preserved…now they still need to care about this kind of thing!

“Yes, I think so too.” Duodoro nodded and stretched out his arms: “I have sent the list of food preparation personnel…”

A buzzer of the communicator suddenly sounded.

Adric’s expression did not change, but his eyes flickered for an instant.

“The leader…?”

Dodoro looked at the communicator in Adric’s hand and swallowed nervously.

Adric pondered for a moment and picked up the communicator to connect.

“Adric? This is Chen Xiaolian.” On the other side of the call, Chen Xiaolian’s voice was simple and crisp: “To make a long story short, I have a place to house your people.”

“To be specific.” Adrick pondered for a second: “What kind of place, where is the location, and the most important question, why should I trust you?”

“I know you still don’t trust me, so I didn’t ask where you are or plan to find you.” Chen Xiaolian smiled: “Give you an address, you come to me. I will let you see I see.”

After speaking, Chen Xiaolian reported an address and ended the call.

Adric put down the communicator and slowly closed his eyes.

“Will this be… a trap?” Dodoro asked cautiously.

“No.” Adric thought for a while and shook his head: “With Chen Xiaolian’s current strength, if you want to kill me, you can be in the dungeon before. There is no need to wait until now.”

“Okay… right.” Duodoro hesitated and nodded: “Then we turn around?”

“No.” Adric’s answer was unexpected to Dodoro: “I will go alone. You continue to keep your course and go back to the base.”

“What?” Dodoro was taken aback, and Adric had already opened the hatch.

The strong air currents high in the sky immediately swept into the cabin.

“If… I mean if, what’s wrong with me…” Adric thought for a while and turned to Dodoro behind him: “You are responsible for leading the base. Any place in the future, no matter it is Inside or outside the dungeon, stay away from Chen Xiaolian and his team.”

“I understand.” Dodoro nodded slowly, watching Adric jump out of the hatch.

A small aircraft was taken out. Adric jumped slightly into the cabin, started the engine, drew a sharp arc, and flew out in the other direction.

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