I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 236: Queen ant

The canyon battle all morning.

Ling Ping An finally smiled.

The first auxiliary national service is the first to start!

Putting down the phone, he stretched!

“In the gorge, there will be no more regrets!” he declared triumphantly.

And this also means that he may not play this game again in the near future.


He has to start preparing for the new book!

If you don’t write a new book anymore, when my aunt comes back, you really have to be prepared for a hard time.

So, the young web writer went upstairs, fetched the ring watch, and then opened the ‘Nightmare Legend Family Commander’ on the phone. He wanted to enter the family’s territory again and began to look for inspiration.


In the midsummer of Kyoto, the sun is hot.

Walking in this ancient city, modern and traditional are intertwined.

A thousand years ago, five hundred years ago, three hundred years ago, two hundred years ago, buildings abound.

From the culture brought back by the envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty, to the modern industry brought back by the envoys sent to the summer.

All are reflected in this ancient city.

Li An’an and Chu Weiwei are walking on the narrow road, which is Sansanzaka in Kyoto.

If you look up, you can see Kiyomizu Temple on Otowa Mountain.

It is an ancient temple and one of the most famous temples in Fusang.

On the ancient Shinto, women wearing traditional Fuso costumes stepped on wooden clogs and passed by.

These are people who went to Kiyomizu Temple to pray.

“Captain… We are like this, can we really find a whore?” Chu Wei asked in a low voice.

Li Anan nodded confidently: “It will definitely be possible!”

“If it doesn’t work today, tomorrow, if it doesn’t work tomorrow, the day after tomorrow… someday, we can find them!”

If you find one, you can find many.

And then uproot this humanoid alien!

You can even find the source of their birth and pinch off the source to prevent their rebirth.

This is the experience of the Federation Empire in suppressing zombies.

Further certification was later obtained on the Mandrill in Silla!

Chu Weiwei listened, but was a little dazed: “How much time does it take?”

Li Anan smiled and said: “It won’t be long…”

“Since they cannibalize people, they will definitely commit crimes again!”

She looked at the nearby alley: “And here is a good place to commit crimes…”

Sannianzaka, Ernianzaka…

They are all famous Shinto in Kyoto, and most of the pedestrians are women.

Furthermore, the buildings here are old and the streets are dim, making this the best place to hide for aliens.

“Huh!” Li Anan suddenly turned around: “A coffee shop?”

“There is a coffee shop in this place?” She dragged Chu Weiwei up and walked towards the coffee shop that opened deep in the alley on the side of Shinto.

When they got closer, the two people saw the sign: Shindai Coffee Shop.

Obviously, this is a store whose name is the family name.

This is very common in Fusang.

“Let’s go in for a drink and have a taste!” Li An’an said, pulling Chu Weiwei into it.

As soon as they entered the door, the two immediately noticed it, and a dozen eyes looked over.

They are all customers in this coffee shop.

Most of them wear Fusang school uniforms, and they don’t look very old.

“A bunch of kids…” Li Anan smiled and took Chu Weiwei to a table by the window and sat down.

A hibiscus girl, holding the menu, came to the two of them.

She looked at Li An’an and Chu Weiwei, and naturally knew that these two were tourists, and they were tourists from that powerful country.

So, she immediately asked in Federal language: “Two guests, what do you need?”

“Let’s have a copy of the most famous coffee and desserts here!” Li Anan said grandiosely.

She has been promoted to major, her salary has skyrocketed!

I don’t care much about expenses at all.

Anyway, she has no worries or pressure!

“Okay!” The waiter immediately took the menu and walked to the service counter.

I said something to the person who seemed to be the store manager. The person looked up at the two women from the Federal Empire sitting in the window.

He frowned immediately.

“Don’t make trouble!” He lowered his voice: “We can’t offend these people!”

“Hayi!” The waiter bowed deeply and went to work with the plate.

But the other people in this coffee shop are calm and don’t know what they are thinking?


Ling Ping An looked at her invisible body like a cloud, floating around in this game world.

Although it was the second time, he still felt quite interesting.

So, on the bank of the river with his mind, he built a statue that looked like him.

It’s just a pity that he, who is blind, really lacks artistic cells.

So this statue looks weird.

“Hey…” He waved his hand gently and scattered the statue: “Let’s go to the so-called creation base to see how to create species…”

So, he floated gently towards the huge base standing on the river bend.

His body was like blue smoke, drifting past and near the base. The doors that seemed to be made of some kind of metal immediately sensed his arrival, and they all opened.

An electronic mechanical sound came from the base: “Welcome! Great master!”

Lingping listened, and laughed: “There are smart controls? It’s quite real…”

However, he didn’t care about these little things.

Because, this time he came to create life and find material for his new book.

We must hurry!

So, his shadow floated in gently.

As if knowing how to go, just like the automatic wayfinding settings of previous online games, he floated straight into a huge metal cabin.

A light door opens automatically.

“This seems to be the so-called’basic biological training component’…” Lingping looked at the facility in front of him, which was full of futuristic science fiction, but seemed a little weird and unharmonious. He thought: “Let Let me see, how do you manipulate it?”

His figure floated under a suspended cover.

Looking at this cover, his eyes saw countless possibilities.

At this moment, he seemed to understand something.

As soon as the mind moved, one by one weird equipment began to work.

“That’s it! That’s how it is!” After trying for a while, Lingping understood: “Is the way of thinking manipulation based on mind?”

“It seems that this virtual reality game technology has improved again!”

In the past, he had to go through the prompts and guidance of the game to know how to operate.

But now, seeing everything in front of him, he feels familiar.

It seems that he is born to understand how to manipulate and guide, and he seems to have been perfused with some knowledge.

Undoubtedly, this must be the technology of the game, which has made a breakthrough!

“We’ll know when we wait for the next nightmare game…” he thought.

He began to manipulate the instruments in front of him. After a while, he roughly understood the function and operation of the facilities here.

This is a large-scale life dissection, analysis, extraction and cultivation facility.

Similar to the gene factory in science fiction that Lingping has seen.

It can realize the extraction, analysis and cultivation of specific biological genes for any desired anatomy and analysis.

You can also modify genes targeted.

Simply put, this is equivalent to a place where the evil technologies often used by villains in science fiction and games.

“What should I do then?” he thought.

“Well, find a sample first…”

He remembers the last time he watched the guide on the Nightmare Legend Commander, and after fancy manipulation, he spent countless nightmare coupons, finally foolishly transformed a new species.

But he wants to use it as material.

So, you can’t do that.

Moreover, there are no ready-made high-level creatures in this world.

Except for plants, it seems that only some simple insects are active here.

He thought for a while: “Go find some insects!”

So, his smoky body floated out.

It didn’t take long to bring back a few termites found in the ground outside this creation base and floated back.


Li An’an and Chu Weiwei walked out of the coffee shop, patting their full belly.

“It tastes really good!” Li Anan said, “I can come again if I have a chance!”

Chu nodded slightly: “Hmm!”

“Then, let’s continue!” Li Anan raised his hand and said confidently: “I hope I can gain something today!”


The two held hands and walked forward.

The sun fell on them, and the two slender shadows were reflected on the bluestone slab of Sansanzaka.

Behind them, a sneaky figure poked out his head.

“Two psionic prey?” He couldn’t help licking his lips.

Tears seem to flow down from the corners of the mouth.

“They are not for you to move!” A woman walked behind her.

“They are black guards!”

“Move them, we all have to die!”

This woman recalled the battle she saw a few years ago!

In front of Yuzao, such a powerful monster was interrupted by that terrible man and sealed again!

And that man is just a lieutenant general in the black guard.

In the black guard, there is also a captain who says, “Even the gods will kill you!”

“But…” The sneaky person turned his head, he looked at the woman in front of him: “If we don’t do it, others will do it too…”

“Big Sister!”

“I said no, but no!” Behind the woman, four huge sharp objects grew up like tails, her long hair fluttering like steel needles.

“Okay…” Seeing the elder sister became angry, he had to lower his head: “You have the final say!”

“I told you…”

“We are too weak now…”

“You must keep a low profile!”

Ghoul has appeared in the past ten years. Although it has developed rapidly, its members have been increasing.

However, they are still too weak compared to human society.

Even civilians can cause harm to them after they have weapons, not to mention those powerful transcendents.

Just think about the demons that are now sealed.

She knew that the most correct choice was to puck her tail.


Lingping looked at the giant termite lying quietly in an instrument.

It’s already the size of a fist.

This is also the result of his transformation today.

Using the facilities in this game, the reproductive ability of termites is continuously enhanced.

Finally, this finished product appeared.

Its huge belly is swollen.

There are countless termite eggs inside.

The only problem is…

“I seem to have done something wrong…” He looked at the result, slightly disappointed.

Because there is only such a successful work.

So, this queen has no males to mate with.

Then the problem comes…

Can ants reproduce parthenosexually?

It seems impossible!

So, did this attempt fail?

Lingping looked at the game time that was about to enter the countdown, he had to use his ingenuity, looking for strategies.

Finally, he thought of a good idea!

“Why not?”

He remembered the statement in the documentary he had watched that the reproduction of the sexes is for biodiversity and genetic improvement.

Doing this can make the offspring genetically better.

After all, intersexual reproduction allows offspring to acquire genetic genes from their parents.

In other words…

“As long as this termite can swallow other genes of the same kind, can’t it achieve the purpose of reproduction?”

This idea seems absurd.

But this is a game, and this game facility happens to have genetic modification technology!

So, Ling Ping’an immediately eagerly seized the time and stuffed the queen that she had finally cultivated into an instrument.

His body constructed with green smoke, after some hurried manipulations, used a certain instrument to modify the queen’s genes.

It’s just that this modification work takes a long time.

It takes eighteen hours!

Ling Ping An thought for a while, seeing that the time for the exchange of 100,000 nightmare points had come, so he quit the game.

Opening his eyes, Lingping looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was already four o’clock in the afternoon.


His pet jumped into his arms and welcomed the owner back from the game affectionately.

Ling Ping An recalled his own experience in the game just now.

Then he put the kitten on the counter: “Little boy, play by yourself…”

“Brother is going to work hard to make money…”

Well, I must make enough money to buy butter crabs before October.

Otherwise…When that aunt comes back, he might use his own living expenses to offset the bill!

“That’s right…” Ling Ping’an suddenly thought of something: “Are there still butter crabs in October?”

It seems to be gone?

The butter crab seems to only appear in the two hottest months of summer~IndoMTL.com~ So… can I save a fortune? “

“No!” He immediately shook his head: “I’m afraid there will be more bleeding!”

Without butter crabs, he must find other top-quality ingredients to pay for it.

This is a matter of principle!

If you promised someone else, you must do it.

Since there will be no butter crabs by then, we must use ingredients that are more precious than butter crabs.

So he looked at the computer screen.

He knew that the burden on his shoulders was heavy again.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Net mobile version reading URL:

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