I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 122: Seeking the truth

As soon as I entered the canyon, it was as deep as the sea.

I didn’t know how long I had been fighting in the canyon, until the sky was getting dark, and Lingping raised his head and looked at the wall clock on the wall.

It’s almost seven o’clock.

Touching his groaning belly, Lingping turned off the game and opened the takeaway software.

He ordered a beef bowl as usual.

Then searched the night snack shop last night, and found that it was no longer found on the takeaway software.

He clicked on the search software again and searched for the name of the shop “Xiao Ke Seafood”. As a result, there was no trace of this supper on all web pages.

“It seems that something really happened to this takeaway shop!” He sighed, “It’s hard to find a delicious night snack shop. It’s just gone… What a pity!”

His tongue is very tricky!

This can be known from the fact that he only eats fixed breakfast shops and fixed takeaway shops.

Food, in front of his tongue, is almost impossible to hide!

Even if there is only a little peculiar smell, his tongue can taste it keenly.

His tongue even tastes the marinated taste of meat during processing.

Fresh or not, you can taste it in one bite.

He can taste even the origin of the meat!

It’s a natural chef tongue!

So, his cooking skills are also impeccable!

It’s just that Lingping’s is too salted fish, but as long as he can order delicious takeaways, he will not do it himself.

Just like he would never go shopping as long as he could make do with it.

The clothes are dirty, throw them away in the laundry.

Buy online when shower gel and shampoo are gone.

The haircut will be done every three months and a physical examination will be done every six months.

You may not go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables once a year.

The good news is because the nearby industrial park has gradually moved away, so there is no dust in the kitchen.

Because the climate in Jiangcheng is relatively dry, the rice and oil bought for the New Year’s Eve dinner years ago were all clean.

Turn on the TV at will, it’s news time again.

“Since the beginning of summer, typhoons have hit inland in many Southeast Asian countries one after another!” The announcer’s voice came from the TV, and an inland area hit by the typhoon appeared on the TV screen.

A lot of houses were blown down by strong winds.

Countless buildings were soaked in the flood.

The helpless victims were melancholy.

“At the request of the Kingdom of Luzon, the Republic of Lanfang, the Kingdom of Sanfoqi and the Kingdom of Jiaozhi, the natural disaster relief forces of the Federal Empire will begin to provide necessary technical support and personnel guidance to the local disaster-stricken areas!”

“At the same time, the central cabinet of the Federal Empire will hold a cabinet meeting tomorrow to discuss and vote on the resolution of sending troops to assist the disaster-stricken countries!”

Lingping watched the news and sighed silently.

To be honest, if he hadn’t read the news, he would have almost forgotten that there are so many neighboring countries in Nanyang.

These small countries, like pearls, are connected in series in Southeast Asia.

A long time ago, the countries in the territory were the tributary and vassal states of the ancient federal empire.

Before and after the founding of the Federal Empire, the area was successively occupied and infiltrated by the Qin and Lu colonists.

After the establishment of the Federal Empire, of course, such things that violate humanity and morality cannot be allowed to continue.

So, with the support of Taizong and Taizong, the great ancestors of the Federal Empire, the Southeast Asian countries won their independence.

Then they became a member of the Federal Empire Economic Circle.

Generally, they have no sense of existence.

Because they are all too small, they are basically exporters of agricultural products or raw materials.

Approximately, when you encounter a natural disaster and need assistance, it will only appear in the sight of the federal people.

After all, they are not like Fusang and Silla, who have long-term close contacts with the Federal Empire, and even less like these two countries, who have to push for a referendum on China’s entry into China every three to five. They are full of sense of existence, think It’s hard to be ignored!

After reading the news, the takeaway was delivered.

The Fusang girl is as lively as before. She put the takeaway lunch box she sent on the counter, and enthusiastically introduced: “Lingsang, this is the beef rice bowl you want!”

“Today’s beef is carefully selected top-quality Wagyu beef from the Osaka area. I hope you like it!”

“In addition, I will give you an extra sea urchin soup!”

Ling Pingping listened, and couldn’t help but move his index finger.

“Qianye sauce is so grateful!” He said: “Every time I prepare the best food for me!”

Recently, the food delivery level of Chiba’s family has really risen linearly.

Lingping’s tongue is tasted as soon as it is tasted. They are all top ingredients.

The level has been greatly improved compared to the past, but the price has not increased.

For this, Lingping’s heart is really grateful to those wealthy capital.

Really great!

These capitalists, the more the better!

Of course, he is also very grateful to Chiba Michiko and her family. Without their superb cooking skills, he would not be able to eat such good food.

“You are polite!” Chiba Michiko bowed deeply: “Customer satisfaction is our honor!”

This Fusang little fox girl, recently really feels that her life is full of light!

With the injection of federal capital, she and her family’s food business has really risen step by step.

The guests are satisfied, and her family can make money.

Her mother has been preparing to buy a house recently!

This is one of the highest ideals of all refugees: to have a property of their own in this country.

So Little Fox Girl is full of gratitude now.

Grateful for this country, grateful for the guests I met, and grateful for life.

This makes her happy all the time.

The whole person is always filled with happiness.

Sending off the cheerful little Fusang girl, Lingping took the takeaway food box, sat at the counter, and ate deliciously.

Best, the kitten, squatted beside him, getting a piece of beef or a spoonful of sea urchin soup from time to time.

The food was swept away, and the spirit patted his stomach peacefully and contentedly.

“Good!” he said.


Elizabeth’s arm suddenly turned into a multi-barreled Gatling gun.

The steam turbine in her body runs at high speed, and the flesh and blood are pumped into it, converted into huge energy, and then turned into depleted uranium armor-piercing bombs full of mechanical brilliance.

Boom, boom, boom!

The evil god’s son on the opposite side was shattered by the depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile she fired.

The tentacles were directly interrupted.

Its huge body swayed and collapsed, splashing countless dust and smoke.

Elizabeth opened the “Mechanical Gospel”, and the will of steel appeared in her.

She stepped forward and recited the mechanical gospel.

“Bell the big bell once, push the lever, start the piston and the engine…”

Following her chanting, the son of the evil **** that had collapsed was gradually dissolved by the power of steel.

In the end, the flesh and blood of this huge evil god’s heir was condensed into a crystal clear crystal.

This is a spar with higher purity than the previous Cthulhu Crystal.

It’s also what Elizabeth was looking for.

“Twenty-five!” She counted the spar she got: “I can go into the mist again and buy a more sacred mechanical scripture!”

She thought about her experience in the mist.

At the end, the master in the mist said: “Of course it is to use machinery and steel to take it from the evil **** and his minions!”

“Twenty-five, it should be almost enough!”

So, she set off, and the whole person turned into a mechanical aircraft and returned to the direction of the steel altar.

An hour later, she fell into the steel altar.

Countless believers raised their heads and looked at her, this mechanical nun, the steel bhikuni.

The elect of the Spirit of Almighty, the boy under the seat of the Nanwu Gatling Bodhisattva.

The mechanical guard who had been sleeping in the steel altar also lifted his head from the steel of the altar.

“You are back!?” It said, “I’m ready!”

Its mission was already understood the day it came.

Become a guard, guarding this steel altar.

Elizabeth nodded at it, then faced the devout believers.

“I will go to meet a great master!” She said, “I will ask him for truth!”

“My Buddha is merciful!” Her hands clasped her hands together: “I will surely bless my journey smoothly, seek the truth, and save all sentient beings!”

“My Buddha is merciful!” The believers put their hands together.

The flashlight is turned on and the light source shines forward.

The mist gradually rises from all around.

Elizabeth looked back at her people, and stepped into it without hesitation.

As soon as she entered the fog, like last time, Elizabeth immediately felt that all the nano armors on her body were on standby ~ IndoMTL.com~ Even the iron will began to fade.

She became a mortal again.

Ahead, only the light source of the flashlight is illuminating the road.

She raised her head and looked into the distance. Deep in the mist, a light was swaying.

In Elizabeth’s heart, a very pious conviction suddenly rose.

She knows that seeking truth requires sincerity.

In her Quantum Mastermind, there are many stories about the ancient monks in the east seeking the truth.

So, she slowly leaned down and knocked her head one step at a time.

Pious and determined, walking slowly in this mist.


Ling Ping yawned.

He is already a little tired.

But looking at the documents on the computer screen, he laughed full and relieved again.

Today, I wrote 8,000 words!

I’m really hardworking and hardworking!

Lingping felt that the editor-in-chief should give him an annual hardworking author award!

After all, being able to code out eight thousand words in the free time of fishing is not something that anyone can do.

Even the Central Plains Five Whites, I’m afraid not!

Turn off the computer, Lingping stood up, hugged the kitten Best, walked to the door, and was about to close the door.

Suddenly, he saw a figure standing up in the mist outside.

He opened the door and took a closer look, only to find that it was the foreign guest from the previous day.

Lingping looked at her, suddenly feeling a little guilty.

After all, the spar she mortgaged here last time seems to have been lost by herself!

He scratched his head, and finally smiled and went forward: “Guest, you are here again!”

“Hurry up, please come in!”


Recommend Yue Wu Luo’s new book “The Pirate’s Gou to the General”

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