Gate of Revelation Chapter 818:

The coordinate points are still displayed on everyone’s personal radar as before, and they have not changed until now.

During the previous siege, despite the loss of a large number of vehicles, a considerable part of them was put into their own storage equipment. Now they have been taken out again, driving towards the Rosemont Nature Reserve. go with.

There are still dense variants around, but they have now lost their unified command and control, reduced to monsters without wisdom, only knowing to follow instinct to kill, and target all the nearest moving objects. Most of the mutants are killing each other, and only the few that are close to the convoy will roar and pounce, and then be easily killed.

Although the road is already full of corpses and ruins, relying on the enhanced response ability to control the vehicle, the convoy is still driving at the highest speed. In less than half an hour, he had entered the mountainous area of ​​the Rosemount Nature Reserve.

Next, there is no way. Except for the powerful tracked vehicles such as thunderstorm chariots, other vehicles can no longer drive.

“Everyone, give up the vehicle and move forward on foot! The thunderstorm chariot is driving ahead!” The tire jumped out of the car, glanced around, immediately issued an order, and began to assign the task: “Tianlie, you follow me At the forefront. Moonlight Lizard, your team is with us. Roddy, you are in the middle of the team, guarding the spare tire, and always ready to use Gundam…”

In the **** battle just now, almost every team suffered losses. The original more than 100 people now only have less than 50 left, but most of them are also senior people in the original team.

Being able to bring so many cannon fodder to the battlefield of the final battle has exceeded Tire’s original expectations.

Next, I can finally see how well Adric is.

“Hamuxi, what’s the situation with you?”

While moving forward, Tire lowered his head and asked in the team channel.

There are corpses of mutants all over the front, and more and more as they advance. Occasionally, surviving mutants jumped out to attack, but they were immediately beaten into a sieve by the fire.

“Not so…good…” Hagakixi hesitated and replied: “There are not too many mutants attacking the fortress, but Xiao Lei’s complexion is getting…ugly.”

“Supplement sugar! Do I have to teach you this?” The tire frowned: “The resilience of the insect armor requires a lot of energy to maintain. You don’t know.”

“Already… finished.” Hagakixi gritted his teeth: “Not only he brought him, but he also gave him all my portable rations, but it was still not enough! His current energy consumption is too great! I’m afraid…”

Speaking, Qimuxi looked down at Xia Xiaolei next to him.

This time, it’s not just the tentacles connecting him and the mutant? Even his body has withered and died on a large scale.

A spiritual battle at the genetic level? It seems to be more costly than a physical battle.

Xia Xiaolei had already taken out all the food in his storage equipment before and piled it aside? But now it has almost been consumed.

And he has almost fallen into a semi-coma now? No matter what he says, there is no response.

“Damn… you hold on to it yourself. We’re almost there. Just kill the guy Adric? Xiao Lei will be fine.” The tire clenched his fist: “If nothing else, Adric himself Should be in the same situation as Xiaolei now? Can’t move. It shouldn’t be difficult to kill him. As long as he is around…no other teammates.”

“Be sure to… be fast.”

Hagishi nodded? But he slowly pressed his hand on the hilt of the dagger around his waist.

Xia Xiaolei’s breathing is getting faster and faster.

If this continues, he will really die.

Hamuxi held the hilt tightly, and blue veins emerged from the back of her white hand.

If it is really the last moment, she must cut off the tentacle connection between Xia Xiaolei and the mutant!

Although Xia Xiaolei entered the genetic spiritual connection of the alien species? But the fundamental support was the captured mutant. And the tentacles extending from his body? They are the channels of connection.

As long as they are cut off, Xia Xiaolei will be forced to disconnect from the mutant population.

In other words–

Unplug the network cable!

Although it is not a last resort, Qimuxi will never use this method. But at least… she can’t just watch Xia Xiaolei die in front of her!


“You are finally here.”

Finally, after crossing a valley, the tire heard a man’s voice.

Is that a tall and thin man? Wearing a blood-red protective suit, a short knife is inserted between the left and right waist.

The double knives did not come out of the sheath? Even his hands were not pressed on the hilt, but hung on both sides of his body.

Behind him? A man is sitting on the ground, his body is covered in a black cloak? Head down? Can’t see his face.

But it’s obvious? This is Adric.

And Tire’s heart was suddenly happy.


As expected, competing with Xia Xiaolei for the dominance of the mutant is also not an easy task for Adric.

He also temporarily lost the ability to act.

Although it seems that his condition is much better than Xia Xiaolei. He won’t fall into a dangerous state of exhaustion, but at least he has no ability to protect himself until he regains control.

There is a mutant corpse lying around. Most of their bodies were covered with claw marks and tooth marks, and they died of cannibalism, but on the ground near the two, they were all shattered corpses.

It was either frozen or charred.

It seems that after losing control, those mutants will only attack indiscriminately, and even their original controllers have not let go.

And the teammates around Adric seem to be the only one in front of him. No wonder there have been no attacks along the way to the present. This thin and tall man must guard his side to ensure his safety.

“Spare tire——”


Tire was about to give an order on the team channel, but was interrupted by Nicole.

“Are you…Dodoro?”

Nicole pushed away a player in front of her and stood up. Although her face was still expressionless, there was a little excitement in her voice: “You really are not dead!”

Dodoro was taken aback.

The woman in front of me is wearing floating armor.

She… is a floating angel? !

When Zero City fell, most of the people who eventually fled were non-combatants. When the Angel Legion fought to the last moment in Zero City, there was no survivor.

How did a floating angel pop up in this copy?

“Nicole, we don’t have much time.” Tire frowned: “You seem to have said before that you won’t have any mother-in-law to them because of their origin in Zero City.”

“Tire, I know time is tight, but please give me one minute.”

Nicole turned her head and glanced at the tires. Before answering, she hurried forward and said to Duodoro: “You don’t know me. I’m just an ordinary member of the Angel Legion. But I know you. And this…big man behind you.”

Dodoro looked at Nicole coldly, and pressed his hand on the handle of the knife: “So, you are here to make a relationship?”

“Even when Zero City was still there, the Angel Legion always maintained absolute neutrality, let alone now.” Nicole said calmly, “I know you won’t tell me where you hide. I just want to I know who else in the Angel Legion is alive. This and I will kill you later, there is no conflict.”

Dodoro laughed suddenly: “Interesting. You weren’t in Zero City at that time, so you went out on a mission?”

He began to believe that the woman in front of him was indeed a member of the Angel Legion.

“You don’t have to worry about that much, just answer my question. Of course, if you refuse, I won’t be surprised.” Nicole shook her head.

“It’s a pity.” Dodoro shrugged: “Since you escaped from Zero City, you are the first angel I have seen. Everyone from Angel Wu… is dead.”

“Even Angels of Wu…”

Nicole’s eyes dimmed.

Although this was the answer she had anticipated in her heart, when she heard it in person, she couldn’t help feeling agitated.


“Okay. I see.” Nicole sighed, turned and walked back.


Dodoro called out suddenly behind Nicole.

Nicole turned back abruptly.

“Do you want to know where the other people are?” Totoro looked at Nicole.

“Will you tell me?”

Nicole frowned.

“It seems that only one of the two of us will survive.” Dodoro looked at the crowd behind Nicole: “You have a lot of people, but I only have one. The winner is not necessarily me. So , If I die…”

He smiled bitterly: “Come here. Let me tell you where the other people who survived in Zero City are now.”

The other players and the awakened behind Nicole were in an uproar.

Until now, they didn’t realize that the two people in front of them, the boss of this dungeon, turned out to be the remnants of Zero City!

And if you can find their location, it means you have found…

Wealth, and power!

A thin dead camel should be bigger than a horse. Moreover, compared to other teams, the resident team of Zero City is simply an elephant or even a dinosaur!

Anyone, whether it is a player or an awakened, can find the whereabouts of the remnants of Zero City, it means that they have the opportunity to seize the endless wealth that Zero City has accumulated over the years!

“Are you really going to tell me?”

Nicole blinked twice and looked at Datara.

“Yes, but I can only tell you one.” Duodoro nodded: “Come to my side, I can only tell you by ear.”

Nicole hesitated.

“Come here.” Dodoro looked at Nicole sincerely: “I want to believe you. The Angels were and will continue to be the neutral guardians of Zero City. If we die, I hope you To find other people, lead them, and guard them. As a member of the Angel Legion, this is your responsibility.”

Nicole took a deep breath, and finally walked towards Dodoro.

“Do you believe her?”

A sneer sounded, and it pierced Doto Lot’s eardrum.

Tian Lie strode out, put his hand on Nicole’s shoulder, and threw her back.

“But I don’t believe you! Although this chick isn’t that powerful, it’s always good to be able to kill one before the official start. But…this is really not a great calculation. Who the **** will believe in such a silly girl?”

Tian Lie grinned and twisted his fist: “Look at Lao Tzu’s face clearly, and then say it out loud, do you still believe her or not!”


Dodoro’s face, the sincerity just now has been swept away, and he fixed his eyes on Tian Lie’s face.

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