Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1146: You are at ease!

The Shouyuan mouse has a decent spiritual wisdom before it has been baptized with pure aura and transformed into a spiritual thing.

Although it is not as smart as a housekeeping beast in terms of intelligence.

But it’s almost the same as the sound before transforming into a spiritual creature.

The Shouyuan Rat, now transformed into a spiritual creature, can’t speak yet, but can easily understand the meaning of Lin Yuan’s words.

For example, when Lin Yuan was feeding the Shouyuan Rat Bingliang dill, he found that the Shouyuan Rat prefers to chew on the stems of the Bingliang dill vine.

The nutrient content of the stems of the vines of Bingliang is far lower than that of the leaves of Bingliang.

Therefore, Lin Yuan asked the Shouyuan Rat to eat the leaves of the dill.

Although Shouyuan Rats prefer to eat more stems.

However, under Lin Yuan’s order, the Shouyuan Mouse still ate the leaves obediently.

When the Liberty Shouyuan Rat found that Lin Yuan was focusing on other things and had no energy to manage himself.

Only then will he go up and eat a bite of the stems of the radish vine, and then look back at Lin Yuan secretly.

It’s like afraid that Lin Yuan will find out that he is stealing food.

This level of intelligence is not much different from a five or six-year-old human child.

After listening to Lin Yuan, he wanted to find a master for himself and send him out.

The Shouyuan Rat stumblingly turned around on Lin Yuan’s palm, jumping anxiously.

Lin Yuan looked at Lin Yuan with pitiful eyes, how can you not look at someone so cute?

Seeing this, Lin Yuan hurriedly used his spiritual power, and the pure aura filled Lin Yuan’s palm.

Lin Yuan thought that the pure aura permeating from his palm was enough to soothe Shouyuan Rat.

Who expected Shouyuan Rat to feel more aggrieved after feeling the pure aura.

Two crystal teardrops were even squeezed out of the small eyes, which wet the orange hair of Shouyuan Mouse’s eyes.

When Lin Yuan saw it, he realized that this little guy was worried about leaving him, so he could no longer feel the pure aura.

Only this kind of explanation makes sense why Shouyuan Mouse feels more aggrieved after feeling the pure aura.

Lin Yuan rubbed the soft and firm hair of Shouyuan Mouse with his hands and said.

“Little guy, the pure aura of your new owner will not lose you.”

“Your own lifespan is only one year. If you don’t sign a contract with others, you can quickly absorb the spiritual material that contains vitality. After one year, even if you want to feel the pure aura, you will have no chance.”

“When you reach the new owner, you can eat the spiritual materials that can increase vitality.”

“You can live forever, and feel the pure aura whenever you want.”

“Do you remember being chased by other spirit creatures in the forest?”

“Conclude a contract with your new owner, and your new owner will protect you.”

“This kind of exhausted life will never happen to you again.”

Hearing Lin Yuan’s assurance, Shouyuan Mouse slowly calmed down.

Immediately after Shouyuan Mouse’s two small paws grasped Lin Yuan’s fingers and shook them lightly.

There is a big one, even so, I still can’t bear to leave your posture.

Lin Yuan said with a gentle smile.

“Your new master is my master. I always go to the master. There will be many opportunities for us to meet.”

“After you pass, you will still know a rabbit who loves to eat carrots.”

“That picking rabbit is just like you. It’s very leisurely all day long.”

“You two should be able to get along very happily.”

When Lin Yuan spoke, Zi Xi in the apse of Huiyue Hall was lying on the table with his head drooping.

The radish was planted in the jade basin beside him.

The purple meaning in Zi Xi’s eyes flashed, accompanied by bean-sized teardrops.

But whenever a teardrop fell on the table, Zi Xi seemed afraid of being seen.

Hurry up and wipe away the teardrops with the white front legs.

The radishes planted in the pot beside him no longer arouse Zi Xi’s interest.

If Zi Xi can know what Lin Yuan said to Shouyuan Mouse at this time, even if Lin Yuan is the apprentice of the moon.

Zixi will definitely pick up the carrot to let Lin Yuan know the joy of hiding it.

You are at ease!

I eat radish just to cultivate, OK!

It’s scary to have no experience!

And I don’t pick at all. There are so many powerful people in the world who want to smell my carrot.

You not only gnawed the skin of my radish, but also ate half of my radish.

My turnips have not recovered yet!

Huh! **** off!

After soothing the Shouyuan Rat, Lin Yuan is ready to go back to the room and take a shower.

The conditions for going to the Shenmu Federation these few days are limited, and Lin Yuan has no chance to take a bath at all.

Lin Yuan’s current body genes have been optimized.

The genetically optimized Lin Yuan skin has the ability to prevent dust.

But daily bathing has long been Lin Yuan’s habit.

If you don’t wash Lin Yuan for a day, you will feel uncomfortable all over your body.

Lin Yuan listened to the sound of running water while taking a bath, and he could calm down and consider his recent gains and losses.

This trip to the Shenmu Federation, I easily opened up the entire horrified continent.

I am now a major shareholder and honorary chairman of the Chengyi Chamber of Commerce.

It is equivalent to opening up the trade line of the Territory Continent, and also giving oneself a local power belonging to the Deep Brahma Federation.

Talley’s Ironshoe tribe gave itself an official identity for development in the Hammer Federation.

Luo Ya, who was born in a two-star family, is considered a noble in the Shenmu Federation.

Through Luoya’s point, he can quickly develop and penetrate in the Shenmu Federation.

All the developments on the Continent of Haiwen went smoothly.

When the Suyes who are currently in the Shenmu Federation come to their side, the Suyes, who were the former Underlord, can very well support themselves in development.

As for the swamp world, Lin Yuan had never dared to think of a powerful person of the level of Bai Yan.

Baiyan occupied the territory of the Apostle of the Nether Scorpion, and the apostle’s territory of the Apostle of the Nether Scorpion blocked the periphery of his own.

It is equivalent to fundamentally isolating the risk factors of one’s own territory.

In this way, Li Teng, Wendy, and Bai Xuan can quickly develop their strength and strengthen their beliefs through the steady stream of marsh crocodiles resources.

Everything is so thriving.

Thinking of this~IndoMTL.com~A smile appeared on Lin Yuan’s face.

It seems that when I return to the Shenmu Federation, I should take the initiative to do something.

After taking a shower, Lin Yuan chose a Wen Yu just designed it, and it didn’t take long for him to design a azure and moon yellow aura.

Lin Yuan’s aura clothing has always been white, black and blue.

Lin Yuan hardly wears this kind of aura clothing with azure, moon and yellow color.

The patterns on this azure, moon and yellow aura clothing are all decorated with dots.

Use the abdomen hair of the diamond-step sunny yellow oriole to collage on the surface of the metal-based aura clothing.

Then use ice silk thread to wear golden silk beads on the Diancui craft and embroider them into the pattern of sunburst.

The golden silk jade beads cover the bright colors of the sunny yellow oriole belly hair, making the whole aura costume look very soft at first glance. 166 reading network

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