Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1121: Lin Yuan turned into a mermaid!

Lin Yuan has thought about the relationship between the source item and the dimensional world since he knew that the source item was produced in the Dimensional Crack Dimension Hub.

There has never been an exact answer to this question in the main world.

When Lin Yuan became a teacher just after worshipping the moon, he specifically asked the question after the moon.

As a result, he just smiled a month later and didn’t answer Lin Yuan’s question.

Instead, he explained the relationship between the dimensional hub and the dimensional world for Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan didn’t know that it was his master Yuehou, nor did he know this.

It’s because after the month I felt that it was unnecessary to know this knowledge based on my own strength.

In short, this problem has always plagued Lin Yuan.

If you say that Lin Yuan was only curious about the relationship between the dimensional world and the source item.

So when Lin Yuan knew that the holy source objects were produced in the fifth-level dimensional cracks, and that each of the holy source objects had amazing functions.

Lin Yuan’s heart once again ignited the desire to explore the relationship between source objects, holy source objects and the dimensional world.

And just now, Lin Yuan witnessed Bai Yan killing the Apostle Youscorpion with his own eyes.

The totem of Faith of the Lost Nether Scorpion Apostle was wrapped in colorful rays and transformed into a holy source.

So far, Lin Yuan finally understood the formation of the holy source and the relationship between the holy source and the dimensional world.

The holy source of emotion is the product of the apostle’s totem after his death.

It’s just that the strength of the faith of the apostle’s life is related to the formation of the holy source, Lin Yuan is unclear.

This is the question that Lin Yuan will study next.

In fact, while watching the battle between the Apostle Youxie and Bai Yan, Lin Yuan had another huge doubt in his heart.

This doubt is that the power of faith released by the hole in the neck of the apostle of the scorpion is not much?

To compare, the power of faith that the Apostle You Scorpion just released from the hole during the battle.

Not even one percent of the power of faith in my soul shrine.

After discovering this, Lin Yuan thought about it in his heart.

Soon Lin Yuan came up with an answer that is most likely to be the truth.

Lin Yuan currently has three apostles under his hand, Liteng, Wendy and the white marsh crocodile just harvested.

Through Wendy and Liteng to collect believers with faith totems, Lin Yuan knew that the apostle had to consume the power of faith in his own totem if he wanted to collect every believer.

After transforming the dimensional creatures into faithful people, can we reap the power of faith through the development of faith people to give back to ourselves.

Even who fancy a believer, wanting to transform the believer into a favored believer still needs to consume the power of faith in the totem.

This makes the apostle’s development of any believer and favored believer need careful planning.

Therefore, even if the power of faith of the apostle of the scorpion has reached a moderately low level, the Source Eucharist is opened.

The number of believers and benefactors that it actually has is not much.

Because of the existence of the star network in the Glory Federation, I can easily gain worship and love.

These worships and affections will be transformed into faith in the shrines of their souls.

And he has multiple identities.

Combat Reiki professional, black.

A month later disciple, Lin Yuan.

Can’t buy it. The owner of a small shop on Starnet, “Deep Mountain and Old Forest”.

The lord of the Sky City.

These four identities have fixed fan groups.

Although the black fan base is mostly male mothers.

But the power of faith contributed by these male mothers is more and more pure.

In short, each of his four identities can harvest massive amounts of faith in the Federation with such a large population base.

In other words, compared to the strength of the power of faith, the hundreds of Nether Scorpion Apostles are not comparable to themselves.

The power of the dimensional world is nothing more than two.

One is the source of power, and the other is the power of faith.

These two forces have their own grasp.

Lin Yuan feels that there is no reason to pretend not even a master.

At this time, the holy source object formed by the three scorpion totems of the scorpion apostle rushed straight into the sky, but was stopped by Bai Yan’s hand in mid-air.

Bai Yan waved his sleeves, and collected the holy source thing transformed by the apostle of the scorpion into the sleeves.

Then he looked in the direction of the Void Shadow Demon.

After finishing the white words of the Apostle Youxie, I finally had time to see which thing was unclear.

Dare to show your presence by baring your teeth during the battle.

But with a glance, Bai Yan suddenly saw the broken white armors at Lin Yuan’s feet.

After seeing these broken white armors, Bai Yan’s face suddenly sank.

The monstrous anger in his eyes burned in an instant.

The ends of the wrinkled eyes are also stained with self-blame and sadness.

The moment this sadness manifested at the end of Bai Yan’s eyes, the clouds floating beside Bai Yan cried together.

A pouring rain fell over the swamp.

Bai Yan didn’t use the power of faith in the hole above his left eyebrow during the battle with the apostle of the scorpion.

At this time, the power of faith in the hole above Bai Yan’s left eyebrow gushes out.

This coercion composed of the power of faith directly smashed the barrier that the Void Shadow Demon was propped up by its breath.

At this critical moment, in order to protect the creatures in the territory from being seriously injured or even killed by the pressure of the power of faith.

What Lin Yuan has to do is to support the coercion of the Bai Yan composed of the power of faith.

Suddenly after Lin Yuan remembered the contract, he has been consuming the blue of the heavenly female water elemental pearl to enhance the strength in the spirit lock space.

Now Bilan’s strength has reached the peak of the Golden Rank.

In addition, Azure’s Golden Tier skill Faith Possession allows you to merge with Azure.

After being combined, I can use all the power of Azure.

At the same time, the power of faith in your own shrine will be injected into the water of origin to strengthen the skills of the water of origin.

That is to say, when Bilan uses the skill Belief Possession and merges with herself, she becomes the incarnation of source water.

The self after incarnation of Source Water does not need to be afraid of physical blows like human beings.

Lin Yuan also couldn’t care about the fact that combined with Bilan’s skill belief possession, he would transform into a mermaid, and the fact that mermaids are generally women.

In order to prevent Bai Yan from seeing the real situation~IndoMTL.com~Lin Yuan did not summon Bilan.

It is a stepping into the spirit lock space, and Bilan’s faith possession in the spirit lock space merges with each other.

In less than a second, Lin Yuan, who had completed his faith possession with Bilan, once again appeared beside the Void Shadow Demon.

But Lin Yuan at this time is completely different from the Lin Yuan known by anyone.

A body wrapped in thousands of beliefs stood on the ground.

This body is like the home of all beliefs, where all beliefs are.

The slender blue fishtail fiddled with the amber water full of faith.

The flow of water interweaves upwards from the tail of the fish, weaving a holy garment of faith composed of the flow of faith.

Begging for a monthly pass to mess up!

(End of this chapter)

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