Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1182: The accident broke out and the storm broke out!

“But even if the quality materials are strictly screened, they will leave traces after being touched by so many hands.”

  ”Fortunately, things such as spiritual things, metal spirits, etc., touched too much and dirty, such as fur and silk, may also damage the silk and fur.”

  ”If we can find out in time, we can just throw it in our own hands. If we can’t find out and sell it, it will damage the credibility of our caravan.”

After the   man finished explaining, he began to answer Lin Yuan’s question.

  ”This is the spirits collected in the Shenmu Federation town not far away.”

   “You are young, it is best to drink this thing less.”

   “Drinking too much has become an addiction. I don’t know if there are not enough coins in my pocket. If you are drunk, you can easily become dangerous.”

   Lin Yuan, who was inexplicably instructed by the man, scratched his head and said.

   “Thank you for your concern, uncle, I don’t drink.”

   After seeing the stall and saying goodbye to the man, Lin Yuan walked towards the other stalls.

   Luo Ya, who followed Lin Yuan, looked at Lin Yuan’s back and became more and more obsessed.

   Luo Ya has always done cruel things.

   If this guy dared to pat his own hand, Luo Ya would not hesitate to let the fog anti-toxic moth kill the guy.

   as a punishment for offending himself as a man.

   Although Luo Ya is cruel, but it does not necessarily mean that Luo Ya is unwilling to look towards the light.

  Lin Yuan’s courtesy and sunshine are qualities that Luo Ya does not possess.

   These traits that are far from Luo Ya are manifested in the young man, and Luo Ya is deeply attracted.

   made Roya’s determination to kill Fu Di and the members of the Dry Cliff Pirates stronger.

   just how to find this oil head?

   went to 20 or 30 stalls one after another, Lin Yuan no longer interested in going on shopping.

  The things on these stalls are almost the same, so going down is just a waste of time.

  If you have this time, it is better to talk to the leader of the caravan.

   Lin Yuan asked the stall owner in front of him.

  ”Uncle, I want to ask where is the person in charge of your caravan?”

   “I have some business and I want to talk to the person in charge of your caravan.”

   Lin Yuan’s aura clothing has not been changed.

   Although the dress has been torn open more than a dozen holes, the gems on the aura clothing can still prove that this aura clothing is expensive.

   I saw that Lin Yuan is qualified to negotiate a deal with the team leader.

   The most basic operation of the caravan of the Deep Brahma Federation is to have a continuous supply of supplies.

   Therefore, a normal caravan never refuses to discuss business people.

   The stall owner enthusiastically pointed to the largest tent not far away.

  ”Mr. Feng, the head of our sincere caravan, is in the front tent.”

  ”I think that the several Hammer Federation Reiki professionals who came to talk about cooperation have already left the tent. Now it should only be Mr. Feng and his family in the tent.”

   “If there is a business, you can go directly into the tent and talk to Mr. Feng.”

   Lin Yuan heard the words and thanked him, and walked towards the big tent pointed by the stall owner.

   The tent is open, and there is no way to knock on the door.

   Lin Yuan simply walked in.

   Entering the tent, Lin Yuan saw a flat-headed old man facing the ledger with a middle-aged man.

  The middle-aged man held the one or two-year-old child in his arms while facing the ledger with the old man.

   When the child saw Lin Yuan and Luo Ya yelled twice.

   The old man first raised his head and looked at Lin Yuan and Luo Ya when they entered the tent, and then asked.

   “What’s the matter with you two?”

   “If we talk about business, our sincere caravan will show the greatest sincerity, but the premise is that you have good goods.”

   The old man had just finished his question, and it was a mess outside the tent before Lin Yuan spoke.

   Through the tent, Lin Yuan could faintly hear someone shouting outside.

  ”Why! How well will it suddenly open the next meta-crack!”

   “Damn! Go find Mr. Feng and ask Mr. Feng what to do!”

   “It’s not easy to find Mr. Feng! This place is so big for the next generation crack, and the breath is not the first level of the next generation crack.”

   “It’s over! The second level ground will open the next meta-crack and wait for the underground creatures inside to run out and we will all die!”

   Hearing the sound coming in from outside, the old man called Mr. Feng first spoke to the man beside him.

   “Jiazhi, you hold Doudou, you must ensure Doudou’s safety if any problems arise!”

   Then the old man didn’t wait for anyone to come to find him. So he rushed out of the tent to check the situation.

   Luo Ya’s face is hard to see the extreme at this time.

   If it comes in from outside, it will be true. The next meta-crack here is really a second-level existence.

   Then it is difficult for me to get out even if I have the Golden Tier Mist Anti-Mist.

   A crack in the ground next time opened in the ground, and a large number of next time creatures would gush out in less than two minutes.

   Many of the second-level creatures that gush out from the cracks in the second-level lands have membrane wings.

   For example, the fungus bats and stone monsters all have strong aerial combat capabilities.

   Luo Ya suddenly turned to look at Lin Yuan and said.

   “If the real hole opens the second level of the next meta-crack, you and me will ride on my fog anti-toxic moth, and we two will run in the direction of the Shenmu Federation.”

   “Did you just say that the hole opened a first-level Zerg dimensional crack.”

  ”Do you still know the exact position of the first-level Zerg dimensional crack?”

  ”We only have to fly in the direction of the insect tide and let the two groups of strange animal tides collide, so that they can kill each other to kill us.”

   Lin Yuan was a little surprised when he heard Luo Ya’s words.

   Luo Ya’s Anti-Mist Moth is just a golden-level spiritual creature, and the more weight it bears, the slower it will fly.

  The fog anti-toxic moth, flying only with Luo Ya on his back, will definitely fly much faster than bringing herself~ IndoMTL.com~ At this moment of life and death, Luo Ya will choose to bring herself Lin Yuan. Unexpectedly.

   Before Lin Yuan could speak, there was a louder noise outside the tent.

   contains several familiar voices of Luo Ya.

   Luo Ya cursed secretly in her heart.

   knows that Fu Di couldn’t hold his pneumatic hand after seeing the opening of the rift in the ground.

   Just when Luo Ya was thinking about how to get out of the current predicament, and let the people of the Withered Cliff Pirates keep their secrets forever.

   I only listened to the young man next to me without any panic, speaking calmly to himself and the middle-aged man holding the child.

   “It’s not a problem for us to stay in the tent. Let’s go out and see the situation first.”

   But before Lin Yuan stepped out of the tent, the tent burned.

   Upon seeing Luo Ya waved his hand, he summoned a blue-winged dragonfly about two meters long.

   “Cold Wing Windfly, use the skill Cold Gale!”

   Hearing Luo Ya’s order, the blue-winged dragonfly swung its wings twice.

   The fierce wind blows the burning tent to pieces.

   After the tent broke open, Luo Ya only saw that Fu Di’s people in command of the Dead Cliff Pirates Group had already summoned the spirits.

   is confronting the guards and vendors of the Shenfan Federation caravan.

   (End of this chapter)

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