Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1156: The way the blade dances

Different from the joy of the Miao family, the elegant middle-aged man with broken eyebrows in the main house of the whale foreign trader of the three top powers is playing chess with a man who looks very kind.

Zhai Wancheng, an elegant middle-aged man with broken eyebrows, and the gentle-looking man frowned.

This good-natured man has a pair of charming ears, which is quite happy.

But no one has ever dared to laugh at this man with a huge bewitching ear.

Because this charming man is the owner of the Wanqi line of Jingyang Trade, Zhai Wantian.

As the name suggests, to the unofficial forces of the Radiance Federation, Zhai Wantian is like a sky.

The function of Whale Ocean Trade can be said to be the most difficult function of all forces to develop.

The function of whale ocean trade is overseas trade. The most basic prerequisite for overseas trade is to own island whales.

If you want to breed an island whale, you need a huge resource of creators.

But even if the resources are sufficient to breed an island whale, at least ten four-star intermediate creators are needed day and night.

Work together for two to three years.

This resource is not easily affordable for many top powers now.

Some functions do not need to use island whale forces in order to expand the current advantages of their own functions, often they will not choose to cultivate island whales, a strategic spiritual thing that costs a lot of money.

The function of Whale Ocean Trading is difficult to get started, but after it really gets started.

As the island whale trades among the major federations, the whale ocean trade holds more and more materials from other federations.

This has made the whale-ocean trade a target for other forces to please.

Although in terms of hard power, the whale-ocean trade is not necessarily comparable to the Rhine creatures and the cage of the Brahma insects, which are the same three top forces.

But the whale ocean trade is definitely the most licked force among the three top powers.

At this time, Zhai Wantian looked at the chess piece inlaid with light attribute rule spar debris, and threw the chess piece into the chess pot with a flick of his hand.

Seeing the depressed and stern expression on his elder brother’s face, Zhai Wancheng knew that his eldest brother had no plans to go down.

So he also threw down the chess piece in his hand with the crystal of the dark attribute rules, and said.

“Since brother is not in the mood, we won’t let go.”

“According to the news from the inside line of the Miao Family’s Di Animal Garden, should we continue our plan for the Miao Family?”

Hearing what Zhai Wancheng said, Zhai Wantian put his eyes on Zhai Wancheng’s face.

Obviously Zhai Wancheng’s words are on the point, and Zhai Wantian is also thinking about this issue.

Zhai Wantian did not directly express his thoughts, but asked Zhai Wancheng.

“Wancheng, how would you decide if it were you?”

Zhai Wancheng reached out and touched his broken eyebrows when he heard the words, and then he spoke for a long time.

“If it were me, I would choose to postpone my plans for the Miao Family Di Beast Garden.”

Zhai Wantian was not surprised when he heard Zhai Wancheng’s answer and motioned Zhai Wancheng to continue.

Seeing Zhai Wantian’s eyes, Zhai Wancheng said like a military master.

“Brother, our position as a spy in Di Animal Garden of Miao Family is high enough, it is impossible to give us false news.”

“Moreover, this spy has a calm temper and will not exaggerate things.”

“The disciples after the month took out the rule crystallization containing the power of pure rules to Di Beast Garden, allowing Di Beast Garden to add seven emperor-level powerhouses at once.”

“At this point we have to think deeply.”

“This probably means that a certain kind of transaction has been reached between the disciple and Di Shouyuan after the month, or it is directly the instruction of the person after the month.”

“We lost a gardener’s konjac seed and have already offended that adult.”

“Now I suggest that we only maintain the cooperation with the Miao family, and let the Miao family use our only remaining gardener konjac seed to cultivate the gardener konjac seed plant.”

“See if you can use the gardener’s konjac seed to find the lost gardener konjac seed.”

“If you can find out, everything will be fine. If you can’t find out, it will be counted as an explanation to the adult.”

“Otherwise, that adult might interrupt the transaction with us.”

“If the deal with that adult is broken, our efforts for so many years will be in vain!”

“The third sister is only one step away from the last step!”

“If you don’t kick that Linmen out, you won’t be able to see outsiders in the way the third sister is now.”

A trace of regret appeared on Zhai Wancheng’s face while speaking, Zhai Wancheng secretly said.

When I was negotiating a deal with Miao Zhenshan, I should play some tricks directly.

Or put more pressure on the Miaojiadi Animal Park.

There is no way for Di Shouyuan to actively contact the disciples after the month.

Zhai Wantian usually says nothing in the whale ocean trade.

Zhai Wantian makes decisions on major matters, and Zhai Wancheng executes them.

However, before making a decision, Zhai Wantian always asks Zhai Wancheng’s opinion.

This time Zhai Wantian was going to fight for it.

Because Whale Ocean Trading was in the process of trading with the official power farms, the farmer’s attitude towards Whale Ocean trade changed slightly.

This shows that Tian Feng, one of the thirteen crowns, may have sensed the anomaly in the whale-ocean trade.

Being noticed by a coroner made Zhai Wantian stabbed back.

I always feel that there is not much time for Jingyang Trade and Sanmei.

If the three sisters can’t take a step forward during this time.

Then whale-ocean trade will cease.

But if the third sister takes a step forward, then the current situation of Hui Yao will be rewritten.

Whale ocean trade will also jump out of the category of top power.

After the month, Jun Zhu and Zhu Zun have such prestige and power. It is because the three of them are five-star creators.

Now Sanmei has faintly figured out the path from the four-star pinnacle builder to the five-star builder.

Although this road hurts the sky, every step of this road is like dancing on the tip of a knife.

But no one in the whale ocean trade will give up this opportunity to change the fate of the power.

Now the Miao family has a relationship with the disciple after the moon, it is impossible for the disciple of the moon after the moon to invest so much without purpose.

Afterwards, there will be some contact between Di Shou Yuan and Yue Hou disciples~ IndoMTL.com~ Even if the Miao family announces the news of escaping from the world, they will not disappear even after the moon.

The whale-ocean trade that may have been noticed by one subordinate can no longer bear the attention of another subordinate.

Zhai Wantian got up after thinking about it and said.

“I will go to see Sanmei, and the cooperation agreed with the Miao family in advance will continue. As for other actions, let’s postpone it.”

“There is news from the adult that he will come to Huiyao for a walk.”

“At that time, I want the third sister to take the last step, and I can’t ask the adult for help.”

As he spoke, Zhai Wantian’s eyes flashed with a light, and the light was full of calculations.

I don’t know if Zhai Wantian is calculating the Miao family, or which one is under?

Or the adult in Zhai Wantian’s eyes?

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