Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1100: Bi Ye’s visit

Chapter 1101 Bi Ye’s Visit

This is tantamount to cutting off the money for those who rob the letter of fate in the Sky City all day.

For a time, there were posts scolding the Zheng family and posts about the future of Sky City.

Lin Yuan, Liu Jie, and Wen Yu know nothing about all this.

Because Wen Yu, on behalf of the Sky City, accepted the blood oath of the Zheng family in Zhenlingsi and returned to the manor, a meeting about the blood oath of the Zheng family was held.

The meeting was very simple. Lin Yuan appointed Wu Endless Xia and Zhou Luo to participate in the blood oath battle.

At the same time, let the Void Shadow Demon conceal in Zhou Luo’s shadow during the blood oath battle.

Originally, Lin Yuan planned to let Slaughter Heaven Butterfly participate in the Blood Oath Fight, but Lin Yuan gave up this plan when he thought that the swamp world might be in danger at any time.

In fact, Lin Yuan didn’t intend to assign Zhou Luo to play. Lin Yuan just asked if anyone wanted to play for a cutscene.

Who knows that Zhou Luo immediately offered to play for some excitement.

Lin Yuan couldn’t help but feel a little strange. Does Zhou Luo like excitement so much?

So Xing Lin Yuan agreed to Zhou Luo’s request.

After Lin Yuan finished the arrangement, everything returned to normal.

Everyone just waited the day after tomorrow to go to the Extreme Arena and engage in a **** oath with the Zheng family.

Before the meeting ended, Lin Yuan looked at Liu Jie and said.

“Brother Liu, you don’t need to go to the Miao family, but I want you to put a little pressure on the Miao family.”

“This pressure is best to make the Miao family nervous.”

Liu Jie understood what Lin Yuan meant after hearing Lin Yuan’s words.

Although Liu Jie is not good at managing power, he is definitely not stupid.

Presumably, when Lin Yuan asked Zheng Kaiyuan to join the small circle in the night meeting, and gave Zheng Kaiyuan contact information, he had already begun to arrange the Zheng family chess game.

I put pressure on the Miao family to prove that the relationship between me and the Miao family is not likely to ease.

The Miao family, who lost their tense part, would naturally subconsciously hold on to Lin Yuan.

The Miao family needs Zheng Kaiyuan as a bridge to win Lin Yuan’s relationship.

This is equivalent to giving Zheng Kaiyuan a greater influence and voice in the Miao family.

The City of the Sky took the Zheng family’s blood oath so simply that it was bound to stimulate Zheng Kaiyuan.

After putting pressure on the Miao family, he could not say that Zheng Kaiyuan could still ask for help from the Miao family with an emperor-level combat power!

The loss of an Emperor-class combat power alone is enough to hurt the Miao family.

If two emperor-level combat powers have been lost, I am afraid that the Miao family will be dormant for at least 20 years before they can stand up again.

“Lin Yuan, take it to me! I will do this immediately!”

Hearing what Liu Jie said, Lin Yuan nodded and said.

“Then Brother Liu will work hard for this one.”

Shortly after Liu Jie left, Lin Yuan was about to call Listening to send Qin Lun and Qin Yu.

Lin Yuan received a call from Fan Jianyi.

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows when he saw the display of the incoming call.

Previously, I exchanged contact information with Fan Hansheng, and said that matters related to the transaction of the Golden Lotus Jin Strain and the Nuanyang Fund will be handled by Fan Hansheng on behalf of the Cage of the Vatican.

Accordingly speaking, Fan Hansheng should call himself.

But the one who called me right now was Fan Shearing Wings, which shows that it is difficult for Fan Hansheng to talk about it as a junior.

Fan Hansheng is not easy to talk about. I want to come to the main battle spirit creature that only has the Brahma Spirit Cage, Extreme Night Biluo Scorpion.

Lin Yuan answered the phone and secretly said that he had guessed correctly.

Lin Yuan only listened to the Fan Jianyi on the phone.

“Master Lin Yuan, can I take Biye to visit you?”

“Biye would like to have a face-to-face meeting with you, and I also saw the two teenagers with the blue scorpion pattern in the night you mentioned.”

“In addition, we have already prepared all the materials we are going to give you, and we will bring them to you this time.”

Lin Yuan was pleased to hear the words of Brahma cutting wings.

Jiyebiluo scorpion is one of the few scorpion spirit creatures that will carry a child to adulthood, and will live together with a family after adulthood.

This shows that both the female and male scorpions will love their cubs for life.

This kind of love comes from blood, and it continues to grow stronger over time.

Jiye Biluo Scorpion’s feelings for offspring are very similar to human feelings for offspring.

It’s about your children, even if it’s a chance, the parents will pay more attention to it.

Although Qin Lun and Qin Yu have no abilities right now, both of them really bear the scorpion pattern of the blue sky at night.

Therefore, I am not afraid to see Biye in the mouth of Fan Jianyi.

After hanging up the phone with Fan Ling Cage, Lin Yuan immediately called Listening.

Let Listening to send Qin Lun and Qin Yu over, after all, Qin Yu hasn’t officially awakened the scorpion beast pattern in the night.

In a short while, Listening personally brought Qin Lun and Qin Yu to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan discovered that Qin Lun was much stronger than before.

Although the people are still the same as before, the gloom in Qin Lun’s eyes has completely disappeared.

However, Qin Yu has heavy dark circles under his eyes. If he wants to come to listen, he should have started to find someone to tutor Qin Yu’s homework.

Qin Yu immediately pounced upon Lin Yuan with his eyes full of joy and said.

“Big brother~IndoMTL.com~Thank you for restoring my brother’s body to health.”

Qin Yu’s sincere strength said, his face is full of gratitude while speaking.

Before, Qin Yu ran out to buy medicine for Qin Lun. When he came back, he found that his brother Qin Lun’s body had returned to normal.

This discovery filled Qin Yu’s heart with joy.

Although Qin Yu is young, the hardships of life have helped Qin Yu understand a lot at a very young age.

Qin Yu used to watch his brother’s getting worse and worse, and he was always afraid that one day his brother would be gone.

So Qin Yu cherishes every day with Qin Lun very much.

Qin Lun’s body suddenly improved, letting Qin Yu know that he could still depend on his brother in the years to come.

I won’t be alone.

Qin Yu has always had an obsession, that is, he wants to thank Lin Yuan personally.

Even if you can’t do anything now, you still have to express your heart.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand and rubbed the soft hair on Qin Lun’s head, and looked at Qin Lun who was wearing a little padded jacket like a porcelain doll.

Lin Yuan squatted down, took out a few pieces of candy made with cinnabar pill sweet-scented osmanthus nectar from the amber button-shaped diamond-step spirit box and handed them to Qin Yu.

At this moment, Lin Yuan listened and said.

“Master, during this time I took Qin Lun to get to know the Linglu Chamber of Commerce, and I also brought Qin Lun to contact many people.”

“It’s just that Qin Yu is very afraid of light somehow, so I didn’t let Qin Yu go out, but found a few teachers to give Qin Yu make up lessons.”

“Qin Yu is very smart and easy to learn, and his learning progress is fast.”

“I should have the hope of going to the second grade of the Wangdu Intermediate Reiki Academy this year. I don’t have to wait until next year.”

Lin Yuan was a little surprised when he heard that Qin Yu is smart and easy to learn.

Generally, children who have not been exposed to systematic learning since childhood have difficulty immersing themselves in their studies.

(End of this chapter)

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