Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1095: Immortal 9 forging

Chapter 1096 Nine Forgings of Immortality

In the process of communicating with the prince, Lin Yuan learned that the original dimensional creatures before the first to the ninth level need a hundred units of original power for the original baptism.

But when the dimensional creature reaches the tenth level and the regular source crystal in the body is transformed into the world source crystal, it will consume a full thousand of source power to perform the baptism of the source for each small rank above the 9th .

In other words, when Lin Yuan wants to baptize the Void Shadow Demon, he needs nine thousand nine hundred original power.

Equivalent to the primordial power absorbed by the queen from nine thousand nine hundred regular source crystals.

Such consumption made Lin Yuan feel that his eggs were beginning to ache.

I’m afraid that nine thousand nine hundred of the original power is enough to get a second sword skill.

Lin Yuan decided to wait for the evening to have a good talk with the Void Shadow Demon, carefully weigh the value of the Void Shadow Demon before making a decision.

Think of Xuanyue, the breath of the Void Shadow Demon and that strange plant seed.

And what endless Xia said was the immortal species above the creation species, Lin Yuan asked his master Yuehou.

“Master, is the power above the creation seed the immortal seed?”

After the moon, he nodded, not surprising that Lin Yuan knew about the immortal kind of moon.

Months later, I have heard Xuanyue talk about Lin Yuan’s hand that a plant-like spiritual creature at the peak of the three mythological realms survived the catastrophe of creation and became the existence of the creation species.

Since Lin Yuan asked about the immortal species above the Genesis Species, after the month he gave Lin Yuan some explanations.

“Myth promotes the creation of the world, and the world created by the creation of the world has gone through eight calamities and merged with the eight paths of creation, and the world formed by a single rule is complete.”

“If you want to encroach on immortality, you need to use the body to integrate with the world evolved from a single rule, so that the body becomes an immortal body.”

“Then go through the Nine Forgings of Immortality to get a chance to rise to the next level.”

After listening to his master Yuehhou’s words, Lin Yuan completely understood what the Immortal Seed was all about.

Because the seeds of the weird plant life had been absorbed by the red thorns, Lin Yuan had no physical objects to show to his master after a month.

Distinguish what the seed with immortality is.

So Lin Yuan asked Yuehhou a different way.

“Master, do you have immortal power among the top forces?”

Moon after hearing Lin Yuan’s words, his brows were raised slightly, and he said after hesitating for a moment.

“At present, the strongest combat power of the major top forces on the bright surface is only at the Emperor level, but as early as decades ago, the top three top forces had already had the peak power of the Emperor level.”

“After all these years, it is not impossible for the imperial peak powerhouse to get involved in immortality.”

“In fact, it is not only the top three powers, but I won’t be surprised when the top ten powers will announce the immortal presence among them.”

Listening to what his master Yuehou said, Lin Yuan nodded secretly.

With that said, there is nothing to be surprised about with the immortal plant seeds of Whale Ocean Trade.

The struggle within the forces is often the most fierce. Naturally, any means must be used.

So Lin Yuan did not mention plant seeds again.

After conducting a two-hour quiz with his master after a month, Lin Yuan was speechless about many questions he didn’t understand before.

The horizons have also become broader.

Often, Lin Yuan’s puzzled questions can be explained clearly with just a few words after a month.

Seeing that the time is almost up, a month later, he took the initiative to stop the knowledge quiz and said to Lin Yuan.

“Xiaoyuan, it’s almost time for your dinner party, don’t let your friends wait for a long time.”

“In addition, Xiaoyuan, you have the ability to deploy pure auras, so I think Si Dizhu is of no use to you.”

“It is up to you to decide how to use Golden Silk Emperor Bamboo then.”

Lin Yuan hurriedly looked at the time upon hearing this, and found that it had already reached eleven o’clock without realizing it.

It was less than half an hour before the time agreed upon with Zong Ze and others.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand and grabbed his hair. He didn’t expect that he would forget the time in the process of quiz.

For Jinsidizhu, Lin Yuan has already had his own plans.

However, Lin Yuan thought that Jinsi Dizhu was something the master gave him, so it would be a bit bad to dispose of it at will.

But now with the words of his own master Yuehou, Lin Yuan does not need to have any psychological burden to deal with Jinsidizhu.

Before leaving, Lin Yuan took out the diamond-level trapped box containing the seven pages of war, the tower code, and the Dark Federation information, and handed it to the moon.

“Master here is the information that Wen Yu and I have used in a special way. You have time to take a look.”

After speaking, Lin Yuan said goodbye to Yue Hou and left Qingyue Mountain.

Through the skill node of the ethereal jellyfish, I arrived at the entrance of Tonghe Hutong.

After Lin Yuan left a month later, I looked at the diamond-level sleepy chest in his hand, wondering what information Lin Yuan had to show himself.

As for the information that Lin Yuan gave himself, he will naturally not ignore it after the month.

I took out part of the paper data from the Diamond Tier Spirit Box immediately after the month, and the brows of the month after the month suddenly frowned.

The more I look at the information Lin Yuan has given me, the more I feel shocked after the month.

It’s not that the Underworld Federation was destroyed by the Seven Pages of the war. In fact, what happened on the Underworld Continent has already been known after the month.

At first, after finding clues about the Dark Continent in the cracks of the controlled third-level abyss, Wang Ting immediately sent people to investigate the Dark Federation.

It was at that time that Wang Ting collected information about the Underworld Federation.

However, the information that Wang Ting possesses is not at the same level as the details given by Lin Yuan.

Wang Ting’s intelligence on the Dark Continent only describes the situation in the Dark Continent in general.

The information provided by Ke Linyuan is a summary and survey of the situation from IndoMTL.com, standing at the core of the Seven Nether States.

It even involves some of the core secrets of the Seven Underworld,

Wang Hui Yaoting also had some snooping on these secrets. It can be said that the secrets of the Seven Nether States that Wang Ting has in his possession are completely consistent with the secrets of the Seven Nether States in this information.

This is the most powerful proof of the authenticity of this information.

After receiving the pure aura from Lin Yuan, I wanted to retreat and strengthen my strength first.

But now it seems that with the level of detail on the secrets of the seven underworlds in this information, I feel that it will be enough to convene another royal council to analyze this information a month later.

Thinking of this, the expression on Moon Queen’s face suddenly became weird.

It seems that there have been three royal court councils in the past few months.

However, these three royal court councils have a lot to do with their precious apprentice Lin Yuan!

(End of this chapter)

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