Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1091: Shock after a month

Chapter 1092 The shock after the month

After sensing the condition of the red thorns, Lin Yuan didn’t immediately go to check the ten Puling peony plants planted on the Pure Land of Bliss.

Instead, I came to Zodiac Zhitan and prepared to collect the pollen of Zodiac Zhitan for the second time.

While Lin Yuan collected the Zodiac Zhitan’s pollen into the brocade box, the grey ash playing with the wind speed antelope passed by Lin Yuan.

Sprinkled some pollen poplar of Zhitan astrology on Lin Yuan.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan hurriedly closed the brocade box, and then beat his body a few times with fear.

The pollen of Zodiac Zhitan is very small, and Lin Yuan is not suffering from bad luck, so he can’t smell the pollen of Zodiac Zhitan.

So Lin Yuan didn’t know whether the pollen of Zhitan Zodiac had been cleaned up.

After collecting the pollen of Zodiac Zhitan, Lin Yuan came to the side of the peony.

Lin Yuan discovered that the golden-sprinkling big red flowers of these lingling peony plants were still only gently closed after half an hour.

I don’t know how long it will take to form a bud.

Simply Lin Yuan took an aura crystal and squeezed it with his fingers, and the aura crystal broke.

Lin Yuan hurriedly guided the huge aura in this aura crystal to one of the puffy peony plants.

Soon, the pure aura in the aura crystal turned the five big red flowers sprinkled with gold on this Su Ling peony into flower buds.

And after the five golden-sprinkled big red flowers on the Su Ling peony turned into buds, the pure aura in the aura crystal did not consume much.

Lin Yuan estimated that it would consume at most one-tenth.

Looking at the few remaining Su Ling peony, Lin Yuan did not choose to inject the aura from the aura crystal into the other nine Su Ling peony.

Lin Yuan intends to give his master a lingering peony.

Look at whether the pure aura in the peony bud of Su Ling will help your master Yue Hou, and then make plans.

Leaving these nine Lingling peony roots on the one hand allows them to freely absorb the pure aura in the spiritual lock space, saving the consumption of aura crystals.

On the other hand, Lin Yuan also wants to try to cultivate the ramets of Suling Paeonia lactiflora.

In this way, the pure aura in the lock-spirit space can be turned into a precious resource that can be interacted with through the sill peony.

Lin Yuan has already figured out how to use this resource.

Even if the resource of pure aura can interact, Lin Yuan only intends to provide it to his master for a month.

Own Master Moon Empress can use these pure auras to exert value outside of her own, and expand her Master Moon Empress’ status and influence among the five-star creators.

Lin Yuan didn’t waste the remaining nine-tenths of the pure aura from the aura crystals, but directly took out dozens of snake-like spirits that Wendy had collected before.

Lin Yuan upgraded the nine-tenths of the remaining auras of these snake-like spirits through the aura crystals to the level of the tenth level of legendary bronze rank.

In this way, these snake-like spirits can be directly given to Wendy, and Wendy can turn these snake-like spirits into snake hairs through the talent and special snake-born paradise.

According to the venom of these snake-like creatures, you can quickly increase your rank and strength.

Lin Yuan, who had arranged everything, suddenly thought that he had gone to Zongze’s place and had not prepared a small gift for Zongze.

Seeing an elemental pearl that hadn’t had time to classify, Lin Yuan walked over and bent over to search.

After Lin Yuan peeled off a bunch of celestial-level elemental pearls whose beads were Yunmengze and Dingfu, a celestial-level elemental pearl of fire that resembled a goddess appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan didn’t expect that he would pull out another celestial-level elemental pearl with the goddess hail.

After Lin Yuan took out the elemental pearl of the goddess Chaetonian grade, Lin Yuan vigorously turned a few times in the pile of heavenly lady grade elemental pearls.

Except for a few divine-level elemental pearls with dizzying pearls of various lines, no divine-level elemental pearls with divine hail were found.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Yuan intends to give this celestial element pearl, which is the goddess hail, as a small gift to Zongze.

The fire attribute celestial element pearl must be useful for Zongze.

However, if Lin Yuan wanted to come, even if Zong Ze was a disciple of the Chef, he should still be reluctant to allow his own spirit to absorb this goddess hail of the goddess-level elemental pearl.

Because of the scarcity of the goddess hailian female elemental pearls, Lin Yuan has only found two so far.

They are all fire attributes.

So Lin Yuan doesn’t plan to distribute these rare things to the market.

In Lin Yuan’s opinion, the goddess hail pearls of the goddess grade element pearls are most suitable as gifts for friends.

After confirming the small gift for Zong Ze, Lin Yuan put the fire-attribute elemental pearl of the goddess hail in a brocade woven bag.

Then he took the peony peony that had five gold sprinkled big red flowers all turned into buds, and a box of horoscope Zhitan pollen left the Su Ling space and returned to the cultivation room.

Lin Yuan, who returned to the cultivation room, did not stay in the cultivation room, but left the cultivation room directly.

Because Lin Yuan’s cultivation room was built in the back hall of Huiyue Hall, just like the cultivation room of his master Yuehou.

So when Lin Yuan opened the door of the cultivation room, he saw a month later drinking tea in the apse and waiting for him.

And Cang Yue and Xuan Yue who were following Yue.

Until now, Cang Yue and Xuan Yue both looked at Lin Yuan with unbelievable eyes.

Because in Cang Yue and Xuan Yue, it is still impossible to fully digest what Lin Yuan said just now.

I don’t think Lin Yuan has any means to produce a higher concentration of aura than the emperor Yunling jade of glass.

Be aware that even the aura produced by an adult after the moon has a lower concentration than the aura contained in the glass emperor Yunling jade.

Although the adult is a five-star creator, this is definitely because there is no more classification above the five-star creator.

Currently, the three five-star creators in the Huiyao Federation have their own specialties.

Among them, in the aspect of blending pure aura, the adult will be the strongest in a few months~IndoMTL.com~Master Takekun is relatively weak.

However, Lord Zhu Jun is the strongest among the three five-star creators in making treasures.

If the little majesty can deploy a more refined aura than the moon queen, wouldn’t the little majesty become an existence beyond the entire Glory Federation!

Lin Yuan walked to his master Yuehhou, a sunny smile appeared on his face, showing a mouthful of white teeth.

He handed all the five buds of Su Ling peony in his hand to Yuehou’s eyes.

“Master, what do you think of the concentration of the aura in the Pu Ling peony?”

After the month, he didn’t immediately pick up the Lingling peony in Lin Yuan’s hand, but looked at Lin Yuan’s bright and sunny smile.

This smile makes Yuehou feel as if she is in the August hot summer, and her whole body and mind are filled with warmth and satisfaction under this smile.

(End of this chapter)

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