Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1024: Troubleshooting symptoms must cure the root cause

   Speaking of ways to solve the problems encountered by teenagers, there are not no ways. In just a moment, Lin Yuan already thought of two.

   It’s just that which Lin Yuan to use depends on weighing the pros and cons.

  The first way is for Lin Yuan to pass on one of the main tentacles of the ethereal jellyfish to the young man named Taly through the Celestial Council.

   Then go to open the space corridor leading to the Shenmu Federation, and send it to the Shenmu Federation through the space corridor.

   Lin Yuan opened a space corridor from the Shenmu Federation to the Hammer Federation through the exclusive characteristics of the ethereal jellyfish in the Shenmu Federation.

   By then Lin Yuan alone can easily solve the Wutong tribe.

  The Black Copper Tribe disappeared, and the Ironhoof Tribe where Talay was located will naturally survive.

   But this method has two drawbacks. On the one hand, opening the space corridor leading to the Shenmu Federation now will disrupt Lin Yuan’s original plan and rhythm.

   After all, the space tunnel is opened, Lin Yuan always needs to arrange it.

  , they will also establish their own base on the spatial corridor opened by the Shenmu Federation cave, and cultivate Yinhua around the base.

   turns the base into a dreadful forbidden area on the Continent of Terrible Veins.

   At the same time, this method also needs to consume one of the main tentacles of the ethereal jellyfish.

   Ethereal Jellyfish’s main tentacles, but it takes a full year to grow.

   And even if there is an ethereal jellyfish’s main tentacles, it still needs a lot of space attribute spirit materials.

   You need to know that the space corridor from the Huiyao Federation to the Shenmu Federation needs enough to consume the half shell of the mother shell of the Holy Source Space.

   Even if the Shenmu Federation and the Hammer Federation do not need to cross the continent like the Shenmu Federation and the Radiance Federation, the distance will never be close.

   Lin Yuan currently doesn’t have so many space attribute spirit materials to consume.

   Lin Yuan has deeply realized the importance that the Hammer Federation attaches to the founders by looking at Taley’s experience.

  Beside any builder of the Hammer Federation, there will be a hammer warrior dispatched by a hammer king.

   These hammer warriors are at the king level with the lowest strength, in order to protect the safety of the builders.

   Lin Yuan, an ordinary king-level powerhouse, is naturally not afraid.

   But erasing a two-star tribe and a royal warrior recognized by the Hammer Federation will inevitably face severe investigation by the Hammer King.

   The conflict between the Black Copper Tribe and the Iron Hoof Tribe cannot be known without other tribes.

  By then, the Ironhoof Tribe will naturally become the target of the hammer king’s intensive investigation.

  If you really follow the first method, Lin Yuan will only make the Ironhoof tribe go from a rapid death to a chronic death. A genius remembers one Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

   So the first method was excluded by Lin Yuan in his heart.

   As for the second method, it is much simpler.

   The Hammer Federation attaches so much importance to builders, as long as it can make Taray quickly become a one-star builder recognized by the Hammer King in the Celestial Council.

   Then all the problems will be solved.

   The Hammer Federation recognizes the identity of a one-star builder is much simpler than the Glory Federation.

   Aura professionals who want to assess the builders in the Glory Federation need to choose three life-related occupations.

  The prerequisites for completing the one-star builder assessment can only be considered as the prerequisites for the one-star builder assessment before these three life-related occupations are assessed.

   Glory Federation one-star creators are generally assessed to strengthen the level of spiritual things.

   Lin Yuan had experienced the one- and two-star appraisal of the founders in the Bauhinia City before. Naturally, he was very clear about the one and two-star appraisal of the founders of the Huiyao Federation.

   But according to Talley’s knowledge, the hammer federation builder assessment is not known if it is because the builders themselves are very scarce.

The assessment content of    One-Star Creator is extremely simple.

   only three knowledge-based life occupations are required, such as scholars, spiritual analysts, and spiritual observers.

  , you can declare the qualification of a one-star maker to the hammer king of the hammer federation.

   Then the Iron Hammer King will send special personnel to examine the knowledge of scholars, spiritual material analysts, and spiritual observers to conduct detailed assessments on those who apply for the one-star creator.

   After the three knowledge-based life and occupation assessments are determined to be qualified, they will be directly awarded the title of one-star builder.

  , it is no longer necessary to prepare the elixir and upgrade the level of elixir like the Radiance Federation.

   After all, the foundation for the creator to deploy the elixir is to require a lot of knowledge.

  Only in the assessment of the two-star creator, the hammer king will allow the creator to make a real knife and real spear.

  The Hammer Federation will formulate such a loose assessment method for one-star creators. Lin Yuan speculated that it might be in order to expand the foundation of low-star creators in the Federation.

   Therefore, in order to solve the difficulties encountered by Tarley, Lin Yuan only needs to let Wen Yu display the function of the Celestial Council.

   Then let the end of the smart display of the exclusive characteristics of the interconnection directly instill the knowledge of the one-star scholar, the spiritual observer and the spiritual analyst.

   As long as Talé masters the knowledge of one-star scholars, spiritual material analysts, and spiritual observers.

  , even if he doesn’t know how to deploy spiritual fluids, he can still become a one-star creator recognized by the hammer king. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

  Because Tale became a one-star creator, such an Ironhoof tribe will naturally become a one-star tribe recognized by the hammer king.

   At the same time, the hammer king will also photograph the hammer warriors coming to the iron hoof tribe to protect the safety of the taray.

  The Hammer Federation strictly prohibits conflicts between star tribes, but in order to ensure the rights of the high star tribe~IndoMTL.com~ the high star tribe has absolute right to expel the earth star tribe.

  Due to frequent wars with the Shenmu Federation, the vast land of the Hammer Federation is sparsely populated.

  The high star tribe can drive the low star tribe out of the original territory through the right of expulsion, allowing the low star tribe to settle elsewhere.

   However, Lin Yuan needs to consider whether the Wutong Tribe will let the Ironhoof Tribe settle elsewhere, and whether the Ironhoof Tribe will be willing to move.

   And in his own heart, Lin Yuan is willing to move the Ironhoof Tribe in the direction of the Shenmu Federation.

   The place Lin Yuan asked Xuanyue to help find was on the edge of the border between the Shenmu Federation and the Hammer Federation.

   When the Ironshoe Tribe migrated to the vicinity of the Shenmu Federation, Lin Yuan could connect with the Ironshoe Tribe through Thale.

   helped the Ironhoof Tribe in secret and gave a good luck to the Ironhoof Tribe.

  In this way, Lin Yuan can also use the Ironshoe Tribe as his hands and feet, while developing in the Shenmu Federation and at the same time developing in the Hammer Federation.

  Talay was still sad in his sleep for the separation of his relatives.

   When I was sad and desperate, I suddenly appeared in the center of the starry sky.

   Watching the nebula above the head continuously spread the magnificent glow.

  Talei seemed to forget his troubles for a while and fell into the beauty of the starry sky.

   I just feel like I’m dreaming.

   But soon Talay had some reaction. If it was a dream, he couldn’t feel so real now.

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