Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1018: Tare

   Glory Federation is midday, but it is not the case for the rest of the main world.

  Different federations, different geographical locations, and time are also different.

  The Territory Continent adjacent to the Huiyao Continent is seven hours earlier than the Huiyao Federation in overall time.

   Lin Yuan Wen Yu just finished breakfast, now it’s only 7:30 to check the time.

The    terrible pattern continent is the darkest moment of the sky at this time.

   The darkness on the horizon is getting thicker and thicker, and the mist drifting in the dark night completely blocks any ray of light.

   “Big brother, the whole family stays here until now, you let me be a tortoise and I will not do it!”

   was talking about a boy who looked fourteen or five years old.

   At this time, big tears are rolling down from the big, grape-like eyes of a young boy with a small inch.

   The boy’s eyes were red, and his fists creaked.

   is like a crazy and sad little beast.

   In front of the boy with an inch head is a young man dressed in leather aura clothing and looks quite determined.

   The young man’s rough-cut fur and aura clothing makes the young man really look simple and wild.

   It’s just that the determined young man at this time looked at the teardrops of the boy with a small head in front of him, his eyes flushed.

   However, under the forbearing expression of the determined young man, the red eyes of the young man did not roll down tears like a boy with an inch head.

   The determined young man rubbed the boy’s head lovingly with his hands and said.

   “Xiao Lei, you are the hope of the whole clan, and only you in the whole clan have the talent of the creator.”

  ”At this time, if you stay in a hurry, the hope of the whole family will be cut off.”

  The boy with an inch head couldn’t help it anymore when he heard the words of the determined youth, and his emotions were all gushing out.

   “Brother, father and mother, grandparents, they are all thinking about the whole family.”

   “Why now even you are talking about the whole family all day long.”

   “My relatives are gone, what’s the point of surviving even as a creator!”

  The boy with an inch head was so excited, his voice became a little hoarse during the violent roar.

  The determined young man sighed lightly.

   put his hand on the boy’s head again, rubbed the boy’s head lightly and said.

   “Xiao Lei, you will be fifteen years old after tomorrow, and you are not young anymore.”

   “Brother, when you were fifteen years old, already started to follow the team in the clan to explore the next meta-crack.”

  ”You should also learn to grow up faster.”

   The determined young man looked at the inch-headed young man without even listening to his words. He was still emotional, and his expression suddenly became serious.

   “Xiao Lei, our Shoe Iron Tribe and the Wutong Tribe have jointly discovered a high-level energy ore vein and an associated mine of gold-level metal spirit material frost silver.”

   “The mineral veins we discovered together are not qualified to develop together with the Wutong tribe, but suffer the genocide.”

  ”It is because the Wutong tribe has a two-star creator.”

   “In the Hammer Federation, any builder who appears in the tribe can be recognized by the Crown of the Hammer Federation and become a tribe under the king.”

  ”According to the level of the creator in the tribe, the level of the tribe under the king is the same as the level of the creator from one to five stars.”

   “Because of the two-star creator, the Black Copper Tribe has long become a two-star tribe recognized by the Crown of the Hammer Federation.”

  ”The two-star tribe wants to deal with tribes like us without a creator.”

   “Xiao Lei, if you can become a one-star creator, in the case of our Ironhoof tribe a one-star creator.”

   “Even if the Uzbek tribe is afraid that we will leak the news of the high-level energy ore veins and the gold-level metal spirit material frost and silver associated mines, the Uzbek tribe will not dare to kill us.”

  ”Xiao Lei, this is the iron rule of survival in this world. As long as you are still, the Ironshoe Tribe will not disappear in one day.”

   “Even if the Ironshoe Tribe is gone now, the glory of the Ironshoe Tribe will always reappear in your hands!”

   In Taray’s impression, his brother had never spoken to him in such a serious tone.

  Talay never thought that one day he would watch the tribe he grew up with helplessly disappear.

   At this moment, the young boy with an inch head, Taley finally sees the truth of the world clearly, and has grown up at this supposedly carefree age.

  Talay calmly sorted out his emotions, and pressed all his emotions to the bottom of my heart with sour nose and rolling teardrops.

  Talay forced his voice not to tremble, and asked his brother as calmly as possible.

  ”Brother, when are you going to send me away?”

   The determined young man saw Taray’s appearance and stretched out his young palm full of calluses.

   said after he wiped the teardrops from Taray’s face with the only palm that was not covered with calluses.

   “Father, mother, grandpa, grandma and I will prepare supplies for you tonight.”

  ”You sleep for a while, and grandpa will use his silver-step gravel mole to open the secret tunnel under the tribe.”

   “When you enter the tunnel, the burrowing mole will damage the tunnel.”

   “After that, my brother won’t be able to teach you what to do. You just have to live with the hope of the Ironhoof Tribe.”

  After the determined young man left, Ta Lei lay on the bed tightly with his eyes closed, enduring his sadness and pain.

  Since you choose to escape, you need to have sufficient spiritual and physical strength~IndoMTL.com~ Sleeping at this time is definitely the most beneficial thing for escape.

   So Talay hypnotized himself silently in his heart, don’t think about everything in reality.

   Then I counted the sheep using the way my mother taught me to treat insomnia.

   Even so, Talay still muttered silently in his heart before going to sleep.

   “If father, mother, grandpa, grandma, eldest brother can survive, I am willing to trade them all.”


   is still late at night, and there are so many stars in the sky.

   A short-haired woman is staggering down the street.

   Even if it is late at night in this place, the whole street is still crowded.

   There are boxes of various spirit fruits on the street.

   In front of every street stall, there is a vendor in strange costumes humming softly, and occasionally twisting his body.

   is full of exotic flavors.

  From all this, we can tell that people here like songs and dances very much, as if songs and dances have been integrated into their lives.

  The whole face of the girl with short hair was painted black, and she walked on the road with her body squatted.

  , from time to time, I get scorned eyes from various street vendors.

  The short-haired girl seems to be very calm at the contemptuous glances of these vendors, but from the depths of the short-haired girl’s eyes, there is a deep disdain.

   It seems that a girl with short hair should be born superior, and these people around me don’t deserve to be compared with me.

   At this moment, the short-haired girl suddenly fell on the ground holding her head shivering.

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