Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 985: Symptoms of not seeing light

   Helping the emergency does not help the poor.

   Ume sticks should be able to sell for more than a week according to the current weather and temperature.

   Nearly five thousand plum branches can be sold at a price of seventy-five thousand federal currency at the value of a fifteen federal currency.

   I hope that these seventy-five thousand federal coins can help the boy who is only twelve or thirteen years old.

   The young man took the federal currency that Lin Yuan handed over, and his eyes flashed with clear light, which was a little dusty by life.

   The corners of the boy’s cracked mouth curled up quietly, and said with hope and surprise.

   “My brother finally doesn’t have to suffer this month, he can finally drink the medicine every two days!”

   Before, Lin Yuan heard this boy mention that he had an older brother who would soak plum branches with ice water.

   Lin Yuan is also an elder brother, Lin Yuan also wondered how an elder brother would be assured that his small brother would go out selling plum sticks.

   but he didn’t expect that this boy would sell plum sticks to see a doctor for his brother.

  The boy is holding money, carrying empty flowers on his back.

   ran quickly towards the alley of Xitong Street, the whole person was full of youthful vitality.

   The rough, tall and thin man has been observing Lin Yuan ever since Lin Yuan came here.

   Just look at the crane shadow and mist embroidered with silver thread on Lin Yuan’s aura clothing, and the bronzing tissues just handed out.

   The rugged, tall and thin man knew that Lin Yuan’s identity was certainly good, and he was not on the same level with people like himself.

   But at what level Lin Yuan is, he can’t tell from the eyes of a rough, tall and thin man.

   The rugged, tall and thin man has always made a living selling spiritual materials on Xitong Street, and he has also seen many sons of wealthy families.

   Among them, there is a young man with emerging powers.

   But compared to those rich men, Lin Yuan gave a rough, tall and thin man a completely different feeling.

   There is peace and calmness in the noble air, and the curvature of the corners of the mouth will make people feel involuntarily cordial.

   The rough man saw Lin Yuan’s gaze in the direction where the boy had left, and he said quickly.

  ”Ayu’s brother contracted a strange disease last summer. The parents of the two children met the Timberwolves when they went to the Endless Forest to dig black-shell vegetables two years ago and died.”

  ”You said that if the old couple knew that they would die in the mouth of Timberwolves, they would not choose to adopt two children.”

  ”Allen couldn’t see the light at all after he got a strange disease.”

   “Only A Yu, a half-old child, is supporting it. It is estimated that the small store of spiritual things for the two of them will soon be unable to open.”

   Just when the rough man finished sighing, he found that the extravagant boy who was standing next to him did not know when he had left.

   Lin Yuan walked toward the alley where the teenager ran into.

  Tongxi Street is regarded as an old street in the royal capital. There are many old alleys on Tongxi Street that have existed for hundreds of years.

   These old alleys are full of single-room houses, with front yard and back yard.

   At this time, every small house in the old alley is generally a shop.

   The small houses, that is, the shops, are close to each other, filled with a very lively smoke.

  As soon as he turned into the doorway of the alley, Lin Yuan saw a few large steamers in front of a small house.

   There is a charcoal fire in the steamer, and the steam is steaming from the steamer, with the smell of black back pork barbecued pork.

   The smell of this made Lin Yuan feel a little hungry.

   I want to go forward and buy some char siu to eat.

   But when Lin Yuan thought of going to the Lingshi Pavilion for dinner with Tian Ningning for a while, he gave up the idea of ​​buying black back pork char siu.

  The road in the alley is far from the main road of Tongxi Street.

  If you run fast on the road in the alley, the gravel road in the alley will surely bring up dust when you run.

   But walking on this road, Lin Yuan felt familiar and at ease in his heart.

   Just now when Lin Yuan found the federal currency from the amber button-shaped diamond-level trap, he only felt a little surprised.

  In Lin Yuan’s memory, he had purchased things in units of Glory coins for a long time.

   I haven’t used Federal Currency for a long time.

   Today, I came out to the old alley, and suddenly stepped into the mortal fireworks from Guiyuan Manor, which was like a fairyland.

  The mountains and rivers are wide, and there are fireworks in the world.

   The hustle and bustle by the ears and the smoke in front of him made Lin Yuan feel that only the invisible and invisible things are the most free.

   Just when Lin Yuan gave birth to this kind of sentiment, Lin Yuan’s mental power suddenly shocked.

   A will rune composed of an air current that constantly changes shape appeared in Lin Yuan’s mind.

   Lin Yuan didn’t expect that he would have realized another rune of will without knowing it.

   Counting down, Lin Yuan now has two will runes in his mind before he can use them.

   One of them is the will rune that Lin Yuan has understood from the ultimate killing.

   This will rune was the first will rune that Lin Yuan comprehended, and it has been in Lin Yuan’s mind for a long time now.

   Another will rune is the present one, invisible and shapeless, full of freedom.

   Lin Yuan still has no clue as to what kind of spiritual things the two will runes that are idle in his mind are suitable.

  As an aura professional, Lin Yuan can’t just contract a spiritual creature in order to use the will rune~ IndoMTL.com~ Every different spiritual creature must be perfected after the contract. Lin Yuan’s combat system is good.

   Lin Yuan feels that when he is free, he should think carefully about what kind of spiritual objects are still missing in his combat system to fill it up.

   After regaining his senses from what he had just realized, Lin Yuan couldn’t help but remember what the rough tall and thin man had just said.

   Lin Yuan saw the twelve-three-and-a-half-year-old boy named Ayu selling spiritual materials, and he thought of himself before.

   Lin Yuan did move his compassion, but he didn’t expect that the situation of this boy and his brother was so similar to him and Chu Ci.

   is because my elder brother has physical problems, and he runs a small store of spiritual things.

   Both parents are dead.

   But the difference between myself and Chuci and these brothers is that I and Chuci were indeed born from their parents.

   But the brothers were adopted.

   Lin Yuan could hardly imagine that the circumstances between different people would almost overlap in a subtle way.

   At the same time, Lin Yuan also had a trace of doubt in his heart.

   The rough man said that Ayu’s brother had a strange disease and couldn’t see the light. This disease is really weird!

  In the era of Reiki recovery, it sounds sad that ordinary people cannot become Reiki professionals.

   But these ordinary people are equally lucky.

   In the era of aura recovery, ordinary people can breathe aura and eat spiritual materials that contain spiritual power. .

   As long as there is no serious illness, it is difficult to lose life.

   At the same time after the Reiki resuscitation, many strange diseases before the Reiki resuscitation have disappeared.

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