Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 978: World Source Crystal

   selected twenty-five lumps of intermediate marsh soil suitable for absorption of Arakawa orchid buds and buried them around Arakawa orchid buds.

   Nourished by the twenty-five lumps of marsh soil, a flower bud grew from the bud of Arakawa.

   It looks like this Arakawa orchid bud is already preparing buds.

  , when the buds are in full bloom, endless summer will have the ability to heal.

  ”In this area, I will keep the slaughter-eating butterfly on guard, and as long as there are no eleven meta-organisms on the moss, there should be no more safety issues.”

  ”In a few days, there will be several batches of smiths entering the swamp world.”

   “I will let these spirits build a greenhouse to protect Arakawa Ranya.”

  ”The talent of moss sphagnum moss is very helpful for the growth of Arakawa orchid buds. I will let Wendy direct the moss sphagnum moss to do my best to help Arakawa orchid buds grow.”

   “You don’t need to worry about things in the swamp world. You can go to the Linglu Chamber of Commerce during this time.”

  ”The night club has ended, and some people should not be able to stand it anymore.”

   Hearing Lin Yuan’s words, Hentai Xia nodded and said.

   “Lin Yuan, you might as well send me out of the swamp world now.”

   “I will go to Linglu Chamber of Commerce immediately.”

   “I sit in the Linglu Chamber of Commerce, you can also transfer Duan He back.”

   “Duan He wanted to go out for a period of time to improve the strength of the purple demon, now is just an opportunity.”

   Hearing the words of endless summer, Lin Yuan nodded.

   If Duan He wants to go out for practice, Liu Jie has been collecting white-clothed followers during this period as the white robe chief.

   Counting Zhou Luo last year, there are now 14 followers in white clothes in the Sky City.

   At that time, Duan He can take these white-clothed followers to go out for experience, and by the way, improve the strength of these white-clothed followers.

   Lin Yuan sent Endless Xia back to the main world through the treasure made from the treasure cave golden toad stomach pouch and skin, and then returned to the swamp world again.

   I don’t know exactly what ecstasy soup was poured into Wendy’s moss. The moss now has become Wendy’s benefactor.

   The data photos have also undergone great changes before.

  [Name of Alien]: Sphagnum moss

  [Life Form]: Dimensional Creature (Benevolent Faith in People)

  [Level of Alien Beast]: Level 10

  [Totem Belief]: Three Flower Snake Eye Totem

   Talent Specialty:

  [Moss Cloth Green Area]: The main body is quickly divided into small and delicate short sphagnum moss, which can choose to parasitize any life that can be touched by sphagnum moss, and absorb all the nutrients that can be decomposed in the body substance. Or the sphagnum sphagnum sacrifices itself to provide a certain plant or animal on the sphagnum that can be touched with the nutrients needed for survival. At the same time, the body can also generate a part of the sphagnum that is suitable for floating in the swamp and sense it through the sphagnum. The surrounding environment.

After    moss moss became a benefactor, the talented special moss green field has added a new detection function.

  With this detection function, Lin Yuan can use the moor sphagnum moss to investigate the situation in the endless swamp.

  In this way, Lin Yuan can use the Klein hub as the core to map the swamp world bit by bit.

   After becoming Wendy’s benefactor, almost the entire land was covered with a thick layer of moss.

  Moss clothes are soft, making Lin Yuan only feel like stepping on an expensive cashmere carpet.

   Without Lin Yuan’s instructions, the moor sphagnum moss has begun to sacrifice itself to provide nutrients for the holy source of Arakawa orchid buds.

   Wherever Wendy goes, the moor sphagnum moss will bloom hundreds of small fleshy pink flowers around Wendy.

   Looking at the environment in front of him, Lin Yuan was very satisfied.

  The power of faith in the exquisite mark of the remnant body of the drinking snake vulture has been absorbed by Wendy.

   But as an eleventh-level dimensional creature, the body of the drinking snake buzzard hides something that Lin Yuan has never touched so far.

   After being promoted to the creation species, if the creation species is killed.

   can discover the world spar transformed from the regular spar from the creation spirit object.

  Dimensional creatures are no exception.

   The regular source crystal in the tenth level of the dimensional creature will transform into the world source crystal.

   Looking at the body of the eleventh-level dimensional creature-drinking snake buzzard, Lin Yuan didn’t know how to start for a while.

   As an eleventh-level creature, even after death, the body of the drinking snake buzzard is very firm and hard.

   Lin Yuan, unless the imperial envoy, let the prince transform into a holy sword form, and borrow the power of those rules to cut the body of the drinking snake buzzard and dig out the world source crystal in it.

   But this kind of operation is too wasteful.

   just when Lin Yuan was going to find the Slaughter Heaven Butterfly and let the Slaughter Heaven Butterfly divide.

  Lin Yuan’s mind suddenly sounded a surprise voice from the queen.

   “Wow! Master! When did you get such a delicious thing!”

   “I want to eat! I want to eat! I want to eat! I want to eat!”

   The dull hair on the queen’s head stood up one by one while she was talking.

   Looking at the appearance of the prince deep in his soul, Lin Yuan felt that the prince was almost drooling.

   Lin Yuan thought that what the queen was talking about was the crystallization of the world hidden in the body of the drinking snake buzzard. As a result, who thought about the next sentence of the queen directly made Lin Yuan’s face shine.

  ”Every inch of flesh and blood of this eleventh-level dimensional creature contains a trace of source power.”

   “So as long as the dimensional creature reaches level ten or above~ IndoMTL.com~ I can absorb every inch of his flesh and blood.”

   “And this eleventh-level dimensional creature is still a favored believer, the source power contained in the flesh and blood has become more.”

   “Although these source powers are very mixed, like ribs that are difficult to eat.”

   “But I will be able to eat cleanly.”

   Hearing what the queen said, Lin Yuan directly summoned the queen and said to the queen.

  ”Well, you might as well absorb the body of the drinking snake bird now.”

  ”But you should keep the world source crystal in the drinking snake buzzard. I will check it out before letting you absorb it.”

   Hearing Lin Yuan’s words, the prince agreed with joy.

   Then the prince danced in mid-air, and the edges of the prince’s skirt were all scattered into silk threads.

   Nearly ten thousand silk threads directly wrapped the body of the drinking snake bird.

  As the queen absorbed the source power in the four bodies of the drinking bird, Lin Yuan discovered that the queen had absorbed nearly five hundred and fifty source power from the body of the eleventh-level creature drinking bird. .

   This is directly equivalent to replenishing the source power consumed by Lin Yuan’s perfect source baptism for Wendy and Li Teng.

   even gave Lin Yuan fifty more original powers.

   Lin Yuan felt that as the major forces of the main world explored the abyssal world, sooner or later they would get the bodies of tenth-level and eleventh-level creatures. .

   At that time, it is undoubtedly the most cost-effective to exchange these bodies from the hands of the major forces than to exchange the rule source crystals.

   When the hem of Wang Nv Luo’s skirt formed tens of thousands of silk threads, a dazzling spar caught Lin Yuan’s eyes.

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