Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 953: The perfect source baptism

Although the Medusa monitor did not show closeness to Lin Yuan, the current Medusa monitor does not actively attack Lin Yuan.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuan forcibly held his breath and walked to the iron cage, repeating the previous steps again.

This time, Lin Yuan threw the crystal bottle up and was directly caught by the Medusa monitor lizard and swallowed.

After the second induction was completed, Lin Yuan found that the Medusa monitor had already subconsciously approached him.

The expression was pleasing and admiring, as if in the eyes of the Medusa monitor, he had become a Medusa snake monster with snake hair.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan opened the iron cage and let the Medusa monitor crawl out of the iron cage.

At the same time, Lin Yuan also secretly used the Spiritual Eruption, with a thick layer of aura attached to his fist.

The increase in the concentration of aura in the lock-spirit space made Lin Yuan’s attacks with the spirit burst stronger.

If the Medusa monitor lizard had the intention of hurting himself, Lin Yuan would definitely punch it without mercy.

Ke Linyuan discovered that the Medusa monitor lizard that had been induced twice has shown the true qualities of a professional dog licking.

I didn’t dare to approach myself abruptly, I only dared to guard silently from the side.

So Xing Lin Yuan intends to induce the Medusa monitor lizard for the third time in order to reach a permanent contract.

At this moment, Mobius’ voice rang from the depths of Lin Yuan’s soul.

“Lin Yuan, dimensional creatures grow in the dimensional world, and aura has no effect on dimensional creatures.”

“But for dimensional creatures, source power is an extremely precious treasure.”

“The effect of primordial power on dimensional creatures is far greater than the effect of pure aura on spiritual things.”

“If the source force is added during the third induction, it may make the Medusa monitor an earth-shaking evolution.”

“Dimensional creatures are also grateful for great opportunities. At that time, the Medusa monitor will be more loyal after reaching a permanent contract.”

Lin Yuan’s eyes lit up when he heard Mobius’ words.

Immediately, Lin Yuan called out the prince who had been digesting the rule source crystal for a moment.

asked the prince.

“The Queen, when you digest the rule source crystal, you can extract the rule source crystal containing pure power, and at the same time, you will also store the source power in your body.

“Use these source forces to infuse the complete rules and let the rules improve.”

“I wonder if this source of power stored in the body can be taken out of the body?”

As the thing of the holy source, the prince has high wisdom. Seeing Lin Yuan’s Medusa monitor lizard like a pug, the prince knew Lin Yuan’s plan.

It’s just that the prince doesn’t understand. What is the use of Lin Yuan’s use of such precious source power to promote these humble creatures?

We must know that the 28 crows struck by Lin Yuan’s sword skill Jackdaw Withering in the holy sword state can easily kill dozens of Medusa monitor lizards of this strength.

So the queen asked Lin Yuan about this question in her soul.

Lin Yuan sensed the prince’s question and spoke.

“Next, I plan to develop the swamp world, and cultivate a few swamp dimensional creatures that can be absolutely controlled to help the development and development of the swamp world.”

Hearing Lin Yuan’s answer, the queen’s eyes lit up.

If Lin Yuan can develop in the swamp world, even if Lin Yuan does not trade with other people in the future, he will always have the rules to eat.

This is simply great!

Feeling the situation of the Medusa monitor lizard, the prince said to Lin Yuan.

“The master dimensional creature can only go through the baptism of the original power once in its life, and the awakening and evolution will occur under the baptism of the original power.”

“There is no restriction on the dimensional creatures of any level can receive the baptism of the original power.”

“But the higher the level of the dimensional creature wants to perform the perfect source baptism, the more source power is needed.”

“Since this Medusa monitor lizard is at level four, it needs 400 copies of the original power to perform the perfect baptism of the original power.”

Lin Yuan frowned upon hearing this.

“Four hundred source forces?”

Doesn’t that mean that the Medusa monitor wants to perform a perfect source baptism, it needs 400 source crystals!

Such consumption is an astronomical figure for Lin Yuan, who has no golden lotus flowers before.

Even if Lin Yuan now has golden lotus plants, it will still be painful for Lin Yuan to go out of the 400 source power.

Hearing Lin Yuan’s rhetorical question, Wang Nu stretched out her hand and pressed down the dull hair on her head.

The same reluctantly said.

“Master, that’s right.”

“Of course, imperfect primordial baptism can also be performed, which can save a lot of primordial power, and the Medusa monitor will also evolve.”

Lin Yuan asked after hearing the words of the queen.

“How much primordial power does imperfect source baptism require?”

The queen said immediately after hearing this.

“Imperfect original baptism masters can choose the amount of original power to use, any value from one to four hundred original powers.”

“It’s just that a source creature can only receive source baptism once in its lifetime. After imperfect source baptism, it can no longer be perfect source baptism.”

Lin Yuan thought briefly after hearing the words of the queen.

In the end, it was decided to perform a perfect original baptism on the Medusa monitor lizard.

These four hundred source power flowers were spent, just as an experiment.

How much does the experimental perfect original baptism promote the dimensional creatures?

If this perfect source baptism fails to meet Lin Yuan’s expectations, it will be fine not to perform source baptisms on dimensional creatures in the future.

“Daughter, directly give a perfect original baptism to the Medusa monitor lizard!”

“I also happened to take a look at the improvement of a perfect primordial baptism to dimensional creatures.”

When the queen heard Lin Yuan’s words, she responded directly.

“Good master, I will inject four hundred source power into the body of the Medusa monitor.”

While speaking, the prince danced gently, and a handful of silk thread was scattered in the Luo skirt.

Lin Yuan saw ~IndoMTL.com~ and threw the last prepared liquid into the mouth of the Medusa monitor.

After the Medusa monitor swallowed the last elixir, the silk thread held up in the queen’s skirt turned into a sharp blade to pierce the Medusa monitor’s body.

At the same time, a turbid amber halo emerged on each thread, and finally injected into the Medusa monitor through the queen’s skirt.

When the prince pierced these silk threads into the Medusa monitor lizard, Lin Yuan found that the number of silk threads was exactly 400.

I want to come that every thread is injecting a source of power towards different directions of the Medusa monitor’s body.

After the queen drew the silk thread out of the Medusa monitor, Lin Yuan immediately heard the scream of the Medusa monitor.

At this time, the roar of the Medusa monitor has changed a lot from the original roar.

Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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