Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 936: Black with crazy mouth

The 936th chapter of Royal Beast Evolver, the black endless Xia Wenyan who was stunned by crazy mouth, still has some small regrets in her heart, can she be more beautiful, okay?

Furthermore, Hentai Xia thinks that the sound of such delicate features is absolutely beautiful to shave her bald head!

Yinyin went to Lin Yuan’s bedroom with her cleverness in her arms, preparing to log on to Starnet.

Before logging on to the new website, Yinyin only felt that her heart was pounding extremely fast.

I have been blocking the GIF’s sound on Starnet live broadcast, and now I am preparing to show my face for the first time.

Besides, he still shows his face in a human form, so it is impossible not to be nervous at all.

But Yinyin bravely boarded at the end.

Lin Yuan saw Yinyin return to his room for live broadcast, and did not disturb Yinyin.

Instead, I went to the guest room next to me and logged on to Starnet with my original identity

At this time, inside the Huiyao Federal Star Network Building, a woman was lying on the table with a water glass in her hand.

The woman’s palm was pinching the water glass tightly, causing the water glass to make a faint “creaking” sound.

It can be seen how much strength this woman used at this time.

The woman’s face was half angry and half anxious.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman with short hair and capable hands walked up to the woman lying on the table and said.

“Ningning, the editor-in-chief wants you to pass.”

While talking, the capable middle-aged woman with short hair couldn’t help sighing when she saw the expression on Tian Ningning’s face.

“It’s been so long, haven’t you contacted the black?”

The short-haired capable middle-aged woman who was talking looked at Tian Ningning’s eyes with sympathy.

The formerly capable middle-aged woman with short hair felt that Tian Ningning was a bit silly when she knew that Tian Ningning had become a black reporter without a word.

Before Tian Ningning went to fight for black, it was obvious that a member of the Huiyao Baizi sequence who had just retired had replaced his own reporter.

And this former Huiyao Baizi sequence member who changed his own reporter also deliberately found Tian Ningning, and wanted to invite Tian Ningning to become his own reporter.

But it was rejected by Tian Ningning.

At that time, the capable middle-aged woman with short hair couldn’t understand Tian Ningning’s operation.

As a result, I didn’t expect that the heroic boy Hei in Mopan Town was actually an out-and-out potential stock.

After Tian Ningning became the exclusive reporter for the black, everything he did can cause a sensation on the star network.

Tian Ningning gradually gained fame among many star network reporters.

The press conference attended with Long Tao, Fang Duoduo, Shi Xu, Zhao Xiaochun and other exclusive reporters from the four active members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence directly pushed Tian Ningning to the high point of the star network’s exclusive reporters.

Let Tian Ningning have the same status as the exclusive reporter of the Hui Yao Baizi sequence.

Furthermore, based on the strength He has shown on the ladder, it is basically a certain thing for Hei to participate in the selection of the Hui Yao Baizi sequence this year and become a member of the Hui Yao Baizi sequence.

But now it seems that it is not easy for Tian Ningning to work as a black reporter.

Since Tian Ningning became a black reporter, he has never done an exclusive interview with the black reporter, and the editor-in-chief has been very dissatisfied with Tian Ningning.

Now I don’t know what bad things Hei has done, and he was evaded by so many low-key veteran and top power children on the star network.

Black on the Star Network has always been compared with the talented young Lin Yuan who appeared in the All-Star Game.

This is not a big deal at all.

After all, there are still posts on the Star Internet comparing ordinary blue-shell crabs with the mythical creature Yushi cherry blossom crab.

Furthermore, after a peculiar analysis, people feel that the blue-shell crab, which is not even a spiritual creature, seems to be more outstanding than the mythical Yushi cherry blossom crab.

Star.net has always had a lot of sand sculptures, and it is everyone’s right to post any posts on the star.

But Lin Yuan and Hei’s long-standing dispute suddenly changed this morning.

In the beginning, only a few younger generations of old and top powers’ direct lineages publicly stated on the star network that “Hei Lian Lin Yuan’s half of his finger can’t be matched”.

As soon as this incident appeared, it was posted on Starnet’s hot search.

You must know that any direct descendant of these old and top powers has the glory and majesty of the old and top powers.

The children of these top powers and established powers have always had their own small circles on the star network, and they are very low-key on weekdays.

Although occasionally there are some hot-tempered veteran forces and top-notch elder brothers or elders who also publicly DISS someone on Star.

Once this kind of thing happens, it doesn’t matter whether the incident is calmed down in the end.

Many netizens on Starnet will all be regarded as a big melon to eat.

But now it’s too rare for the eldest to collectively DISS alone among several top powers and established powers.

It can even be said that there has not been a similar incident on Star Network in the past five years.

When this turmoil just started, many people who eat melons were very serious about comparing the strength of Black on the ladder with the strength of Meng Xu, who was defeated by Lin Yuan.

Analyze the gap between Hei and Lin Yuan.

However, I didn’t expect that this hot search thing on the star network just fermented rapidly, and dozens of young people from top and old powers made the DISS black public on the star network.

Joined in Lin Yuan’s battle.

This has caused all the melon-eating people on the Star Network to fall into a state of confusion, wondering what happened?

How can black provoke so many fairy characters who usually see the dragon without seeing the end?

Are these fairy characters publicly DISS black, really because Lin is far better than black?

This makes everyone confused for a while.

As the exclusive reporter of Hei, Tian Ningning must pay close attention to and contact Hei himself immediately after such a thing happens.

Ask what happened, and then find a way to deal with it.

Tian Ningning, who had worked hard for a day, found that he could not contact the black anyway.

In fact, it is not a day or two that Tian Ningning can’t get in touch with the black.

Tian Ningning checked his last chat with Hei and found that it was half a month ago.

At that time, the black fought two ladder duels~IndoMTL.com~ I gave the black hair the written battle record.

Hei just returned three words.

“Thank you.”

At the time, seeing the three words in the black reply, “Thank you,” Tian Ningning still felt very warm in her heart.

Now that such a big incident has happened, Tian Ningning, as a black reporter, cannot contact the person he is responsible for.

This makes Tian Ningning’s business ability no matter how good, she doesn’t know what kind of crisis public relations should be done at this time.

After all, Tian Ningning didn’t know the cause of this storm.

Tian Ningning can’t contact Lin Yuan now, although she feels a little impatient and complains.

But Tian Ningning has been an exclusive reporter for black for nearly half a year, and has a certain understanding of black.

Make up yesterday’s third update. Ask for a monthly pass.

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