Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 905: The visitor is a guest

Chapter 906 Visitors are guests

The slaughter worm hurriedly shrunk to a length of five or six centimeters, looking like an ordinary caterpillar with burrs.

Xuanyue grabbed the slaughtering worm that was the size of an ordinary caterpillar and placed it in a jade box.

The jade box Xuan Yue took out was just an artifact carved from top-quality jade, and did not possess the ability to defend.

The worms can smash the jade box at will.

But the worm-killing worm that was put in the jade box was obediently motionless, and did not dare to resist at all.

Slaying Worms is confused, but he knows his mission very well.

The Slaughter Worm lives to hatch the Slaughter Heaven Butterfly, so when faced with a powerful existence like Xuan Yue, it will not only think about the death of the fish and the breaking of the net.

On the contrary, he knows better than other spirit creatures how to survive by compromise.

Lin Yuan knew that by summoning the blue flash purple butterfly, he would immediately be able to subdue the Slaughter Worm, but the Slaughter Worm did not make a contract with Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan was unable to take the worm-killing worm back into the mental space.

At most, you can only install the killing worms in the lock space, and then let the blue flash purple butterfly control the killing worms in the lock space.

Although the current slaughter worms will follow the blue flash purple butterfly, but the slaughter worms who have not been promoted to the creation species and transformed into the slaughter butterfly will not use the power of the world to issue master and servant contracts to the blue flash purple butterfly , Become the servant of the blue flash purple butterfly.

Without the **** of an oath, Lin Yuan is really afraid of killing worms in the spirit lock space.

Lin Yuan’s precious things are all in the spirit lock space. The worms of the three mythological realms are fully capable of killing the spirit creatures in the spirit lock space and destroy them.

Lin Yuan could not bear to kill the worms like the twin fire sacrifices, the phoenix phoenix tree, and Zhu Guiyulu in the lock-spirit space.

Not to mention that there are still unhatched floating island whales in the Suo Ling space, gray gray, clever, sound, wind speed gazelle, Yinhua, Jinse, these Lin Yuan’s own spiritual objects.

Furthermore, if Lin Yuan wants to hoard resources, he also needs those elemental shells of various lines that can continuously produce heavenly girl-level elemental pearls.

After weighing it repeatedly, Lin Yuan intends to help this slaughter worm promote to the creation species in the shortest time after leaving the Hall of Bright Moonlight.

Anyway, Lin Yuan now has more and more regular crystals as the king’s daughter keeps extracting the regular source crystals.

This slaying worm is not like the previous endless summer, which has just been promoted to the three mythical realms without foundation.

This worm-killing worm has been promoted to the high-level level of the lord-level mythical three realms by himself.

I believe that it is possible to be promoted to the creation species without using many rules to crystallize.

After Xuanyue helped Lin Yuan collect the slaughter worms, she prepared to leave for the Huiyue Palace with Lin Yuan.

The most convenient way to go to the Huiyue Hall is for Xuanyue to continue to return to the treasure made from the treasure cave golden toad.

Then Lin Yuan teleported directly back to Huiyue Hall through the skill node of the ethereal jellyfish.

Although there are several pauses in between, the calculation is only a blink of an eye.

The silver-haired old woman couldn’t help but hesitate when she saw Xuanyue and Lin Yuan were leaving, wondering if she should come forward and talk to Lin Yuan now.

If you don’t talk to me, today’s event has passed, and the creation of the weeping willow tree core and the worm-killing worm I have given are just equal to offset my sin.

If you come forward and say hello, if you can leave a phone number with Lin Yuan, you will have a good relationship with Lin Yuan and move around.

When Xuan Yue got into the golden toad-shaped treasure, the silver-haired old woman dared to walk to Lin Yuan and said.

“My lord, I was reckless this time and caused trouble to my lord.”

“If I can, I would like to have a chance to apologize to the adults.”

When Lin Yuan heard the words, he immediately understood the meaning of the silver-haired old woman.

“There is no need to go to the door to apologize. The core of the weeping willow and the worms are enough.”

Lin Yuan’s words made the silver-haired old woman’s eyes darkened. He said that he wanted to come and apologize was just a euphemism, but he didn’t expect that this euphemism was rejected by Lin Yuan without even thinking about it.

However, Lin Yuan’s next sentence directly made the silver-haired old woman’s eyes brighten.

“If you want to visit, it is natural that the visitor is the guest.”

The old silver-haired woman hurriedly took out her mobile phone which she hadn’t used for a long time, and prepared to save Lin Yuan’s call.

All the species in this world add up, and 70% of the species are insects.

Insects are the largest group of all life in the world, which also makes the cage of the Brahma worm, which functions as a spiritual thing, can dominate the top three seats of the top forces for nearly a hundred years.

After such forces, Lin Yuan must contact and even cooperate if he wants to develop the Sky City.

To build a good relationship with the cage of the Brahma insects, I don’t have to look for the insects if I need them in the future.

It’s just a phone call.

Furthermore, Lin Yuan wants to compete for the seat of the shining emissary. The influence must be there.

It is always good for Lin Yuan to establish a good relationship with a top power.

Lin Yuan wants to make Moon Hou proud of himself with his own efforts.

I don’t want to go where others see that my subconscious reaction is the apprentice of the adult after the month.

Lin Yuan also saved the number of the silver-haired old woman, and sent a text message to Liu Jie before he was ready to send the node.

Tell Liu Jie not to worry, everything goes well for the promotion of endless summer.

With the teleportation of the ethereal jellyfish’s skill node, Lin Yuan quickly returned to the Hall of Bright Moonlight.

Xuanyue also got out of the treasure cave golden cicada treasure.

Lin Yuanzheng and Xuan Yue walked towards the apse of Huiyue Hall, and only after passing the corridor, they saw Cang Yue standing at the entrance of the apse.

Cang Yue said quickly after seeing Lin Yuan and Xuan Yue.

“After the month, the adults are preparing the spirit liquid.”

Xuanyue hurriedly stopped when she heard this, and Cang Yue turned her head and said to Lin Yuan.

“Your Highness, you can enter the apse at any time.”

“My lord has been talking about you since he came back in the next month.”

Lin Yuan nodded when he heard the words and walked towards the inside of the apse.

Yue Qi has always been deploying spiritual liquids, even Xuan Yue and Cang Yue can’t bother them, but they give Lin Yuan the right to enter the apse at any time~ IndoMTL.com~ After entering the apse, Lin Yuan sees the back of the moon. Hundreds of spiritual materials from the spirits of luck are placed on the console of.

When I saw these spiritual materials, Lin Yuan knew that the moon after this time should be thinking of ways for Mr. Zhu.

Lin Yuan didn’t step forward to disturb, but stood quietly and waited for a month to finish mixing the spiritual liquid on hand.

At this time, Lin Yuan saw only seven green birds with vine-like feathers picking up the spiritual materials and pecking them into pieces, putting them into the crystal dish before the moon.

Under the influence of the huge soul power after the moon, the spiritual materials in the crystal dish quickly merged together.

These spiritual materials have become a sticky gas in the beating of soul power thousands of times per second.

After the month, with a shake of his hand, he filled the final amber gas in a prepared suet chalcedony bottle and plugged the bottle tightly.

Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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