Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 895: En will revenge and revenge

The old silver-haired woman said subconsciously after hearing this.

  ”The old man is unwilling to get involved with cause and effect, but it does not prevent him from waiting for them to die under the catastrophe of creation before collecting their two rule spars.”

   The silver-haired old man stared suddenly while he was speaking, because the silver-haired old man realized that the boy in front of him was so familiar with his clothes.

  The silver-haired old woman suddenly realized, isn’t this **** the same Yuehua diadem worn by the **** adult?

   I have really come into contact with the silver-haired old woman after the moon a few times, and have also climbed to Qingyue Mountain and asked the adult after the moon to help cultivate spiritual things.

   The rule crystallization needed for the Bakong Snake Dove to be promoted to the Creation Species was the silver-haired old woman who went to Huiyue Hall several times to ask for it.

   Although it was said that a lot of rare spiritual materials and regular spars had been spent on several searches, the silver-haired old woman was still very grateful to the future.

  The snake head hidden in the tail feathers was concealed under the baptism of heaven and earth when it was promoted to the third realm of mythical dove.

  The hidden wound of the snake head caused the tyrant secretary bird in the three realms of mythology to be unable to transform itself into weapons.

   However, this injury was healed together when the Master Moon later helped promote the Tyrant Secretary Bird to the Genesis Species.

   But how could the man’s diadem after the moon be worn on a teenager?

   At the level of a silver-haired old woman, my vision is far beyond ordinary.

   Seeing the material of Lin Yuan’s Yuehua dress, I know that this Yuehua dress is definitely not a random copy.

   It is impossible to use this kind of spirit materials on the Yuehua crown clothes that are randomly imitated. It is necessary to know that most of the spirit materials on the Yuehua crown clothes are unique to the adults after the moon.

   And the old silver-haired woman doesn’t believe that anyone in this world dares to imitate the Yuehua diadem in private.

   Privately imitating the Yuehua diadem, but it is disrespectful to the adults after the moon.

  The silver-haired old woman looked at Lin Yuan’s Yuehua diadem suit and looked again, and finally found that Lin Yuan’s Yuehua diadem suit had no Yuehua diadem pattern on her waist.

   The absence of the Yuehua diadem pattern means that Lin Yuan is not wearing a Yuehua diadem suit.

   But this discovery didn’t make the silver-haired old woman relax at all, instead she felt tight.

  The old silver-haired woman can be sure that the young man in front of me must have something to do with the adult after the moon.

   thinking about that, the old silver-haired woman couldn’t help but see cold sweat from her forehead.

   After Lin Yuan walked out of the spatial fluctuations, he quickly took out a golden toad-shaped bag in his arms.

   The golden toad-shaped pouch looks like a live golden toad.

   This is the meeting gift given to Lin Yuan by the chef at that time. It is a treasure made from the skin and stomach pouch of the treasure cave golden toad, the holy source.

  The old woman saw Lin Yuan gently open the mouth of the golden toad in his hand, and a clear-faced man appeared in front of Lin Yuan under the fluctuation of the space.

  The old woman saw the clear-faced man hurriedly bent over and bowed deeply.

  ”Meeting Master Xuanyueshi.”

   Because the silver-haired old woman’s waist is very low, and the cold sweat on her head seeps out more and more.

   A few drops of cold sweat dripped down the cheeks on the wilderness and dry land, splashing a trace of dust.

  Xuanyue did not pay attention to the silver-haired old woman who was bent over to salute herself after   , even if the silver-haired old woman’s head was flying above the sky with a creation-type dove of the sky.

   Xuanyue glanced at the Creation Tribulation Cloud, which was brewing the Tribulation of Creation, facing Lin Yuandao.

   “Your Majesty, the environment in this treasure of yours is quite comfortable, let me solve the problem of the catastrophe of creation next.”

   Lin Yuan’s eyes were looking at the embarrassed Blood Bath Mother and Endless Xia, when he heard Xuan Yue’s words, Lin Yuan said softly.

   “Then trouble Uncle Xuan.”

  The mother of the blood bath is still in its body form at this time, but the body looks rather embarrassed. Many places on the spider’s body are pierced by sharp objects.

   Despite the powerful recovery ability of the Mother of Blood Bath, these puncture wounds have basically healed.

   But there is still a lot of blood that has not dried up on the surface of the blood bath mother spider.

   According to the wound on the body of the blood bath mother spider, Lin Yuan’s gaze suddenly looked at the huge worm that was nearly sixty meters long.

   Presumably the wound on the mother of the blood bath was stabbed by the burr on the surface of the worm.

   Endless Xia’s injuries were much more serious, and his body was almost split in half by the Tribulation of Creation.

   If it hadn’t been for Everlasting Summer to shift the positions of the two tree cores in the trunk, I’m afraid that Everlasting Summer’s tree core would be reduced to ashes under the disaster of creation.

  Based on the perception of the prince, Lin Yuan knows that the tree body where Endless Summer was split in half is overflowing with fragments of enlightening rules.

   After sensing the situation of the mother of blood bath and endless summer, Lin Yuan sighed in his heart.

   “Thanks to myself for coming in time, otherwise endless summer will be in big trouble.”

  Only the first attack of the Tribulation of Creation split the body of Endless Xia in half.

  With this kind of injury, endless summer’s second attack to survive the catastrophe of creation is undoubtedly a foolish dream.

  The silver-haired old woman heard Xuan Yue calling Lin Yuan “Little Highness” and immediately determined Lin Yuan’s identity.

  Mr. Moon has no heirs. Only the disciples of Mr. Moon are eligible to be called by the Envoy Xuanyue in the Hall of Huiyue.

  At this time, it was the time when the main meeting of the night meeting began. At this time, the disciples of the adults after the month should attend the meeting of the night meeting in the Yeyang Palace!

How could    appear in the wilderness three kilometers away from the capital?

  Silver-haired old woman don’t believe that Lin Yuan will have a good night meeting and will not come out to hang out~IndoMTL.com~ Lin Yuan’s purpose is obviously to bring Xuanyue Envoy to help that little tree through the creation of the world Robbery.

   But the killing worm that he accidentally let go has not only accelerated the process of creation.

   I am even more obsessed with someone who wants to recruit the disciples of the Moon Queen.

   Thinking of this, the silver-haired old woman’s head was pressed lower, and her feelings of guilt and fear filled the silver-haired old woman’s heart.

  Different from the usual top powers, the Valiant Worm Valley stood on top of the top powers as early as a hundred years ago.

   But the more you do this, the more you know, the more fearful you will face the old silver-haired woman after the month.

   In addition, the adult after the month has clearly helped him, but he has caused trouble to the disciple of the adult.

  What’s the difference between my own practice and the retribution?

   Of course, silver-haired old women have more panic in their minds than guilt.

   Xuanyue makes her look clear and gentle, but she is most arrogant and ruthless when facing members of the top forces.

   After passing through the catastrophe of creation, the old woman can’t imagine what will happen to waiting for her.

  The mother of the blood bath reluctantly strengthened her human form, staring fiercely at the old silver-haired woman.

The expression on   ’s face couldn’t help being a little defeated.

   I am clearly Lin Yuan’s protector, but why is Lin Yuan more like his own protector at an important juncture?

   Looking at the boy in front of him, somehow the blood bath mother felt a deep sense of peace.

   As long as you follow Lin Yuan, there is nothing in the world that cannot be solved.

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