Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 880: 1 rub for saliva

Seeing Lin Yuan’s skin that was damaged by the flame and immediately recovered, Zuo Ming, who had already entered the ring, retreated in embarrassment.

   Zuo Ming feels that he is quite knowledgeable.

   This big brother’s disciple fights cards really endlessly!

  Every hole card played can have a serious impact on the balance of the game.

   Suddenly, Lin Yuan felt that the unusual fire that had become more active in Gensokyo, the fire under his feet, began to become violent.

   The crimson color in Zongze’s hands is like a singularity. The gravity of this singularity has shattered half of the bricks and tiles that built Gensokyo of Fire.

  The fragmented bricks and tiles poured into the red color, directly allowing the red color to expand in the palm of Zongze’s palm and form a country crisscrossed by red flames.

   After the formation of this red kingdom, Zongze threw the newly formed red kingdom towards Lin Yuan with a flick of his wrist.

   Just when Zongze condensed the Scarlet Nation, Lin Yuan had already used Mobius’ real data to check Zongze’s holy source.

  Zongze’s holy source is called Heavenly Red Fire.

The current function of    is to condense the flame characteristics and fire elements in the strange flame into the flame rules in an instant.

   The Chiyan Heavenly Kingdom currently played by Zongze contains a complete flame rule formed by nearly 100,000 flame characteristics.

   This rule can only be condensed for a moment, but it really exists.

   At this age when the younger generation is still in charge of the fantasy kind of spirit beings to manipulate the will, Zongze’s use of rules can already be said to be a dimensionality reduction blow.

   But for Lin Yuan, the queen is the master who really plays with will and rules.

   And the prince and daughter of Lin Yuan, who has always played with will and rules, now has a new toy at the level of the Dark Dead World.

   Lin Yuan directly injected the rules of the mythical three-level dreams engraved in the skirt of the king and daughter Luo directly into the holy sword in his hand.

   At this time, it was Lin Yuan’s first use of the function of the Queen’s Sacred Sword, the point of the Sacred Sword.

   As Lin Yuan injected the rules of the dream into the holy sword, the plain holy sword in Lin Yuan’s hand suddenly turned into a gray-black color, and the tip of the sword rose to release a gray-black mist.

   There seems to be a bat waiting for an opportunity to **** human dreams hidden in the mist.

   Immediately afterwards, Lin Yuan held the sword in his hand, the sword flower flicked, and all the gray and black colors in the sword in Lin Yuan’s hand gathered in the tip of the sword.

   If the red color in the palm of Zongze’s palm is the core of Gensokyo of Fire, the kingdom of the red fire of the holy source is beyond Gensokyo of Fire.

   Then at this time, the gray-black color entangled in dreams on the tip of Lin Yuan’s sword could stand up against the red flames of the heavens in Zongze’s palm.

   A ghost bat looming in the mist is clamoring frantically at the entire flame world.

   Then Lin Yuan flicked his sword and knocked out the mythical three-level dream rule condensed at the tip of the sword.

   The gray-black fog hit the country of fire thrown by Zongze, alternating gray-black and red-red, so that the younger generation of Yeyang Outer Palace including Gu Lang couldn’t see the situation on the ring at all.

   After a long while, the gray-black and red-red colors offset, Lin Yuan and Zong Ze both stood there panting.

   was obviously affected by the game just now.

   At this time, the veteran forces and the top forces Tianjiao who were onlookers all grew their mouths, staring at the two standing on the ring in disbelief.

   An elegant and skilled girl standing beside Sheng Yin couldn’t help but explode at this moment.

   “Gan, is this special kind of damage that the younger generation can do? These two people are monsters, but not?”

   The match between Lin Yuan and Zongze just now was so touching that Yeyang Outer Palace was in a silent environment.

   This makes the girl’s complaints seem obvious.

  The elegant and skilled girl beside Shengyin also reacted at this moment, and the whole person couldn’t wait to get into the cracks in the ground.

   It’s okay for the little sisters to complain in private, but it’s not the case if they say it openly in the public.

   It can be said that although my exclamation was not malicious, it is equivalent to disrespect for Zongze and Lin.

   Lin Yuan is okay, but Zongze is the disciple of Master Chef.

   I also said that Master Zongze is not a human being, and that Master Zongze is a monster.

   If you let someone with the intention to make a fuss, you will have a hard time.

  The elegant and skilled girl beside Shengyin secretly glanced around and found that no one was looking at her at all.

   his eyes were fixed on the two shining men on the ring, and it was a sigh of relief.

   I saw a few of the top power boys who I had always thought to be handsome also opened their mouths, and looked up at the two people on the ring.

   Sister suddenly felt that these top-notch brothers were nothing to be fascinated by.

   Sister kept her gaze on Wu Lei’s Lin Yuan and Zong Ze, and this look made her entangled.

   Both of them are so good, I don’t know who I should like.

   But if these two people can be together, it seems…

   Just when there was a fascinating smile on the girl’s face, I just listened to a whispering sound beside my ear~ IndoMTL.com~ Qianhui, are you hungry? Wipe your saliva. “

   Zhuang Qianhui hurriedly closed his mouth and took a subconscious sniff, but unexpectedly made a “suck” sound.

   At this time, the majestic life energy in Lin Yuan’s body in the martial arts is flying fast, helping Lin Yuan repair his damaged body.

   The aftermath of the collision of gray-black and red-red just disappeared, and he looked like Zongze.

   But Lin Yuan knew that he was obviously the one who suffered in the collision just now.

   Under the collision, his body was constantly eroded by the power of the flame rules. Thanks to the flame resistance and the massive vitality attached to the Queen Luo skirt, he made it through.

   It is reasonable to say that Zongze’s holy source thing, Heaven Red Fire, relies on nearly 100,000 flame characteristics and fire elemental energy to condense the flame rules, which is no more than the level of the myth.

   Even if there is the exclusive feature of Burning Heaven, Gensokyo’s blessing power is doubled, it will definitely not reach the level of the second realm of myth.

   But the dream rule used by Lin Yuan is the existence of the three realms of myth. It stands to reason that the color of gray and black should be crushed by the color of red.

   However, the rules engraved on the skirt of the king’s daughter Luo are very different from the rules of the red fire of heaven.

   What Lin Yuan just played is not the complete dream rules, but the energy within the rules of the three realms of the myth.

  After charging for a period of time, Lin Yuan was able to use the rules of the three realms of the mythical dream to make such an energy attack again.

   The complete rules condensed by Zongze’s Holy Origin Thing Heaven Red Fire were directly used by Zongze to sacrifice. The explosive power produced by the regular sacrifices is not the same as simply using the energy within the rules.

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