Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 808: The side view of Chu Zun and Zhu Jun

In an instant, Lin Yuan received the massive knowledge passed from his clever mind.

   Through the end of the interconnection, this knowledge is like rubbing Lin Yuan’s mind.

   Just then, Lin Yuan’s body in the super-memory state began to crazily inscribe and remember the fighting skills and posture moves that appeared in his mind.

   During the half an hour when Lin Yuan’s body entered a state of super memory, Lin Yuan’s body had already memorized all the fighting skills and posture moves on the Star Net.

   allows Lin Yuan to subconsciously use these postures and moves to fight back during defense and offense.

   If Lin Yuan didn’t know anything about martial arts before, now Lin Yuan can be directly described as a martial arts master.

   But Lin Yuan’s seemingly clever achievement is a miracle that cannot be replicated.

   First of all, the body and soul need to be washed away from impurities, and you need to get the silver core and Jinze honey from the Huiyue Hall. This alone does not know how many people will be stumped.

   The second point is that we need to get the roots of the super memory grass, which is unique to the Li family.

   Therefore, if you want to get the body super memory grass, you have to get the approval of Li Yun Bird Niche.

   If it weren’t for Lin Yuan to come up with the golden lotus plants and the crystallization of rules, I’m afraid that Lin Yuan would not use himself to cultivate flying spirits as the basis of his function, even if he was a man after the moon. Give the body super memory grass to Lin Yuan.

   The third point is the end of the smart interconnection of exclusive features.

   In fact, compared with the other two points, this third point is the most rare.

   Smart turned into an interconnected beast when he was promoted to a fantasy species, pioneering the species Baiwen beast.

   The power of the exclusive characteristic interconnection tail is not only in the interoperability of knowledge, but mainly in the ability to be clever and able to gather all the knowledge of the world into the mind.

   There is no third point of unique intelligence in the world, even if someone reaches the first two points.

   Within half an hour of super-memory of the body, I can’t learn such comprehensive combat skills and posture moves.

   Lin Yuan suddenly felt that the whole world under his own eyes had changed after his body had finished his super memory state.

  Due to the changes in his physical capabilities, Lin Yuan feels that his body is dozens of times more flexible than before.

   Lin Yuan immediately turned the amber button-shaped source sand into a piece of quicksand, and let the source sand throw sand at him at a rate of ten blocks per second.

  Throwing sand particles with this frequency was something Lin Yuan could not avoid at all before, but now Lin Yuan would make subconscious movements when seeing these sand particles.

   dodged all the sand that was quickly thrown away while moving around.

   This feeling filled Lin Yuan’s heart with joy and courage.

   This ability to react to attacks is exactly what Lin Yuan wants.

   Although Lin Yuan’s physical strength has not been greatly improved, only the improvement in combat skills and physical skills is enough for Lin Yuan to use the spiritual burst to perform a perfect blow.

   Aura professionals are still the weakest link in the defense system even if they are an emperor-level powerhouse.

   And now Lin Yuan relies on fighting skills, and the combination of physical skills and spiritual explosions has unknowingly made up for the shortcomings of being an Aura professional.

   But Lin Yuan was not satisfied with this.

   Lin Yuan first loaded 100 golden lotus brocade plants from more than 120 pots of golden lotus brocade plants cultivated by Jinse into the diamond-level soul box, and then took the wisdom to face Huiyue on Qingyue Mountain. Away from the temple.

  On the way to Huiyuedian, Lin Yuan contacted Duanhe, and Yue Duanhe met in a restaurant in the royal capital.

   Lin Yuan gave Duan He a bag of regular crystals he prepared for Endless Summer and the spiritual objects cultivated for Ding Cangwei.

   If the cargo forest from the previous batch of Diancang City were placed in the hands of at least two months, they would be delivered to Duan He, so as not to be surprised by the creator resources under their control.

   And Lin Yuan has now decided to disclose his identity as a post-mooner, so Lin Yuan even put four hundred copper-grade epic hot spring snails with 30 copper-grade epic lily Lily within one hour Give it to Duan He.

   Duanhe would only be surprised, and would not think too much.

   Lin Yuan knows that there is also a war preparation room in the treasure house of the Huiyue Hall, and the war preparation room contains a large amount of encapsulated spirits.

   There are nearly 10,000 bottles of each of these spiritual liquids.

   And the lowest-grade of these spiritual liquids can create a bronze-level epic-quality spiritual creature by just taking out a bottle.

   Even some five-star spiritual liquids in the combat preparation room can instantly create legendary bronze-level spiritual objects, or allow spiritual objects that are stuck in the tenth-level fantasy five-changes of the diamond level to be directly promoted to the lord level to welcome the baptism of heaven and earth.

  After completing the transfer of supplies with Duanhe, Lin Yuan used the Ethereal Jellyfish’s skill node tentacles to directly teleport to the entrance of the Hall of Huiyue Hall.

   Lin Yuan, who came to the entrance of the main hall of Huiyue Hall, happened to meet Yue, and Xuanyue and Cangyue walked out of the main hall.

   Lin Yuan immediately greeted him upon seeing this.

   Cangyue and Xuanyue saw Lin Yuan bend slightly and spoke.

  ”Your Highness An.”

   Lin Yuan answered, “Uncle Xuan, Aunt Cang.”

   Lin Yuan did not expect Xuan Yue to return from outside the region so soon.

   But Lin Yuan feels that the Xuan Yue he saw this time is a little different from when he saw Xuan Yue in the past~ IndoMTL.com~ At this time, Xuan Yue’s body will inadvertently reveal a trace of terrible pressure. Lin Yuan heard it before My master Yuehhou accidentally mentioned that Xuanyue was a spiritual creature.

   So it seems that Xuan Yue should have just been promoted to her rank, and her body has not been able to skillfully control her newly promoted strength.

   months later, seeing a gentle smile on Lin Yuan’s face, he stepped forward to help Lin Yuan tidy his collar.

  I saw the Liuyun beeswax pendant worn by Lin Yuan on his neck when he was finishing his collar, and the smile on his face became stronger after the month.

   Cangyue watched Lin Yuan’s eyes flashed with surprise, and the fact that the golden lotus flower appeared in the Wangdu Spiritual Observer Guild had spread throughout the royal capital.

   even aroused the attention of two other five-star creators, Chef Zun and Zhu Jun.

   It’s just a few days ago that I came to Qingyue Mountain to pay respects to Lord Moon Empress, and there were no fewer than 30 powers who wanted a golden lotus flower.

   And this momentum, Cang Yue, knew in her heart that it had nothing to do with Madam Empress, it was all made by Lin Yuan, the little Highness of Huiyue Palace.

   That is to say, Jin Lian Jinzhu, which is said to change the pattern of the power of the founder, is the exclusive secret recipe of the little majesty.

   Cang Yue has always been very sure of Lin Yuan’s combat aura professional strength, but she did not expect Lin Yuan to have such a big improvement in the strength of the creator in just six months.

  Cang Yue hasn’t seen something like the golden lotus flower, but I’m not sure if it’s as powerful as the rumors.

   But since there are so many forces visiting Qingyue Mountain for the golden lotus flower, it must be very extraordinary.

   is something that ordinary creators can not cultivate.

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