Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 819: The Night Conference

After the death of Nightmare Six, Zheng Kaiyuan went to the Chief Guard of Kedian Cangwei to inquire about the news.

At that time, the commander of Dian Cangwei only left the words “Sky City”, and no longer revealed any news about the battle.

However, the four words “City of the Sky” made Zheng Kaiyuan a little confused, and Zheng Kaiyuan had never heard of a force called City of the Sky.

Zheng Kaiyuan has never told anyone about this, and now his mother asked about Zheng Kaiyuan without concealing it.

“Mother, under my extensive investigation, it is said that the force behind the Linglu Chamber of Commerce is called the City of the Sky.”

“It’s just that I have no clue about the power of the Sky City.”

Zheng Kaiyuan thought he was just saying a more common sentence, but he didn’t expect that his mother Miao Zhi frowned suddenly.

Immediately, the fierce color in his eyes became more intense, as if from the original bee needle to the poisonous hook of the scorpion tail.

The fierce light in Miao Zhi’s eyes seemed to cover the light emitted by the light-system regular spar fragments embedded in the ear chain.

Immediately, Zheng Kaiyuan heard his mother sneer.

“Sky City! It’s Sky City again!”

“Unexpectedly, the Sky City had a conflict with my Miao Zhi’s son a month before it opposed my Miao Jia Di Animal Garden.”

Although Miao Zhi was married to the Zheng family, as a core member of the Miao family, Miao Zhi, who was married to the Zheng family, still has a great say in the Miao family.

Naturally know that the Miao family is plotting the Sun family’s Ninglu fairy garden.

This move is very important to the Miao family.

The Sun family was in decline, and the huge family business was left with an old woman and two little children struggling to support it.

The Sun family is the fat in the eyes of the Miao family.

The same top forces, if the Miao Family’s Di Shou Yuan can swallow the Sun Family’s Condensed Dew Garden.

Relying on the resources of the Sun family, Di Shou Yuan, which has a large number of creators, can completely take over the Sun family’s business and monopolize the market for plant-based spiritual things.

By then, the Miao family will have the same qualifications and functions, and almost monopolize the dragons in the market.

Therefore, there must be no mistakes in the grand chess Miao family of the Sun family.

However, now that the sky in the Sky City appeared, the chess game that the Miao family was about to encircle the Sun family was broken.

It makes it possible for Sun Jia Ninglu Xianpu’s originally doomed chess game to survive.

Under a intensive investigation, the Miao family was surprised to find that Sky City, which broke the wrist with the Miao family when the star network suddenly appeared, had no place in reality at all.

Like a ghost that appeared out of thin air on the Star Net, it made the Miao family unable to start.

Now, through the troubles encountered by her son Zheng Kaiyuan, Miao Zhi has touched the industrial Linglu Chamber of Commerce controlled by Sky City in reality for the Miao family.

Whether it is a dragon or a snake, hiding in the dark is always infiltrating.

But if you can pinch the tail, you will have a chance to pull out the dragon and snake hidden in the dark with great force.

“Mother, the battle power of Sky City is quite strong, at least it also has the high-level battle power of the Emperor.”

After talking about Zheng Kaiyuan, he dispatched Nightmare Liu to help Sanmai Jiao Hansong kill the masked youth together, and told Miao Zhi everything.

Miao Zhi, after asking her son Zheng Kaiyuan about the style of the mask on the face of the masked youth, showed a certain look in her sinister eyes.

According to the information provided by Zheng Kaiyuan, the lines on the masks of the two masked youths were different.

And one of the youths wore a mask with a pattern of the sky male city, which was the same as the mask worn by the youth in the private domain of Sky City Star Network.

Miao Zhi thinks that the two are most likely the same person.

This shows that Linglu Chamber of Commerce is a very important industry for Sky City.

It’s just that Miao Zhi doesn’t understand that a small chamber of commerce like the Linglu Chamber of Commerce, which is not even an emerging power, is worthy of the favor of a power that has a huge resource of creators like Sky City?

“Kaiyuan, leave this to me.”

“You continue to concentrate on improving the strength of the founders and prepare to participate in the next year’s young generation of founders’ conference and grab the top ten seats.”

Hearing what his mother Miao Zhi said, Zheng Kaiyuan nodded helplessly.

Said with a slightly conflicted expression.

“I see, I am now in the incubation room for twelve hours of liquid preparation every day.”

“We will definitely strive to reach the level of Samsung Intermediate Makers within one year.”

Miao Zhi shook his head upon hearing this.

“Twelve hours is not enough. My sister and I called my sister and said that you must be the same as when you were in the animal hospital.”

“At least sixteen hours a day to prepare the spirit liquid.”

Zheng Kaiyuan looked bitter when he heard this, saying like an eggplant hit by frost.

“Got it, I will fight for it.”

Miao Zhi stretched out his hand to help Zheng Kaiyuan straighten his collar after hearing this.

“You can’t just fight for it! You must ensure that you reach the level of a Samsung Intermediate Maker in one year.”

“My sister said that if you are here with me, if you can’t guarantee that you can mix the spiritual liquid for 16 hours a day, let me send you back to my sister.”

Zheng Kaiyuan couldn’t help shivering upon hearing this.

Miao Qi, his master, treats him well and gives him whatever he wants.

It’s too harsh!

The two and a half years of practicing under Miao Qi can be regarded as Zheng Kaiyuan’s nightmare.

Except for eating and drinking Lazarus, I can only sleep for four hours every day. I spend the rest of the time in the incubation room to dispense various spiritual liquids over and over again. Even the prisoners are more free than themselves!

The key point is that whenever one’s spirit fluid preparation fails or the blending of the spirit fluid and spiritual materials is not high, he will welcome the disgusting eyes and silent reproach of his master Miao Zhi.

Zheng Kaiyuan quickly expressed his position.

“I must dispense the spirit liquid for 16 hours every day, and one minute will not be less.”

“In addition to the preparation of the spiritual solution, I will also spend an hour a day to write the experience and experience in the process of preparing the spiritual solution.”

Listening to what Zheng Kaiyuan said~IndoMTL.com~Miao Zhi nodded in satisfaction.

I suddenly thought of something and said to Zheng Kaiyuan.

“My sister asked me to tell you that in two weeks, the night leader of the town spirit division will hold a night party.”

“It is said that Master Ye Si received an apprentice to announce to the public. At that time, my sister will personally pick you up and take you to the Si Ye meeting.”

“Master Zhujun, Master Chef and Master Yuehou will also attend this night meeting, and will bring their respective apprentices.”

“It is said that the only one of the three major five-star creators who had no apprentice, the Moon Queen, also secretly accepted an apprentice.”

“Even the man who went to the Dragon’s House in the Dragon City didn’t even take a look at him, and I don’t know what kind of apprentice the apprentice selected by the man after the moon is?”

“Kaiyuan, then you have to strive for a good relationship with the apprentices of Master Ye Si and Master Yue.”

“This will make your journey a little smoother!”

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