Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 669: The first benefit

Chapter 670 First Benefits

Find a craftsman to customize the spirit artifacts according to the will rune. Because the spirits have been comprehended in the process of upgrading to the bronze level, there are many strange will runes, and there is no way to control them.

This makes it possible that the exclusive characteristics of strengthening the epic quality of the bronze tier are not required by the Aura professionals.

Therefore, when customizing high-quality copper-tiered artifacts according to the will rune, it is very common that buyers take the initiative to provide copper-tiered artifacts.

The dry land sand pig summoned by this cyan half-armored woman is a very rare kind of spiritual creature with dual attributes of fire and soil.

Exclusive characteristics of dry land gravity can increase the gravity of dry land deprived of water elements.

As the dry land sand pigs become stronger and stronger, the ability to control the gravity of the exclusive dry land will also continue to improve.

It can even have a good killing effect.

A change in a small area of ​​gravity acts on the same object.

As long as the difference between the two gravitational forces on the object is large enough, the object will be torn directly.

The woman in the cyan bust squatted on the ground and touched it before she was summoned, and asked the dry sand pig lying lazily there.

“My lord, can you look at this dry land sand pig?”

Lin Yuan nodded.


After that, Lin Yuan pointed to the legendary quality lily of the valley on the table, and said to the woman in Tsing Yi in half-length armor.

“According to the rules I said just now, issue an oath of exchange to this lily of the valley.”

The tall woman in the cyan bust looked at the legendary lily of the valley on the bronze steps on the table, and her expression became a little fascinated.

“Unexpectedly, in this life I will not only see the legendary quality of the bronze steps, but also swear to the legendary quality of the bronze steps.”

“It’s just that I don’t have too precious spiritual materials and spiritual things here, so the adults should not get anything good according to the exchange vows I issued.”

Lin Yuan smiled nonchalantly at the words of the tall woman in the cyan bust.

When exchanging materials according to the exchange pledge, Lin Yuan also needs to exchange resources of the same value.

In the course of the transaction, Lin Yuan won’t take advantage of anything.

Lin Yuan would get this lily of the valley for the purpose of needing a certain kind of spiritual object or spiritual material, but he just couldn’t find it.

The exchange vows accumulated by the legendary quality vows lily of the valley can be found from customers who have been traded.

This is a resource exchange channel with Sky City as the core.

As more and more exchange pledges have been accumulated, there are more and more possibilities that Lin Yuan can exchange for good things.

In the Oath of Exchange, Lin Yuan chooses to trade, as long as the other party has the materials, he cannot refuse.

Although the lower limit is very low in such transactions, the upper limit is also very high.

Lin Yuan can even trade from it to regular spar fragments and even regular source crystals.

A bell-shaped white flower on the branch of the lily of the valley fell into the jade basin where the lily of the valley was planted.

The first exchange vow has been successfully concluded.

Lin Yuan looked at the lazy dry land sand pig lying on the ground with a snout that was far longer than other pig spirit creatures, and said to the tall woman in the cyan bust.

“You are the first customer of Sky City, then I should give you some benefits.”

“Your dry land sand pig has faintly awakened the blood of the tapir.”

“At that time, our Sky City will help you improve the quality of this dry land sand pig, and at the same time help you stimulate the blood of the tapir in the dry land sand pig.”

“Let the dryland sand pig evolve into the dryland sand tapir.”

Lin Yuan’s words narrowed Sun Ningxiang’s eyes, and at the same time made a tall woman in cyan half-length armor exclaimed.

It also made the people who didn’t grab the fate letter and fate letter at the scene, but the black letter in the fate letter was very sad.

It’s like eating a hundred lemons.

For the dryland sand pig to awaken the blood of the tapir and evolve into the dryland sand tapir, it is necessary to formulate extremely pure aura.

This kind of pure aura can only be deployed by the four-star pinnacle creator.

But who would have thought that the resources of this four-star pinnacle builder would be given away by Sky City.

The tone is as simple as you bought three catties of apples from me, and I gave you a plastic bag.

This is the resource of the four-star pinnacle creator!

It’s not like upgrading the Bronze-Step Spirituality to epic quality, which can be completed only by a four-star Intermediate Creator.

If the five-star creator does not take action, the four-star pinnacle creator is the ceiling.

If you want to find a four-star pinnacle maker, you must first be able to get a relationship with a four-star pinnacle maker.

Otherwise, it won’t be possible to get more Glory coins.

Because no one who is looking for a four-star pinnacle creator to work, doesn’t take the Hui Yao coins full.

It can be said that this tall woman in the cyan bust is a big deal!

Make a big profit!

At this time, Sun Ningxiang, whose eyes were narrowed, was not concerned about the gains and losses of the tall woman in the blue half-length armor.

It’s Lin Yuan’s attitude towards the resources of Gaoxing’s creators.

As a top power, Ninglu Xianpu also had three four-star peak builders in its heyday.

As for the resources of these three four-star pinnacle builders, Ninglu Xianyu has been extremely cautious in using every trace.

Often, the more top-level forces are more cautious in the use of creator resources.

However, the masked man in front of him seemed to not care about the resources of the Four-Star Peak Maker at all.

In fact, it is not how Lin Yuan wants to give benefits to the tall woman in the cyan bust.

It’s that the dry land sand pig has already had blood awakening in its posture.

As long as you get the spirit lock space, Lin Yuan will guide the pure aura in the spirit lock space into the dry sand pig, and the dry sand pig will naturally evolve.

Lin Yuan just did it casually, just letting it go.

The woman in the cyan bust hurriedly thanked Lin Yuan.

“My lord! Thank you so much. From now on, Zhou Shufen will be your number one fan of Sky City forever.”

After reaching a deal with the woman in the cyan bust, Lin Yuan’s trip to announce that the function of the Sky City’s private power domain has been perfectly completed~ IndoMTL.com~ Lin Yuan believes that so many episodes have occurred in the past few hours , The popularity of Sky City will definitely remain on the popularity list.

Even the ranking can be greatly improved.

Lin Yuan established a private power Sky City mainly to collect resources.

If it is said that the money made by Lin Yuan to steadily develop his own forces before is enough to spend, but now Lin Yuan’s stall is getting bigger and bigger.

Even Linglu Chamber of Commerce has to fight against the Zheng family on luxury resources.

The cost of this is absolutely indispensable.

So Lin Yuan decided to schedule the issuance of the letter of fate once a day.

It’s just that Lin Yuan doesn’t have so much time, every day he comes to the private realm of Sky City to manage.

Third more.

(End of this chapter)

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