Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 652: The promotion of the Queen’s Daughter

Chapter 653 The Promotion of the Queen’s Daughter

Lin Yuan counted them carefully, and found that there were 21 regular source crystals on the workbench.

These 21 regular source crystals show that Duan Heyi’s current strength, and even earlier.

They killed at least 21 seventh-order dimensional creatures whose strength was equal to that of the lord-level myth.

This made Lin Yuan couldn’t help sighing again, Duan He, or the six-headed sea-monster, is the strongest of the same order.

Lin Yuan said to the prince who looked at Rule Yuanjing with bright eyes.

“You can absorb these rule source crystals first, so I can explore the types of these rule spar fragments.”

The queen daughter holding the holy sword got Lin Yuan’s permission and happily picked up the muddy rule source crystal.

One by one, the regular source crystals are inlaid on the crown he wears on his forehead.

Lin Yuan couldn’t help thinking of the way Zhao Xiaochun was eating when he saw the king’s daughter inlaid the rule source crystal on the crown.

It’s so alike!

Lin Yuangang wanted to say that the twenty-one turbid regular source crystals embedded in the crown of the prince girl looked a bit ugly.

But then, the twenty-one turbid regular source crystals inlaid on the crown of the head were shining like stars.

Every rule source crystal casts a star shower, and the starlight falls on the queen’s fluffy skirt.

Seeing that the prince was absorbing the rule source crystal, Lin Yuan turned his head and began to look at the pile of rule crystal fragments on the desktop in front of him.

When Duan He poured the regular spar fragments on his hand, Lin Yuan felt that there were many.

But now using the real data of Mobius’s skills to check, Lin Yuan knew that this regular spar fragment was only a spiritual thing from the five lord-level mythology.

It’s just that a complete regular spar will be broken into multiple pieces of debris.

There are gaps between the fragments, and when mixed up, it appears that these fragments are more than five complete regular spars.

Lin Yuan carefully picked these regular spar fragments.

After the selection, Lin Yuan muttered softly.

“Duan He, is this the horned gray whale family?”

Lin Yuan discovered that of the five lord-level mythological first-level spiritual objects that contributed to the regular spar fragments, three were from horned gray whales.

Lin Yuan now knows why Duan He’s six-headed sea-monster snake has a water-attribute main head that is more than twice the size of other heads.

I want to come because I ate these three water-attribute lord-level mythological first-level horned gray whales.

The rules understood by these three horned gray whales are very similar, but they taste slightly different.

Wave rules, cutting rules and whirlpool rules.

The three rules are all the rules extended by the water element in the attack direction, which can be regarded as three very general rules.

But Lin Yuan felt that these three rules were extremely suitable for the functions of the Queen’s Sacred Sword, and the blade of the Sacred Sword was displayed.

Under the real data of the remaining two piles of regular spar fragments, Lin Yuan found a pile of ghost fishes from light attribute spiritual things.

The rule of comprehension is the rule of light curse.

Another pile of gilt-flame dragon lice from fire-attribute spirit creatures, the comprehension rule is the scorching flame rule.

Lin Yuan secretly calculated that if the queen who was holding the holy sword had absorbed these five-push regular spar fragments.

Although every pile of regular spar fragments is missing, it is impossible to make a complete rule.

But with the addition of the three complete regular spars absorbed by the prince’s skirt, the prince’s skirt already contains eight rules from the five elements of darkness, ice, water, fire, and light. Up.

At this moment, Lin Yuan suddenly heard the swaying sound of leaves and two weird calls.

One of the calls, Lin Yuan felt that the ear students couldn’t tell what it was.

But Lin Yuan could clearly hear the crows in another call.

Lin Yuan turned his head, and was stunned by the change of the queen woman holding the holy sword.

The twenty-one turbid regular source crystals that were originally studded on the crown of the queen have shrunk into a very small diamond.

See these broken diamonds and feel the power of pure rules contained in the broken diamonds.

Lin Yuan knew that this was the pure rule power in the rule source crystal from the queen who embraced the holy sword.

The illusion formed by the rules of ice flame, the rules of dark death, and the rules of dead dream on the original prince’s skirt.

Now it is directly embodied as agile snowy pine, dark night crow, and Ghoumengyou bat.

The phantom came to life directly at this time.

The dark night crow and the 喰Mengyou bat represent darkness, hovering above the sky.

The cold and snowy pine is infinitely high like a snow mountain, straight into the sky.

As for the will of the dark crystal scorpion tiger and dark eye scorpion originally absorbed, it has not been improved by the queen’s absorption of the regular source crystal.

On the contrary, after the regular breath was elevated, the breath of will both became dormant.

Only dress up where the skirt is inconspicuous.

At this moment, two regular auras hovering in the sky suddenly bloomed on the prince’s skirt.

Dark Night Crow and Ghou Meng You Bat kept rising, and the power of the rules contained in them instantly became stronger several times.

The dark night crow and the remnant dream ghost bat hovering high in the sky have also become more agile under this regular aura.

Lin Yuan felt the dark night crow formed by the rune of the rule of death and the remnant dream ghost formed by the rune of the rule of death.

It was found that the power of the rules contained in it has been equivalent to the power of the enlightenment rules of the lord-level myth Three Realms endless summer.

Apparently, under the nourishment of these twenty-one rule source crystals, both the rules of night death and the rules of death dreams, which were on the verge of a breakthrough, have both made breakthroughs.

Lin Yuan couldn’t help sighing.

The goal that the Dark Night Crow and Gumengyou Bat have been struggling with has been achieved by themselves in this way.

At this time, the prince who was holding the holy sword opened her eyes and stretched out in satisfaction.

Said to Lin Yuan.

“Master, the rules of dark death and dreams have reached the strength of the rules controlled by the three realms of mythology.”

“In the future, when the Holy Sword mode function is used, when the blade of the Holy Sword is used, even if the owner uses the blade to destroy the rules of night death and dreams, the rules of night death and dreams will not disappear.”

“After playing, you can slowly restore energy by warming up in the prince’s skirt.”

Lin Yuan showed a surprised look on his face.

If Lin Yuan used the sword of the holy sword to use a rule to make every blow~IndoMTL.com~ Lin Yuan would not bear it.

After all, the rule spar is too rare.

Lin Yuan asked.

“Since the rules comprehended by the Dark Night Crow and Ghou Meng Youbat reach the strength of the three mythological realms, they will not dissipate. Will the snowy and pine ice flame rune reach the three mythical realms? “

The prince who was holding the holy sword nodded when she heard the words, and pointed to the top of her prince’s Luo skirt.

“The complete rules absorbed in the prince’s skirt have reached the three realms of mythology, and a complete totem will be formed on the skirt.”

“Only the rules that form the totem will not dissipate.”

Lin Yuan followed the direction of Wang’s daughter’s finger, and found that there were crow and bat totems embroidered with plain silk threads on the skirt.

Third more.

(End of this chapter)

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