Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 627: The girl who hangs up

But the 200,000 viewers made Lin Yuan never know the phrase “How can my wife lose”, which rascal said!

Otherwise, Lin Yuan would never mind letting him put away dangerous thoughts.

Chu Ci ignored the hustle and bustle on the field and the squalid rain curtain that has not stopped.

Because the sapropel rain curtain is a group attack skill, the damage effect is not very strong, and the strength of the tenth-level fantasy change of the Huang Fei and King Butterfly can also be well resisted.

However, Chu Ci knows that the Silver Tier Skill Suffering Buffer is not a skill that is immune to elemental damage.

How much damage the Yao Iron Mad Cow has suffered from the saprosy rain curtain, will have to pay back after the obsidian light on its body dissipates.

Chu Ci immediately used the skill Burning Sunflower to fly towards the slender-toothed elephant lizard and the giant-tailed mire lizard that had emerged from the mire.

Two elves-like Fenkui twins, each flying towards the target.

Chen Hongfeng didn’t know the skill effects of Burning Sunflower Twins, and only regarded it as a source creature with fire attribute skills.

Chen Hongfeng possesses two golden lizard-like creatures with tenth-level epic quality, and doesn’t pay attention to a goblin-like creature with tenth-level bronze-level epic quality.

But at the moment when the Fenkui twins attached to the Slippery-toothed lizard, a layer of red flames like a blazing suit ignited on the Slippery-toothed lizard.

The effect of the skill’s burning flame strips off moisture, which makes this layer of flaming coat on the sputum lizard roast the sputum lizard at the same time, it also quickly peels off the moisture in the oily mucus of the sputum lizard.

The oily mucus has changed from its original viscous to pure fluid animal fat, losing its viscosity.

A large amount of blood was shed again from the wound pierced by the three-strike iron horn of the lily-toothed elephant lizard.

At the moment when these blood flowed out, the gems between the foreheads of the Fenkui twins glowed with green brilliance.

Obviously, Burning Sunflower Gemini is using the exclusive feature Gemini to protect and absorb the vitality taken away by the burning of the scaly lizard.

Chen Hongfeng secretly said a bad sound, and the imperial lizard directly used the golden rank skill to tread waves.

The body of the Slippery Lizard trembles violently, and a large amount of water element energy gushes out of the Slippery Lizard’s body.

The slippery tooth lizard turned its head directly, and slammed into the Fenkui twins who were flying around him.

But after a collision, he hit a void, causing Chen Hongfeng’s brows to frown tightly!

Chen Hongfeng didn’t expect that a goblin-like source item with a copper rank tenth-level epic quality would still be immune to physical damage.

Looking at the other twin burning sunflowers flying towards the giant-tailed mud lizard, Chen Hongfeng commanded directly.

“Giant-tailed mud lizard, use foul mud!”

The giant-tailed slough lizard quickly ejected three gray-green mud lumps with a disgusting smell.

But when these mud **** hit the Fenkui twins, the Fenkui twins directly ignored the attack of these mud balls.

Firmly attached to the body of the giant slough lizard.

As soon as the giant-tailed slough lizard plunged into the foul-smelling slough, the Burning Sunshine twins immediately escaped from the giant-tailed slough lizard.

However, the Sunflower Twins, who had escaped from the giant-tailed mire lizard, were still burning with scorching flames, firmly guarding the foul-smelling mire with a radius of twenty to thirty square meters.

Prepare to attach to the giant-tailed mud lizard again when it appears.

Chen Hongfeng’s fists were clenched tightly.

I made two consecutive mistakes in the battle!

Chen Hongfeng didn’t expect that a fairy-like creature of the tenth-level bronze rank incine sunflower could not only be immune to physical damage, but also elemental damage.

The girl with the silver mask on the other side is not going to hang up!

Looking at the silver mask, Chen Hongfeng couldn’t help thinking of the scene where a blue flash purple butterfly blocked the foul-smelling mud.

How similar to this scene now!

It’s just that the previous blue flash purple butterfly has been replaced by the current Fenkui twin.

The scorching flames on the Fenkui twins scorched the foul-smelling quagmire with all their strength, quickly evaporating not much water in them.

After drying the mud, the red flames will pour into the cracks where the mud has dried up.

Continue to peel off the deep moisture.

The effect of the Silver Tier Skill’s Suffering Buffer of the Yao Iron Mad Cow has passed, and the corrosive damage of the saprosy rain curtain directly affects the Yao Iron Mad Cow.

The metal skin on the surface of the Yaotie mad cow directly becomes mottled, and the corrosive effect continues to penetrate into the flesh and blood of the Yaotie mad cow.

Chu Ci did not recall the Burning Sunflower Twins who sealed the giant-tailed mire lizard.

After weighing it up, the Burning Sunshine twins on the Libradons directly used their skills to twist the heat wave and attached them to the Yaotie Crazy Bull.

At the same time, let Burning Sunflower use the exclusive feature of Gemini Care, and inject the vitality collected from the Libra and Giant Swamp Lizard into the body of the Iron Crazy Bull.

Fenkui’s exclusive characteristic of Gemini care, combined with the exclusive characteristic of Yao Iron Mad Cow, is painfully absorbed.

After the double recovery, Yao Tie Mad Niu was able to stabilize his injury.

At this time, Chuci is also facing a huge problem, that is, Chuci is only a C-level Reiki professional, and Chen Hongfeng is a B-level Reiki professional.

Chu Ci fought with Chen Hongfeng, and Chen Hongfeng’s aura had not consumed much.

But most of the spiritual power in Chuci has been consumed.

Chen Hongfeng looked at the fairy-type source item Burning Sun, which is a tenth-level bronze rank epic, and could even help the spiritual creature to recover.

Depressed and scolded his mother directly in his heart.

I just picked a lucky audience, so why did I pick a Hang B!

Looking at the Yao Iron Crazy Bull who is constantly recovering and the Libratus with blood on the forelimbs.

Chen Hongfeng gritted his teeth and decisively used the exclusive characteristic of the Lizard to burn blood.

In an instant, a thick purple-red luster stretched out from the surface of the green-toothed lizard body.

The lily-toothed elephant lizard’s aura suddenly rose up, opening its big mouth, and directly spit out a dark red energy beam from the snake letter in its mouth.

Shoot at Yaotie Crazy Bull who is only less than five meters away from him.

Chu Ci decisively revoked the Golden Jade Shield from his body as early as when he felt the abnormality of the Liliotooth lizard~IndoMTL.com~.

Instead, let the yellow emerald golden butterfly attach the yellow emerald shield to the Yaotie mad cow, and cooperate with the skills of the burning sunflower twins to twist the heat wave for protection.

Although the giant-tailed mire lizard was forced into the mire by another Sunflower Twin, the rain curtain of saprosy did not stop.

Although the sapropel rain curtain is not as powerful as it was at the beginning, it is only less than one-third of its power.

But Chuci’s approach made everyone at the scene, including Lin Yuan and Liu Jie, directly stand up.

When the saprosy rain curtain fell on Chuci’s body, suddenly a green chain appeared on Yaotie Mad Bull’s body, directly entwining Xiang Chuci’s left hand.

A long red energy chain also appeared on Chu Ci’s right hand, and the other end of the long red chain was connected to the bull of Yaotie Mad Cow.

Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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