Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 569: Happy delivery

Goddess-level elemental pearls are not embarrassing to mention to Lin Yuan.

   Although Gao Feng knew that Lin Yuan had obtained several juvenile elemental shells from his own hands before, there should be elemental pearls on hand.

   It’s just that when this large number of elemental beads are advanced to fried bead shells, elemental pearls are too precious.

   Gao Feng intends to secretly find a way from the Gao family to see if he can get some.

   But now when Lin Yuan speaks, it is the devotion of such resources as the heavenly girl-level elemental pearl.

   This made Gao Feng, the richest man from Fenglan City, the richest man Gao Feng suddenly feel like he has found his thigh.

   This feeling is the first time Gao Feng felt.

   But in Gaofeng, I think it’s really annoying!

   “Brother, if you can provide me with the heavenly female element pearls, then I really appreciate you.”

  ”Every time you give me an elemental pearl, I will charge it at the current market price.”

   “After just giving you five tiers of shares, I really can’t give you any more shares.”

   “But I can give you ten percent of my share of the profit, brother, do you think it’s okay?”

   Lin Yuan did not reject Gao Feng’s proposal after hearing this.

   Now I and Gao Feng are negotiating a deal, or a cooperation to jointly develop an emerging power.

   What Gao Feng put out is the rich resources and operating channels of the Gao family in the deep sea.

   and Lin Yuan put out the resource of creator.

   Lin Yuan should help Gao Feng or Gao Feng.

   But when discussing business, Lin Yuan would not want the benefits he deserved.

   From Gao Feng’s words, Lin Yuan heard Gao Feng’s hope that he would be able to take the lead in the cultivation base for marine spirituality.

   Not only does Lin Yuan have no opinion, but rather agrees very much.

   Anyway, Lin Yuan doesn’t have the energy to develop this marine spiritual creature cultivation base with Gao Feng.

  The most beneficial way for Lin Yuan is to just wait for the dividend.

   So Lin Yuan said directly.

   “Even if I take 50% of the shares, I will only participate in dividends and will not manage it.”

  ”So in the future, Brother Gao’s new forces will have to be developed by Brother Gao.”

   After listening to Lin Yuan, Gao Feng only felt that Lin Yuan was too particular about it.

   Talking about the business with Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan directly responded.

   can’t pretend to be confused like everyone else.

   Even though he is currently discussing business with Lin Yuan, Gao Feng feels very relaxed.

   After Lin Yuan and Gao Feng finalized the cooperation of the emerging forces, they blinked unexpectedly.

   I and Gao Feng became ordinary friends because of the two previous transactions.

   Now instead, because of this sea creature cultivation base, he and Gao Feng have become partners directly.

   This makes Lin Yuan the same as saying that he can easily obtain the deep-sea resources of the Gao family from Gao Feng’s relationship with him.

   After the negotiation with Gao Feng, Lin Yuan did not forget to talk about him.

   “Brother Gao’s best bliss angelfish, can you get it?”

   Gao Feng heard this and said with a smile.

  ”Brother, the best bliss angelfish is not easy to handle. If you asked me to help you with the best bliss angelfish a month ago, I might recommend you to try your luck in the veteran power Bliss Aquarium.”

  ”However, when the aura content on the sea surface increased some time ago, a group of bliss angelfish floating on the surface of the deep ocean developed by our Gaojia were directly caught.”

  ”There are almost two thousand bliss angelfish in this group, but if you really pick the best bliss angelfish, it should be less than 50.”

   “Our Gao family is also planning to cultivate these superb bliss angelfish.”

   “Brother, if you want it, I can get you at least twenty.”

  ”It’s just a pity that when these bliss angelfish were caught, there was one of the best bliss angelfish females because she was pregnant with eggs, so she resisted very fiercely and suffered serious injuries.”

  ”The cost of the treatment of this injured female fish was too high, and the eggs in her belly were not guaranteed to survive, so she was abandoned.”

   Speaking of this Gao Feng, he sighed.

   “It’s a shame.”

   Lin Yuan thought after hearing Gao Feng’s words.

   The shed fish coats of the twenty best bliss angelfishes save a bit, but they are enough for the daily consumption of these spiritual objects in the manor.

   It’s a pity that Lin Yuan wants to raise bliss angelfish in a group, as a lake view in the artificial lake after the expansion.

  For this purpose of Lin Yuan, let alone the 20 best bliss angelfish is not enough.

   Even if the Gao family brought all fifty of them, it’s not even close.

   However, Lin Yuan is quite interested in the injured female angelfish that Gao Feng said.

   has its own soul-storing pond in the spiritual lock space and the exclusive life place of Sanweishanhe Yongshou carp.

   Lin Yuan is absolutely sure to rescue this superb bliss angelfish and let the eggs in its stomach hatch smoothly.

   It’s not the first time that Lin Yuan is a midwife.

   The Wufulanshouling goldfish that was traded from Zhou Jiaxin before was Lin Yuan who helped deliver the baby in the spirit pool.

   “Brother Gao, please help me get 20 top-quality bliss angelfish, and just count the injured female fish.”

   Gao Feng heard what Lin Yuan said and knew that Lin Yuan wanted to try to treat this female fish, and Gao Feng directly responded.

   Lin Yuan said before hanging up.

   “It just so happened that you brought me some common coral jade first years ago, and I will cultivate it first.”

  Every time a place in the lock space is empty, it is a huge loss.

   Therefore, the Locking Space should be used as early as possible~IndoMTL.com~Hung up the phone, Lin Yuan found that he had unknowingly opened up another big stall.

   can be regarded as another physical industry besides Linglu Chamber of Commerce.

   Zhou Luo has been sitting next to Lin Yuan since he called himself in Lin Yuan, listening to Lin Yuan finishing the call.

   Seeing Lin Yuan hang up now, Zhou Luo asked.

  ”Master, what can you do with me?”

   Lin Yuan looked at Zhou Luo and said.

   “Uncle Zhou, how is your dark snake dragon lizard being cultivated now?”

   Zhou Luo stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head.

  ”Master Dark Snake Dragon Lizard, I just signed a contract, and I haven’t had time to cultivate.”

   “Now the dark snake dragon lizard is still what you gave me back then.”

   Zhou Luo said that it is too late to nurture, not to say that Zhou Luo has no time.

   but Zhou Luo Nang was shy and couldn’t bring out the supplies to cultivate the dark snake dragon lizard.

   It’s just too embarrassing to say such things.

   Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief when Zhou Luo said this.

   Thanks to Zhou Luo for not cultivating the Dark Snake Dragon immediately after getting the Dark Snake Dragon.

   If Zhou Luo immediately cultivated the Dark Snake Dragon Lizard, he would upgrade the Dark Snake Dragon Lizard from the Bronze Stage to the Silver Stage.

   That makes Lin Yuan really wonder how to pour resources into Zhou Luo.

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