Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 561: Is this a small stove?

Lin Yuan also threw the earth-attribute elemental pearls contained in Wang Fuxiang’s tray to master Duanli.

   and put away the elemental pearl that originally contained the water attribute pearl in the tray selected by Master Duanli.

  Wang Fuxiang stood there and blinked. He didn’t expect that he would be ignored for such a charming scene.

   Then Wang Fuxiang laughed softly and said.

   “Master, you helped your concubine match your body, and you can’t say nothing to thank your concubine.”

  ”If you are unsure about any rare objects in the future, you can directly find your concubine on the star network.”

   After talking, Wang Fuxiang lowered his head and carefully selected the element pearls in the tray.

   Lin Yuan’s face is covered with black lines at this moment, what is this and what!

  , don’t talk nonsense, what do you mean by “helping your concubine fit right?”

   Then did I become murdering others?

   Duanhe was looking for Lin Yuan for something, so he didn’t leave immediately after the auction ended. Naturally, he heard the conversation between Wang Fuxiang and Lin Yuan.

   Duanhe’s heart secretly.

   “If the elders after the month know that Wang Fuxiang seduce his precious apprentice, I wonder if the bright moon in the sky will suddenly shine in the sky and be stained with red blood during the day.”

   I am afraid that being in love with Wang Fuxiang is far more dangerous than the Zheng family.

  While Wang Fuxiang and Master Duanli were selecting elemental pearls, Lin Yuan found that the water-attribute elemental pearls in the tray did not decrease after the two selected them.

   This makes Lin Yuan a little bit clueless.

  Water attribute element pearls, which have always been in short supply among many attribute element pearls, have started to be so unpopular.

  Wang Fuxiang and Master Duanli left contentedly after selecting elemental pearls.

   At this time, Lin Yuan found that in addition to listening to the stools placed in the small shop for group welfare, two other people still stayed in his small shop.

   One of them is Duan He.

   and the other person is the first customer after the opening of the Lin Yuan Xingwang shop, Yunzhongxiliu, that is, the braised egg head.

   Lin Yuan remembered the excitement of the halogen egg head when the group welfare was just auctioned, but after the group welfare ended, there was obvious loss on his face.

   is like a small flower that has been torn down in a heavy rain.

   Lin Yuan walked up to the stream in the clouds and asked.

   “What happened? You can at least put a donkey in your mouth.”

  l Lin Yuan looked at the braised egg head, and found that the braised egg head was still the same as when he first met, wearing a little bee headgear.

   But in half a year, the hair that was originally bald on the top of the braised egg head has grown to the cheek.

   It looks like this, the braised egg head with growing hair is quiet when it is quiet.

   The bitter egg head, who was a bit sad, suddenly heard Lin Yuan say that he could tie a donkey best, and immediately rolled his eyes.

   said grimly.

   “Did the donkey run out of the deep mountain and old forest?”

As soon as    said the words, Braised Dantou realized that what he said seemed a bit awkward.

   The braised egg head was originally for the auction of the fire-attribute elemental pearl of the heavenly woman. If it is the ordinary heavenly woman class elementary pearl, the braised egg head may be able to bid for a win.

   But the heavenly girl-level elemental pearls that Lin Yuan took out for auction were of 9.9 purity and contained pearls.

   This makes the resources of the braised egg head simply not enough for bidding.

   is excited but can only become a lively spectator.

   Lin Yuan glanced suspiciously at the halogen egg head, only to feel that the halogen egg head seemed to be driving in secret.

   But Lin Yuan has no evidence.

   At this time, He walked to Lin Yuan’s side, coughed lightly and said.

   “My lord does not know if I can trade ten celestial elemental pearls with a purity of 9.8 from you? I am willing to offer the price of two source items for each one.”

   Lin Yuan frowned when Duan He called him.

   Duan He, a powerful imperial class, called himself an adult, which made Lin Yuan more convinced of the fact that Duan He knew his identity.

  Lin Yuan turned his head and looked at Duanhe. When Duanhe was a little hairy by Lin Yuan, he only heard Lin Yuan talk about it.

   “The price is reasonable, no problem.”

  ”It’s just the New Year’s Eve, you can trade with me again after the new year.”

   did not refuse Duanhe’s request for trading. The two source items were exchanged for a 9.8 purity celestial elemental pearl which was at least 30% premium to the market price.

   You must know that the purity of 9.8 celestial elemental pearls is just a kind of spiritual material, and the meaning of the luxury of celestial elemental pearls with a purity of 9.9 is completely different.

The price given by Duanhe gave Lin Yuan no reason not to change.

  The production of elemental pearls in the Locking Space is not low, and this transaction can just build a bridge of communication with Duanhe.

   After I have investigated Duanhe’s character, I can use this bridge to attack Duanhe.

   Duanhe heard the words and said thank you, and left the Xingwang shop in a hurry, and went to find his nephew Li Xiaotiao.

   Yunxi’s eyes lit up when he heard Lin Yuan and Duan He talk.

   “Lin Yuan, I also want to buy you three fire-attribute goddess-level elemental pearls!”

   While speaking, Lin Yuan suddenly noticed that there was a cheerful look in the eyes of the salted egg.

   Lin Yuan immediately knew that the loss of the bitter egg head was because he hadn’t photographed the pearl of the heavenly female element.

   Lin Yuan naturally has no reason to refuse the request to buy the halogen egg hair.

   Lin Yuan Tou is not only Lin Yuan’s first Starnet customer, but the personal custom-made web-spraying spider for the Lin Yuan Tou made Lin Yuan the first reward of more than Yihui Yao coins.

   is precisely because Lin Yuan earned his first pot of gold.

  , Lin Yuan will have more capital in the future to use the Lingling Space for rapid development.

   At the same time, I can’t buy it. I can’t buy it. The fan base of Xingxing.com is still bitten. After the transaction with me, I see that my store has not been funded by the fan base.

  If you really want to talk about it~IndoMTL.com~Lin Yuan really saw the battle between the white devil and Shiranui.

   When establishing the first goal after becoming a Reiki professional.

   Marinated egg head is also a witness beside him.

   Thinking about that, Lin Yuan realized that the braised egg head is really everywhere.

   Lin Yuan made a deal with the bitter head in a few words.

   said with a bright smile on his face.

   “Lin Yuan, do I count as having a small stove?”

   Lin Yuan heard that, there is only one feeling that Gaoxing Creator is too NB.

  The saying that things are faintly expensive is to some extent true to the truth about the price of goods.

   I just gave the halogen egg head a bottom price in the market and did not make any money for the halogen egg head.

   But in turn, the braised egg head feels that he has taken a big advantage.

   Looking at the smirk of the braised egg head, Lin Yuan blurted out without thinking.

   “What kind of stove makes you so fat?”

   New Year’s Eve is coming soon. The braised egg head will inevitably gain a few kilos.

   Now hearing what Lin Yuan said, the bright smile on his face turned into an angry expression.

   can’t help but jump straight.

   Suddenly, Lin Yuan felt that Lin Yuan seemed to be more annoying than the guy who taught himself to cheat in the forum and caused him to take the first-to-last exam in the class.

   I should really have Lin Yuan bite the Ghost Thorn Spider.

   At that time, let Lin Yuan drink more hot water Isatis indigotica, then clean the wound, and lie down under a cool and ventilated tree to avoid the body’s smell.

  If the economy permits, it’s best to put another roll of mat under you.

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