Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 541: The Bliss Aquarium

There is still one time left before the ten o’clock agreed upon in the evening to prepare the auction group welfare.

At this time, Lin Yuan planned to buy some spiritual materials from the Star Net.

It’s just that this time Lin Yuan wanted to buy spiritual materials instead of going to the treasure house as usual.

Instead, go to the private domain of a veteran star network to make an appointment to select a kind of spiritual creature.

This kind of spiritual creature is a signature aquatic creature cultivated by this old power.

And this kind of aquatic spirit can produce the spiritual material that Lin Yuan needs.

Lin Yuan directly logged into Xing.com as his own creator. After logging into Xing.com, Lin Yuan first went to the Xingwang store where he could not buy it. Zheng

The last time I relied on a lotus lotus bead to exchange the rewards.

This time, Lin Yuan discovered that by swapping the lotus beads, he actually got 515 mid-level strange flames.

Looking at the fermentation of word-of-mouth, more and more people know that they can’t buy the group benefits in the fan group of the online shop.

And is willing to consume a lot of resources in order to join the fan group of the Can’t Buy Chikuixing Star online store in exchange for the qualification for auction group benefits.

Lin Yuan is still very happy. This shows that he can’t rely on the relationship network established by the fan base of Chikuixing’s online store.

Lin Yuan put away the 515 mid-level strange flames exchanged for folds, and couldn’t help but slap his lips.

Because I was in a coma for ten years, I couldn’t log in to the star network.

Otherwise, it is completely possible to sell two lots of lotus beads by placard exchange.

I believe that many people or forces who want to enter the fan base of the Unable to Buy Star Online Store in exchange for female element pearls are willing to pay for this.

This is definitely a good time to cut leek.

Or with this method, you don’t need to cut the leeks yourself. As long as you stretch out the sickle, the leeks will stretch out your body.

Then I was impatient to use my body to touch the sickle’s caries

After Lin Yuan logged in to Starnet, he immediately received the message from Hear.

When she was white, Lin Yuan had already talked to Listening on the phone.

Listening at that time already knew that Lin Yuan was safe, so he didn’t continue to ask about the cold, but sent a document directly.

After Lin Yuan clicked to open the file, he saw the contents of the file.

I can’t help but raise my brow.

Much of the content in this file is an attack on the fact that you can’t buy it from Chikuixing.com.

The spear of the attack also pointed to the fact that the owner of the group ran away in order not to honor the group welfare auction.

Because the files sent by listening are sorted in chronological order.

So after looking at Lin Yuan, he slowly discovered that the problem was that he couldn’t buy it from the very beginning.

Slowly I got involved in my identity.

The name Hei is mentioned many times in this document, and many people are comparing the identity of the creator and Hei.

In this, Lin Yuan also saw the figure with ID named Zuan Madman and ID Du Meimei.

Lin Yuan was a little stunned, Zuan Madman is not the owner of the official fan group that he has hacked.

And what’s wrong with Meimei?

I don’t know Du Meimei at all as my own creator. Why does Du Meimei stand by my side?

With meager power, a large number of fans are crazy to line up with his identity.

Is it because I used the black identity to kill the poison Meimei twice in the star network ladder showdown?

After browsing twice in a calm mind, Lin Yuan closed the file.

My two identities are like left-handed and right-handed, so what are the comparisons.

When Lin Yuan chose to separate these two identities, it was precisely because of the different abilities of the two identities.

That’s why Lin Yuan decided to split one of these two identities into a renter, and the other to split a combat-type aura professional.

I’m afraid that things like quarreling between my fans and my fans on the star network will happen to me!

At this time, listen to another message.

“Master, this fact is a bit strange, how should we deal with it?”

Lin Yuan looked at and heard these two words strange.

I think I’m afraid that listening at this time must be suffocating a smile!

Isn’t it weird to fight left and right!

However, Lin Yuan didn’t intend to ask about it.

Lin Yuan doesn’t know how to solve the key matter. He can’t explode himself!

Moreover, even if you blew yourself up, I guess the first reaction should be to think that you are joking.

Anyway, the group welfare can be auctioned normally as long as ten o’clock in the evening.

This turmoil about not being able to buy the benefits of Losing Star online store group is over.

After explaining a few words with Listening, Lin Yuan directly visited the territory of the veteran force “Elysium Aquarium” as an ordinary Starnet user.

When you look at the name of the veteran force “Elysium Aquarium”, you know that it is a force whose main function is to cultivate aquatic creatures.

It’s just that compared to Lin Yuan who wants to let the empty city go, this kind of aura professional who understands the will rune is different, according to the will rune that he understands, tailoring the bronze-level high-quality spiritual object.

“Elysium Aquarium” is a business method mainly selling ordinary rare aquatic creatures.

It’s just that most of these ordinary-level rare aquatic creatures are extremely delicate.

And the veteran force of Bliss Aquarium has cultivated a large number of these rare and delicate spirits in the past few decades.

These rare aquatic creatures in nature can already be farmed on a large scale, which is very profitable.

This time, Lin Yuan thought that the spiritual object that needs to be traded in the veteran force, Bliss Aquarium, is the Bliss Angelfish, the signature spirit of Bliss Aquarium.

The bliss angelfish will completely remove all the scales on its body as it grows.

The scales will become fish coats with five brilliance and sink to the bottom.

The fish jackets produced by these bliss angelfish are the best food for cultivating spiritual creatures.

In fact, it’s not that there are no other spiritual materials that can replace the fish coats of the bliss angelfish.

It’s just that the spirit materials produced by other spirit type spirit creatures mostly require an inseparable part of the spirit creatures~IndoMTL.com~ If you want to remove this part of the spirit material, you must kill the spirit system spirit creatures.

If this is the way to obtain spiritual materials, Lin Yuan does not know how many spiritual creatures need to be cultivated and killed.

The bliss angelfish wins because the bliss angelfish may continue to develop like Qingluo.

The bliss angelfish takes off its fish coat, just like a person can cut his nails.

It will grow again after a while.

Although it is very difficult to breed bliss angelfish, it is not a problem for Lin Yuanlai.

As long as you can have excellent bliss angelfish juveniles.

Lin Yuan directly transmitted to the private realm of the veteran force, Bliss Aquarium, through the teleport function of the star network.

Royal Beast Evolution Quotient

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