Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 485: Really an elegant person!

When the middle-aged man heard it, his face wrinkled and said.

“Chief Wei, shouldn’t you assign me your girlfriend if I work so hard?”

The commander of Dangweiwei was the man in blue armor Lin Yuan saw on the desert island that day.

At this time, Commander Dian Cangwei heard the middle-aged man’s words, and immediately slapped the middle-aged man on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

“Little bastard, I’m five years older than your mother who is single, and I’m still bachelor! You want me to assign a wife to you?”

“Hurry up! Don’t be poor, your kid, come with me to get the flesh and blood of all the water world dimensional creatures we have brought down!”

When the middle-aged man heard it, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the back of his head with the hair close to the scalp, and said with a thief smile.

“Chief Wei, I seem to have negotiated a big deal. Half of the flesh and blood of the dimensional creatures of the Golden Rank Water World can’t be exchanged for ordinary supplies this time.”

When Chief Ding Cang Wei Wei heard this, he went up and gave the middle-aged man a kick.

“If you have a fart, don’t sell it! I have been busy for the past two days, and I didn’t sleep at all. I am not in the mood to watch your boy cry!”

The middle-aged man was kicked, and he hurriedly told Dian Cangwei’s chief guard about the deal he had just made on the phone with Lin Yuan.

Chief Dian Cangwei frowned slightly when he heard this.

It’s not that such a deal is bad, but that it’s really a great deal.

Good to be a little unreal.

If this transaction can be concluded, then exchange for basic materials.

Then Indigo Cangwei is equivalent to dealing with the flesh and blood of all water world dimensional creatures before the arrival of the dimensional crack, in exchange for a large amount of basic materials, fine materials and rare spiritual materials.

It’s just that this kind of good thing needs to be investigated before the transaction.

Originally, Chief Guardian Cangwei came to the middle-aged man to trade the flesh and blood of the water world dimension creatures.

Now even if there is one more buyer, it is just right.

There are rare spiritual materials and fine materials to exchange. As long as you are not a fool, you will naturally exchange with rare spiritual materials and fine materials first.

“How many golden-level water world dimensional creatures’ flesh and blood does the opponent want to exchange?”

When the middle-aged man heard it, he immediately replied with a grin.

“The other party said they want to change to a diamond-level sleepy box.”

When Chief Dian Cangwei heard this, he became more and more different and couldn’t help but fall into thought.

After looking back, seeing the middle-aged man still standing there, he immediately coughed and said.

“Then what are you waiting for here? Don’t hurry up and prepare!”

“In addition to the blood and flesh of the golden-level water world dimensional creatures in the diamond-level trapped spirit box, we will prepare more,”

The middle-aged man immediately responded, and then went to prepare.

At this time, Chief Dian Cang Weiwei secretly calculated that he would have to take a good look at that time.

What kind of exquisite materials and rare spiritual materials will the other party use to exchange the flesh and blood of a diamond-level trap box, a golden-level water world dimensional creature?

Exquisite materials and rare spiritual materials include too many things.

Some tight items will be snatched wildly as soon as they are sold.

But if you encounter something that is priceless, it is tantamount to having a backlog of things in your own hands.

If this is the case, it is better to exchange the daily supplies that are always needed in daily life.

After Lin Yuan hung up the phone, he directly told everyone that he was going to trade in Dingcang City.

Wen Xia Wenyan asked the mother of blood bath to continue to split the spiritual materials of Mangyou Manta Six.

I directly turned into an extremely exquisite pink-purple hydrangea flower, falling on the completely jade-like rice beads on the top of Lin Yuanyue’s white aura clothing.

Lin Yuan’s moon-white aura costumes are bright and vivid.

Obviously, Endless Xia intends to accompany Lin Yuan to Dingcang City at this time to deal with the possible revenge of the Zheng family.

Lin Yuan also understands the meaning of endless summer.

But in Lin Yuan’s view, the Zheng family at this time probably has no intention of revenge.

Even if the Zheng family is a veteran force, the loss of the two imperial powers is enough to be regarded as a wound.

In addition, the two commanders of the Zhenling Division also came to Diancang City, and the Zheng family had just lost their staff.

I’m afraid that at this time, we will have to guard against Dian Cangcheng and the other two old forces of the Zheng family.

The loss of two imperial level combat power, although not enough to destroy the original three powerful situation.

But it will make the Zheng family a relatively disadvantaged party.

The Mother of Blood Bath did not have the opportunity to go to Ding Cang City with Xia Qiang and Lin Yuan this time.

Although the mother of the blood bath is Lin Yuan’s protector, she is indeed stronger in the current endless summer.

The mother of the blood bath herself had been injured again before, although now it seems that outsiders cannot see the injury.

But it takes some time to recover if you want to recover.

When nothing happened during the day, Liu Jie and Listening Zhou Luo both went to the sea to help the ethereal jellyfish collect the soft silver thread in the air.

Although the ethereal jellyfish found the soft silver thread in the air.

However, like the soft silver thread in the air, the ethereal jellyfish cannot be grouped and stored by the tentacles.

Under Zhou Luo’s stunned mouth~IndoMTL.com~ Liu Jie and Listening started a new round of written tests.

It’s just that Zhou Luo didn’t understand why someone would take such a bitter thing to bet!

Are you sure that the bitter gourd flesh of the platinum rank will not die if you eat it?

Lin Yuan left thinking of Diancang City all the way, after arriving at the agreed restaurant.

Lin Yuan discovered that the middle-aged man he had agreed with him had not yet come.

So I sat aside and looked at the scenery in the store.

The business in this shop is very good. This is the morning when many diners come here to order some iced drinks, fruit plates and baked cookies.

Lin Yuan just ordered a glass of freshly squeezed watermelon juice, while waiting for the middle-aged man.

Started to sort out the pine ball-shaped diamond-level sleepy box from Jiao Hanzhong.

The leaf-shaped diamond-level trapped spirit box originally contained the flesh and blood of many high-level alien creatures, as well as some spiritual objects that were collected in the wild in the depths of the endless forest.

So Lin Yuan intends to vacate Jiao Hanzhong’s pine ball-shaped diamond-level trap.

The golden-level water world dimensional creature flesh and blood used to hold the slowly one-diamond-level sleepy box.

Lin Yuan has not explored Jiao Hanzhong’s pine ball-shaped diamond-step trap before.

Checking now, Lin Yuan found that Jiao Hanzhong didn’t stock up much resources.

I think most of the resources are spent on Hanxuecangsong.

However, Lin Yuan soon realized that he was wrong.

Jiao Hanzhong is really an elegant person!

The diamond-level trapped spirit box has always been a place for storing supplies, but Jiao Hanzhong abruptly created the feeling of Mobius’s exclusive spirit lock space in it.

Although there is no function to lock the spiritual space.

But Jiao Hanzhong makes Jiao Hanzhong look like a small garden within a range of this diamond-level trapped spirit box.

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