Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 474: Suona unique skills

At this moment, Lin Yuan on the deserted island suddenly felt a little melancholy with the two fingernail-sized crystals in his hand.

It’s a pity that such a good thing is of no use to hold it by yourself.

Lin Yuan first picked up the smaller crystal with light blue in it.

I saw a pulsating ice flame inside this crystal with a little blue in it.

While the ice flame is burning and beating, there seems to be constant ice crystals condensing and dissipating inside the crystal.

Bing Yan was beating enthusiastically, but there was an indescribable cold.

On this white crystal with a little blue in it, those two not-obvious golden indentations quietly show the identity of this crystal.

On the side with the mother of the blood bath, dealing with the cold snow pine, the endless summer pulling the pine needles, I saw Lin Yuan looking melancholy at the ice flame regular spar.

Can’t help but speak.

“Lin Yuan, although the rules contained in the ice flame rule spar are only very partial in the rules of the ice system.”

“But the ice flame rules also contain a hint of flame, which is the best thing for the mythical creatures of ice and fire.”

While speaking, endless summer couldn’t help but smashed his mouth.

I have the rules of enlightenment.

Neither the ice-flame regular spar with Hanxue Cangsong nor the dead dream regular spar with Gumengyoubat has nothing to do with it.

Otherwise, you can really take the rule spar that is the same as your own rules and assimilate and absorb them, so as to strengthen the power of enlightenment rules you have.

The distance between the mythological species and the creation species, although it looks the same as the fantasy distance from the mythical species, is only a huge transition.

However, the distance between the mythological species and the creation species is far greater than the distance between the fantasy species and the mythical species.

Although the transformation from fantasy species to mythological species requires the baptism of heaven and earth, nine deaths and a lifetime.

Many of the spirit creatures, even in the state of complete victory, have become mythological species after being promoted to the lord level from the five fantasy changes, when they are promoted to the mythical level.

Become a plume of ashes under the baptism of heaven and earth.

However, when the fantasy species are promoted to the myth species, they can seek the help of other people to fight against the baptism of heaven and earth together and improve the chance of passing the baptism of heaven and earth.

However, if the mythical species wants to be promoted to the creation species, they need to continuously expand their rule runes and make the rules in the rule runes strong enough.

It is so powerful that it can be created with the power of a single rule, and a purebred rule world formed by the power of a single rule.

Not to mention that the calamity of creation in the myth to be promoted to the creation species is far more dangerous than the baptism of heaven and earth.

It is the accumulation of the power of rules, and I don’t know how much energy in the body is needed to temper the power of rules.

I don’t know how many years of hard work has been spent on the three realms of mythology.

In this world, the most honorable thing about the five-star creator is that the five-star creator can spend a price to guide some of the rule power in the rule spar.

Use these regular powers guided from the regular spar to blend them into pure regular energy that can be absorbed by any regular rune.

It’s just that, even if the five-star creators have this ability, most of them use this ability to improve the spiritual creatures and primitive creatures they can contract.

How can you give such precious things to others?

At this time, the mother of the blood bath was quickly peeling the bark of the cold snow pine with her hands, while peeling the bark of the cold snow pine.

The mother of the blood bath also took out a crystal bottle and squeezed the juice from the branches of the snowy pine that was the size of a potted plant.

Hearing the words of endless summer, the mother of blood bath also raised her head and said to Lin Yuan.

“Although the regular spar of Hanxuecang pine is not excellent, the sap in the body of Hanxuecang pine is a good thing.”

“If the fire-attribute celestial elemental pearls you took out before are still there, you can use the pure fire elemental power in those fire attribute celestial-level elemental pearls to roast the cedar pine juice.”

“The sap of Snow Cang pine will be calcined into rosin.”

“However, when the sap of cold cedar pine is calcined, it must be the pure fire elemental energy in the celestial pearl.”

“If the fire elemental energy of calcining cold cedar pine juice is not pure enough, then the sap of cold cedar pine will not turn into rosin, but will become incense.”

“The rosin of the cold snow and pine is nourishing and healing the wounded soul.”

“However, the incense of the cold snow and pine trees has no effect on the soul. It can only heal the severely injured spirit.”

When speaking, the mother of the blood bath looked very solemn.

For the sap of the cold snow pine, the mother of the blood bath pays more attention to the regular spar in the cold snow pine.

Lin Yuan paused after hearing the words of the mother of the blood bath.

Unexpectedly, the sap of Hanxuecangsong pine satin will have such an effect.

Before I heard Master Yue talk about it, anything that can heal the soul can be regarded as an extremely precious existence in strategic resources.

Many spiritual materials and spiritual things can do things that involve the spiritual level.

But there are very few things that can really involve the soul level.

Lin Yuan carefully wrote down the words of the Mother of Blood Bath.

But speaking of the pure fire element power, even the purity of the fire element in the heavenly girl-level elemental pearl is not as pure as the fire element energy in the fire of the creatures born from the flower head of the heaven and earth twin fire priests.

Lin Yuan asked.

“Will there be a better effect if the sap of the cold snow pine is burnt with the dead fire?”

The mother of the blood bath said positively.

“It’s nature. Using the dead fire to burn the cold snow pine to hang off the branches can preserve the components of the cold snow pine sap to the greatest extent.”

“It will even give the rosin calcined from the cold snow pine sap a huge vitality~IndoMTL.com~The rosin forged from the dead fire of life is several times stronger than the heavenly elemental pearl.”

Hearing the four words of life, Jihuo, Wu Endless Xia gently placed her hand on the position of her heart.

In order to save himself, the soul of silence that Lin Yuan gave himself has turned into a tree core in his body.

After that, Wu Endless Xia melted the core of the tree she had dug into her body again.

There are already two tree cores in endless summer.

The tree grows two hearts, which can be regarded as a great opportunity and transformation.

In the eyes of endless summer, it is a great opportunity for Lin Yuan to have a precious thing like Jihuo.

Now that Lin Yuan has no creatures to burn the sap of the cold snow pine, endless summer is really embarrassed.

A deep feeling of gratitude spread in endless summer again.

However, Lin Yuan was secretly calculating in his heart at this time.

The effect of sintering cold cedar pine with the dead fire is better.

Then I can wait until the soul-locking space, the souls born from the main flower head of the twin fire sacrifices are mature.

The sap of the cold cedar pine is calcined into rosin with the sap of a mature creature.

Zhou Luo, who was commanding the lava dragon lizard not far away, heard the dialogue between Lin Yuan and the mother of blood bath and endless summer.

Suddenly feel that my masters are simply too cruel.

It’s just that the mother of the blood bath said before that a disco was to be built on this deserted island.

So how many floors will be built?

The scenery on the desert island is so good, you can build a big theater besides the disco.

At that time, the Suona unique skill that I haven’t played in years seems to be able to play again.

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