Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 472: I miss him

South of Furnace City, hot volcanic zone.

Here, even in winter, the temperature stays above 40 degrees all year round.

The temperature in summer can reach about 55 degrees.

It can be said that the temperature in the scorching volcanic zone south of Furnace City has been roughly equivalent to the temperature in the second-level abyss dimension cracks.

However, the vegetation in the scorching volcanic zone of Furnace City is much more than that in the second-level abyss dimension cracks.

Many plants that love high temperatures thrive here.

Most of the plant-like spirits are active due to the fire elements in the hot volcanic zone, and with the continuous outflow of magma in the crater, the aura inside the earth is brought out.

As a result, the concentration of aura here is much higher than that in other places.

This has caused many plant spirits that are woody in other regions due to their mutations in the hot volcanic zone over the years.

Slowly turned into a wood-type fire-type dual-attribute spiritual creature.

And these wood-type fire-type dual-attribute plant spirits have also become special products of Furnace City.

Beside the huge ocher rock, a girl is wearing a uniform of the Bauhinia Intermediate Reiki Academy.

Directing a mad bull with pure black and metallic luster in the distance, rushing across a group of silver-ranked fire-spotted jackals.

These silver-ranked fire-spotted jackals have brown hair all over the body, but the brown hair is much messier and thinner compared to other wolf spirit creatures.

After all, in such a high temperature environment, the heavy fur is a great burden for most spiritual creatures.

It’s just that these thin brown messy furs have patches of red fire.

A faint fire element radiates from the continuous red fire spots.

Suddenly, a fire-spotted jackal whose size is much larger than the other fire-spotted jackals screamed.

Except for a fire-spotted jackal who had been pierced by the metal sword horn that suddenly appeared on the top of the black mad bull’s head at this time, he couldn’t die anymore.

The red fire spots on the other silver-ranked fire-spotted jackals suddenly lit up.

The raging maroon flames spurted directly from the mouths of these dozen silver-ranked fire-spotted jackals.

The scorching hot flame instantly swept toward the black mad cow.

The girl standing in the distance wearing a uniform of the Bauhinia Intermediate Reiki Academy is Chuci.

Seeing a large number of flame attacks about to hit Yaotie Mad Cow.

Not only did Chu Ci have no worries, but his eyes lit up and he chuckled softly.

“Yao Iron Crazy Bull, use skill suffering buffer.”

Immediately after, following Chu Ci’s order, Yao Tie Mad Cow’s original black body suddenly flashed with a shining luster.

It became the colorful black in the legend.

Immediately, the flame attacks of the dozen or so silver-ranked fire-spotted jackals all fell on Yaotie Mad Bull.

When a lot of raging flames fell on the Yaotie mad cow, they did not directly roast the Yaotie mad cow.

Instead, it seemed to be isolated by the shiny skin of Yaotie Crazy Bull.

The attack of more than a dozen silver-ranked fire-spotted jackals caused the earth around the Yaotie Mad Cow to make a sour sound of “sizzling lala” under the high temperature.

However, Yao Iron Mad Cow seems to be completely unaffected by the high temperature caused by a large amount of flames on his body.

Like a flaming bull with flames, it rushed towards a dozen or so fire-spotted jackals who had just vomited flames, and the red-colored fire spots on their bodies had become dim.

The fire-spotted jackal group who thought they could kill the target immediately panicked.

The mad bull with flames wrapped around his body slammed into it violently, and only the leader of the fire-spotted jackal had not fallen.

The leader of the fire-spotted jackal who saw something wrong, immediately ran away from his injured hind leg and ran away.

The leader of the fire-spotted jackal who became the commander of the polished rod was obviously shocked.

At this moment, the Yaotie Crazy Bull, who was originally astonishing, suddenly screamed.

As the shining lustre of the Yaotie mad cow’s body disappeared, the flames began to quickly burn the body of the Yaotie mad cow.

However, while these flames were scorching, a green light spot full of vitality faintly appeared on Yaotie Mad Cow.

Standing in the distance, Chu Ci looked worried and heartache.

The stainless steel butterfly on the shoulder of Chuci is shaking its wings comfortably.

At this moment, a pair of slender and white, as if Hanyu’s carved hands lightly fell on Chu Ci’s shoulder and patted twice.

A woman with a frosty face and a breath of ice that never melts all the year round, she said warmly beside Chuci.

“Don’t worry, your Yaotie mad cow has developed from a copper-level fantasy species to a silver-level, with the ability to absorb the suffering, and with the painful absorption of exclusive characteristics, it can completely deal with such injuries.”

“Furthermore, due to the long-term feeding of metal spirit materials, the Yaotie mad cow is often tempered by this degree of flame energy, which can greatly increase the strength of the Yaotie mad cow.”

When Chu Ci heard the words, the worried expression on his face was much less, but the distress towards Yaotie Mad Cow was not relieved at all.

Chu Ci said to the woman who had ten thousand years of ice on her face.

“Auntie Cang, Yao Tie Mad Niu has now reached the fifth level of the silver rank fantasy.”

“I think my actual combat ability has almost improved, and there won’t be any major improvement in a short time~IndoMTL.com~We can almost go back.”

Cang Yue turned her head and looked at Chu Ci after hearing this, she only felt that the more she looked at this young girl, the more she appreciated it.

In the beginning, I came to Bauhinia City only because of Lin Yuan’s request and the instructions from the future.

For Lin Yuan, Cang Yue had already sincerely accepted Lin Yuan’s apprenticeship long ago.

However, for Chuci, it is nothing more than Lin Yuan’s relationship with Wuwu and Wuwu.

But after the contact, Cang Yue found that this girl who looked a little soft was extremely firm in her heart.

As long as you make a decision about what to do, you will put in far more effort than ordinary people.

Tough is not like a fifteen-year-old girl at all.

Cang Yue had planned to go out with Chu Ci during the holiday for some experience.

However, Cang Yue found that she was only acting as a guardian in the experience of Chu Ci.

Everything else, even Chuci for survival in the wild, has taken care of himself in order.

Even at the same time, he will prepare his share.

This made Cang Yue couldn’t help but think of the accompanying Chu Ci materials when I first saw Lin Yuan’s materials.

The brother and sister support each other. They both grow straight and upright in the wind and rain, but they are also very distressing.

While speaking, Cang Yue stretched out her hand and gently pressed the two dull hairs on Chu Ci’s head, and asked immediately.

“Do you miss your brother?”

Chu Ci did not conceal his emotions at all, and said openly.

“Lin Yuan and I have not seen each other for more than four months, I miss him.”

Cang Yue couldn’t help but warm up when she heard this.

Cang Yue can feel the strong brother and sister feelings for Lin Yuan contained in Chu Ci’s words, sincere and warm.

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